6 Times a Day

Chapter 1069 Christine will put an end to the Harem??? 4K

Chapter 1069 Christine will put an end to the Harem??? 4K

Silver Tier:

William Osborne

Broze Tier:

Danial Haxton, Tangents, JustGotHit, Killstroyer, VoidStar, WendigosArk, Jester Smash


Susan pulled back from the hug and sat down. "Angel, I'm appalled at your behavior. Believe me, as your mother, I'm going to see you punished for this."

Then her mood suddenly changed from stern to excitable. "But I'm curious too. What exactly did you learn? Is it really true that Tiger rejected her advances? Did she try to come on to him? I'll bet she did! He's so cute and lovable and sexy, he's just irresistible!"

Katherine instantly switched from confessional mode to gossip mode, and said excitedly, "She TOTALLY came on to him! She practically threw herself at him. I could hardly believe that Ice Queen Christine could be so hot to trot, but you could tell how much she wanted him just by the tone of her voice. You could practically hear her hormones kick in. I wish I could have seen it with my own eyes. I was trying to imagine what she was wearing the whole time I was listening. Bro, did she wear something really hot and low-cut?"

Alan nodded warily.

Nobody spoke for many long moments.

 He understood that none of them would be satisfied until he gave at least some explanation as to what she wore. So he said wearily, "She wore a dark red skin-tight outfit. I almost joked that she looked like Barbarella, you know, Jane Fonda in her famous space outfit from the movie Barbarella, in the 1960s, because the whole thing was shiny. I have to admit, it was really something."

His thoughts drifted off to her sexy outfit. In particular, he recalled her bending over the table as she stood up, setting her big breasts swaying like she was wearing nothing at all.

"I knew it!" Katherine exclaimed, oddly triumphant about it. "She knows what her prime assets are, and what he likes the most. She never wears anything revealing at school, probably because she's embarrassed by her big jugs. So her wearing something that highlighted her cleavage today at school and then again at dinner really says something. In fact, that was part of my original plan, to go into the restaurant and sit in some out-of-sight spot near them, just so I could see what she was wearing. But I decided that was too risky."

She continued, while looking in turn at the other women, "You should have heard the two of them talk! It was seriously hot! If I wasn't so pissed at her I would have masturbated in the car the whole time. Okay, maybe half the time. They talked about normal stuff a lot. But you wouldn't believe how flirty she was! For instance, at one point she said teasingly, 'What is it with guys and boobs? Maybe I should just take my top off and let you play with mine until your curiosity is satisfied.' Then, after Brother said that could take a really long time, she said, 'No problem, as long as I have something to play with too.'"

Susan whistled in appreciation while pretending to fan herself. "Phew! Hot stuff! That sounds exactly like the kind of girl who belongs in the harem!"

Katherine added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Big Shishkabob Brother, you know what everyone says about her? When she really makes up her mind that she wants something, she gets it. Like remember how she set her sights on getting that ten thousand dollar prize money for some kind of national academic achievement contest? And she got it. Now it seems she's set her sights on you. I'd watch out."

"Hmmm," was all he could say. But inwardly, he was shocked as he thought about her words. She's right. Christine is relentless. Dang. I don't know if I should be worried or delighted. I'm still so torn about whether I did the right thing or not.

Katherine said to the larger group, "Anyhow, it was frustrating to have to hold my tongue earlier, but now I can confirm that Brother actually did reject her advances. She did the full court press. She blatantly offered him a friends with benefits, fuck me whenever you like relationship. Yet even with all that, he was polite but firm."

"I still don't get it," Susan said while hungrily eying his untended hard-on. "That's just so WRONG! Her body is exactly the kind you love, and you two click emotionally too. What's the problem?! My son, you should have as much fun with as many sexy, big-titted babes as you desire. That's your right!" She was truly distraught at this news.

