6 Times a Day

Chapter 1068 Jealous Kath 4K

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When Alan and Suzanne walked back to the living room, the others were still locked in conversation, just as before. The only difference was that Susan now had joined Suzanne in donning a robe, since the house was getting colder as the night grew later.

Susan turned and spoke for all three when she asked, "So what was that secret pow-wow all about?"

Alan announced, "Just some horse trading. Mother was extremely understanding and actually turned down some of my offer, so I could get more rest. Isn't that nice of her? But she and I have agreed to study the Kama Sutra together on a regular basis."

"Awww," Amy pouted, wishing she could do that. "That sounds like fun."

"Don't worry," Alan said brightly. "Everyone can benefit from what the two of us will learn. In any case, we should probably be going to bed. It must be eleven, if not later, right?"

No one answered, since no one had a watch and there wasn't a clock in the room. But they all knew it was getting late.

Alan looked at Susan and had to resist the urge to lick his lips, she looked so good. Even bedraggled and sweaty, she looked great, and he relished the prospect of spending the night with her.

However, to everyone's surprise, Susan said, "It is time for bed. But tonight's really wiped me out. Tiger, can I take a rain check on sharing a bed tonight? It's better if I can do that on a night when we're both more lively."

That sounded logical and plausible enough, but everyone was immediately suspicious, because the thought of Susan turning down the prospect of sex with Alan, and on a Tuesday no less, seemed nearly incomprehensible. Especially considering that she was turning down a chance to complete a hot fuck that had recently been interrupted, her rationale seemed even less plausible than the most outlandish fairy tale.

Amy even asked, "Whaaaaat? Did I hear that right?"

Susan wasn't a good liar, but she persisted, a bit flustered, "You heard me. Today was exhausting. And since Angel hasn't been as sexually active as I've been lately, maybe she could sleep with our family stud tonight."

Katherine was so surprised, she exclaimed, "But today's a TUESDAY! Look, even as you say that, your cunt is drooling. Mom, are you feeling okay?"

Susan frantically looked everywhere but at Katherine. It was blatantly obvious to everyone that she was lying for some reason, but the question was why.

Katherine was the first to figure it out. "A-ha! I know. You heard what Bro was saying before about me feeling neglected, and that hit you too. You want to make a helpful gesture toward me like he did."

Susan didn't say anything, but her silence was telling. Clearly, she was trying to think up a good cover story.

Katherine gathered herself and stood up proudly. "Well, thanks Mom, but I don't need your pity! Brother had a very good point that it actually hasn't been that long for me. I have to learn some patience too. Mom, you KNOW you want to sleep with him; after all, it is a Tuesday. I insist you do."

But Susan replied, "No, really, Angel, I'm soooo tired. Look at Alan Junior. He's still stiff and practically bursting with juicy sperm, but I'm so tired I can hardly lift my hands to jack him off. Oh, and my jaw hurts. Ouch. And my pussy's so sore. Really, you should take over." Susan slowly lifted her arms up and down, acting like it was too much exertion for her to handle. But she was a terrible liar and just as bad an actress, since she was such a naturally honest person.

Katherine was equally amused and frustrated. "Mom! That is so not true! You want it bad. I absolutely insist you sleep with him. It'll be good for me to suffer a bit longer."

But Susan persisted. "No! I'm putting my foot down. You-"

Alan interrupted. "Hold on here. This is crazy. Am I some potted plant, here?"

Suzanne felt the need to demonstrate some of her old assertiveness after feeling a bit helpless in the wake of her "horse trading" conversation. She snuck up behind Alan, and then impulsively draped herself around his back, wrapping her arms around him and groping him with what felt like at least three pairs of hands.

She clung tightly to him like an octopus, squashing her large breasts into his back, and even wrapping one of her legs around his. He felt her hot breath on his ear just before he felt her tongue lick his earlobe.

"You seem every inch the animal to me, Sweetie..." She moaned this hotly, before her lips engulfed his ear and her tongue started doing things that made him feel the most incredibly sexy tickling sensations in places where she wasn't even touching him.

Alan made a curiously strangled noise and strained his PC muscle to hold off an orgasm that was suddenly threatening to explode from out of the blue. "You're not helping, Mother!" he desperately cried.

Suzanne mercifully drew back as she recalled his words from a few minutes before when he'd asked for her patience and understanding. But that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun in the process.

Her lips twitched as she tried not to laugh at his predicament. "Oopsie." She also said "Sorry," even though she very clearly wasn't. In fact, she couldn't keep a big grin off of her face.

Alan coughed, took a deep breath to steady his nerves, and glared at a still smirking Suzanne. He turned back to the others. "What I mean is, don't I get a say? Maybe I just want to do nothing but sleep all night tonight. In fact, I just may do that. But Kat, I've been feeling bad. You've been looking a bit strange all night, like you're busy thinking about something. Why don't you join Mommy and me in bed? That might help ease your mood. But understand that not much may happen with either of you. It is getting pretty late."

