Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.193 Lua’s first system reward

CH.193 Lua’s first system reward

Morning, waking up and into the factory with me. 

“Good morning, Brian.” A certain red-haired dhampir was also there. She had realized where her system support had been just a few seconds earlier. As she had learned how to change her clothes in the factory, she was now back in her darker adventuring gear, not the clothes I or Mia gave her.

“Good morning, Lua. How are you doing?”

“... well, something happened.”

“Something good or bad?”

“I guess it is good. But it's a bit difficult to explain. You are coming to the village today, right?”

“Yeah. That was the plan.”

“Then I’ll tell you about it there. But the short version is that I got a reward from the system mission and some of the mission details changed a bit.”

“.... wait? You did?”

“Yes, I did.”

“What is it?”

“I’ll tell you in the village, if you can wait that long.”

“... I guess I can. Even if I do want to know now.”

“You are so spoiled.”

“Well, I guess.”

“Oh, also, I managed to make some blood iron yesterday, as well as a single piece of vampiric steel.” I informed Lua.

“Oh? That’s amazing. You did that so fast.”

“Yeah. But it's only one ingot and it is quite low in quality.” I admitted. 

“That’s still great.”

“Thanks. We also made some gauntlets for Ria from blood iron, so look forward to seeing those.”

“Yes. Do you have any I can buy?”

“... sorry, but all of it was used on the gauntlets. Other than that, I only have the ingot of vampiric steel.”

“Oh. I see. That’s too bad.”

“And it’s not like we could make anything out of blood iron, even if we had some. The village doesn’t have a smithy.”

“But I can just transform it, right?”

“Well, kind of. It apparently has something called a ‘default state’, which is set at the end of the forging process. And the blood iron, or vampiric steel, wants to return to that state, unless controlled with blood magic.”

“Ah. I didn’t know that.”

“Neither did I, so…”

“Well, not like anyone in the village knew you could bend blood iron with blood magic in the first place. I wonder how that technique was lost.”

“No idea. Laura, do you know?”

“Historic records aren’t that well kept and they are only for advanced and perfect level system supports.”


“The system sees them as unnecessary. Generally, only events linked to significant people or system support holders are recorded.”

“So my life is?”

“Both yes and no. The major parts, like you founding a dungeon, the time you got your spirits blessing and, of course, the time when Miss Lucia gained her system support are recorded, but most things are not. And as the loss of a technique such as the control of blood iron might be seen as something big, at the time, it would have been nothing for the system. In all likelihood, there is a detailed file on how that technique is done, hidden away only for perfect level system supports to read.”

“... wow. Who designed the system like that?”

“I don’t know. There are no records about any sort of creator.”

“Unless you are perfect, right?”


“... why do I feel like you are saying all of this just so I’ll get you to advanced?”

“I would never. Though I would enjoy that very much.”

I turned back to Lua, only to realize she was just staring at the two of us, speechless.

“... “


“... forget it. It’s nothing.”

I guess one last thing worth mentioning before I get on with the day, Laura did fully complete for me.

Sadly, nothing that crazy is in this set. I guess The Agent of Creation - Venus is alright, but at the end of the day, just having something that summons out an unlimited amount of Shine Balls isn’t that amazing. And I guess Solar Flare Dragons are alright as well.

In all honesty, the best card from the set might just be Micro Ray. Just because with it, I can shrink down a Hungry Burger after I cook it up with Mystik Wok, just so I can have something the size of a regular burger to eat. 

After breakfast, we (myself and Ria) picked up Agatha in Overdrive. Like last time, we were going to go outside the walls with Overdrive, before swapping into Big Core a bit outside of the city.

“Good morning Agatha.” I said as she got into Overdrive.

“Morning.” She responded as she got in. Ria was in the back seat, so the shotgun seat was open for Agatha.

We got a move on towards the outer wall of the city.

“Brian, do you have any idea what you have done?” Agatha asked.

“... Okay, what are you referring to?” That question doesn’t actually solve anything.

