Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1914 Puzzlement

Chapter 1914 Puzzlement

Mu Nanxiang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up, as if he had been enlightened.

Since he was a wise man, he naturally understood what an inherent thought was.

In this country, or in other words, the people of this continent might think that unmarried girls were very disgusting, but Qin An was likely from a very distant place, so he could not have this kind of inherent thinking. If he could marry the ancient blue flower, wouldn't it be a good thing?

She had been fighting in the war arena all these years, and it was a pity that even she would feel ashamed.

If he could solve this problem now, it would be a great thing.

Mu Nanxiang began to have thoughts, and decided to go back and discuss it with the Emperor.

At this time, Qin An looked at Weng Lan with great interest, feeling that there was a hint of jealousy in her words just now.

Hehe, as I said, now I am definitely a tall, rich and handsome man, how can I not attract people?

In all honesty, Qin An really did not have any interest in the beautiful woman who he had met for the first time. He only wanted to build a good relationship with Weng Lan now.

Just as he was about to say some warm words to get close to Weng Lan, he did not expect her to get up and leave.

"I'm full. I'm going to sleep in the room. The room is a little small. You can sleep outside."

Seeing that Weng Lan had left, Qin An curled his lips. He had built a house for her to live in. He even gave half of the bed to him. It was really asking for a beating.

Qin An felt a fire burning in his heart, and he was still in a good mood.

Sure enough, Weng Lan was a woman who could stimulate his youth. After living for so long, he had long lost interest in that kind of thing. But when facing Weng Lan, Qin An had a little fantasy, and his heart throbbed.

After the women left, Qin An pulled the old man to drink and asked him about more things about the world.

The old man, Mu Nanxiang, was also willing to talk to Qin An, because he also wanted to know the origin and identity of Qin An.

In the process of chatting like this, Qin An knew a lot of things and found it funny.

"You mean to say that after fighting for so many years, you don't even know who the enemy is?"

"Sigh, there are a lot of enemies. Now there are hundreds of forces in this land. What we are facing now is only Lu Yao Country. The Emperor of Lu Yao Country was originally a little eunuch in the palace of Emperor Yun Empire. I didn't expect that he would become a king in the future. Now, there are millions of mercenaries and 30 million citizens. He is strong. The reason why I said that I don't know who the enemy is is is because there is a king in Lu Yao Country. This mysterious person should have controlled two-thirds of the forces in this continent. However, he didn't come out to be a king and only controlled the forces behind him. No one knows his purpose. In my opinion, he just wants to fight and constantly fight. Therefore, even though he was already very powerful, he still didn't want these forces to be unified. He treated this world as a game, a battlefield of slaughter. For the past ten years, this land had never been peaceful. Not only was the Chu Yun Empire being oppressed to the corner of the continent, but many other forces were also in a precarious situation."

"Oh, Your Majesty? Hehe."

The corners of Qin An's mouth curved up into a smile.

Everyone didn't have much power left. What they were fighting for was wisdom and power.

This High Emperor was most likely the person who came from Apocalyptic city's world and wanted to kill him.

He had predicted that this would happen, so he had been calmly preparing for all of this in this space.

Qin An was not worried. Although most of his abilities were gone, Sword God's soul was still there, always with him.

Qin An found that when he came to this time and space, the forty-nine Sword God's soul had also chosen to be reborn. They were here. Even if their new host was no longer a god-like person and did not have such an exaggerated ability, he was still an expert who possessed this space and time energy body. What Qin An wanted to do was to find them by his side. Qin An had great physical strength to find them and had some spiritual senses.

Moreover, there was a faint suspicion in Qin An's heart.

On the opposite side of Apocalyptic city, the ones he really hated were Cheng Gang and Wang Cheng. Cheng Gang was already the brother of Qin An, and Wang Cheng had died several times. The two of them should not be able to become the enemies now.

But other than them… no, to eliminate Cheng Gang, except Wang Cheng and Qin An, he really could not think of this enemy.

The eternal eyes of Qin An were deeply impressed. That feeling had the shadow of Wang Cheng.

On that day, he used the Soul Breaking Spell card on Wang Cheng. Could he still be resurrected?

Unless… his soul had actually escaped from Apocalyptic city's world before the Soul Breaking Spell card had a miraculous effect.

A book should have the male lead, the female lead, and the first villain.

Emperor… Sigh, he really can't be considered the first villain. He was so easily killed in the Three Kingdoms world.

And if Wang Cheng was the first villain designed by the original author, he should also be a little special and would not be easily killed, right?

