Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.204 The evolved Lucia

CH.204 The evolved Lucia

“Master, Miss Lucia has woken up.” My monster woke me up from my third two hour slumber. 

I had been waking up every two hours, so I could unsummon my current monsters and summon another two to take their place. The two currently on shift were Spirit of the Breeze and Aqua Madoor. Sadly, I lacked healer monsters, so I could only alternate between Cure Mermaid, Dancing Fairy, White Magician Pikeru and Spirit of the Breeze. I could have used Guardian Angel Joan, but I wanted to keep her available, in case something bad happens, so she wasn’t on the rotation.


I got up from the bed and headed over to Lua.

She had changed over the last day and this night, but the most apparent changes happened over night. Her white skin, previously holding some scars and other marks from her adventuring job, had become a flawless white, like polished marble. Her shortcut crimson hair had grown to just past her shoulders. Her ears, before round and very human looking, had sharpened at the ends to be more like the ears of a half-elf. And the most visible change, two small wings had formed on her lower back. They were not too dissimilar from the wings of Vampire Vamp, except that hers were white. They were also comparably lower than Vamp had hers and they lacked the spiky parts. Just clean white bat wings.


“Hey.” I said awkwardly as I walked to her bedside.

“Brian. Hello. It's good to see you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine, I think. But that monster told me to stay still for now, so I’m not completely sure.”

“Well, you have been out for a while. Do you know what happened?”

"No." Lua said as slightly shook her head. 

“Well, I guess I’ll tell you then. You evolved.”

“Evolved? What does that mean?”

“... how do I? I guess we should just have Laura and Mia explain that part.” (You two, Lua woke up. Want to get over here?)

(Yes. We are here.) Laura said.

(As always. Good morning, Miss.) Mia added.

“... yeah. I’m sure you weren’t playing checkers in the factory for the entire night.” I joked, knowing that they had instead been playing some sort of shogi variant, which they had made. No clue how they did that, as I have no idea how shogi is played. Maybe the system has information on it or maybe Lua knows about it.

(To our defense, Maria had to stay disconnected from Miss Lucia while Miss Lucia was in her level up sleep. I guess in the midst of her evolution is more accurate in this case though.) Laura said. (And I was here every time you woke up, so I could check the situation.)

(... fine. I’ll accept that.)

While Mia and Laura were explaining the evolution to Lua, I summoned out Guardian Angel Joan and Vampire Voivode to check her out. I’m her ‘doctor’ so this is my responsibility, right?


They both approved that she is well, so we could move onto the next thing. Lua’s new status and then getting her used to the new parts of her body.

“Status open.”

Name: Lucia
Race: Dhampir Monarch ?
Level: 70
HP: 2 040
Mana: 3 605
Strength: 673
Defense: 882
Magic: 2 338
Dhampir Princess LV.1 (Unique)
True Blood Magic LV.8 (Racial)
Card Summoner LV.2 (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Water Magic LV.6
Mana Control LV.10
Magic Boost LV.5
Quick Cast LV.5
Fast Mana Recovery LV.6
Knife Technique LV.2
Staff Technique LV.4
Water Spirits Blessing (Greater)
Blood Sucker (Racial)

“Monarch, huh. I guess that does fit a princess.”

“Brian! I already asked you to stop that.”

“I know, I know. I won’t do it again, unless you do something crazy again.”

“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?”

“Well, you are the one that evolved first, so…”

“Because of you. All of this,” She said, pointing at both her race, the mark about having a system support and her unique skill. “All of them. Because of you. Without you, I would still be just an adventurer in Alewatch.”

“Maybe. Or maybe not. You can never really predict what the future would have brought had I not arrived. And had you, Prime Rib, not been the first people I ran into, we may never have gotten to know each other. And I might have never offered to cure you. So many things went the way they did, just for us to arrive here.”

“... without you, I would have likely died at the hands of the wyverns…” Lua added.

“Oh. That might have happened as well. But we will never know.”

(So, Laura, Mia. What can you tell us about Lua’s new race?) I asked, to shift the topic.

(I’m sorry, but I don’t have access to any information about it.) Laura responded. (Would you do the honors, Maria?)

(Yes. It seems that Miss Lucia is the first Dhampir Monarch, so there is no information. However, I did gain access to information about Vampire Monarchs. They were a class of great vampires serving the origin vampire. They specialize in magic and were said to be the masters of True Blood Magic.)

(So a magic specialized dhampir?) I recapped.

(In short, yes.) Mia reaffirmed. (However it is not that simple. There are lesser versions of magic specialized vampires, so we may assume that the same goes for dhampirs. Miss Lucia is possibly the highest class of magic specialized dhampir.)

...wow. That's amazing. She just skipped like 2 evolution steps and went straight for the top.

“Am I going to be stuck with these wings forever?” Lua wondered.

She had gotten out of bed and was taking some careful steps. Also, the way her wings lift her shirt slightly is … quite enticing. Almost like she is slightly revealing something that I shouldn’t look at.

“My lady, you can hide them with Vampiric Body Modification, if you wish.” Voivode told her. He was still standing by, ready to catch Lua in case she stumbled.

“I don’t have that skill…”

“Then you shall learn. But I don’t believe you should hide your wings. They are quite gorgeous. White wings aren’t something most vampires, let alone dhampirs, have. You should be proud of them.”

“But Vampire Sucker’s wings are white, aren’t they?”


