6 Times a Day

Chapter 948 Suzanne, Brenda And Amy Have Some Fun ['Janek Lehmann'Sponsored]

'Janek Lehmann' Special - [10/10] Chapters. 3.5K words


Much Thanks to 'ReaperCrew' for your generous sponsorship. My gratitude goes out to you for now and forever. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.


Suzanne, Amy, Katherine, and Susan had given considerable thought to preparations for Sunday evening's sex session, and that included extensive preparations for the non-participants. Thanks to some electricians willing to do a weekend rush job for extra overtime pay, Katherine's idea on Saturday morning to have video cameras installed in the house had become a reality by Sunday night.

So, while Alan and Susan fucked away, Suzanne, Amy, and Katherine sat in the basement watching the whole thing in real time on a video monitor. Brenda had been invited and was there too.

Although Suzanne told Brenda earlier in the day that she couldn't stay to watch Alan and Susan fuck, Brenda looked so dejected when she prepared to leave just before dinner that Suzanne relented and allowed her to come back after feeding Adrian. Although Brenda was in many respects still a stranger to the Plummers, she was rapidly becoming something like family. She knew how big a deal Alan and Susan fucking was, and she would have been very hurt to have been left out. She was happy just to serve the others food and drinks and so forth, and especially happy that that meant a lot of standing and walking around, since her ass was still on fire from the earlier spanking.

Xania, too, had been kept updated on everything happening in the Plummer house over the weekend through frequent phone calls and naturally wanted to be there too to watch. But she had her own task to perform that weekend, which was teaching Alan's friend Sean how to fuck. To her surprise, by the end of the weekend Sean was utterly exhausted but still didn't want to quit. He wanted to maximize every last moment with Xania because he doubted he'd ever be so lucky as to be with her or someone of her caliber of beauty and all around sexiness again. So Xania was too occupied with him to watch the Plummer house events in person.

Thus, Suzanne, Amy, and Katherine sat on a sofa and watched while Brenda ostensibly walked around and served their needs. In reality though, Brenda did a whole lot of watching the monitor and very little serving.

She wore a frilly French maid costume for the first time to give it a test run before wearing it in front of Alan. She loved it, despite its rather unusual purplish color. The top cut right across the middle of her nipples, leaving them completely exposed except on the rare occasions when she stood perfectly still. She loved that, too. Her newly bald pussy just barely peeked out of the bottom of her short skirt. She loved the fact that her pussy had been shaved bald, and especially the fact it was done without her having any say in the matter.

In short, she pretty much loved anything and everything that went on in the Plummer house.

The Plummer women didn't settle for any ordinary grainy convenience store type monitor; instead, they watched a crystal-clear digital image on a spare-no-expense high-definition wide-screen TV. The monitor had a remote control that allowed one to focus, zoom in and out, rotate the camera, and more. They actually had several cameras set up in Susan's room at different angles so they could switch views, though they could only watch one image at a time.

The end result was that they were able to experience the momentous fuck nearly as well as if they were standing in the room right next to the bed. They could zoom in close enough to count the beads of sweat rolling down their faces.

Unfortunately, that very level of clarity created a problem. Amy, Katherine, and Brenda loved the experience of watching. Amy and Katherine especially had their hands all over each other (needless to say, everyone was dressed in only the flimsiest of skimpy outfits). But Suzanne sat alone at the other end of the sofa, expertly controlling the remote, zooming in and out, but remaining quiet.

In fact, she was upset. The more she watched, the more upset she got. The problem was, she could so clearly see just what an incredible experience Alan and Susan were having. Even little things like the start of Susan's lactation bothered her. She had been unselfishly happy for Susan on this until recently, but now all she could think of was the fact that soon her own breasts would be smaller than Susan's. She repeatedly thought back to her own first real fuck with Alan (not counting her "Elle" misadventure and other technical penetrations). She knew it had been a great fuck, even an incredible fuck. But clearly the fuck she was watching now was on a whole different level yet again. That made her feel like a second-rate fuck, in spite of her superior sexual knowledge and experience.

Then they came to the whole body orgasm. Everyone watched it with awe. There aren't many outward signs of a whole body orgasm, but thanks to the quality digital image and large zoom, there were enough clues for the spectators to realize that something much more than a really great orgasm had transpired.

After the two lovers had passed out in Susan's bed, Amy asked no one in particular, "What was THAT?!"

Suzanne replied in a weary voice, "I believe that was a whole body orgasm. I've never experienced one, though God knows I've tried. I even took some classes in the Indian practice of Tantric sex, but I didn't have a stable partner at the time, so I didn't get very far with it. Of course, my HUSBAND knew nothing about it." She seemed on the verge of bitter tears as she remembered her many loveless affairs and the fact that her marriage was so bad she couldn't think about taking sex classes with her husband, even many years ago.

