A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 103: Let's see if you can handle my skills

Chapter 103: Let's see if you can handle my skills

In the sky floated a massive majestic hall.

This hall was so large that it seemed to span the entire sky in this region.

Within this hall could be seen a dashing young man and a charming, gorgeous woman. They looked like deities in appearance.

They both sat on two sapphire-colored thrones that floated dozens of meters above the floor of the hall levitating in the sky.

The air around these thrones continuously rippled while the thrones themselves gave out brilliant sapphire radiances and frightening pulses of power.

If one looked at these thrones, one would have the feeling that they weren't something formed from solid materials but something constructed from power.

Thousands of armored golden giants wielding enormous battle-axes that their edges glowed as they gave out a deep red light floated in the air by the sides of the people sitting on the thrones.

Then slightly far in front of this man and woman were more than hundreds of billions of people dressed in blue uniforms. Their bodies also radiated power that caused the air to seethe.

"The time we have waited for is now. Friends, families and allies, this would be one battle that would sweep us all away. But before it does, we will show these beings that our realmverse is not to be messed with. Prepare yourselves." The young man sitting on the floating throne said out loud.

Immediately he finished talking, his brows furrowed and his face turned solemn.

He looked at the beautiful woman by his side and said affectionately "They have arrived"

The woman nodded her head. Then she looked at a man in the distance. She flicked her fingers at him and two rays of light shot towards the man.

The man caught the two rays of light shooting towards him in his palm. Then he looked at what he caught and saw a necklace and a ring.

He looked back at them and nodded his head. He understood their decisions.

"Take the child far away from here and lock him up like a prisoner if you have to. Although he is intelligent, he's still a little kid that knows nothing about this world. Only when you feel he's wise enough and can manage his numerous abilities without getting into problem should you allow him to journey on his own. You can go now. You would not be needed in this battle" The man said.

The man spoken to nodded in reverence and vanished from where he stood.

The young woman by the side of the man who spoke held the man's hand and smiled at him. She totally agreed with what he said. But deep in her heart, she was sad. This sadness originated from the fact that she wouldn't see her child grow into a fine young man and this made her very morose.

Mystical patterns appeared in the eyes of the man sitting on the floating sapphire throne. Then the same patterns that appeared in his eyes also appeared in the sky.

These patterns which were millions of meters wide caused space around everyone of them to distort. Then in the next instant, they appeared in the vast, boundless expanse of space where great numbers of worlds of different sizes could be seen.

Then billions of miles away was a very large portal. This portal was incredibly enormous in size that it would swallow dozens of great worlds at once.

Coming out of the super-sized portal were large amounts of beings armed with fighting weapons. Their eyes glowed brightly and an aura for battle spread out from their bodies.

As the numbers of these beings increased like there was no end to them, more powerful experts from different greatverses in this realmverse appeared in space with their acolytes.

They greeted each other. And like it was an agreement between them, they all shot towards the beings at inconceivable speeds who also shot towards them with the towering intent to slaughter.


The instant they clashed, a world-shaking boom sound rang out.

Alex who had fallen asleep was jolted up from his sleep. And the instant his eyes snapped open, glowing patterns could be seen in them. But in the next moment, their glows dimmed and then the patterns vanished.

Alex now sitting upright on his bed wondered how he suddenly he fell asleep. Then he recalled what he dreamt.

He smiled when he remembered the faces of the man and woman sitting on the throne. Then in the next moment, he became very sad.

Although, he knew Houston loved him very much and acted like a father to him, he still wished he could see his true parent. He wanted to embrace them and feel their warmth. He wanted to talk to them and do smart and stupid things in front of them.

Then he recalled those beings who caused his parent's death and great anger surfaced in his heart. They were the ones responsible for his parent death and their families demise.

As he thought about these beings, he remembered what his uncle told him before he sent him far away via teleportation.

"Alex, the other time you asked me to tell you about yourself. Although I did but I didn't tell you everything. See, when you were born, you showed intelligence far greater your age. Five months after you were given birth to, you could already say mom, dad. And this amazed everyone while at the same time worried them because they hadn't come across anything like what you were exhibiting in all their lives. After doctors examined your body, like I have told you before, they detected large amount of divineforce energy. Then they traced this energy to your mom. It entered into your body through the cord linking you to her when you were still in the womb developing. But what really baffled them were the other large amount of primordial energies in your dormant energyhouse. They didn't leave returning to the realmverse. Instead, they remained there in your energyhouse, circulating within it under some invisible influence we don't understand. But before these energies got into there, they had done many things to your body. They altered it in a large number of ways. One of them was your memory. You already had a powerful retentive memory since birth as you could memorize mom and dad and many other words in just one day and could say them as you had a well-developed organ of speech at that age. Seeing this as a great miracle of the realmverse, your parent left you in the hands of people they trusted and journeyed to exceedingly dangerous places for inheritances of terrific ancient experts. Like I told you that time, he came back with many god-eyes which fused with yours and also with hundreds of blood essences of primeval cultivators that rocked every world. But these he locked in his palace along with many other things he found during his search for legacies. He did not inject the blood essences into your body for fear of causing your body to explode since they contain terrifying amount of energies. So the vault where these essences are stored in your dad's palace would only become accessible to you when you reach a very high stage of cultivation. Apart from that, you have your dad's and mom's bloodline ability and you know what bloodline ability entails. Physique evocation. What you just need to do is to discover these bloodline abilities which are locked up somewhere in your blood and comprehend their mysteries so you would be able to deploy the vast powers

