A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 10: The Duel begins.

Chapter 10: The Duel begins.

Robert and You Xi Wang arrived at the cemetery gate, You Xi Wang turned to Robert and said, "Robert you stay here I'll be going in alone, Okay?" he didn't wait for a reply and walked towards his parents' grave. After he reached the two graves he wiped off the dust and cleaned the graves he kowtowed with no hurry as if he had all the time in the world.

He looked up at the gravestones which were reflecting the sunlight and looked very spectacular and muttered, "Mom, Dad, remember when you guys left for the meeting I asked you to come back early as I wanted to show you my spear moves, well although it's late and my moves are now different from earlier I would still like to show you. I hope you enjoy it."

He stood up with his spear in his hand and gave a bow to his parents' gravestone. After he closed his eyes and took a deep breath and started moving while his spear danced moving the wind along sharply, the wind some time slashed and sometimes stabbed, this whole dance of wind lasted for twenty breaths. His dance ended, and the wind came to a halt as if it was never moved. You Xiwang opened his eyes and a small smile emerged on his face.

He kowtowed again to the graves and said, "Okay, now I have a duel with big brother Shanwang and I need to win, so wish me luck mom, dad. Also, don't worry about anything, all is under control. I will come later, wait for the good news, bye," he stood up with slightly misty eyes and walked away.

He boarded the vehicle with Robert and headed home. Inside the cemetery, on the graves of his parents, a few words appeared as a breeze ran over them clearing the marble dust. The words were {Here lies, a loving father, a loyal husband and a great leader, You Liangxin. This is engraved by son You Xiwang and daughter You Zhichi.} and {Here lies a loving mother, a loyal wife and a gentle soul, Chen Limao. This is engraved by son You Xiwang and daughter You Zhichi.}

While he was in the vehicle You Xi Wang was having a discussion with the system.

'Say, what do you think if this does not win, after all, he might also have his own trump cards.'

[Well, while there is a possibility of that master, remember this family is united and given your young age what you have achieved won't be a small thing, so he might not use his trump card.]

'System, suppose if he does, then what should I do to win?'

[Then, in that case, you can create a disruption in his soul energy, don't worry, it will act as the last line of defense in case we are about to die. But it might also leave him to end up like a vegetable forever. I don't have perfect mastery in this.]

'Hmm, I think I'll leave that emergency method to you just in case, but still try to control the output as much as you can.'

[Yeah, yeah, just focus on your own shit, don't teach your father how to make babies.]

'You piece of shit...' and as usual the discussion ended in a quibble.

The vehicle arrived at the main gate of You mansion, there were a lot of unknown vehicles parked, You Xi Wang turned to Robert in askance and Robert replied in a gentle voice, "Young master every neighboring family and influential council officials are invited whenever any family holds a leader selection duel,"

His words enlightened You Xi Wang he wanted to have a detailed conversation, but he set it aside for later and focused his mind on the duel. There were only fifty minutes left before the duel will start. You Xiwang alighted the vehicle and headed to his bedroom with Robert in tow. After he reached his room, he said, "Robert, can you find big sis and ask her to come over, please?"

Robert always liked his young master as he was always polite and respectful to his elders disregarding their status. He nodded and left to complete his task.

You Xiwang entered his room and changed his white clothes into a black buttoned-down shirt and denim jeans, he ripped the jeans at the knees with his pocket knife, it made the moment comfortable. He wore a wrist band on his right wrist. It was the holo phone similar to mobile phones he used in his past but a bit too advanced.

Just as he was wearing his black sports sneakers You Zhichi entered the room and started nagging, "Bro, don't tell me you are going to wear this for the duel, I know you dislike that bodysuit but it can guarantee your safety, right? Plus isn't this too casual?" although she nagged him, she still combed his hair softly with her fingers. You Xiwang smiled to his sister and replied, "Don't worry big sis, I know what I am doing and you cannot always walk around in a combat bodysuit right, who knows when might one get attacked? Chill and trust your brother okay. Let's go I need your blessings for the duel plus I am nervous, you guys gathered a big crowd."

His words brought a smile on You Zhichi's jade-like face, making her even prettier and she replied, "You always have my blessings bro, but please be careful big brother Shanwang is very strong. Okay, let's go to the training grounds. It's about to start and I heard from the elders Granny Naixin will arrive shortly too."

As kids, granny Naixin has always pampered both these kids too much as they were youngest in the family. The siblings made their way to the training ground holding each other's hand and chatting happily, the guest and servants noticed them and were shocked to see how relaxed they were as if it was a picnic and not a life and death duel.

Just before they could enter the training ground a mocking voice sounded behind them, "Isn't that beautiful Zhichi and her nerdy brother, Tell me You Xi Wang are you going to defeat the opponent by lecturing them on physics?" the group of kids surrounding the person who spoke let out a laugh attracting everybody's attention. The siblings stopped walking and turned to see a lanky guy with beady eyes like a snake smirking at them. This guy was You Xiwang's classmate and also third strongest in the class She Congming.

