10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten'ishiteta

Interlude Chapter 3, Part 8 Yuuji, Concerning the Secret of Alice’s Panties

Interlude Chapter 3, Part 8 Yuuji, Concerning the Secret of Alice’s Panties

*Chronologically this interlude happened after Chapter 3 Part 7*

【It’s Another World, but】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part-6【Hiki-NEET】

1: Nameless NEET

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that 「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

The one who posts the 950th message will be the one who opens the thread.




232 : Yuuji



I just noticed a big problem

Crappy Bad

233: Anonymous NEET

It’s not only Kotarou

It seemed that Yuuji experienced it too

Isn’t this something like a level up?

234: Anonymous NEET



If the physical strength increased

They could have beaten a goblin from now on

Later, they could also do the same for the other world’s people

235: Anonymous ETNE


What’s wrong, Yuuji!?

236: Anonymous MEAT

It had been some time since Yuuji became flustered like this!

237: Yuuji

Alice doesn’t wear panties

238: Anonymous NEET


239: YES Lolita NO Touch

kwsk1 (source please)

Also, how did you confirm it

Also pics

240: Well-Informed NEET

Is the cause the level of civilization?

Or, is the cause something philosophical?

241: Anonymous NEET


Please go back to your habitat, hentai

Pics please

242: Anonymous ETNE


What do you mean with… philosophical?

243: Yuuji

When I first took her in, she wore it

I knew when I put her in the bath

Currently she doesn’t wear any

If I think carefully, except for the first pair, there are no others

As expected, the size of my imouto’s used ones didn’t fit her

244: Anonymous NEET

Too Slow! How could you have noticed it just now?

Isn’t this like after two months had already passed?

245: YES Lolita NO Touch

I see

So it means that, right now, Alice is…

NOPAN2… you say……?

246: Well-Informed NEET

I see

By the way, how do the panties feel like?

No, the civilization level aspect

247: Anonymous MEAT


Et tu, Brute?

248: Yuuji

They’re pumpkin panties

The ones you called “Drawers”?

I think it was washed and dried every day

My imouto’s panties are still too big for Alice

What should I do?

249: Anonymous NEET

Make it

About how to make it…

Perhaps, a trip into the net

250: Anonymous NEET

And then, these remained in the resident’s search history:

“Little Girl” “Panties” “How to make”

251: Sakura’s Friend


You touched Sakura’s underwear

And then disclosed it on the bulletin board

Sakura-chan will know about this, though…

252: Anonymous ETNE


The culprit is 248!

253: Anonymous NEET


It’s a festival!!

254: Yuuji

Ah yeah, that kind of mail is……

Aw, crap, crap

255: Sakura’s Friend

First about the matter of Alice’s underwear

I think it will be alright to mail Sakura-chan

And ask which clothing or cloth that can be used instead

I think that Yuuji-san will have no choice but to make it

□ □ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ □ □

「Crap…. No, this is not my fault. This is a natural inevitability. Sakura will surely forgive me. Yup, no doubt.」(Yuuji)

「What happened, Yuuji-nii? Your face is white. Are you okay?」(Alice)

In front of the computer, the pale Yuuji muttered alone.

The worried Alice took a look at Yuuji.

Meanwhile Kotarou was looking at him with cold eyes, as if to say:

“It will surely be something stupid again. Just leave him alone.” (Kotarou)

「Yes, I’m fine Alice. I will still have something to do, so can you go to sleep first? First, I need to mail Sakura. If the stomach gets chilled, the body can’t get warm.3」(Yuuji)

After calming the worried Alice, Yuuji returned to face the computer. And then, without moving, he also typed the mail for Sakura.


「I had finished collecting the clothes that I can use, the paper patterns, the manufacturing method and sending the mail to ask Sakura, but…… I’m scared to see the Bulletin Board……」(Yuuji)

“Alright, then let’s make it.” Yuuji fired his monologue loudly.

Alice and Kotarou had already fallen asleep, so he was alone in the living room, doing needlework that he had not attempted since elementary school.

Taking Sakura’s camisole apart, cutting the printed out paper pattern, taking out his mother’s sewing machine and through trial and error in setting the thread, his preparations were completed.

