A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 102: Arrival

Chapter 102: Arrival


Alex and Jake were given a new hostel block to stay. And surprisingly, only them stayed there. They didn't have roommates.

Jake felt fulfilled while Alex saw it as normal. He felt it was normal for Jennifer to give them a nice place which only two of them would stay in alone.

"Yea right. Alex, what did Elena come to discuss with you today? I was surprised she asked me to give you guys some privacy. Also, why were you breathing like that? You still haven't told me. Were you sick? But that's impossible as you are a cultivator and not a mortal" Jake said as soon as he remembered the events that occurred today in the lecture block.

Alex looked at him with a smirk and shook his head. Then he responded with a smile "Well, it's something that doesn't concern you in any way. Why must you be so curious about everything?"

"Oh! I asked because I connected some events together. On every normal day, your breathing pattern is calm. But since you stepped out of instructor Jennifer's residence with Elena, your gaze which was always full of awareness became absent and a smile would appear on your face from time to time. Today in class, your breathing fashion changed from normal-paced breath to short, rapid breaths like you were anxious and nervous about something." Jake said.

"Huh? So where you jackass driving at?" Alex asked in a perplexed tone.

But he was deeply shocked that Jake noticed everything about him yesterday after the incidence with Elena.

'Damn' He said bitterly in his mind.

He felt bad that he wasn't paying attention to Jake or he would have hidden the expressions which manifested in his face as result of what he was thinking in his mind.

"The fuck. Calm down bro. I would arrive where am going to soon. Haha. Now, moving forward from what I said earlier, I think something like that would only happen to someone who has never been in a relationship before and something intimate or romantic suddenly happened to him or her. That person would become nervous as he or she wouldn't know how to face the person that brought them into the world of love and romance. So, on that train of thought, I can say something definitely must have happened between you and Elena. That was what made you have those short, quick breath that deemed you to be nervous. Right? Don't try to prove me wrong." Jake said with a smile.

He felt like a love investigator.

'Damn. This guy...'

Since Alex could feel that Jake had discovered with certainty that something happened between him and Elena, he finally opened up to him.

Besides, as Jake was his friend. He felt there was really no harm in telling him what transpired between him and Elena.

"So, what are you feeling like right now? Like an emotions investigator expert? Huh?" He asked.

Jake only smiled waiting for the answer to the question he asked Alex.

Then Alex continued "Anyway, you are right about everything you said. Yesterday when she left and I accompanied her, she suddenly gave me a long passionate kiss after we have walked some distance away from instructor's Jennifer residence."


Jake's eyes glittered as he chuckled.

"Excellent" He said out loud excitedly.

Then he continued "She finally unveils her true feelings to you. She just couldn't take it anymore. I have always known Elena likes you and that she was just concealing her emotions from you, waiting for you fantastic moron to open up to her first since she wouldn't want to appear cheap and lowly before you. Haha. Well, she has given you the damned signal. So, It's up to you to work on it"

Alex smiled and shook his head.

"Well, I would have tried to work on it. But today after cultivation class, she came to me to apologize for her actions yesterday and said that I shouldn't think that anything would ever happen between us. That we can only remain as good friends who got each other's back." Alex said.

Jake who was excited that Alex was now in a new relationship which he would work on became deeply surprised at the sudden turn of things.

"Aii, is that why you sound depressed?" He asked

Jake questioned this because when Alex spoke, he could sense the heaviness in his speech. With this, he knew Alex was morose since he spoke with a heavy tone which depicted the sadness in his heart.

"Yes. Maybe. I thought she had something for me after she kissed me. Only to be told the next day that the kiss was on impulse and that we can only be friends." Alex replied.

"Hmm. What else did she tell you?" Jake asked.

"She told me that if I ever needed warmth and someone to talk to, I can come to her. She would welcome me in with open hands" Alex replied.

"Okay. But I have this feeling that she still likes you. She is just trying to conceal the emotions she has for you again." Jake said.

"Huh? How do you know that?" Alex asked with a perplexed tone.

"Why would she ever kiss you in the first place if she had no desire for you. Besides, she must have thought of kissing you long ago. Her action wasn't out of the blues. It had long been in her heart. So Alex, forget those things she told you. She still loves you but doesn't want to show it." Jake said confidently.

Alex became silent. And after sometime, he asked "Are you sure? That she has the same feeling as me?"

"Yep. But you are really a novice at this game. You bastard haven't been in any relationship and that time you told me you once dated two girls. Mehn. You are so good at lying. I don't think I would fully believe anything you tell me again. Ever" Jake said.

He was pained that he imbibed Alex's lies.

Alex only smiled. He had been caught and there was nothing he could say to defend himself.

"Alright. But I am not fully sure if what I said is true. I only arrived at that conclusion because I looked at it logically. To be sure she has emotions for you, we would have to make her jealous" Jake said with a smile.

"Make her jealous? I would flirt with another female just so she becomes jealous?" Alex asked.

"Yes. That way, we would know if she actually has desirous feelings for you. If Elena sees you with another girl and doesn't feels jealous, she just probably want you guys to be friends. But if she becomes jealous... Haha!! She definitely has the thing called love for you man" Jake said with a laugh.

"Oh. That's a nice plan. Hope it won't backfire?" Alex asked.

"Backfire? What will backfire? Don't be a dunce man. What we need to do now is to get a beautiful girl who you would become romantic with for sometime just so to make Elena react. Haha! Am a bad genius right?" Jake asked and laughed evilly.

"But what if she doesn't shows whatever feelings she has for me? Like she just conceals it and move on?" Alex questioned.

"Well, my plan is not an absolute one. So don't expect it to yield the result you want. You can only hope it does. It's more like fifty-fifty" Jake replied.

"Alright. But wouldn't it be weird to everyone when I suddenly start talking to a random girl in our class? I just came in you know." Alex asked.

"Well, that's up to you man. I have done my best for you" Jake said.

"Alright. I would try it out" Alex said.

"Cool for you. By the way, I want to know something. When did you develop feelings for Elena? This is too sudden for me you know" Jake said.

Alex smiled.

"I don't actually know too. Maybe I have always liked her but I kept my emotions from seeing the light of day. It was that kiss that probably caused them to erupt." Alex replied.

"Okay" Jake said.

Then he looked at Alex with a wide smile.

"What?" Alex asked.

He was wondering why Jake suddenly began to look at him in that manner.

"I think you must be the only single boy in the entire academy. Haha." Jake said and chuckled.

"Oh! Says the single he-goat in front of me" Alex shot back at him.

"Well, I don't see myself as being single any more. I am leaving that zone soon. But as for you, you might be in it for a really long time." Jake said.

"Hmm. Well, it should be me to say that I would leave this single zone anytime I want. Not you. There are a lot of girls in here that like me so much. I see it in the way they look at me. I can see the unquenchable flames of passion for me in their eyes. If I go to meet any of them now and tell them that I like them and want to enter into a relationship with them, they would instantly agree." Alex said with a confident tone.

Jake looked at him and smirked.

"Whatever" He said and laid in his bed.

"Haha. I won. Nobody argues about collection of girls with this male-looking divine goddess" Alex laughed and said.

"Ohhh. Says the beautiful boy that has never been in a relationship, while this one can boast of pressing soft and firm peaks of dozens of fine girls and penetrating into their wonderful world." Jake shot back.

"Yuck!" Alex said out loud.

"Go sleep man. I am done with this discussion."


A young girl who looked insanely ravishing in appearance arrived in front of the black dragon academy on a tall, fast-moving wave of sand.

"Finally. Alex, this pretty girl is coming for you. Get ready to welcome me with open arms."


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