10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten'ishiteta

Chapter 3, Part 7 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Feeling Nervous Checking the Balance in Net Banking.

Chapter 3, Part 7 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Feeling Nervous Checking the Balance in Net Banking.

【Loner-Neet】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world【Part-4】

1: Cool NEET

This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that 「Yuuji」 has uploaded.

Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this.

The next thread will be set up after this thread reaches >>980




780: Yuuji

This is Yuuji

She is really my real imouto

We have been exchanging emails yesterday and today

781: Anonymous NEET

Welcome back Yuuji!

It’s okay

Everyone has their own fetishes

782: Anonymous MEAT


Just leave that behind already

He’ll bereminded of it, have some pity on ‘I Love Huge Breast’-san will ya

783: Anonymous ETNE

That’s right

Keep-kun needs to stop touching on the past

784: Cool NEET

Only one day huh?

Your revival is quick

So how is it?

785: Yuuji

This time I have so many things to report

The first thing, is this

The photographs that my Imouto took in the place where the house was located


786: Anonymous NEET


787: Anonymous NEET

What is this?

788: Well Informed NEET

This is just an empty ground

789: Anonymous ETNE

To think that this is something unexpected

「This is the place where the house was located」you say

Isn’t that just a figment of your information?

790: Cool NEET

Now now everyone

So you say that this is the place where the house was located

So how is the electricity, gas and water service?

791: Anonymous NEET

>>790 Just continue examining the topic at once

I like that position you take

792: Professor Acorn

>>791 In essence, because 790 is the chief of this thread

793: Anonymous NEET

Just like how Yuuji is an omakefreebie/ extra of Kotarou

Even this bulletin board is an omake

794: Yuuji

It seems electricity, gas, and water service abruptly was severed

The companies were in a bad mood

So my imouto needed to hire a lawyer as her proxy

>>793 Oi!

If I am severed how have I been continuingto supply this topic?1

795: Anonymous MEAT

>>794 More importantly: You’re just being criticized by the real imouto

796: Anonymous ETNE

By the way, someone please give 794 a tsukkomi

797: Cool NEET

>>796 Leave it to me

1. What you mean by severed? Do you mean it was disconnected? In the view of each company, has the lifeline been stopped?

2. How bad was the companies’ mood that your imouto needed to hire a lawyer?

798: Anonymous NEET

>>797 is a reliable NEET

Please someone just give this guy a job!

799: Yuuji

1. The companies had stopped their service.

The electric cable, gas pipe, water pipe, and the house’s ground was cut off at the boundary, but even now the electricity is still connected, I can make fire, and the water still comes out

2. Since each lines were cut off en route

The electric cables were dangling in the air, the gas pipe was leaking, the water pipe sprouting

If the wind’s direction was different there might have been a gas explosion, so they were mad about it.2

At my imouto that is.

Even though the neighbors were 300 meters away so there won’t be any victim, it would still be a serious incident.

800: Anonymous MEAT


801: Anonymous NEET

Of course it would be bad

2 --> of course they would dispute this

1 --> please polish your settings more

If it was with magic then it will be more splendid you know, Yuuji

802: Anonymous NEET

Of course they would dispute this...

Or rather I think I have heard this story somewhere

803: Anonymous NEET

What? Are you an Infrastructure Worker4-san?

This is a board for NEETs you know

804: Cool NEET

Well it’s strange that the electricity, gas and water can still be used even when it isn’t connected to anywhere

As if their state in Japan is something unrelated for their usability

805: Infrastructure Worker-san

This is 802

Yuuji-san’s house previous location, in detail is at...

806: Anonymous NEET

Now you’ve done it 805!

Let’s do a BBQ offsite meeting at that empty ground

807: Anonymous NEET

Let’s invite Sakura-chan

And let her spill out Yuuji’s embarrassing stories

808: Infrastructure Worker-san


As expected, I can’t sayit

It’s work confidentiality

809: Anonymous NEET

>>808 It will be alright!

You also can come to that place

810: Yuuji

Well even if you go to that place, there will be nothing and no one there

My imouto has also returned to America

By the way, please examine this picture, what do you think?


811: Anonymous ETNE

That is really...


812: Anonymous NEET

>>811 Huh?

813: Anonymous NEET

>>812 I think you absolutely haven’t examined it

814: Professor Acorn


815: Anonymous MEAT

Is it a gore photo?

Hey, it is a gore photo, right?