they possess. So Alex, look at all the sacrifices your parent made just so you would have enough time to develop yourself and grow into a powerful expert before the next invasion which might happen anytime. Your parent heavily invested in you. Don't throw away their efforts by being lazy or procrastinating or indulging in things that wouldn't bring forth fruits. The fate of this realmverse is in your hands. Do your best to quickly grow strong by seeking out legacies. Cast friendships and relationships aside. They won't help you and will only slow you down or distract you. Don't think you can live a life like every other person. Yours will be full of loneliness, bitter battles and adventurous journeys. Don't complain, just know that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown"


Alex inhaled deeply when he finished recalling all that his uncle told him.

'Uneasy truly lies the head that wears the crown. And this crown for me is to prevent the dark fate that would soon fall upon the nearly infinite number of worlds that make up this realmverse. See what I have to go through just to protect the worlds and the many thousand races living in them. Being the defender of the realmverse because I have been tremendously blessed by it wouldn't be easy. It would be one very arduous task. And uncle, I am sorry, I will never cast away the friends I have already made. But I promise that I won't allow them to distract me. In any way." Alex said inwardly and vowed.

Then he remembered something and smiled.

"I once promised my uncle that I would seek out legacies of experts and at the same time, build my own accumulation of treasures and sapphirstones since I wouldn't want to depend on what my parent, friends and their many followers left me. But here I am, wasting away the little time I have left to grow powerful. I need to go on many adventures to hone my combat proficiency. I will talk to principal Jennifer to request for permission to leave the academy for a year or two. Also, I would ask Jake and Elena if they would like to come with me for wonderful adventurous explorations' Alex said inwardly with a smile appearing in his face.

Then he looked towards the other side of the room and saw Jake seated in the cross-legged position on the ground. He was cultivating.

Alex nodded his head.

"Good child" He said with a small grin.

"While me a bad child. I was actually sleeping instead of cultivating"

He shook his head.

Then his mind traveled back to the past where he first discovered some unique things about his body.

He recalled when he, who was at the mid-phase entry stage fought a male student of the scarlet dragon academy who was at the initial-phase condensation stage.

Despite his lower cultivation level, he was able to overwhelm the male student during their exchange of energy-attacks.

He smiled when he remembered this, and at the fact that he would be able to dominate any challenger in his present cultivation rank and probably in the rank above his which was the earth adept rank.

He knew that the enhancement in his overall battle capacity, whether discharge of energy-attacks or close-quarters fist fight was because of the primordial energies that had been absorbed into various parts of his body, and because of the ones circulating within his energyhouse which blended with some of the various energies that he cultivated, increasing their damage power output.

He recalled vividly what his uncle told him about how is mom was responsible for the energies abounding in his body.

When he was still a foetus in her womb, she journeyed to unknown regions for legacies of cultivation experts and for materials to forge treasures, synthesize pills and so on which was her only hobby.

Then one time she was searching for these items, she was accidentally exposed to large amounts of originforce energies which penetrated into her body and saturated it, including the fetus developing in her womb at that point in time.

These energies, present in great abundance in the zone she went for legacies exuded from the body of a dead Beyonder; Cultivation experts who can cultivate from hundreds to thousands of energies, defying the system of the realmverse. They go above the law of cultivation in the realmverse which was cultivation of maximum of nine energies and risk deadly tribulations that would torment them as long as they are alive.

Although she expelled all the foreign energies that had permeated her body, the energies remained in Alex's body and caused a large-scale degree of mutation to it. That was why he had so many abilities.

Alex still didn't know the names of the energies he was exposed which exuded from the body of the Beyonder and caused him to develop the various abilities he was now cognizant of.

To have an understanding of these energies, he read books that had details of numerous cultivation energies recorded in them.

Yet, he didn't come across the ones that gave him the abilities he had. He wondered what kind of originforce energies the Beyonder cultivated.

Alex then began to think of the various abilities that had been revealed to him right from the trial for the Azure Beastsman's legacy in the Red Lotus cave up to here.

