6 Times a Day

Chapter 1161: Spanking?

Chapter 1161: Spanking?

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Bronze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, WendigosArk, Cornelius P. Stranglefart, Jesse Boyer, Tekkadamn, Ambrosius!

Alan was so shocked by what Suzanne had just said that he could scarcely believe it. He was expecting some spanking to happen, but nothing like that many. He shrieked, "One hundred spankings?! Did you say 100?!"

"I did. If you find that too much, we may be able to make, how shall I put this... other arrangements as we go. Perhaps we can come up with some alternatives to those which you can earn with... other behavior. Given the magnitude of your crimes, wouldn't you say we're actually being quite generous? Why, the way you're banging your mother more often than the banging of a cheap screen door at a busy restaurant, I'd think that's worth more like ten years in prison, wouldn't you? Would that be more to your liking?"

He was silent, hanging his head down like a guilty criminal.

"I thought not," Suzanne said triumphantly. "You will disrobe and bend over Dr. Goodleigh's lap this very minute. Is that clear?"

He nodded forlornly and took his place, butt up, across Xania's legs. So far he hadn't been forced to do anything that submissive, but he did find his new position on top of Xania's legs to be somewhat humiliating, not to mention humbling. Yet it was also arousing, and not just because of all the contact with Xania's heavenly body. Being spanked by a sexy and nearly nude teacher, much less a pair of them, was hardly an unpleasant fantasy for him.

But then Suzanne came down on his ass with the ruler.


He was taken by complete surprise as the small piece of wood loudly crashed onto his skin. He'd expected that Suzanne would have more to say, probably still more intensely arousing things, before she started actually spanking him. As a result, he hadn't even tensed up his muscles. Further, he was shocked that she'd used the ruler instead of her hand. He thought he'd be getting more sexy taps than full-on painful whacks.

And the spanking was quite painful. One could tell that from the yell he involuntarily let out. He heard a slightly delayed gasp from across the room. He looked to see who'd made it. It was Susan. He'd forgotten she was even there, since she'd been so silent. Looking at her, he noticed that she was busy fingering herself.

Or at least she was, up until that moment when she reacted to the spanking. She stood up and said, "Xania! Suzanne! Stop that this instant! I will not stand to see you hurt my son!"

Suzanne had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. "Susan, what did I tell you? Did I not say we'd be spanking him with a ruler? What did you expect?"

Susan was caught on that one. "Well, I know, but... I didn't expect it to be like THAT."

He butted in, "Mom, I appreciate your concern, but really, this is what I was expecting. Sure it hurts some, but doesn't it hurt when you get spanked? And don't you love it just the same?"

Susan blushed. "That's different. I'm your big-titted submissive milky mommy. Spanking is one of the many ways you tame me and own me. I love it!" She smiled as her mind briefly drifted off to fond memories.

But her upset mood came roaring back. "But you're the master! That's what masters do to take total control of their many horny nymphos. We need to be kept in line." She shook her head and waved a hand through the air. "But this! This is all highly disturbing."

Xania pointedly suggested, "Susan, perhaps you just want to go to bed then? You've had a long day filled with lots of long and tiring cocksucking. We'll be fine here. Really." Susan stared defiantly, with her hands on her hips. "Ha! Like I should trust you, of all people. You're not even fully tamed. You still sleep with other men! I think I'll just sit here and watch, thank you very much." She returned to her chair and sat back down, still visibly fuming.

Xania thought, Geez, this thing about my sleeping with other men is really becoming a sore point with her. I guess she gave me a grace period and expects that I should have been "broken" by now. I'm sorry, Alan's an excellent lover, but he's not THAT good that I'd give up all other men for him. Get a grip, Susan.

Suzanne said in an authoritative voice, "Susan, you can stay, but I won't stand these kinds of interruptions. You've completely ruined the mood we were carefully building here. So I expect complete silence from you from now on. But since you're so traumatized, I'll make one concession. I'll spank him with my hand instead of the ruler. Is that agreeable to you?"

Actually, Suzanne was planning on making that switch soon anyway, partly because she preferred the feel of skin on skin. She just wanted to give Alan a big initial surprise.

