Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.189 Alice’s first dragon flight

CH.189 Alice’s first dragon flight

“How was it? You have to tell us!” Alice demanded as we were enjoying lunch. She had been asking Lua about the factory ever since she woke up.

For lunch, we were enjoying some Gilasaurus with Mystic Tomato on the side.


Gilasaurus tasted somewhat similar to alligator, but not quite that. But I guess alligator is the closest thing you can get on earth. And the Mystic Tomato was actually very nice. I need to cook them more often.

“It was amazing. There were so many things to see. And all of Brian’s monsters just hang out there.” Was Lua’s answer to Alice’s question.

“Tell me more!”

“There was a room. It was filled with ocean water and we could actually breath in the water. It was amazing. Then there was this room where we would walk on the clouds and there was this massive temple on a mountain top. And there were fairies flying all over the place.” Lua told them.

We hadn’t spent all that long in any room, except the Vampire Kingdom, so most of it was very much surface level information. But for people that haven’t visited the factory, it must sound amazing.

“Brian, is Mana there when she isn’t summoned?” Alice asked.

“Sorry, but no. She can’t actually come there, as she isn’t in my collection.”

“... oh. I really hoped she would have been. I wonder if she is lonely when she isn’t summoned then?”

“She might be. Perhaps if you can level up your Card Summoner more, you might get a collection of your own. Or maybe a deck. If that happens, Laura might be able to link it up with the factory and Mana can get into the factory.”

“So I have to level up Card Summoner even more? How can I do that?”

“... perhaps if you summon monsters in different ways. And use them in different ways. Like maybe a little dragon ride? We never did do that and no one here will mind.”

“Yes! Can we really?”

“We do need permission from Rosemary, but I think she will allow it.”

After asking for permission from Rosemary and asking if Agatha would be fine with us spending a bit more time here, we had walked to outside the village area. Ria was with us as a guide. Lua almost came with us, but she still had a true blood magic lesson to hold, so she was busy.

I guess now that I mentioned her, I should tell that I had used Different Dimension Capsule to get an extra copy of Vampire Sucker and given it to Lua. She did successfully summon it and the level of her Card Summoner also went to 2. I did think that Vampire Fascinator would suit her better, but summoning what is basically a vampire version of yourself might get weird. Okay, they just look the same, they don’t actually act the same. And they don’t even really look the same, as Fascinator has way longer hair.

“Will this do?” Ria asked. 

“Yeah. I think it will.” I answered.

We had walked for about 10 minutes. We were in a small clearing in the woods around the village, and this place is definitely large enough to fit a dragon or two. 

“Ria, you should also test riding Firebird. It might be something you’ll need to do later.”

“Yes. If you think I should.” 

“Pitch-Dark Dragon.”




We all summoned a monster. I summoned Wingweaver as an insurance policy, in case one of the girls fell off their mount.

“Another angel…” Ria muttered.

“Yeah. What about it?”

“How many angels can you summon?”

“Well for one, they are technically fairies, not angels. Two, forty-one.” I know I said that, but in the OCG, fairy-type is the angel-type so calling them angels isn’t actually wrong. But I’ll still call them fairies.

“Aren’t fairies a lot smaller?”

“Some are. I do have small fairies I can summon as well.”

After that little questionnaire, the girls mounted their … mounts. I was a bit afraid that Ria would get burned by Firebird, but I seemed to have worried for nothing. The bird could control the temperature of its flames, so it wouldn’t actually burn anyone, even if they touched it. I would know, I tested as well.

After making sure both of their riders had a good seat, the dragon and the bird both flapped their wings and took off into the sky. My fairy followed close by, so she could charge in to catch either of the girls in case they fell.

I myself took turns looking at both them and the surrounding forest. Don’t want to get jumped on by a monster while I’m just looking at them after all.

“That was Amazing!” Alice called after she landed.

Ria and Firebird also landed right after her.

“It’s so much better than your … big thing.” Alice added.

“B.E.S. Big Core. And yeah, I agree. Dragon riding is way more fun. Even if Big Core is more convenient.”

“Brain, would you let me ride a dragon? I would like to try that as well.” Ria asked.

“Sure. I have two I want to test out myself. I’ll take the other and you two can share the other, if that sounds good.”

“Yes. Another go!” Alice immediately agreed.

“... I’d rather ride with you…” Ria said quietly.

I took a few steps towards her and whispered into her ear: “No. That will just lead to a fight between you and Alice for which one gets to ride with me.”

“Ah. I see… sorry for asking.”

“Anyway. You two should unsummon those two now, so we’ll have more space. My dragons will be a bit larger, so we need all the space we can have.”

“Come forth, Tyrant Dragon and Dragonmaid Tinkhec.” I called out my two fire dragons.