Qin An was still uncertain, but he had a fighting spirit in his heart. If the other party was Wang Cheng, humph, then it was really good to fight.

Mu Nanxiang found that Qin An's expression was a little strange, and thought, What is he laughing about? It seemed to be a sneer, but also seemed to be an excited smile.

Since he could not see through him, he simply did not waste his brain cells, and said, "General, you are going to settle down here. I don't know how to see the current situation."

"Nothing. Didn't I tell that ancient blue flower just now?"

"Say what?"

"There are only two kinds of people outside the city wall. Either die or surrender. Go back and tell the Emperor that I will see him in three days and then start a crusade."


Mu Nanxiang was a knowledgeable person, but he really could not see through Qin An at this time.

"General, what do you mean by crusade?"

"A crusade? Do you not have this word here? It is to lead the troops out and then expand. Wherever you go, you will kill."

"This… General, you must be joking. The enemy has ten times more troops than me."

"I have already told the ancient blue and white flowers that humans are afraid of death. If we beat them up, we can take on a hundred."

"Oh. That is the truth. However."

"Old man, you are a wise man. Let me ask you a question."

Qin An interrupted Mu Nanxiang's doubts and asked what he cared about. "One person. His life span can no longer be measured by time. It can be said that he has an immortal body. No matter which world he is in, time can not change his appearance. It can not make him old. Therefore, although he looks young, he is actually very old. How do you think he can find the joy of life for him?"


"Is it a very difficult question?" In countless years, he had an unclear child. He even almost had a one-night relationship with his eighth generation. He even looked down on life and felt that everyone in the world was just an ant. How do you think he will live? He will not be tired of this world? "

Qin An's question was not complicated. It was just that almost no one had this kind of experience. An undying body, what kind of creature could die?

After thinking for a while, Mu Nan said, "General, look at the mountain range outside the window!"


Qin An looked up. In fact, he could not see anything nearby. But looking into the distance, he could see towering mountain walls. This was really a wonder. Why were there such tall mountain walls?

"These mountains have actually been listed for many years. There have been several earthquake here, but these mountain walls still stand tall, like a towering wall that surrounds the corners of the sea like a city. It is really a natural barrier. It is said that it has actually existed for thousands of years or even longer. It is just that history has recorded it for thousands of years at the earliest. Then tell me, what is the meaning of it being so lofty and existing for so long?"

"It doesn't seem to have any meaning?"

Qin An frowned and whispered.

"Yes, because it is a mountain, without a soul, existence is existence. It does not care about other people's understanding of it, so to it, whether it exists or not is meaningless. Humans are much weaker, because humans have a soul and a mind. Go back and ponder why they are still alive. After living for so many years, how can they continue? In fact, this is not a problem at all. Life is changing every day. If you meet different people every day, you will have different lives. Why should you think about why you are alive? Just like this mountain wall, it is good to continue to live. If you have to find something, I think it is to continue living in the world and witness the changes of the world and see the glory of the witness world."

Qin An nodded. Sometimes, it was like this. It was impossible for him not to understand this principle, but he usually did not feel it deeply. Now that it was said by Mu Xiangnan, it was something.

Smiling, he raised his wine glass and said to Mu Xiangnan, "Alright, old man, drink wine. I know your purpose for coming here. I feel that there must be some standards in life. Since I have come here, I will be with the Empire in the future. If you trust me, just wait for me to leave the city three days later. Don't you have a square formation battle mode? I think this thing is quite good. I want to play with it."

The square-shaped battle was a way for the two armies to face each other in this place.

If one side proposed it, the other side could choose to refuse or agree. It was a battle method that could greatly raise morale. Everyone on this continent respected this type of battle.

The two sides each selected a thousand people to form a square formation, and then they would fight to the death until the other side was killed. It was extremely tragic.

Right now, this side was the weaker side. The enemy had already challenged them many times, so the Cloud Empire naturally did not dare to accept the battle. If they lost the more they fought, the people guarding the city would have even less confidence.

Mu Nanxiang couldn't see through Qin An's strength. He didn't know if he was talking nonsense. Was he really going to fight over the line?

Qin An didn't want to talk about this anymore, so he found a reason to drink with Mu Nanxiang.

Mu Nanxiang's alcohol tolerance was ordinary. After drinking for a while, he felt that he couldn't take it anymore, so he left. He still had to report to the Emperor about Qin An's success here.

Qin An drank a little wine for a while. After that, he secretly went to see Weng Lan. She was lying on the bed, lighting an oil lamp and reading a book. She was very realistic. This book was none other than "Apocalyptic city."


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