6 Times a Day

Chapter 1162: Spanking Suzanne

Chapter 1162: Spanking Suzanne

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Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Cornelius P. Stranglefart, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, Ambrosius!

During all this talking, Alan had stood up and stretched briefly while Suzanne took Xania's spot. He got back down, this time onto Suzanne's lap.

However, Suzanne had gotten some Vaseline from a bag near her feet and lathered up his cock and balls with it. Now as she took control of the handjob, her extra slick hands slipped and slid all over him in an incredibly diverting and exciting manner. She thought, Xania thinks she's so hot. Just 'cos her tongue's a couple of millimeters longer than mine and she's had sex with some more guys, she thinks she's the bee's knees. Well, Sweetie, we'll find out from you who gives a better handjob, hee-hee-hee!

Suzanne was letting her longstanding rivalry with Xania get the better of her. It was this sense of rivalry that had led to Suzanne stealing Xania's serious boyfriend and the ending of their college friendship. Their friendly competition had gotten out of hand back then. But in Suzanne's defense, Xania could be just as competitive. Had Suzanne been the one with the serious boyfriend then, the tables likely would have been turned.

The spankings resumed, this time with Xania doing the spanking. But after about ten spanks, Suzanne was getting increasingly frustrated with her failure to get Alan to cum. She knew he'd been close to cumming when she started, and she wanted to get him to blow before the next break so she could "prove" that she was the more sexually talented. She thought the Vaseline would tip the balance, but it had mostly been rubbed away by now and he still hadn't cum. Her tugging at his balls between spanks didn't do it either.

So she decided to use another prop to push him that last little bit over the orgasmic edge. She reached back into her bag and pulled out a very small vibrating egg and turned it on. With Led Zeppelin still pounding in the background, she didn't have to worry about anyone hearing its quiet humming. When the next spank was done, she brought the egg to the sensitive space between Alan's balls and his asshole, and let it buzz against him there.

She fully expected Xania to find her out before long. But that was okay, because presumably then Xania would rise to the challenge and go to greater and greater lengths to get him to his next climax. Everyone would win from playful one-upmanship, especially Alan. However, she didn't consider Susan.

In fact, the spanking had been so fun and diverting, and Susan was so silent, that she'd been completely forgotten by Xania and Suzanne by this time. But she was still there, still forcing herself to watch, and growing increasingly agitated.

At the moment, Susan was thinking, I can't just sit here. It's all well and good to be helpless when Tiger's in control and finding new ways to delightfully use my lusty busty body, but this is different. I can't just sit here listening to the sound of skin hitting skin and pretend he's spanking me anymore. They're perverting him, stealing his masculinity. I know he says he wants to experience this and I should obey his every command, but just this once I can't. I can't!

Just as Susan was about to verbally launch a new protest, she saw Suzanne reach into her bag and secretly palm something and then bring it up to Alan's ass. Suspecting some kind of foul play, she got up and came closer to see what was happening.

Suzanne was so focused on her buzzing egg and Alan getting spanked that her first notice of Susan's approach came as Susan stepped forward and pointed her finger right into Suzanne's face.

"A-ha!" she said once she got close enough to get a better look at the egg, and even hear it. "Suzanne, I've had enough of this horrid spanking. This ends NOW! And you've got some kind of buzzing vibrator in your hand, don't you?"

Suzanne opened her palm to show what she was holding. "Yeah I do. So what?"

"So what? You're up to no good. You're trying to harm my one and only Tiger, that's what! I'll bet you're trying to stuff that thing up his ass, too."

"And if I was?" Suzanne foolishly asked in what she thought was a rhetorical manner. "You're overreacting. Do you know how mind-blowingly pleasurable it would be for him if I could stimulate his prostate gland with this?"

Susan was so livid about that that she was struck speechless. She stormed over to Suzanne's bag. "We never agreed to that! You said you'd have limits! You know how he feels about anal insertion. Strictly no way!"

She opened Suzanne's bag and looked at the wide assortment of sexual toys and aids inside it. With horrified shock, she exclaimed, "What's this, a whip? A whip?!" She picked up one item and was practically apoplectic about it. It was a strap-on dildo. "NO! Suzanne, tell me I'm not seeing this! You were going to fuck my baby in the ass?! I'm mortified! Beyond mortified! The spanking was bad enough, but this is, it's, it's... It's beyond words! Suzanne! I thought you were my friend!"

Susan was like a volcano on the verge of erupting. Her voice rose to a screech, her face reddened, and her whole body trembled.

Suzanne was growing increasingly alarmed at Susan's unexpected reaction, which was based mostly on a misunderstanding. She attempted to get up and explain, but Alan was across her lap. "Susan, you've got it all wrong!"

Susan's head practically exploded with anger. "Enough of your twisted domination games! Alan is a natural master! What you're doing to him is an abomination! Suzanne, I love you, but you don't run this house, HE does! You're trying to tame him, but you're the one who needs more taming!"