"Well, all right." Susan pointed at Suzanne threateningly. "But watch it! No funny stuff. And if you cross any lines, you're gonna hear about it from me."

Suzanne chuckled. Susan's so cute when she gets angry. "Okay. Fine."

She turned her attention back to Alan. "Where were we before we were so RUUUDELY interrupted? Ah yes. Let's pretend like that never happened. Sweetie, I was just gloating at

your surprise about

spanked and I was going to say that you have to

each spanking or that spanking doesn't count. Got it?"

"Yes, Mrs. Pestridge," he said dutifully, still across Xania's lap.

"Let's hear you say 'one,' then."

out after



To Alan's great surprise, another powerful spanking slammed into his ass cheeks practically as soon as he finished saying that word. He cried out in surprise again, but not as loudly this


That was because Suzanne was using her hand this time. Although she put a lot of force into it, her hand just didn't have the same impact as a ruler.

As he recovered, he said, "Two."

After a brief pause, Suzanne swiftly brought her hand down again from a great height.


He wasn't taken by surprise this time, and so he managed not to yell out. But it was difficult to stay silent because the spankings were in fact still quite painful. "Three," he croaked.

He heard Susan say, "I can't stand to look." He looked over in her direction and saw her face buried in her hands, like she was trying to hide from the scariest part of a terrifying horror



"Four." He thought, Okay, so this is what a sexy spanking is like. I can't say I'm enjoying it at all though, aside from the fact that I'm in the same room with three incredible beauties. It just hurts! And the harsh spanking Glory gave me was even worse. True, my dick is erect, but that's because of everything else, like seeing these lovely ladies. What's the appeal?

No one was paying any attention to Susan, but if they had they would have seen a battle between lust and worry playing out on her face. On the one hand, she was extremely aroused by the spanking and had resumed rubbing her clit and fingering her pussy. Watching a spanking brought back powerful erotic memories of when she'd been spanked recently, making her squirm in her seat. It was easy for her to imagine she was the one being spanked. But at the same time, she was appalled that Alan was on the receiving end. Her whole body recoiled and twitched each time he was hit, as if she'd been struck by a whip. Then Xania said, "Mrs. Pestridge, can we hold on for a minute? Every time you rain your hand down, he ends up shifting all over my lap. I'm worried he'll fly off my lap altogether."

With a wry smile, Suzanne suggested, "Well then, Dr. Goodleigh, I suggest you get a better grip on him. Do you see anything you can get a good grip on? Some kind of hard protrusion you can squeeze firmly, perhaps?"

Xania returned the smile as one of her hands reached under him and found his erection. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I think I've found just the thing." She squeezed it hard once, and then began stroking it. "It's all slippery with some kind of lubrication, so my hand keeps moving

up and down on it, but I'll manage."


Another blow came down, and again he had to fight not to cry out. But now he was enjoying the experience a lot more. The way Xania's hand slid up and down his pre-cum slickened dick made all the difference. "Five," he groaned lustily.

More spankings came down on his butt. Each one came at fairly regular intervals. He was careful to always call out the number.

Susan briefly peeked between her fingers just after another spanking. This is wrong. All wrong.

It's a living nightmare to see the world turned upside down like this. Look at Tiger with his legs flailing up in the air. That should be one of his harem slaves writhing and kicking as he shows them their place. That should be ME! I should be lying across his lap being slapped and fingered. There's nothing better than a good spanking to remind me my son owns me, heart, body, and soul. She found herself growing upset and aroused in equal measure. She decided to keep her eyes closed.

He had thought that he would find it more and more difficult to go on as the pain in his ass grew worse, but found that in fact the opposite was true. By about the tenth spanking, he thought, Hey, this isn't half bad. There might be something to this.

By the twentieth spanking, he was positively enjoying the experience. In fact, he was enjoying it so much that he started to seriously consider why. One thing that obviously helped a lot was that he wasn't just getting spanked. Not only was Xania jacking him off, but after each spanking, Suzanne's hand would linger on his butt and sometimes do a little bit of rubbing, and sometimes a little bit of exploring. Sometimes, her hand would end up sharing Alan's cock or balls with Xania's hand for a few long moments of fondling and stroking before she pulled away for the next spanking.