816: Well Informed NEET

My inner mental state had a browser crash

It’s a Net Banking balance for the name Houjou Yuuji

The account number is hidden

Is it real?

817: Anonymous NEET

The balance is 50 million Yen...

Yuuji, no that’s not right, Yuuji-sama5

818: Anonymous MEAT

I have seen it.


Yuuji DIE

Why do you show this image

819: Anonymous NEET

Why is Yuuji-nii such a rich person?

820: Yuuji

The number is so high that I got nervous and wanted someone to say something about it

My parent’s inheritance and insurance money, the consolation money from the other party

My imouto asked a lawyer for help, so I only had to press my seal6 repeatedly like a machine

I pressed it here, then there, and then signed it

Pay the tax, and that was it

>>818 But I’m in another world so how will it serve me any purpose?

821: Anonymous ETNE

Donate it!

822: Anonymous MEAT

To us!

823: Anonymous NEET


824: Well Informed NEET

>>821-823 What’s with the enigmatic cooperation

Can’t Jungle7 deliver there?

825: Yuuji

They couldn’t deliver to here...

826: Anonymous NEET

Are you serious? It’s the Jungle...8

827: Cool NEET

Since Yuuji is now in another world

Of course they couldn’t deliver there

828: Anonymous NEET


What about Sei█ Transportation!9

829: Infrastructure Worker-san

Stop it

I feel that this will keep continuing so stop it

830: Anonymous MEAT10

Is dat so?

Okey, den! I’ll do it!

I wonder wher’ queer Anchan11 lives

If it rea’ly troubles

Ah, so I stopped ‘ere

831: Anonymous NEET

Stop it!

Sop with the pseudo-Kansai dialect!

It keeps repeating inside my head!

832: Well Informed NEET

If mail delivery is impossible

But you can use it to pay for fees

Like for ebooks or web mangas

There also movies, animes, dramas and many other things

833: Anonymous NEET

>>832 is really a reliable man

Are you really a NEET like your nickname in this thread?

834: YES Lolita NO Touch

Call me?

835: Anonymous NEET

>>834 You don’t need to butt in!

836: Yuuji

>>832 Ooh! Ooh!

Y.O.U. A.R.E. A G.O.D!

Everyone please recommend me some sites

Except for the porn sites

Since I already know the porn sites

837: Cool NEET

Your imouto read this thread right?

838: Anonymous MEAT

He didn’t hesitate a bit and spilled the truth

839: Anonymous ETNE

What a tough guy

Well since this guy stopped being a HikiNEET

840: Well Informed NEET

Well, I’m curious about it

But like always we need to wait until Yuuji tell the story


1This is a pun. But I don’t know how to render it: 身を切って話題提供してるでしょーが

. The response from 795 is正しくは実の妹に身を切られて な. The joke comes from the different meanings of the word身を切る.

2Gas Leak + Electric Spark = Instant Michael Bay movie

3Expression of being afraid or shocked

4The actual Japanese isインフラ屋 (infura ya) Infura is the acronym for infrastructure and Ya can mean a shop or or calling a worker who work at that shop.

5Adding –sama means that the person is superior. As always NEETs is weak to money

6In Japan, people mainly use a 実印 Jitsuin or personal seal and not their signature to sign something like a contract or letter

7Jungle as in Amazon Jungle. Get it? Amazon. *lame joke*. The original is Mitsurin 密林 that means literally Jungle

8Since Amazon can deliver anywhere?

9Seino Un’yu西濃運輸. A delivery/transportation company in Japan.

10He speaks in Kansai-ben... My Kansai-ben lingo is shaky (even after researching the net), so I don’t know if this is right. The original:

おるかーー?Oru ka?

よーし、おるな! いくわ!Yooshi, oruna! Ikuwa!

あんちゃんけったいなとこ住んどるなー Anchan kettaina toko sundorunaa

大変やったでホンマ Taihen yatta de honma (kansai ben ‘Yatta’ --> Standard Japanese ‘Datta’)

あ、ここやで A, koko yade (Kansai ben ‘yade’ --> Standard Japanese ‘Date’)

The Wikipedia said that I need to translate Kansai-Ben to New York English since it fit the Dialect Bustling Trade City feeling well than Southern American English. But this is way above my English capabilities. Or turn it into Glaswegian... Since Scottish sounds strange in English ear, just like Kansai-ben sound strange in Tokyo-ben.

11Anchan: older brother.


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