Xania tried to speak up on Suzanne's behalf. "Susan-"

Susan whirled in Xania's direction and gave her a look that could kill. "And you! You! Ms. Wants to Fuck Other Men, I don't want to hear another peep out of you! You need taming even more than Suzanne, and if Alan won't do it, I WILL!" She reached into Suzanne's bag and grabbed one of the first things her hands touched, a plastic paddle. "GET DOWN on your knees, both of you!"

Alan jumped off of Suzanne's lap and walked to Susan to try to calm her down. "Mom, really-


Susan wouldn't let him talk either. She was beyond reasoning. "Be quiet! Son, please, this is between me and these two horrible beasts! They've done nothing but hit you and hurt you, and now they were going to violate your ass! Step aside!" Then she whispered to no one in particular, "Nobody harms my baby!"

He wisely stepped aside. He knew from a lifetime of experience that while Susan was angry in the rare occasions she raised her voice, it was much worse when she lowered it.

Turning her blood chilling fury fully upon Suzanne and Xania, she repeated, softly and with deadly calm, "Now! On your knees!" She raised the paddle.

Xania was frightened out of her wits. She'd had no idea Susan could get this furious and


Even Suzanne had never seen Susan like this. It seemed to her like Susan was a volcano, one that was beginning a full and spectacular eruption. Heat and anger radiated from her. Honestly frightened, both of them quickly dropped to their knees, into a Brenda-like position of complete submission.

Susan grabbed Suzanne's arm and pinned it behind her. As she sat down on a sofa, she forced Suzanne to lie across her lap in the same demeaning position Alan had just been in. "I'll teach you to forget your place in the harem!"

The paddle went up and came flying down onto Suzanne's ass.

Suzanne couldn't help but scream out. DAMN! That hurt! Fuck! How could I forget about Susan? I was having too much fun with the spanking and wasn't thinking. If I rush out of the room, her anger will be bottled up and fester in unhealthy ways. There's nothing left to do but wait out the eruption of Mount St. Susan. Shit! Hopefully she'll take her pound of flesh and come back to normal soon enough. <WHACK><WHACK> <WHACK> Susan brought the paddle down repeatedly on Suzanne's ass, as hard as she could. Luckily, the paddle was hollow and made of a soft plastic, so its impact was far less than if it had been made of a hard wood.

But still, it hurt like hell. Suzanne wanted to cry, but her pride held her back from doing so.

Susan was wielding the paddle like a weapon, her real weapon was her anger. "Son, these beasts need to be taught a lesson! In Suzanne's bag I saw a lot of rope - probably to do even more horrible things to you."

Suzanne started to explain, "I wasn't gonna do any of those things to Alan you said I would. I

was just-"

"QUIET!" Susan bellowed. "It doesn't matter. You went too far in any case, and now you have to pay! Tiger, please take some rope out and tie Xania's hands behind her back. Give me some for Suzanne, my so-called best friend." Her voice dripped with anger and scorn.

So Alan began binding Xania. He figured he should just play along until the misunderstanding

could be cleared up.

Susan stopped paddling Suzanne momentarily so she could tie her hands behind her back.

As Susan worked on Suzanne's wrists, Suzanne again tried to explain. "Susan, this is all just a horrible misunderstanding. I wasn't going to put anything up his ass. I was just speaking rhetorically! I was using the egg to stimulate him on the outside."

Susan grunted, clearly unconvinced. "Uh-huh. So you say. What about the way you and Xania

repeatedly beat him?"

"What, you mean the spankings? You agreed we could do that! He agreed. He likes it!"

Hoping to calm the situation, he said, "It's true, Mom. It's fun... in a weird kind of way."

But that just seemed to inflame Susan's anger even more. "Fun?! Suzanne, Xania, what have you done to my little boy? You're taking a superior natural master and turning him into some kind of... well, I don't know... some kind of normal person! Worse! You're making him into a submissive weakling!"

Finished with her binding of Suzanne, Susan resumed paddling Suzanne's kneeling ass. "Masters" <SPANK> "do" <SPANK> "not" <SPANK> "get" <SPANK> "spanked!" <SPANK> She looked over at Alan and waited until he finished binding Xania's hands behind her back. Then she said, "Come on, Son, spank Xania too. She needs to be taught a lesson. That is, unless she's perverted and weakened your mind so much already that you can't even do

it anymore."

He laughed. Despite everything, he was amused at Susan's overly dramatic and fundamental misreading of the whole situation. "No Mom, it's still the same me."

"Well, thank God for that. Prove it by walloping her uppity butt!"

Alan put Xania in his lap and started spanking her. Though he didn't really want to strike her

hard, he felt obliged to so, so his mother wouldn't think he was somehow "weakened" by the

evening's events.

He looked next to him and saw that Susan was now sitting in a chair, just like him, with Suzanne similarly arrayed in her lap. She was striking Suzanne with the paddle even harder than he was spanking Xania with his hands.


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