A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 11: Dance of the war god.

Chapter 11: Dance of the war god.

As You Xi Wang stood on the fighting stage, everybody felt odd. You Shanwang who stood opposite to him gazed at him from head to toe as well and smiled after a few moments of silence.

"Xiao Wang still hates the uncomfortable combat suit?" he asked and left people bewildered.

You Xiwang nodded heavily before he said "One cannot be wearing a combat suit always right, big brother?" his answer was interesting for the guests and council officials.

You Ziyou shook his head and spoke again "The duel will start now picking up the weapons of your choice from the rack" to make sure that the weapons are not overpowering, the people on the council made a rule that participants can only choose weapons available in the duel arena itself.

You Shanwang choose a four-foot-long two-handed broadsword while You Xi Wang chooses a seven-foot-tall spear. His thinking was clear 'one-inch longer one time stronger' some people agreed with him while some gloated as they saw how strong his opponent was, You Shanwang's strength overpowered You Xi Wang's reach, but You Xi Wang didn't care about what others thought.

You Ziyou spoke as he saw them finish the selection "You Shan Wang will lower his cultivation to peak body formation realm for the duel." another wave of murmurs came forth, but subsided as fast as it came as people were more interested in the skills showcased by these two youngsters.

You Ziyou came back from the stage and headed to where You Zhichi and You Naixin were sitting. His chair was placed right next to the empty throne. You Naixin scowled in a low voice, "You old bag of bones, first, you didn't tell me about Liangxin and Limao, but you still had the guts to hide about Xiwang falling into a coma. Let this duel finish and see how I will deal with nine old coots" her words made all You elders shiver in fear while You Zhichi and other kids of the house let out a giggle. Although You Naixin was always soft-hearted with the children of her family You Xi Wang was like a piece of her own heart and she felt sorry for her grandson who suffered so much when his parents left him forever, so she was like an angry tigress protecting her cub.


On the stage, both You Shan Wang and You Xi Wang bowed slightly to the referee who was a council official as he stated the rules, "The duel will end when one of you cannot fight anymore, admit defeat, out of bound or is disqualified for breaking the rules set by the council of Metropia" as the referee saw both of them nod he also nodded after that both You Xi Wang and You Shan Wang looked at each other but this time they had no smile on their lips, only hunger for battle in their eyes, You Shan Wang was practically the strongest among You family offsprings under the age of twenty-five years old, but he was surprised for a while when he saw the will to battle in You Xi Wang's eyes but he also knew despite being humble You Xi Wang was a competitive entity.

You Xi Wang spread his legs and bent them outwards to lower his center of gravity, he closed his eyes and lifted his spear with both hands and pointed it diagonally towards You Shan Wang, while You Shan Wang held his broadsword with both hands towards his left, pointing it straight towards the sky.

The atmosphere in the training ground suddenly turned tense and cold many people even wondered what was going on this was not something that should happen because of two youngsters, a figure appeared in the sky above, it was a woman wearing a white business suit with a black shirt, her brown hair tied up in an elegant bun, her big brown eyes shined like sparkles, she had thin petal-like lips and a cute small nose while her brows were like unsheathed long swords, sharp yet slender, her figure was petite but her aura was stronger than even You Naixin herself. People in the arena didn't make a noise because they recognized the Chen family insignia on the pocket of her coat, she was someone they didn't dare offend, her name was Chen Qianbei, the current matriarch of the Chen family of Prestige capital state, she also had another identity, younger sister of Chen Limao, she was right now she was searching the training ground when she suddenly heard a sweet voice yelling, "here aunt bei."

Chen Qianbei located the source of this yelling voice she smiled and slowly descended on the ground near her, she greeted everyone with a nod and hugged You Zhichi with tears in her eyes as You Zhichi hugged her also was sobbing but just before she could say anything she heard her aunt say, "We will talk later, right now let's cheer Xi Wang" to which You Zhichi nodded, they both calmed down and broke apart but still holding hands.

The referee said "Begin" and just as You Shan Wang was about to move he felt the wind suddenly turning sharp and stabbing at him, he saw You Xi Wang's aura change like the wind in the arena, gathered around him, and when he looked in his eyes his heart sank as if stabbed by a spear.

Everyone in the arena was shocked, some old guys had their eyes lit up as they shouted at the same time "Intent of spears" it was then when they realized how strong You Xi Wang was, they felt ashamed of jeering at him earlier.

You Shan Wang smiled and said, "Xiao Wang, you sly brat. Come, let's dance."

You Xi Wang also giggled, "I learned from you big bro Shan Wang, come let's dance."

As they finished speaking they both moved forward simultaneously You Xi Wang was the first one to come in attacking range because of his spear reach, he thrust his spear forward and the wind gathered around the tip turning sharp as a blade, You Shan Wang stopped in his tracks and parried the incoming spear by swinging his sword from his side 'CLANG' a sound was produced as both weapons collided. You Xi Wang was still two-level away from You Shan Wang's suppressed strength, he felt his arms tremble after the collision and he took 2 steps back but instantly charged ahead when he noticed You Shan Wang's posture as disturb for a moment, this time he thrust the spear forward but just as he saw You Shan Wang's sword was about to touch the sharp wind around the tip he willed it to spin fast and again the same repulsion happened but this time one thrown off was You Shanwang.

Everyone who watched this was shocked, pale because compared to the two-step retreat of a seventh level body formation, a two-step retreat of a peak (ninth) body formation realm martial artist was too shocking and even if the strength is suppressed, it won't affect the purity and stability of the energy. She Congming among the crowd was also shocked and was gritting his teeth while all the You family members were filled with pride and glee as they watched their youngest fighting equally with You Shan Wang. The happiest were four ladies You Naixin, You Zhichi, Chen Qiangei, and Emily.

The two on the stage continued, but as more time flew by You Xi Wang's disadvantages became more prominent. He was weaker. You Shan Wang slashed his sword diagonally, but You Xi Wang dodged with all his speed, but he was still a tad bit slower and a wound appeared on his chest blood spilled out on the floor his face turned pale but there was no sound from him as he silently retreated.

You Zhichi shouted "GOUGOU" in a loud voice and was about to rush up, but Chen Qiangei held her in her arms, shook her head with misty eyes. "Let me go, aunt, let me go" You Zhichi yelled but to no avail. Council had strict rules, whoever interferes in duels will be killed no questions asked.

You Naixin consoled her, "Zhichi, calm down and believe in your brother. Look at his eyes, he has not given up just yet." and just as You Zhichi looked at her brother, she found him smiling faintly.

You Xi Wang took a deep breath and calmed his heartbeat and said: "Big bro Shan Wang if you can take this move of mine and remain to stand, I will cut off my head in front of everyone."


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