What have I done now? The blood iron? No, Agatha shouldn’t know about that. 

Draining Tyrant Dragon for blood? Would Agatha know that either? 

“MY ARM, of course. Do you have any idea how many people have asked about it? And then there are all of these scales on top of that.”

“So? I thought you would have considered that part before you agreed to have it regrown. Of course people will ask. And I can get rid of the scales everywhere, but on that arm if you really want me to, but I wouldn’t recommend it, as that arm will feel more off to you if I do.” After all, if I just MST the installed Dragonic Attack, the scales on her, outside of that arm, will go back to regular skin. But as she will no longer be a draconic warrior, the arm will feel even more foreign to her.

“What? You can? I mean, I suppose it makes sense, but how am I supposed to explain all of this? I even gained the Language Comprehension Draconic from this”

“Just blame it on a blessing of a dragon or something. That should do it.”

“And just how would I have obtained something like that?”

“No clue. Come up with something. You agreed to this, so you can make up the rest of the BS reasoning.”

“... you really aren’t easy to work with, are you?”

“No, I don’t think so. It’s more like it is difficult to explain things I do. Working with me should be easy. Working with others is hard. No one ever accepts the explanation of ‘it just happened’. If they did, life would be a lot easier.”

“... wow. I knew you were like this, but still. How can you be so easy going?”

“I just am? I don’t know. And who even has been asking about your arm?”

“Many people. Of course there are the adventures that bring me blood, but also the knight order got interested. Oh, that reminds me, the other party has fully recovered and are back to hunting blood for me, so you no longer have to do it.”

“Oh. And just when I figured out how to cheat the system and do it so easily.”

“And what does that mean?”

“Nothing. Forget it. We can use it in emergencies, so if one comes up, just ask me for extra blood.”

“Do you just store it in your inventory or something?”

“Well, yes. I could do that, but I actually have a magic flask holding it. It is easier to operate that way, instead of having to use blood magic every time I want to take some out.” I had thought about giving the remaining dragon blood for Ria, but I wanted to save some for the villagers. She can of course have her share, but just her share and not all of it. Treating her well and spoiling her are two different things.

“... but I still need to ask. If I happened to know someone who is also lacking an appendage, you would be willing to regrow it, right?”

“For a cost, yes.”

“You didn’t ask for any money from me.”

“I know you. You are Lua’s mother and do a great job of taking care of Ria’s village. I don’t ask for money for my services from people I’m sufficiently acquainted with. And admittedly, you were somewhat of a test subject in this as well.”

“... didn’t you say you tested it beforehand?” 

“I did, well Laura did, but she does it in a special way and it won’t guarantee the exact same results. As in, I had no idea you would get that language comprehension from the operation. I knew you would be a half dragon and that your arm is even more draconic, but other than that, a lot of it is news to me.”

“So what about the Draconic Attack racial skill? Did you know that one?”

“No, but I did assume something like that might appear.”

“... haah. Really? This is the level of nonchalant you are?”

“I might just be.”

“But going back to my previous point, are you really willing to do the same to someone else? Regrowing their limb, I mean?”

“Sure, for a price. I don’t know how much it will be, but assume at least 100 gold coins.”

“... wow. I didn’t expect you to ask for that much.”

“Sure I can do it for cheaper, but I don’t want to devalue other people’s magic and stuff. If I just do everything, others who used to make a living by doing these things would get super mad at me.”

“You actually considered something like that?”

“Hey! I might be easy going, but I do think of others. Sometimes. And stepping on someone’s money is how wars start. And I don’t want to be the cause of a war.”

“Why do I feel like you will be?”

“Well, if I am, I’ll just have to annihilate any army that tries to invade a foreign land.”

“I don’t know if that was supposed to be reassuring, but it sounded more like you are just deranged.”

“Lua? What happened to you?” I just had to ask when I saw Lua. She had … changed. Well, her clothing had. Her short hair had also been styled into a half-updo, not something I was expecting from her.

