6 Times a Day

Chapter 947 Fun With Susan - Final ['Janek Lehmann'Sponsored]

'Janek Lehmann' Special - [9/10] Chapters. 3K words


After a while, Alan realized he hadn't been paying her huge and very sensitive breasts the attention they deserved. He bent down a bit and licked her nipples while his hips continued their thrusting.

This naturally sent new electric shocks of pleasure through Susan's body. Her nipples were as sensitive as she said they were. But more than that, she was excited by the prospect of lactating for her son. She pushed her tits together with both hands and said, "My breasts! Oh, my son! Please suck on them! My nipples. I want you to suck on them for a very long time!"

"Your wish is my command, my mistress." He gladly began sucking. He enjoyed sucking on her nipples more than any other woman's, because it was always such a big emotional deal for her.

"Stop that!" she complained between moans. "I don't EVER want to hear you call me 'mistress' again, you got that? Not only is it wrong, it's a big turn-off. It makes me so happy to know that you're the one in command. Take charge of your mother's cunt, tits, and ass, and RULE them! Master them! Own them! FUCK THEM!"

"M'kay," he answered absent-mindedly, not as a conscious imitation of Amy, but because he could only mumble with the way he was suckling at her nipple. He seemed to be trying to vacuum it right off her breast. And, still, all the while, their fucking continued and slowly picked up speed.

"The other one, my son, don't forget the other nipple. She needs you too. Mmmm! ... My tits and my cunt, so happy at the same time. This is the best I've ever felt, Tiger! The absolute best!"

He switched sides to suck on her left nipple for a while, then went back to her right. He could feel a buzz of excitement growing in her body even above the already high thrill caused by their fucking. He didn't know that she was beside herself with anticipation, waiting for her milk to flow into his mouth. They were reaching the point where they were too excited and breathless to talk. But both of them made up for that with unrestrained grunting and moaning.

Then it happened. He felt a few drops of liquid squirt into his mouth. He was so surprised by this that he didn't know what it was at first. He assumed it was sweat or cum. They were both very sweaty by now, and his or her hands could have carried some of the cum from his recent massive blast up to her chest. But he rolled the drops around on his tongue and realized there was a weak, sweet milky taste. He sucked even more intently, but it seemed no more milk was coming out. So he paused and said, "Hey Mom. There's milk-"

He couldn't even get to the word "here," because she exploded in a tremendous orgasm. When she felt the drops squeeze out she knew she'd lose control for sure, but she held her climax back with all her might until she knew that he knew.

As she let the orgasm rip with a great cry, he urgently went to the other nipple and sucked it hard. Luckily, the milk came out that very instant, at the same time that her climax was still overwhelming her. She was amazed how good the actual release of milk felt. It felt like her breasts were both having massive orgasms too. She hadn't felt anything like that in all the hours of lactation "practice" she'd had in recent days.

He had to stop thrusting for a while, because he didn't want to cum just yet. But with the way her pussy clenched him spasmodically in her climax, it was a wild ride of a struggle as he used his PC muscle to fight the climax off with all his might.

Then a second trick Suzanne taught him came in handy. He grabbed his erection by the base and squeezed it in a certain way that was designed to hold off climax. To his surprise, it actually worked.

But still he had to rest for a bit, because he was on a hair trigger. He pulled his hard-on out of her tight sheath.

She had no objection to a short break, as she was so wiped out from her lactation climax.

He thought, Man, I thought I had good climax control, but with this new trick, this is just unreal! I can practically delay cumming forever! Sure, it's frustrating and painful as hell, but it's so worth it! And my mom! She's lactating? That's so amazingly crazy! This just gets better and better every minute!

While they paused and recovered, she looked her son in the eye and said, "So now you know. My big secret. I've been working on getting my tits ready... just for you."

"What, you mean that wasn't an accident?" He was going to bring up how Brenda accidentally lactated, but then thought better of it.