However, he could tell there was more to it than just that. The pain was heightening all his senses and forcing him to concentrate much more than he otherwise would have. That made his pleasurable sensations feel much stronger too.

At the end of the twentieth spanking, Suzanne stepped out of character and said, "That's enough for now. Let's take a short break, and then Xania and I can switch positions. Sweetie,

what do you think of all this?"

Before he could say anything, Susan said from across the room in a near sobbing voice, "I think it's horrible." One of her hands was covering her eyes while the other one worked her

crotch. She asked into her hand, "Is it safe to look yet?"

"Yes, Mom," he replied, privately amused at her reaction to the spanking.

Susan immediately stood up and rushed over to Alan. She pretty much threw herself at him.

Even though he was still lying across Xania's lap, she managed to hug him, with one of her facial cheeks pressing against one of Alan's ass cheeks. As she rocked him gently, she complained, "The beasts! What have these horrible beasts done to you? What have they

done to my little baby?!"

He chuckled. "Come on, Mom. It's no big deal. In fact, I was kind of enjoying it. I was just trying to figure out what the appeal of it is. But it's... interesting."

Susan interrupted, "Your ass. It's hot! It's practically burning up. Oh dear! Tiger! Let Mommy help make it better." She began kissing and stroking his ass in an overtly motherly yet very

sexual manner. Before long she found herself tonguing his asshole and stroking his balls (she would have gone for his erection, but Xania was still holding and stroking it). Suzanne said, a bit irked that Susan was already getting carried away by what she was doing,

"Well, at least Susan is helping with one thing. Sweetie, part of this kind of sex play, as you know from the other side, is the 'making it better' stage. Even if you're not crazy about the

pain, the making it better part is pretty nice, isn't it? Doesn't it feel good to have a hot ass get -cooled off by a sexy mommy?"

"I have to admit it does," he said. "Of course, Xania is still jacking me off and Mom's tongue is feeling great, so things are pretty good just from that."

Xania asked him, "Should I stop for a bit? Do you need one of your strategic break? I can sense

you're getting pretty close."

"Yeah, but I'm not quite there yet. Thanks, you're doing great. Anyways, as for the spanking, I'm thinking, okay, Xania's been jacking me off the whole time, and naturally that feels great. But it feels a lot better than a typical handjob. Why? I think it must be the contrast. The pleasure next to the pain. It's kind of like how much better a sunny day is after many days of rain instead of after many days of sun. Or earlier, when you all brought out the ice cube and

used it on me, that was great, but then when you did the coffee trick and you had the hot and cold contrasting on my skin, that made everything so much better. And not only that, but all my senses in that whole area down there just feel more alive, more tingly somehow. So yeah, I

liked it." Xania asked, "But what about, did you feel any kind of sense of humiliation? Did you get off on being shamed and put in an embarrassing pose? Did you get off on people like your mom looking at you when you're like that?"

He considered the question, and then answered, "Maybe a bit on being looked at, but not

really. But maybe that's because you two didn't really do much to humiliate me in the first place. Your talk at the beginning kind of got me crowing about my sexual conquests more

than feeling bad about them. But I don't think that kind of humiliation thing does much for me at all in any case. I do like the 'sexpot teacher spanking me' fantasy concept, though." Suzanne said, "Interesting. I'll have you know though, when you spank one of us, like Susan, the humiliation and domination are probably the biggest things to make us cum so much. We'll talk about this some more later, but right now we need to keep going. We're only one

fifth of the way through your punishment. Susan, can you scoot and let the rest of us resume our roles?"

Susan had been busy licking up and down Alan's ass crack. She got up with a glum look. She

sighed, then said, "I suppose. But still, this is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. It's just

not right." Suzanne waved her away dismissively. "Susan, it's not for you to understand. In fact, it would be better for everyone if you'd just go to bed."

"No thanks! I'm not going to abandon my Tiger!" She returned to her far seat, but this time

she was more determined to actually watch. She stared at them with a mixture of lust and



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