Alan laughed bitterly, then said sarcastically, "Yeah. That's my 'right.' I think I read that in the Constitution somewhere. Back in the real world, I'm not saying I wouldn't turn down opportunities to be with other women that might arise, if everything checks out, like knowing she doesn't have any STDs or a psycho boyfriend or whatever. But it's the very fact that I have, or maybe I should say, had, such feelings for her that I had to turn her down. I can't just have a one night stand kind of a lark with her. I'd be getting into deep emotional waters, and my plate is way too full as it is. And to top it all off, she's still a virgin, and that brings a lot of responsibility for being a girl's first, because that first time experience kinda sorta sets the shape of her future sexuality."

Susan cut in, "So wait. You're not opposed to spilling your seed on and in all the big-titted babes who deserve a solid fucking. I just want clarity on that point."

"No, Mom, certainly not." He added honestly while slightly mocking Susan's attitude, "And you may find this difficult to believe, but I might even go for a girl with a rather small bust, like Akami or Kim. Crazy talk, I know. You seem to be more into tits lately than even I am, which is really saying something."

Susan didn't respond to that. The truth was, in recent weeks she had grown to really love big racks, so much so that whenever she saw an exceptionally busty woman on TV or around town, she felt a special affinity with her, like they were members of a secret sisterhood.

He continued, "But brief encounters only, not something serious like it would almost certainly be with Christine. I guess I should admit that I still have strong feelings for her. And let's wait on you finding others until things calm down around here a bit, okay? Right now we're all excited about discovering each other's bodies. Maybe all of our sex drives will lessen after a while. At least, I hope they will. Okay?"

Susan nodded. She was very happy with his answer. She didn't want him to develop additional serious emotional ties with new women, as that would take away too much of his time and attention, but she did have a mental list of women she'd like to set him up with for purely short-term sexual encounters. She wanted all her good-looking female friends to know firsthand just what a great fucker her son was.

She said, "But Tiger, I still don't understand what the problem is. So you can't have just a one-night stand with her. All you have to do is add another big-titted beauty to your harem. What's the problem with that?"

There were only a couple of women she thought worthy of adding to the harem. Christine, Glory, Xania, and possibly Heather were about it, in her book (since she assumed that Brenda was already de facto in the harem).

"Mom, you need a serious reality check. There are only so many hours in a day. More time with her would mean less time with you and everyone else here. Not only that, but did you hear what Sis just said about how relentless and judgmental she can be? She would not approve of our incest at all. And once she found out about it, she would just keep coming and coming, trying to stop it, thinking she was saving me from evil. She'd be like that evil machine police guy in Terminator 2, the one that keeps coming after being killed over and over. Is that what you what?"

Susan sobered up. "If you put it that way, no. I don't want anyone to get between me and my baby. Still, people can change, can't they?"

Ignoring that question, he turned to Katherine. "There's another big reason why I turned her down. I was specifically thinking of you, Sis. You and Amy. I knew you two would see Christine as a rival in a lot of ways, given the similarity of age and everything. Remember what I said earlier to Amy about her official-girlfriend status? I really don't want Christine to get in the way of that. But isn't it ironic that while I was thinking of your concerns, you were stabbing me in the back with your spying and broken promises?"

Katherine was instantly thrown back into a guilty mood, which was made worse by his unusually harsh words. "Oh, I'm so ashamed! I've been kind of half crazy with fuck lust lately. Now you're just going to ignore me even more than before, and maybe even hate me! I've really screwed up this time."

He realized his "stabbing me in the back" comment was too harsh, so he struck a conciliatory tone. "No, I don't hate you. I'll NEVER hate you. You're my sister and your love is like a solid rock for me. I count on your support like I depend on the air I need to breathe. Yes, I'm pissed, but I'm not going to punish you by neglecting you in any way. I don't want to make your self-doubt problems any worse. However, I don't know what it is yet, but I will find a way to punish you, because I could easily see this kind of willfulness becoming a bad habit. As an aside, don't forget that I do expect you to apologize to her and make it up to her. If you could become friends with her, that wouldn't hurt."

