A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 237: Battle I

Chapter 237: Battle I

"I would love to see you try" The fat boy said.

Then he dashed towards Alex who also dashed towards him.

As the fat kid ran towards Alex, a resplendent light suddenly flashed in the air before two gloves and an armor appeared on his hands and on his body.

Then after a deep inhale, he punched out towards Alex.

"Smashing Fist of Might!"

The glove which had begun to glow suddenly expelled tremendous amount of strengthforce energy. This then rapidly condensed and shaped into a fist that shot towards Alex like a cannon.

"Nice! Strengthforce energy" Alex said like he was impressed.

Recalling one of the details of the Quests which was to use his fist alone, Alex punched out towards the incoming fist formed from strengthforce energy.

Seeing what Alex was about to do, the fat boy gave a wicked laugh.


Alex's fist and the energy fist collided heavily, then a loud boom rang out which was instantly accompanied by gale-force winds which was initially air that violently shot off in all directions from the points that the two fists collided.

Then because the energy fist impacted Alex's fist with a lot of force, Alex was made to stagger backwards for some feet. Also, his blood churned within from the shock transmitted to his body upon the collision of his fist with the dense energy fist.

When he regained his balance, Alex looked at the boy in the distance who was laughing.

That fist definitely carried some immense force.

Olivia and Nailah became surprised by why Alex who they knew to be extremely strong, was using his only fist. They began to wonder for what reason why he was doing so.

When other people moving to and fro in the wide street heard the loud boom sound, they quickly rushed to where the sound came from. Same with many other traders who left their assistants or kids to stay in their shops.

One couldn't blame them, they loved seeing battles that resulted from a dispute between two cultivators. Besides, it had being a great while that they saw cultivators fight in the street.

Not long, a lot of people arrived, standing by the sides to watch them battle.

"Isn't that the guy that was following after the Great Holy Daughter of the Immovable Mountain academy?" One asked the people by his sides.

"Definitely! He's the one. But what suddenly caused his battle with that fat bullying beast?" Another replied and then asked with shock in his tone.

"That's not our concern. If that's your concern, good luck with that. As for me, I am here to enjoy this fucking cultivators battle. Haha!" Another bystander said and grinned.


When Alex's fist met the energy fist and shattered it, the fat boy who was laughing hard in the distance by Alex's seemingly stupid action became heavily surprised.

'Body cultivator?' He asked inwardly.

Earlier, he thought that the arm that had the fist which Alex punched out towards his attack, would disappear as it would turn into mist of blood due to the crushing force and momentum that his energy fist moved with. But now, he knew that he was wrong to think that, because of what he witnessed.

Same with the bystanders who were watching from the sides. They also had the same feeling as him. But now, with their minds greatly shook, they couldn't believe the toughness of his body. If it was them, they knew what that meant, Instant Death.

Once Alex gained his balance from his staggering and settled his roiling blood, he dashed towards the fat boy again.

The fat boy who now had a serious expression in his face quickly punched out twice towards Alex.

Immediately he sent out his fists which had treasure-gloves worn on them, tremendous amount of strengthforce energy instantly discharged from them.

Once the might-energy erupted from the gloves in great quantities, the large streams of strengthforce energy that had expelled from the gloves, abruptly condensed and rapidly shaped into two massive fists that shot towards Alex at an insane speed, and with the power to reduce everything to smithereens.

Alex saw the fists shooting towards him, but he didn't try to evade it. Instead, he punched out towards them.


A loud sound rang out which was instantly followed by a violent release of air that shot off from the point at which the fists collided into one another.

Alex staggered back for a few feet.

However, as he was staggering backwards, the second energy fist arrived.

Alex immediately punched out with extreme hardness towards it.


A louder blast sound rang out as the fist of energy shattered into fragments upon being struck by Alex's fist. Also, when the two fists clashed into one another, exceedingly strong currents of air manifested, which then swept outwards in all directions with decent destructive strength.

However, Alex who was staggering backwards by the force from the first solid attack which he struck out against with, using only his fist, was lifted many feet into air and hurled into the distance by the force that was delivered to his body by the second attack.

But possessing excellent aerial maneuverability skills, Alex performed a Layout in the air as he kept his body straight in the horizontal position, and then forced it to rotate several times in the air, about 3240 degrees which was nine full-body spins before landing back to the ground.

At this moment, he was about twenty feet away from the fat boy who was looking at him with burning anger in his eyes.

Alex still hadn't been crushed by his attacks.

Now, he would be taken as a joke by everyone here.

Then he prepared to unleash a more powerful attack.

'Angry already?' Alex questioned within himself after noticing what the fat boy was about to do next.

Then with a smirk in his face, he suddenly dashed towards the fat boy.

As he was running towards the boy, multiple fist-shaped energy attacks came his way.

Seeing the attacks, Alex unexpectedly stomped a foot to the earth and was launched many feet into the air like an arrow.

Then when he got to a great altitude in the air, he entered a Tuck position as he brought his knees to his chest and folded his arms across them.

Immediately he entered this position, he rolled like a ball in the air towards the fat boy in the distance.

However, as he aerially rolled towards the fat boy on the ground, he was observing the fat boy's actions. Then when he noticed the fat boy send out another fist-shaped attack of energy towards him, he quickly untucked his leg by straightening them again.

Now fully straightened in the air, he didn't try to meet the boy's attack head-on. Instead, he swung his arms backwards and bent his back like he wanted to do a back handspring.

Although it was still a back handspring, but was one done high in the air.

Once he did so, bending his back, the attack that was shooting fiercely towards him rapidly shot over him.

Not long, Alex landed to the ground. And once he landed, he dashed towards the boy and entered into a full body slide towards the fat boy in the distance.

He did this to evade the massive attacks shooting his way. Then when he got to a few feet in front of the boy, he explosively pushed himself into the air from his full-body slide towards the boy.

With his elbow now bent and his fist clenched, he delivered a heavy punch to the torso of the boy.


A loud explosive sound rang out as the boy was shot away into the distance at a great speed. It was like he was swung into the distance by a massive, boulder-launching catapult.


He crashed into the earth and made a shallow hole in it. But because of the immense force that was delivered to his body by the heavy punch, he was still being pushed in the ground into the far distance. Then after many more feet, his body stopped being dragged as the pushing force that acted on him vanished.

However, the fat boy didn't sustain much external injuries as he wearing an armor. But he sustained many internal injuries as a result of the shock that was transmitted into his body which then acted tyrannically on his organs and blood. Some of them ripped, while his blood churned that he couldn't help but cough out several mouthfuls of blood.

Then when he stood up, he saw Alex in front of him with an evil smile.


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