“She is … a bit eccentric. And her wings aren’t naturally like that. She, well, she did her own thing to permanently alter them, because she didn’t like their original aesthetic.”

“... alright. I’ll think about it.” Lua said. “But I still think they are in the way.”

“Quick question.” I asked Voivode. “Can she actually fly on them? They look quite small, so I thought not, but Sucker can fly with hers, right? And Vamp as well.”

“Winged flight is not about the size of the wings.” Joan was the one to answer first. I guess she does have wings as well. “Usage of the wings is a more important part. As well as how we let out mana flow through our wings. You know that my wings aren’t actually physical, just ones made with light magic, right? But they aren’t there just for aesthetics. I channel mana into them, allowing me to fly without using wind magic.”

“Oh? So that is what Fantasia and I missed.” I said, thinking back to the time the two of us made wings for ourselves in the factory and attempted to fly. We need to channel mana into the wings.

“And you can even fly without wings using a similar method.” Voivode added. “I believe you magicians do that, don’t they? Wings just make it more efficient.”

“Can I try?” Lua asked.

“Perhaps not yet.” Joan instantly moved so she could grab Lua, in case she actually attempted. “You need to get used to your wings first. And how to move them.”

“.. alright. I guess I won’t fly today…”

As the sun began to rise, the dhampirs in the village began waking up and came to the town hall. All of them were happy to see Lua up and moving. And seeing Lua with wings was something. 

Lua got a bit modest as everyone was looking at her. Well, part of it was because her wings caused her to have to keep her midriff open, so we could see that area.

“Maybe you should change into your dress? That should cover that area?” I offered.

“No! That will be even worse.” Lua countered. “And besides, it doesn’t have a hole in the back for my wings, so what would happen with that?”

“... oh yeah. It doesn’t. But then again, it might adjust itself, so that it fits you. Maybe you should try?”

“But… I think everyone will just stare more if I do.”

“Well, do what you want. But it is an option.”

“Yes. … I guess I’ll try.”

“Just make sure you won’t change those clothes into a new dress. I brought your clothes from your mom’s place by the way. They are in the bag in your room.”

“Thank you.”

Lua came back a bit later, wearing a dress. It was the same I’ve seen on her a few days ago, except it now had a small hole in the back for her wings to get through. The black and purple dress looked quite nice with the white wings. Her longer hair had also been styled into a casual updo. I still wonder, how can a skill just magically change your hairstyle? … Well, I just answered my own question didn’t I? Magic, duh. Next thing I know and it will be doing her makeup as well.

Well, then again, I think my Pack Opener could do the same. I just need to summon a monster that can cut my hair and so on. Actually, now that I think of that, I should probably get my haircut before the birthday party. Which of my monsters would be good for that, I wonder? I would say Kitchen Dragonmaid, but at the same time, she is a Kitchen maid, not a personal maid. I should try to get more Dragonmaids at some point. But at the same time, I don’t want to bother the Earl any more than I already do, and bringing in more slaves and or servants might very well do that.

Maybe I should just buy a house. I should have the money for it. Well, depending on how much houses cost here. Well, I’ll think about it.

“I apologize, Master, but I cannot do it. At least not without location slates set beforehand.” Cosmo Queen said when I asked if she could teleport us back to the city so we could pick up Agatha.

“Oh? Well, that’s too bad. I guess we'll just have to fly.”

“Again, I apologize.”

“Just make sure Laura knows what those … slates look like. Maybe we can make some at some point.” I told her. “And if it helps with teleportation, it might help with my magic practice.”

“We should focus on the simpler things first. A space wall is a lot easier to cast than a slate based teleportation.” Cosmo Queen reminded me.

… and here I was thinking I’d have found a shortcut. I guess it won’t be that easy.

I went with Ria to pick up Agatha. I just flew us over the wall, as that is how we left and beamed us to Agatha’s front door. I left Big Core in the air while we drove in Overdrive to just outside the city, so we were officially ‘out of town’. Then a quick flight later and we were back in the dhampir town.

“Oh my. You really are so beautiful. I almost didn’t recognize you.” Agatha was fawning over Lua. “And your hair grew and you even have wings. You are like an angel.”

… calling a vampire, dhampir, an angel. Ironic, isn’t it?

“Mom… please stop.”

“Just a bit more. These wings? If I touch them, do you feel it?” Agatha asked as she slid her hands across Lua’s wings.

“... yes. Please don’t.” Lua didn’t seem to react too badly, so maybe they aren’t some sort of erogenous zone. 

“And what about your hair? It is now nice and long. You won’t cut it, right? You must keep it long like this.”

“... but it will be in the way.”

“It won’t be as long as you keep it tied like this. And I’m sure you can get yourself a man easier with longer hair like that.”

“...really? Will that make a difference?” 

Wait? Does Lua have difficulty picking up guys? That can’t be true, right? She is, well outside of Laura she is, the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And her new evolution made her even more gorgeous. 

“Brian,” Ria came to tell me something. “Everyone wants to hold a party to celebrate Lua’s evolution. Do you think you could … give us some dragon blood for the party?”

“That’s a great idea. We should celebrate. I’ll make us a feast then.” I declared.

I know what I thought when Paulina asked about selling a cooked dragon, but at the same time, I should test it out first, right? I can’t just serve nobles something I haven’t at least tried myself. So today, dragon meat and dragon blood it shall be. Nothing less for our new monarch.


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