A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 238: Battle II

Chapter 238: Battle II


Another tremendously heavy punch was sent to the chestplate of the armor that he wore.

Then because of the immense force that the fist impacted him with, he was tyrannically sent into the distance, for about fifty feet before crashing into the earth again and be pulled along it.

At this moment, the fat boy's organ had been badly shaken that many injuries could be seen on them. Also, his blood churned greatly due to the enormous shock transmitted to his body by the last heavy punch. Therefore, due to his violently roiling blood, he coughed out mouthfuls of blood many times. Then his eyesight became blurry and was inflicted with a strongly aching pain that racked his head.

Not long, Alex got to his front.

At this point in time, due to the amount of force delivered to the boy which sent him flying into the distance, no bystander could be seen again. Except the ones that where at the new place where the fat boy landed at. Therefore, the crowds of people that initially gathered to watch the battle excitedly couldn't see Alex's domineering battle again. Then they became sad. They wanted to continue watching. They wanted to see till the end. But anyways, seeing how how Alex dominated the battle, they could guess that he would definitely be the winner. They they went back to their shops to continue their selling and buying.

The boy whose sight hadn't recovered from it blurriness suddenly felt himself being picked up from the ground and lifted high into the air.

He knew who was doing that so he began to beg.

"No, don't beg. You should know that you shouldn't mess with everyone just because you feel that you are stronger or better than them" Alex said calmly.

"I have taken that to heart. Please, release me. I beg you. I surrender to you. Please" The fat boy began to speak so very quickly as he begged Alex to drop him.

Alex only smiled.

"Now you are begging. Haha. Anyways, I would only release you when you bow to me more than thirty times." Alex said.

"What? No way!! I would never bow to any man like me. I will only bow to gods you fucker" The fat boy said.

Alex grinned.

"Alright" He said.

Clenching his hand into a fist again, he sent it with tremendous force towards the chest of the fat boy.


A loud sound rang out and air violently shot out from the area that Alex punched at on his chest.

He would have been hurled very hard into the far distance by the force, but because Alex grabbed him, he couldn't be shoved away.

Alex then directed another punch to his chest.


A loud sound rang out and the fat boy lifted by Alex into the air couldn't help but cough out another mouthfuls of blood.

At the moment, his body had become pale due to the heavy strikes.

"Are you ready to bow or suffer more punches? I believe that you can't continue to endure all these" Alex said smilingly.

"I will bow to no one, only go..."


A powerful slap was delivered to his face which had an helmet worn on his head. But immediately he was slapped, he couldn't help but hear many different sounds ring loud in his brain.


Alex gave him another slap in the face and the sounds that had surfaced in his head started to ring louder.

Alex then lifted him into the air with his two arms.

With a stomp of one of his foot against the ground, he was launched very high into the air. Then reaching a height of forty feet, Alex swung him hard to the ground with all of his might.


The earth for a rectangular area of twenty feet shook and cracked, while the fat boy could be seen in the ground. He seemed helpless and hopeless and was radiating the aura of despair.

Alex who was still in the air then brought his legs together. Then plummeting back to the earth at a high speed, he directly struck the fat boy who was beneath him in the earth, causing him to be driven further into the earth by many feet. This action of Alex resulted in a crater.

Still on top of him, Alex said:

"Man, you better give up and bow. For if you continue to refuse, there's no telling you might live longer. I could get seriously angry and just kill you like a lamb straightaway. So, don't try to test me or you would be surprised at how you would find yourself among people that had died millions of years ago"

After coughing out several mouthfuls of blood, the boy shouted, "I give up, I give up. I will bow to you. Thirty times right? I will bow to you more than that. Please!"

Alex smiled.

"Good" He said.

Now grabbing the boy's feet, he flung his body out of the crater to the ground. Alex then jumped out of the crater too and walked towards the place he threw the boy's body to.

Alex got to his front and began to emit the aura of viciousness.

The fat boy quickly stood his knees and began to bow before Alex who started to count with a smile in his face.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 15... 20... 25... 30... 40... 50... 60....

"It's okay!" Alex said.

"However, I am still not pleased. Now, willingly hand over your possessions to me" Alex said with a voice that radiated fright.

"What? I can't do that. You told me to bow which I did. Now you are asking for my possessions. Aren't you going too far? Do you know what family that I am from, you fucker?" The fat boy asked wrathfully.

"Going too far? Family? Doesn't concern me. I can see that you wanna suffer more. I will mention again. Hand over your possessions willingly" Alex said with a cold voice.

"No. You can beat the hell out of me. I will never hand over my spatial ring to you" The fat boy said.

"Nice. I see you wanna suffer" Alex said impatiently and angrily.

Looking at the fat boy who was kneeling before him, Alex smashed down on his head with his two fists.



The fat boy screamed out in pain before he coughed a mouthful of blood. Very quickly, his eyes which were recovering from the shock that was transmitted to it by the devastating forces of Alex's punches, quickly became badly affected as they grew totally blurry.

Immediately the smash was delivered to his head, the fat boy immediately collapsed to the ground, continuously screeching in pain as he held his head tight like a blazing flame was burning in it.

Alex then delivered a powerful kick to his head which had a helmet worn on it.


Like a stone that was catapulted, the fat boy was launched across the street, ending at a place that was about thirty feet away from where he initially was.

Alex then leaped very into the air towards where the fat boy was and stomped insanely hard upon him.


The earth cratered as dust rushed out from the earth that the fat boy lied in.

The fat boy simply should have fainted by now, but because of the armor that he wore which absorbed majority of the shock transmitted to his body, he was still conscious. However, he was greatly suffering.

Besides, the fat boy was trying to rely on his armor and then endure the pain that he was inflicted with by the transmitted residual shock that acted on his organs. But little did he know that due to the immense force delivered to it every now and then, and being an average-quality earth rank armor, it was already developing cracks which had appeared all over it.

Alex who was on top of him lifted his leg to his head, then he powerfully swung it down like an ax towards the boys chest.



The boy screamed out in pain from within the crater as Alex's leg struck the chestplate of his body armor, resulting in it explosive shattering and many of the fragments of his armor piercing into his body.

Small and large pieces of the armor that he wore could be seen sticking out of his body.

While Alex who tyrannically swung his leg down, caused the boy's chest to cave in from the impact, with many of chest bones also jutting out.

It was good that he wore an armor which absorbed most of the force generated from the impact before finally shattering into pieces, or if he wasn't wearing an armor, he could have died from his chest being torn apart by the immense force that Alex's hard leg came down with.

Still conscious but totally racked by pain, the fat boy began to beg for his life.

Alex looked at him and his condition seemed totally pathetic. His eyes which were red like they were dyed had been enlarged from the agonizing pain that he was enduring. While blood could be seen streaming down his nose, mouth and ear. Also, blood could be seen bubbling and oozing out from the places that his pieces of armor and broken chest bones stuck out from.

The fat boy roared in intensely excruciating physical pain as he removed the ring from his finger and gave it to Alex who accepted it with a smile.

Then he leaped out of the crater leaving the fat boy there.


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