He stood back and addressed the whole group sprawled out in front of him on various sofas. His erection had finally gone down as the serious mood continued. "Look. This isn't just about Katherine and her boob envy or Christine envy or whatever. The green eyed monster of jealousy is starting to rear its ugly head in this family. I figured we'd see problems on this soon enough, since we're in a weird harem-esque situation and we don't have any guidelines or examples on how to handle it. So I'm not surprised they're finally here in a big way. But I am concerned and I'm not sure what to do. I've tried SO damn hard to keep the peace between everyone, and keep everyone satisfied, especially sexually satisfied."

He continued, "Sure, I've had a ball doing it, but I've been going full blast these past two months and I think I'm about to hit a wall. If I hadn't gone away for the weekend hiking trip, I probably would have broken already. I'm not quite sure what would happen if I break, but I don't want to find out. There's a part of me that wants to throw up my hands, yell 'Fuck it!' and take total control of this family in the most arrogant kind of way."

He paused and sighed. "I don't think any of you would like my bad side taking over completely like that. But there's another part of me that wants to yell 'Fuck it!' and go sleep for a week instead. Just totally withdraw. That's not good either. What I wish is if we could keep the good thing we've got going, maybe tone it down a notch, but keep it going on a slower pace so things can last. I don't want our sex lives to devolve into dueling scorecards and turf battles."

He added, "But I'm afraid what Kat did with her spying is just the first salvo in what could become a full on jealousy war as everyone fights each other for my attention. Frankly, I find it absurd that she would go to such extremes when I'm only paying her slightly less attention than usual for a few days. Imagine what would happen with all four of you if I was gone for a whole week!"

 Susan abruptly transformed, the way a mother grizzly bear transforms when she sees her young facing danger. She stood up, pointed to each of the other women in the room, and said in a fearsome tone, "A jealousy war is NOT going to happen. Why? Because I won't let it happen. None of us are going to let it happen. The fact is, we're all horribly spoiled, and I'm probably the most spoiled of us all, what with the way that my Tiger gives me so much of his delicious cum, pretty much every single day."

She added as she looked around the room, "We've all been living in heaven on Earth these past couple of months. Each of us has probably experienced more pleasure in the last month alone than most people get in their whole lifetimes, thanks to Tiger. He squirts his sweet cum down our throats and splatters even more on our faces on a daily basis, and this is how we thank him? With selfishness and jealousy?"

She raised a fist dramatically and shook it with resolve. "But when the going gets tough, we've got the kind of deep love for each other that'll enable us to get through anything! It's like you said, Tiger, we're all rocks of strength for each other. Rocks of strength! If Angel or anyone else gets out of hand, we have to dig deep and do all we can to help out. We have to hand out punishments that keep her an obedient fuck toy."

She continued, "There is no place for jealousy here. None! Our harem master gets to fuck who he wants, when he wants, and the rest of us just have to lie there on our backs with our legs spread and our puffed-up pussy lips opened wide and take every glorious minute of whatever he dishes out. We have to be vigilant and not get too jealous or we won't be the loving and pleasurable big-titted fuck toys he so richly needs and deserves. Is that clear? If anyone has a problem with that, they have a problem with me!"

He found this speech both heartwarming and arousing. He thought, If I really was a sultan with a harem, Mom would probably be the harem girl in charge of keeping the rest of the harem in line. Which, actually, come to think of it, is not all that far from reality. Right here with my mom in the middle of suburban Orange County, no less. Dang!

Susan kept a steely gaze as she sat back on the sofa, but inwardly she recalled with regret her demanding behavior earlier in the day when she all but forced her son to fuck her in the ass. Just thinking about how powerfully he'd "gotten her attention" like she'd been wanting him to for weeks now made her buttocks tingle and her asshole twitch and throb with an itchy lust to be taken like that again.