She Congming had beady eyes and triangular face, he was slim, but it felt as if he had no bones inside of him as if a snake had transformed into a human being

You Zhichi was about to retort in anger, but she felt a tug on her sleeve held by her brother, this action was noticed by She Congming as he let out another jeer "Aww how cute, Baby Gougou hiding behind his sister. Say You Xi Wang were you scared of being alive that you started this challenge, dragging your sister with you. I could have fulfilled your death wish anytime you know."

The reason She Congming was so hostile to You Xi Wang was that the strongest and the most beautiful belle of their class always supported You Xi Wang over him. Although it was nothing like how he thought between them, but not everybody is gifted with common sense and to think his parent named him Congming which means clever.

You Xiwang smiled and waited for everyone to pay attention to them and when he saw people in were focusing on them, he took a step forward and said "If it isn't the Young master of She clan, I thought You were clever given your name but now you just proved to everybody that you are not. You know, you are in You family mansion and you just threatened the young master of You family. Dishonored the sacred ritual of ascension duel and its participants by that tent of yours. Also, not to forget about how you dared to address my big sister, the young miss of You family. All this in the presence of guest from various families and Metropia council officials."

Without giving him a chance to retort You Xi Wang continued "I tugged at my sister's sleeve because I didn't want her to reply an idiot like you and also only someone like you who is only passing with marginal marks will die by lecturing. Such a pity." he had a slight smirk on his face. While She Congming was already pale-faced when he carefully thought about the intensity of You Xiwang's accusations. The group surrounding him had already taken a few steps back, leaving him to stand there alone under the scrutinizing gaze of the guests and elders.

She Congming pointed at You Xiwang and said: "You... Don't you.. Try to twist the facts, You Xi Wang."

You Xi Wang only chuckled and replied, "The elders can tell who said what and their intention or are you going to call them fools who can't tell if I twisted the facts or not."

Before She Congming could retort, You Xi Wang bowed towards the guests and said, "I have a duel to fight, enjoy your time in You family mansion and Young Master She, be careful not to spout any wrong words, some other people might not give a face to She family master."

He turned around and left with his sister. Everyone who knew You Xi Wang in the past were shocked because they have always seen You Xi Wang being polite and humble, but today he retorted for the first time and the impact was strong. She Congming glared at his back and scurried away. You family members and elders were very satisfied with what happened just now as they disliked She family.

The siblings entered the training grounds. In the center stood a stone platform, guest pavilions were set up in the surrounding, it gave You Xi Wang a feeling of being in gladiators arena. The fact all this was set up in one night astonished him more.

'Well, isn't the tech here too awesome.'

[That's something I can agree with.] system also agreed with him, which kind of surprised You Xi Wang but this sensation didn't last long.

[The tech can be ogled at later, focus and try not to get your ass handed to you.]

You Xiwang didn't react to him and sat on the chair in front of the platform and started meditating. You Zhichi sat next to him, guarding him. After a few minutes, the guests started filling inside the observation pavilions, and a figure appeared near You Xi Wang.

You Zhichi was surprised as she didn't notice the figure approaching them, she turned around vigilantly and saw a woman looking to be in her mid-twenties, wearing a red robe with white lotuses embroidered on it, her black hair held up in a bun with a Pheonix shaped hairpin, the face looked as if made up of jade, slender waist and fulfilling proportions, a sharp nose and almond-shaped eye with eyebrows as if waving lake and petal-like lips, she was a woman who looked like she came alive after the artist completed his artwork, but to protect her from bad motives gave her face a pinpoint mole in her chin, it did not lessen her beauty instead enhanced it by hundred times, every man in the training ground was shocked to see her but then they heard "Granny Xin".

They all woke up and realized they have been ogling the famous last shadow. They looked away. This woman was a legend in Silica city, she was the strongest cultivator who had surpassed the core formation realm, anyone who ever had ill intentions towards her family and loved ones and became her enemy died without even knowing what and who sent them to hell.

You Zhichi stood up and hugged her, You Naixin smiled at her and hugged her back while softly stroked her head, while she said in a tone full of motherly love, "It's been hard on you, my dear. I am sorry I was not here when all this happened, but worry not I am here now, no harm will come to you and Xiwang." she consoled you Zhichi as she noticed You Xi Wang meditating next to them. You Zhichi smiled and followed her gaze, she said, "It has been hard on him granny but he has grown a lot ever since he woke up from coma" her words shocked You Naixin.

You Naixin looked at her brothers standing a distance away, mingling with the guests and her face turned red from the anger she muttered, "These old coots how dare they not tell me all this soon and even hid the fact that Xiwang fell into a coma. I am going to shave them bald after this duel,"

Before You Zhichi could pacify her granny, You Ziyou appeared above the stone platform and spoke in a solemn voice "You family is grateful to all who witness this ceremonial duel, now wasting no one's precious time I call upon both the contenders to step over the duel area so the duel can begin."

You Shan Wang followed his words and appeared on the platform while You Xi Wang stood up and open his obsidian like deep eyes and stepped forward with a slight smile on his face.


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