「Alright, let’s do this. However, this…… What should I do when Alice has grown up……? As expected, something like a bra is a little hard…… It would be fine to teach her about it, but what should I do if she says…… “I hate Yuuji-nii!”」(Yuuji)

Even though he was cheering himself, Yuuji was still complaining and grumbling for something in the future. However, he didn’t notice that there would be a bigger problem than the bra.4

However, it’s natural. When he was in school, the class was divided by sex.

The rattling sounds of sewing machine resounded in the living room during the night.

At the present, he had finished sewing together three pieces and putting a cord on them.

「For now, maybe something like this is okay? …… I’m not really bothered when I run out of detergent and toilet paper, but this is a blind spot…… From now on, I need to continue making Alice’s panties, right….?」(Yuuji)

While embracing a painful feeling only had by the fathers in the world, Yuuji returned to his room……

□ □ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ □ □

448: Anonymous NEET

Sakura-chan still hasn’t made her appearance!?

449: Sakura-desu

I had received an email from oniichan

I had also read the bulletin board

Because I just made a reply

I think that he needs to make it

This time also had inevitable aspects

So I will just go lightly this time5

450: Anonymous ETNE

She came!

451: Anonymous MEAT

It wil be a'richt even if ye dinnae gie him ony mercy6

452: Anonymous NEET


Like I said, stoap wi’ th’ pseudo-Kansai-ben

Just standby in naked necktie7

453: Well-Informed NEET

Then right now

Yuuji is sewing Alice’s panties stitch by stitch

454: YES Lolita NO Touch

The Jungle8 should have able to make delivery to another world!

Shit, really shit.

455: Anonymous NEET


This ossan seems to be have purchased little girl panties by himself……

456: Sakura


Please be careful when you were alone and putting on headphones

The door was opened, but gently close the door before you leave

Also I think the woman in that video had fake breasts.

457: Anonymous NEET


458: Anonymous ETNE

S-she didn’t go easy…

459: Anonymous NEET

Aah, it had a double meaning9

460: Infrastructure Worker

However, Sakura-chan tightly crushed the dream!

Is it necessary to mention the fake breasts?

461: Sakura’s Friend


462: Well-Informed NEET

If it’s petite then it will be hard to spot

Maybe hyaluronic acid injection?

In the olden days, it was easy to spot a breast enlargement

From the shape or from the operation scar

Although it’s hard to spot with fat injection

It doesn’t last long

463: Anonymous NEET


Etc, etc, so was the DT10 say.

464: Yuuji

It finished… It finished…

Panties’ creation had been completed!

Although the rubber is precious, but it had a cord (himo)

Also there is no such thing called fake breasts

That is what I believe

465: Anonymous NEET

So you mean, a six year old wearing a thong? (himopan)11

466: Anonymous NEET

Since rubber is a strategic resource

467: Anonymous NEET

Oh God! I beseech you oh God!

Why dost thou hasn’t sent me to another world?

468: Anonymous NEET


Since there is no God for an animal!

469: Anonymous NEET


God is dead. Nietzsche-san said so.

470: Infrastructure Worker


It’s good to dream

It doesn’t matter on what you believe

Since only a believer can be saved


1Kwsk is a net slang. Originally means kuwashiku, that means: give more detail / in detail

2Abbreviation for NO PANTSU --> Not wearing underwear/ panty / going commando

3It’s a proverb.

4For the confused reader: it’s the menstruation…… Yuuji need to make a female tampon…… (Editor’s Note: His best bet would be a washable pad or a sponge so they can reuse it after washing.)

5As in, lightly scolding Yuuji….

6Original is in Kansai-ben, so I translate it as pseudo Scottish: It will be alright even you didn’t give him any mercy.

7Hadaka necktie, again a pun on hadaka apron. Also, in case you forget: standby in naked means: waiting for the OP to post without the other posting anything.

8 Jungle, is a nickname for amazon.com.

9Sorry, I don’t get the double meaning… Maybe it had something to do with closing and opening the door. (Editor’s Note: I think she means that she went lightly as in entering & exiting the room without Yuuji noticing + punishing him “lightly” for talking about her panties online.)

10DT = doutei = a virgin

11It’s a play of words… Yuuji said Himo. The 465 said Himopan.


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