These abilities which were the enhanced senses of smell, sight, hearing, touch, physique manifestation, strengthforce energy-destructive capacity augmentation, strange realm and detection of emotional energies were caused by some of the many primalforce energies coursing in his body.

The energy responsible for his powerful physical senses was an energy called senseforce energy. Also named sensory enhancement realmverse-energy was a type of energy that would increase the sensory percipience of a cultivator.

Since Alex's body could retain energies, the senseforce energy that had penetrated into his body remained in there, completely saturating the cells that formed his organs of sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste.

It would amplify their functions to a great degree as it continuously emanated the power of sensory perception augmentation which affected the ranges of Alex's physical senses.

It was for this reason Alex was able to see to a great distance, hear sound waves from a very far place, perceive scents or smells from a distant location, feel the scanning power-sense of cultivation experts; like in the case of Jennifer and Micah where the hairs on his skin stood on their ends the instant he fell under the range of their scanning emperor-level saint-sense and detect composition of food or basic components of materials through tastes. Although he he hadn't discovered this yet.

For the physique part, it was a form of energy called protoforce energy. Also called Physique Manifestation energy or Power-charged Body Conjuration energy, was a soul-related energy as it it inhabited Alex's soul.

It was this energy that gave Alex the instant connection to a type of power in the realmverse. And this power was near-infinite number of physiques.

During the time when he was undergoing trials for the legacy of the Azure Beastsman and his soul was pulled into a strange realm because of his unflinching determination to pass the test. His soul wasn't actually pulled into any realm, the door to the world of the physiques was opened to his mind.

As a physique manifestation energy, it gave him access to a type of dimension in the realmverse. This dimension was the 'Plane of Sovereign Realmbodies' and the massive bodies he saw in those world-sized spheres were the 'Celestial Protocosmic Bodies'.

The bodies were not real, corporeal bodies but billions of linked mysterious symbols of power that took the form of bodies and showcased the calamitous powers they possessed within the gigantic spheres.

This energy didn't mutate his soul or did any other energy. It only gave him the passage to this vast, boundless plane to use any of the innumerable powerful bodies manifesting from the power of the symbols.

It was for this reason he always blacked out after the billions of symbols forming the bodies in this realm moved to his mind.

He couldn't handle the pressure they exerted on his soul and so he would knock out of consciousness.

Until his soul was powerful enough could he last for a long period of time.

Then his ability to detect emotions of people stemmed from the heartforce energy that permeated his brain.

It was this energy that enabled him to perceive emotional fluctuations of people around him.

He would be able to differ good and bad people from the kind of emotional energies emitting from them. But he could do more with this energy.

Arriving at his ability to detect emotional energies, he felt he could use it to know what kind of feelings Elena had for him.

Then he tried to practice with this power using Jake as his target. But soon, he found out that he couldn't perceive anything. It was like he was locked out of the ability. He couldn't sense anything.

"Is it because I neglected it? Noo, you have to come back." Alex dejectedly said.

Then he began to practice hard.

But what he was doing was just sending out his powerful senses. He only heard stuffs, perceived smells and so on but not emotional energies.

"I think I am doing it wrongly. Should I use my heart to feel?" He thought.

Then he shut his senses from coming up and tried to send out his heart but to no avail.

'Damn' He complained inwardly.



Next day.


"Miss Karen, the school isn't supposed to admit anyone until next year. But since you are from the Statesmaster family of the neighboring state and would like to join our academy, who am I not to gladly accept you in. Alright, here are your receipts for the acceptance fee and tuition fee." A young woman who looked thirty and was at the heaven adept stage said and handed over two receipts to the beautiful young girl in front of her.

She couldn't help but envy such a great, marveling beauty.

Then she gave the girl before her two sets of uniforms and a wooden card with some letters and numbers inscribed in it. The purpose of the card was to point her to the room of the hostel block she would be residing in.

After the girl collected the items and stowed them into her spatial ring, she left there and began to walk towards the room she was given.

A playful smile surfaced on her lips.

This was fun to her. She couldn't wait to see the Alex she was assigned to bring to their organization.

"I wonder what's so special about you that master sent me to get you. He has never been interested in kids. But you, an initial-stage condensation stage cultivator he instantly took a liking to. There must be something he saw in that man's memory. I would surely find out. And before I return with you to the organization, I will play dirty with your mind. Haha. Let me see how pure your mind is and if you can withstand the seductive skills of this girl with an illusion-like beauty" She said inwardly in an excited manner. Then a wide mischievous smile appeared in her face.

She then began to hum as she walked.


Classes were going on with all the students already in. So, no one saw the beauty that continents full of deities would enter into a war for walk down to the student residential quarter allocated to her.


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