"No way, no how, Tiger! Within days, I hope to be spewing milk the way you spew cum. You're going to have to wear glasses when you fuck me, because squirts of milk will always be splashing in your face."

They both laughed at that amusing vision.

She added excitedly, "Oh, and what's great is that once my tits start to fill up with milk, they're gonna get big. They're gonna be HUGE!"

"Mom, they're already huge. Huge and perfect." He tenderly caressed and kissed them to help show his appreciation.

"Awww, you're so sweet. But wouldn't they be even better if they were one bra cup size bigger? Two, even?"

"Mom, you know, I don't measure the value of a woman by the size of her breasts, despite what some people tend to think around here. Big is nice, yes, but I actually like your breasts better than Brenda's."

"Really? Wow!" Susan was over the moon about that. Then she calmed down a bit and said, "I so very much want to give you my milk. Give it to the whole family, actually. It's a sign of my love to our new family but especially to you. Please don't say no? You'll break my heart if you do."

"How could I possibly say no and break your heart? I'm only here to serve you."

"Tiiiiger," she growled in complaint.

"Oops. How 'bout if I say I'm here to make you happy?"

She ruffled his hair with tired fingers. "Better. But more domination, please."

He laughed. "Okay." Then an idea came to him. "Mom, I mean Mommy, you know, you've been very sneaky lately. Hiding this lactation from me. Not even asking me if that's what I wanted."

She frowned with worry. "I'm so sorry. I thought-"

"Ssssh. Since you've been bad, it's only right that you get punished." As he talked, he crawled up her body until he had his legs on either side of her head. He sat on her chest.

She assumed he was going to fuck her face as her "punishment." She smiled and eagerly opened her mouth.

But to her surprise, he held his erection in his hand and began slapped her cheeks and nose with it.

"You're cock whipping me!" she squealed as she realized what he was doing. "TIGER! I love it!"

He chuckled. "Don't you mean you hate it?"

She laughed. "Oh. Right. It's terrible! Never stop. Never ever stop!" She closed her eyes to luxuriate in the sensation of his dick slapping against her skin. "Show me who's who and what's what and just who's in charge around here."

"Firmly in charge," he joked as he "hit" her with his dick harder than usual. In fact, his "cock whips" were really more like "love taps," as he didn't want to abuse his over-worked penis any further.

But for her it was the thought that counted, and she loved it. In fact, she reached down to touch her clit, and climaxed again.

She opened her eyes and stared at him with burning lust. "You know one thing that's great about cock whipping?"

"What's that?"

"I love how it puts your cock in such close proximity to my mouth." She lashed out her tongue as his stiffness was passing over it to move from one cheek to another. That caused him to pause, and she took advantage by lunging her whole head forward and swallowing up his cockhead.

Her whole face beamed in triumph, causing him to laugh again.

But he said, "Very cute. However, we've been doing plenty of that lately. There's another hole I'd like to explore tonight."

"Whhnmm wonm ith dadth?"

She was slurping up and down with such gusto that he couldn't understand what she said. He mock-pouted, "I'll tell ya. The life of a harem master isn't all it's cracked up to be. I never seem to be able to stick my cock in the right hole."

That didn't get much reaction except an especially happy look as she continued to suck.

Seeing that he might be able to get to change holes by getting her to talk, he said with increasing enthusiasm, "I do like the lactation idea, though. Now, it won't be enough for you to constantly suck my cock, spread your legs for me so I can fuck the latest addition to my cunt collection, or bend over and pull open your ass cheeks wide enough so I can stretch and ravish your butthole with my mommy-splitter! Oh no, that's not enough for me! Now you're going to have to give up your milk whenever I want it! How's that?"

"Oh, so good! I love it!" She arched her back as her body shivered with pleasure all over.

"What? What was that?" He pulled his dick all the way out of her mouth so she could respond.

"I think I just had a mini-climax thanks to what you said. But don't just sit there. Take complete control of your helpless mother. Fuck me good! Again! Since you're such a meanie and won't let me suck, let's continue where we left off before your wonderful cock whipping. You were just starting to really plow me hard."