"But what IS it?" Amy persisted.

Suzanne sighed. "It's hard to explain, Honey Pie. Just know that it's possibly the greatest feeling you ever can experience. Some people study and practice for years and never get one. For other people it happens by accident. Like Susan and Alan here. If it wasn't that, then it was something like it. Some kind of super orgasm. Did you see the way their eyes practically bugged out of their heads?"

Katherine got up. "Wow. That is soooo cool. Someone should tell them, I'll bet they don't know." She ran out of the room and up the stairs to the ground floor.

In the grip of Katherine's excitement, she didn't notice how truly upset Suzanne was. But Amy was more closely attuned to the moods of her mother. She scooted down the sofa and gave Suzanne a friendly embrace. "What is it?" she asked, while soothingly stroking her mother's arm.

Suzanne stared ahead into the wall with a stoic expression. Long, quiet seconds passed. Then she turned to Amy and the bottled-up emotions came pouring out. She gushed, "He doesn't love me!" Then she broke down in tears.

Amy did her best to soothe and calm her mother, but seeing her cry was an extremely rare event, and she didn't know the best way to deal with it. She took the direct route, and while continuing to hug and soothingly stroke, she said what she wanted Suzanne to hear the most over and over: "He loves you. He does. He does. He really does. He loves you..."

That actually helped Suzanne a lot, even though she knew in her heart that Alan loved her. But she wanted to pout. She eventually stopped crying enough to say, "No he doesn't. He doesn't! Didn't you see the video? He loves Susan! That was amazing! He never did that to ME!" That started a whole new round of crying. She threw her arms around her daughter's neck as sobs wracked her whole body.

"Now, now," Amy consoled as if she was the parent and not the child. "Come on, Mother. He loves all of us. All of us. He was waiting for months to fuck Susan, so the whole thing built up and up and up. It was totally different with you. You weren't, like, this total prude to begin with. It's just different, that's all. You'll have whatever they call it, the whole body thingy. You'll have that with him someday. I know it. We all will, because we all love each other so much." She stroked her mother's hair lovingly.

Suzanne kept crying, but not solely from sadness - she also cried for joy at the love and understanding coming from her daughter. Amy's consoling helped, but still not enough. Suzanne complained, "That's true, we do love each other, but that's not the point. The plain fact is, he loves Susan the most! He always will. There's nothing I can do about that. Nothing! I'll always be his mother, yes, but his SECOND mother." She sighed.

Amy looked at Suzanne right in the eye. "You know what, Mother? You're probably right. But you'll always be MY number one mother. Sure, maybe not all the love between each of us in this new family is totally, perfectly equal, but that's okay. When it comes to Alan, he's got such a big heart that there's room for all of us in there. His heart is like, I dunno, Space Mountain. Do you remember when we went to Disneyland and rode on Space Mountain? It's like a huge dark cave underground. You can zoom around in there forever! There's room for, like, bazillions of people down there!"

Suzanne had a really good laugh over the Space Mountain metaphor. But she could also see Amy's point. It's true. He does have a big heart. This multiple partners thing wouldn't work with most guys, but it works with him.

Amy continued, "Mother, here's the thing. Sure, you and him isn't the same as Susan and him. It's different. You two have a special thing going, a one-of-a-kind thing. It's awesome! Has any other man ever come close to loving you as much as Alan does? So quit measuring it on the love-o-meter, and just enjoy it. Don't let your pride keep demanding that you have to be number one at everything. You and Alan need each other. I know it!" She gave an extra tight hug.

Suzanne cried even more, but now it was all tears of joy. "Amy! My Honey Pie! I love you so much! You're so very, very right. Don't let go. Don't let go!" They continued their tight embrace.

Suzanne was strongly reminded of her conversation with Glory the day before. What Amy said to me just now is EXACTLY the same thing I said to Glory. I told her that she might not be number one in Alan's heart, but she still had a special place. They need each other. It's meant to be. It's exactly the same with me! It's so obvious, but my darling daughter has really opened my eyes. God, I'm learning so much this weekend. This is all too much!

Suzanne's thoughts turned naughty. However, there's one difference between this talk and previous mother daughter talks Amy and I have had over the years, hee-hee. We have all kinds of new ways to comfort each other. "Honey Pie, thank you. I'm gonna kiss you till you beg me to stop." She ran her tongue across her daughter's lips and deep into her mouth.

Amy gave as good as she got and they twisted tongue tips together in the deep French kiss that they shared, as if they were wrestling with their tongues.

Suzanne felt her desire for Amy start to spiral out of control, but she couldn't stand to lose control and suddenly broke the kiss.