Katherine sighed. "Awww. You're so kind, Big Caveman Club Brother. And you too, Mommy. But I really don't deserve all this kindness. It's true that I've been kind of 'off' tonight. That's because I've been keeping a secret, and it's making me feel guilty. I can't keep it in the face of all this loving and giving and understanding. God, I'm soooo immature. Amy, you've been acting so mature lately, and it's making me feel like a dolt. Hell, Aunt Suzy even turned down some of whatever he offered her. I'm like a bratty little kid and I HATE being like that! But I can't help it."

Alan said testily, "Spit it out, Kat. What's this secret already?"

Katherine sighed again. "Well, you see, the thing is... Big Brother, um, you promise you won't get mad at me?"

"Sorry, I can't make any promises. But I'll still love you no matter what you do. You're my sister and we're stuck with each other, through thick and thin."

Suzanne joked under her breath, "We like the thick part better." She'd gone back to clinging to him from behind, although that was all she was doing at the moment.

He grinned, but asked, "So what is it, already?"

"Well, I've been feeling really insecure about Christine. She's soooo amazing in every way, and ridiculously beautiful. And then today she totally helped you out with that painted-desk thing. And then this latest so-called practice date comes along, and she demanded total secrecy about it. Curiosity got the best of me. You might even say curiosity killed the Kat, ha ha."

No one laughed.

He asked impatiently, "So what did you do?!"

Suzanne had been one foot out the door mentally, as she was getting sleepy and was very overdue to be back at her own house. Amy was feeling the same. But now the two of them were determined to stay until they found out exactly what Katherine had been up to.

Katherine miserably admitted, "I really wanted to make an impression on you, you know? I thought I could maybe gain some kind of secret inside knowledge if I heard what Christine was going to tell you. I thought perhaps I could find out something about your enemies at school and do something about it before anyone else and be the big heroine. Then you wouldn't ignore me so much, and you'd be proud of me. But you haven't really been ignoring me, as tonight shows. It's just that I've been so insecure that if I'm without you even for four or five hours I feel horribly lonely. I'm so sorry."

He guessed, "So, what you're saying is that you somehow listened in on Christine and me during dinner? Is that what you're hinting at?"

Katherine dropped her head dejectedly. "Yeah."

"Katherine! Why? That's such a violation of my privacy! And worse, Christine's! She's a very private person. She'd totally freak if she found out."

"I know. I'm sorry! Oh God, please don't tell her; she'd kill me!"

He grew more irate. "Not only that, but last week, after you interrupted our last date I specifically made you promise not to interfere with my dates with her! What about that promise?"

"I know, I know! I'm bad. Really bad. And to top it all off, you managed to eventually resist her advances, so what I did ended up being kind of pointless. Stupid jealousy."

"Jealousy," Suzanne mulled the word over. "Hmmm. Angel, I think it would be a good thing if you talk to Xania soon about some of your issues. But we don't need Xania here for a basic understanding about your feelings concerning Christine. Angel, you feel threatened by her, don't you?"

 "Well, yeah. She's SO amazing! She's a Valedictorian with fashion-model beauty, and brains, and a sense of morality that a nun would envy, blah blah blah. And what am I? If I wasn't Alan's sister, he wouldn't even take a second look at me! Here I am, the one merely semi-normal-looking woman in a room filled with the most beautiful goddesses on Earth. How can I compete?"

Alan protested, "Oh, come on! That's not true, and you know it! Not only are you one of the most beautiful girls in school, easily, but you're also VERY smart. It's just that you don't apply yourself."

"Maybe so," she conceded, "but I'm telling you how I feel. I need some kind of inside edge, but I don't know what to do! Brother, I appreciate you giving me a special day and all, but that's just an act of pity, isn't it? Oh, I'm so awful, and I violated your privacy too! I don't even deserve a day! Please, take the offer back!"

She collapsed in a heap on the floor and burst into tears.

He walked over to her, picked her up, and held her close. He was irritated that even in serious moments like this, his erection wouldn't go down; there were just too many stunning naked women in the room. Hugging merely one of them didn't help.

"Sis, I'm supposed to be mad at you. How can I do that when you're crying? I'm not going to take your day away, so just stop crying already, you tricky little brat." His words were harsh, but his tone was kind and loving. He squeezed her tight, and kissed her ear and neck. He looked down at his erection, which was actually poking up her thigh towards her pussy. "You see that? You know why I'm still hard? That's because you're right about there being beautiful goddesses in the room, but there are four of them, not just three."

Katherine whimpered at that. She loved the compliment, but felt she didn't deserve it, especially after she'd broken her promise.

Susan walked up to Alan and Katherine hugging, and hugged them both. She opened her robe and began rubbing her huge naked tits all over Alan's back as her body automatically moved to sexually please him whenever near him, but then she remembered this wasn't the time for that kind of thing and slowed her rubbing down.

She held her daughter's chin and looked her closely in the eye. "Angel, I'm very disappointed in you. Not so much for your unethical action, or your impatience, but for your lack of confidence in yourself. You're an amazing girl! You're beautiful and smart and friendly and so much more. The reason you fear Christine is because she's all those things too. But there are very, very few people who can even come close to challenging your many talents. You're incredible. You could be just as accomplished as her if you applied yourself more. You ARE a number one fuck toy and a wonderful person as well. You make me SO proud to be your mother."