"Okay, but Mommy, I specifically said you should tell me when you're about to cum. You obviously didn't do that. You're cumming all over the place, right and left."

"Oops. I truly forgot. You're just going to have to show me who's boss around here and tame me with that big, tasty, cum-filled cock. Punish me with a good, hard fucking!"

"Mom, you're so weird. But a good weird. An extremely excellent weird!"

They giggled with absolute glee, and then went back to their fucking. Sure enough, they continued where they left off.

"So, you're happy with my lactating?" Susan asked to be sure, between hard thrusts.

Alan nodded enthusiastically, licking her nipples as his hips rose and fell rapidly. "Totally. It's great."

"I would have asked you first, but I wanted it to be a surprise. It's kind of an all or nothing thing. My nipples will have to be drained many times a day for months, if not years, to come."

"Mommy, that's like my definition of Nirvana."

"Oh, I'm so happy! Fuck me harder! Fuck me good! Fuck my milk right out of me! Fuck your milky sex cow mommy!"

He let out a great laugh and really plowed into her. He was more amused than aroused at her sex cow concept, but since it made her happy and horny, it made him happy.

They stopped talking and put all their energy into fucking. He fucked her with a vengeance. He pounded her just as fast and deep as their first time, but now he had more patience and stamina, and just kept slamming her.

She fucked back with just as much spirit, at least at first. But over time he overwhelmed her with his drive and energy. She felt like she would split in two, but she soon lost the ability to tell him that, as she screamed incoherently. The more helpless she became, the more she loved it.

She felt a bit bad that she couldn't please him with her pussy squeezes as skillfully and as long as she knew Suzanne could. But on the other hand, the idea that her son was overwhelming her and really taming her with his cock was such a huge turn-on that she nearly fainted just from that idea alone. Despite her fresh promise not to cum without his permission, she came again.

He pounded, steadily, steadily, like a piston in a giant machine. Their first mutual climax had been intense, but the second one promised to be much more. They built up to a higher and higher plateau, until he could take no more. He lifted his head and looked right into her eyes with a great intensity.

She gave a look back that told him she was ready for a great climax. That earlier feeling that their bodies were in sync hadn't abated. In fact, the sensation only grew. It seemed that there was a magic in the air. They weren't just fucking, they were connecting to each other on a very deep level at the same time. Unconditional love flowed between them in their every touch, look, and thought.

He began to get the strangest feeling. It was more than an orgasm in his penis - it was an incredible feeling all over his body. He was having a whole body orgasm, something few people ever experience.

She felt the exact same thing at the exact same time.

Most people don't even know that something called a whole body orgasm exists, but it does. It's a completely different experience than a typical orgasm, and to describe it to someone who's never felt one is like trying to describe what fucking is to a virgin. But suffice to say the name is very accurate: one feels an orgasm all over the body.

A wonderful feeling covered Alan and Susan from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes. It was pure sexual ecstasy like neither of them had ever felt, which was saying a lot given all their fun in recent weeks, but it was also much more. They shared a deep spiritual communion, as if their two beings were as one. For one magical, transcendent moment, it seemed that time stopped and they were together in eternity.

But then, suddenly, the moment was over and they were back on Earth, sweating and gasping for air. Now they were "merely" experiencing the joys of a typical orgasm. There was still a residual glow and tingling sensation from the whole body orgasm, though.

He was still backed up with a tremendous amount of cum, and shot rope after rope after rope into her vagina. His felt as if his balls were the size of coconuts, unloading gallons of sperm and cum into his mother's waiting womb. There were more than a dozen ropes in all.

They cried and screamed and held on to each other for dear life. It was as if the whole body orgasm was the eye of the storm and now they were back in the middle of a hurricane of sexual fervor.

She thrashed about, jerking and writhing like a rag doll being thrown around the room. Alan, too, seemed barely able to control his own body, but he grabbed her by her sides and did his best to hang on.

Finally it was too much. Both of them collapsed and passed out.


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