Brenda meanwhile had been standing beside them the whole time. She didn't feel like she was family enough to say anything, so she'd remained quiet. But she'd listened and watched intently and was profoundly moved. It seemed like she had a bottomless well of moisture inside of her, because her tears poured out of her as copiously as her pussy juice typically did. She was so moved that she couldn't keep quiet any longer. While Suzanne and Amy kissed, Brenda said between sobs, "That was... the most moving thing... I've ever seen... Good Lord, I love this family!"

Then, without consciously thinking about it, she bent down and hugged across both Amy and Suzanne at once. To everyone's surprise, Suzanne reached up, roughly grabbed Brenda, and pulled her down onto the sofa. The top-heavy sex slave came tumbling down over Amy and landed on top of her.

The next thing Amy and Brenda knew, Suzanne pounced on them both like a sexual tigress on a rampage.

All three of them were nearly nude to begin with (and Amy actually was nude), so they quickly got down to it. They practically attacked each other with a vengeance, so intense were their emotions. What little clothes they wore soon came off. Suzanne nearly ripped Brenda's maid outfit in half in her eagerness to get it off.

Brenda happened to wind up with her face in Suzanne's lap, so she stayed there, licking the pussy and clit in front of her as best she could under the circumstances. The three of them fell onto the floor and rolled around, and still Brenda stayed on target, focusing entirely on Suzanne's crotch. She'd felt so bad seeing the normally dominant Suzanne cry that she wanted to give her pleasure until all the sadness went away.

Amy and Suzanne mostly went at each other.

Suzanne muttered, "Honey Pie, let's do each other right now! I have to admit that I was nearly as bad as Susan because I denied my feelings for you for years! But let's go all the way right now!" She redoubled her efforts on Amy, and in particular dove her mouth at her daughter's pussy.

But, to everyone's surprise, Amy pushed her away. "Mother, that sounds awesome, but we can't!"

"What are you talking about? We can do whatever we want now!"

Amy grew increasingly serious and still held her mother's body at bay. "I know. But we can't do it without the others! I want our first time together to be an event for everyone to see. Especially Alan. We don't even have video cameras in this room to record it."

Suzanne panted, "Quick! Let's go to the living room, then!"

"MooooOOOOoooother! I want it to be special, like what Alan and Susan are doing." She looked up at the screen at the mother and son sleeping, bathed in candlelight. "Look at them. They're so in love. I wanna be like that with you, Mother. Right now, why don't we just work on Brenda?"

Brenda giggled giddily, "Little ol' me? You don't mean that!"

"Sure we do. Here, Mother. I'll take the pussy and you take the tits." Amy dove into Brenda's crotch with her tongue.

As Suzanne worked her hands and lips on Brenda's watermelons, she thought, Amy's right, of course. We do need to mark our first time as something special. We're the only real incestuous relationship, of genetically-related people, in this house. That shouldn't be treated lightly.

Why haven't I planned for something? I just lurch from one sexual encounter to the next, and I never PLAN any more! I used to be such a good schemer, but now I just do whatever my cunt tells me to do. I can hardly think straight with Sweetie's cock always on my mind.

Enough of that! Tomorrow is going to be MY day. Not only am I going to get Alan to fuck me for the first time in what seems like years already, but Amy and I are really going to do each other, now that this no orgasms vow is thankfully over. All that restraint over the weekend, and we haven't even told Alan about our sacrifice! I must really be getting stupid.

So Suzanne had to content herself with "merely" making love to Brenda instead of Amy. At least, that was the general idea. While Brenda generally remained sandwiched between mother and daughter, they managed to bypass her and kiss or fondle each other quite a lot.

They were all so emotionally worked up that it was the best lesbian sex the three of them had yet enjoyed together. Naturally, Brenda was especially delighted, as she generally remained the center of attention.

They no longer knew or cared what was showing on the video screen, and the sounds coming from Susan's room were completely drowned out by their out-of-control cries of passion.

True to Brenda's "screamer" nature, soon she was crying for joy at the top of her lungs. Amy was also a screamer, and proved that fact over and over. Before long Suzanne was rather wishing she'd brought a pair of earplugs, but it was only one minor annoyance to mar an otherwise incredible, orgasmic time.

It was sex - wild, orgiastic sex - that felt as if it went on forever. But more than sex, it was a strong bonding experience. Brenda was lucky to have been there, because she was literally sucked in and allowed to join in the love between a mother and her daughter. In a way, Suzanne and Amy made love to each other using Brenda's body as a medium.

Katherine had no idea what she missed.


Upcoming Schedule:

26-4-2023- 'Jason Judes' Special - 3 Chapters

30-4-2023- 'Brian Zhao' Special - 3 Chapters

03-05-2023 - 'William Behena' Special - 2 Chapters

07-05-2023 - 'ReaperCrew' Special - 5 Chapters

10-05-2023 - 'ReaperCrew' Special - 5 Chapters



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