Alan chimed in, "Sis, you're second to no-one in this family! I have to agree with Mom. You ARE my number one fuck toy."

She trembled with happiness through her tears. "I am? Really?"

"Sure. Although let's call you tied for first place with Mom. Amy and Aunt Suzy don't like to use that term, so they don't count. But that still puts you ahead of any other fuck-toy contenders, including Brenda."

Katherine grinned and sniffled, still trying not to cry too much. "Thanks."

He went on, "It not only fills me with happiness just to see you, but the mere sight of you always turns me on. The main reason I want to give you a special day is to guarantee that you and I will have plenty of time to be together. But this listening in on my private dinner date, I can't just let that slide. First of all, I want to find out why you did it."

"I already told you why," she protested.

"No, Sis, you told me it was so you could be the big heroine in solving the football-player problem, but then when you got talking you started getting all emotional about how you think Christine is so much better than you. So which is it?"

"Both," she admitted miserably. "Actually, it was much more about Christine. She's no good for you! She thinks she loves you but she doesn't; she only lusts after you. Big deal. join the crowd, take a number, and get in line. She likes the idea of being in love with you. But when push comes to shove, she's not going to be there for you like I'll be there for you or anyone else in this room will be there for you. I feel it in my bones. She's too self-righteous and prideful to bend. Do you think she'll ever crawl naked to you on her hands and knees and proudly declare herself to be one of your sex slaves? HA! No way! Besides, and maybe most importantly, she's dangerous to you and to our whole harem. I'm sure I don't have to explain why."

His dick was finally going flaccid due to the seriousness of their talk, even though he continued to hold her and Susan had her arms around them both. The talk about Christine on her hands and knees was threatening to reverse that trend, but he fought it. "We'll see about that. Personally, I think you're seeing only a bad view of her through the green haze of your jealousy. But first off, what did you do, exactly?"

Katherine felt a lot better after getting a reaction that was not nearly as harsh as she had feared, and she was surprised how much confessing her misdeed eased her mind. She wiped her tears away as she explained, "When I heard Christine talking to you at school today, that's what put the bee in my bonnet. Not only did you two hint at all kinds of important, secret stuff, but I heard you say the name of the restaurant, and the time too. Once I had the idea, the rest was pretty easy. I went to an electronics store after school and bought some bugging equipment. It was kind of expensive for my budget, but readily available; it was as easy as buying a new CD player. Then I went to the restaurant early and planted some bugs while eating a light meal. After I left, I called them and, pretending to be one of you two, asked that the Plummer reservation be seated at such and such a table."

She continued, "The last bit was the most difficult: I needed to get away from the family shopping trip. I had to pretend I had dinner plans of my own and come in a separate car. It was a drag to leave the store early, but my curiosity got the better of me and I simply had to listen to what was happening, live. I actually sat in the car listening just outside the restaurant."

"Huh," Alan thought out loud. "That explains why I didn't suspect a thing." He momentarily wondered what precisely had happened on the "family shopping trip," since all mentions of it such as this one were extremely vague, but this was not the time to pursue that question. Besides, he figured it was probably something he'd be pleasantly surprised about later.

He asked, "But what about the promise you made to me on the last date? Didn't you think of that?"

She admitted, with great misery, "I did, but the thing is, I crashed that date and my intervention went so well. At least I thought it did. You and I had great sex and I helped make sure that things didn't go too far between you and her. That's why I sat in the car. I was ready to come in with another diversion if need be. But that was only in case of a dire emergency, 'cos I knew you'd be mad at me if I showed up."

He replied, with Susan still hugging him from the back, "Well, I still am. A promise is a promise. How can I trust you in the future?"

"Please, please, don't give up on me, Brother! I let my jealousy for Christine get out of control but I swear to God I won't do it again. You two can date all you want. Hell, you can fuck Christine right in front of me and I won't say a peep. I'll be nothing but smiles, I swear."

"Hrmph. Why is it I don't believe you? I know you mean well, and that you thought you were doing this partly to help me out, but you're so damned uppity."

"I know I am, but there's good, sexy uppity, and bad uppity. I realize that this was bad uppity. Alan, Brother, I love you so much! I don't want to hurt you or have you mad at me. I swear I'll do better. You'll see!"

He remained silent and looked at her skeptically.

To herself, she thought, Uh-oh, he's not buying it. Brother, I'm NOT going to do something like that again; I don't want to do anything to get you mad at me. But on the other hand, I'm not going to sit idly by while Christine destroys our harem either. I'm going to have to come up with other methods to make sure she's not in a position to go postal on some kind of moral rampage if she ever finds out about the incest.

Big Bro, the problem is you're letting Alan Junior do too much of the thinking when it comes to Prissy Miss F-cups. You may have resisted her this time, but if you keep having these dates it's just a matter of time before she gets into your pants and then sinks her claws into you.


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