She resolved, I have to do better, much better. I'm supposed to be the top mom here, but I sure don't act like it very often. There's much more to being a good busty sex slave mommy than just keeping a permanent welcome sign over all my holes for my son. The problem is, I've never been much of a toughie when it comes to having to say no.

Suzanne chimed in, "I completely agree with Susan's main point. And as the older generation, Susan and I can't afford to make the kind of foolish mistakes Katherine made today. I wish we had Glory to help us, but even if she can't do that, we can't just roll over and play dead. I think the key thing is to recognize that all of us have gone into sexual overdrive. Maybe things will calm down after a while, but right now the four of us are like hyperactive nymphomaniacs on sexual crack. It's been said before, but we have to live it: the four of us have to sexually take care of each other more often, so we won't totally kill our loving man with our demands. It's the only way."

Katherine added, "That, and no more jealousy. I swear, I'm going to go from the most jealous to the least, even if it kills me. Brother, I really do appreciate what you're doing, the way you not only fuck us all constantly, in every hole, but the way you continue to love us and respect us at the same time. I'm so proud to be your number one fuck toy, but if you go all evil on us, I'm gonna get so uppity that you're gonna be slapped upside the head with a heaping helping of uppity!"

Amy said most emphatically, "Me too! But that goes for everyone. If I see anyone getting all jealous, I'm gonna launch a super massive uppity attack!"

Katherine cheered her on. "Open up a big can of uppity whoop ass, Aims!"

"Yeah!" Amy stood up and punched the air excitedly.

Alan couldn't help but laugh as he watched Amy's breasts sway and jiggle. He was very pleased with everyone's attitude, and his laughter turned into a wide smile. "Thanks, everyone. 'Uppity' may not be the exactly correct term to use here, but I get the general drift. I feel a lot more optimistic that we'll be able to overcome our difficulties. I think the key is talking and sharing feelings with one another, so things don't slip out of hand the way Katherine's concerns did today. But it's late and I'm tired. We're all tired. Let's go to bed."

Everyone was glad to hear that except Suzanne. Tired as she was, she leaned forward and said, "Not so fast. Katherine, you only scratched the surface of what happened during Alan's dinner with Christine. Inquiring minds want to know! Alan seems to be under some kind of promise not to tell what happened, but you aren't!"

"Oooh, good point," Susan agreed. "Angel, let's get together tomorrow after school for some coffee and gossip. Or better yet, tomorrow morning."

"Oooh! Oooh!" Amy said as she raised her hand like a student begging to be called on in class. "Count me in, too!"

"Now hold on," Alan complained. "This is how problems get started, when we all act like children. I'll talk to Christine tomorrow and find out if she'd maybe let me share a little more info with my immediate family, so chill out until then. But really, there's no big secret. It was just a dinner, for crying out loud. Sheesh!"

Katherine teased, "That's so not true. I tell you, you wouldn't believe the way they flirted, teased, and did all kinds of other fun stuff. I've got ALL the juicy dirt!"

Then she added more calmly, "But I promise to keep it to myself unless you say otherwise. It's part of my new effort to win your trust back, Big Brother."

Suzanne and Amy headed for home not long after that.

On the way out, Suzanne took Alan aside and said, "I know your decision today regarding Christine was a difficult one. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," he replied with a touch of sadness. "The way I look at it, if I'm a gambler on a winning streak and I keep playing double-or-nothing, eventually I'm going to lose everything. There comes a time to just stop playing, be content with what I've got, and go home."

"Very wise, Sweetie. Very wise. With her moral outrage against incest, she could spell disaster for us all. Don't be blinded by her beauty and all her other charms. Please remember that. Some people just aren't made for the harem lifestyle."

This was in contrast to Susan's earlier attitude, but she'd calmed down and could look at the issue more dispassionately. She supportively squeezed his arm and walked away.


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