“Yes. I know it looks strange. But I can’t control it.” She answered.

She was dressed in what I can only call a gothic vampire dress. Black and dark purple in color. The black part had some red embroidery, which looked like blood lilies, while the purple parts had lighter purple crosses embroidered on it.

It was absolutely gorgeous. The dress combined with her hairdo looked like something you’d wear to an evening party in the Royal palace or something. Where did she get something like that?

“Control it? Your outfit? Where did you even get that?” 

“Remember what we talked about in that … factory place this morning. That is where I got this from. Come on. Let’s go to my room and I’ll explain.” Lua said, taking both me and Agatha inside the town hall. I actually thought Lua had been sleeping in her father’s old house, but apparently, she sleeps in the same room as her mother.

“I guess this will be the fastest way to show you. Status Open.” Lua said after we had gotten into the room and locked the door.

Name: Lucia
Race: Dhampir ?
Level: 64
HP: 1790
Mana: 2770
Strength: 470
Defense: 600
Magic: 1640
Dhampir Princess LV.1 (Unique)
True Blood Magic LV.7 (Racial)
Card Summoner LV.2 (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Water Magic LV.6
Mana Control LV.9
Magic Boost LV.5
Quick Cast LV.5
Fast Mana Recovery LV.5
Knife Technique LV.2
Staff Technique LV.4
Water Spirits Blessing (Greater)
Blood Sucker (Racial)

“Holy…” I almost yelled something out, but I was able to keep most of it in my mouth. God damn she is strong. She is actually higher level than I am, and I’m 62. I guess she has been using the level ups well.

But based on what she is showing me, the thing she got as a reward is her unique skill. Dhampir Princess, huh. It does fit her. And with her new outfit, she does look like a princess.

Wait. She said she can’t control it, right? Does that mean that her new unique skill made her that outfit? I would say impossible, but it is a unique skill. My unique skills do way more than just swap your outfits.

“Well, Princess Lucia, what is your will?” I asked, slightly taunting her about her new skill.

“Don’t call me that!” She yelled back. “I hate this! I hate all of this! This dress is so puffy and difficult. And my hair is all wrong!”

“But you look gorgeous.” 

“He is right, you know. I’ve never seen you so embellished. I thought I would have to wait for your wedding day to see you like that.” Agatha added.

“Mom! Stop! The villagers have been doing that for the entire morning, until I ordered them to stop.”

“Then there clearly is a reason they do that. You shouldn’t order them if they are telling the truth.”

“Just Shut Up already! Do you think I want this?”

Neither I or Agatha responded to that outcry. Perhaps we did go too far.

“Mother, please leave. Brian, do you think you can help me?”

“... sure.” Agatha agreed and left the room. 

“so… what do you need? Actually, how did that even happen?”

“... it’s a part of my new skill. I was just looking into the skill and when I was wondering about that part, this happened. And I have been like this since then.”

“Can’t you just use it again to change back?”

“Do you think I didn’t try? When I did, I was left completely naked. … and I don’t have any other clothes here, as I left them at my mother’s place before we came here, as I didn’t realize I would be staying here.”

“So you need me to make you some with the Dungeon’s power?”

“... yes, please.”

“Alright. As this is an emergency. But please do know that it will cost me quite a lot of Generation points, as we aren’t in the dungeon.”

I made Lua an outfit, not too unlike the one I made for her in the factory a few days ago. Purple jeans, navy t-shirt and a black hoodie. I wanted to add some color to at least the t-shirt, but Lua asked for darker colors. The dungeon also can’t add prints to the shirts like I can in the factory. 

Also some basic underwear, socks and shoes. The shoes were based on my own sneakers. The sneakers were actually stupidly expensive to make, so I really need to analyze some shoes from this world, so I’ll be able to make some. Thankfully my shoes stayed intact when the rest of my clothing evaporated, so I didn’t have to go barefoot at that time. But I should still buy some back-up shoes.

I left the clothes for Lua and walked out of the room so she could change in peace.


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