I really wanted to test this duo out, as they are both fire dragons. Sure Blue-Eyes will always be the best, but there is just something fantastic about a classic fire breathing dragon, instead of the laser beam dragon that is Blue-Eyes.

The two dragons were about the same size as Blue-Eyes, or maybe just a bit smaller. Actually shorter is the right term, at least for Tinkhec. She is a thick girl. But yeah. By my estimation, Tyrant Dragon is about 19.5 meters and Tinkhec is 18.5 meters. So just a bit shorter than Blue-Eyes, who is just about 20.That, by the way, is them measured up to their ‘shoulders’ while they are standing on their hind legs. No neck, head or tail taken into consideration.

{Pliso. Si mi lotoc ekess qe di taexirsj.}Master. I am happy to be of service. Dragonmaid Tinkhec said something, but I have no idea what. It sounded similar to what LV8 Horus once said, so perhaps it is the same language.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t understand you.”

{Oh. I apologize, Master. I forgot you cannot speak Draconic.} She then continued. Her voice was a lot deeper than in her human form, but at least she still could speak the normal language. I actually thought I might have to install her dragon form to her human form card before she could do that, but it appears that I was wrong.

“... the dragon can speak?” Alice wondered.

“Is it that strange? Of course dragon’s can speak. The strange part is her being able to speak something else than draconic.”

“Why is that strange?”

{Human language is not made for dragon mouths.} Tinkhec answered.

“There you have it. So, which one do you want to ride?” I asked the girls.

“You should choose, Brian.” Ria said. “We will take the one you don’t take.”

“... agreed.” Alice said after staying quiet for a bit. “You choose.”

“... Hmm. I guess I’ll go with Tinkhec then. You two go on Tyrant Dragon.”

What? I didn’t pick her just because she is a woman. I don’t know Tyrant Dragon’s gender. Do dragons even have a gender? Or are they omni-gendered?

I chose Tinkhec because she is cuter. That is all. I like cute things as well. And dragonmaids are mine. They will be one of those archetypes that I hoard for myself and will never give one to anyone else. And if you have a complaint, I’ll have you fight a dragon for it.

… wait? Am I a dragon? And my hoard is my cards? Sometimes sharing some with worthy people, but still holding the best treasures for myself.

… I’ll accept that.

We had a bit longer of a flight than the girls did when they were on their own monsters, to the point where we even ran into some monsters. Well, more like we spotted them from the air. Luckily I still had Wingweaver summoned, so I could order her to go down and eliminate the monsters. There was nothing too bad, but I did want to eliminate at least everything rank C and higher. After taking them down, Wingweaver carried them up to me and I put them away in my inventory. We’ll drain the blood from them when we get back to the village.

“So, did you enjoy it?” I asked the girls after we had landed and I had unsummoned my dragons.

“Yes. I really liked my Pitch-Dark Dragon, but that is completely different. Brian, when can I have a large dragon like that?” Alice asked.

“Hmm. Maybe when you get ranked up to a C-rank adventurer.” I offered. “And Element Dragon is already a bit larger than Pitch-Dark Dragon, even if it isn’t as large as Tyrant Dragon.

“C-rank? Alright. I’ll do that in a month.”

“... good luck. What about you Ria? Did you enjoy it?”

“... it was fun …”

“Something wrong?”

“No. I really did enjoy it. It’s just … a bit scary.”

“Oh. Yeah. I guess I can understand that.”

We got back to the village and dealt with the monsters. Two orcs, one large snake and some sort of pteranodon looking flying monster, which is apparently a C-rank version of a wyvern. Kind of feel bad for the pteranodon. Just running into two dragons while it is casually flying around. 

For the materials, I took everything that wouldn’t perish, like the hides and magic stones. The dhampirs, of course, took the blood, but I also let them keep the meat. I also tried to cook the meat with Mystik Wok and it succeeded, so some of the meat was cooked. Then I tried another copy of Mystik Wok, with an intent to smoke the meat this time, but that didn’t work. I was hoping I could cook meat the way I want to with it, but I can only pan fry it. More reasons to make that DDF kitchen.

I ended up cooking all of the meat. It is easier to warm it up later, than to cook it, after all. And a few dhampirs did know how to use fire magic, so they might be able to warm it up.

“Agatha. I think I can regrow your arm. Do you want me to try it?” I just dropped that bomb on her.

“... I would say that is impossible, but knowing you, you can do it.”

“Yeah. The tests have been successful.” 

“Did you cut off someone’s arm to test it?”

“No. If that was the case, this wouldn’t even be a problem. Regrowing an arm in your situation is a lot harder than regrowing one that has been freshly lost.” I knew that based on what Laura had told me.

Regrowing or reattaching an arm was actually quite easy. If said arm was just recently lost. You just need to massively over heal someone to the point where that excess health is used to regrow the limb. And if you have the cut off part, you can just hold it close to the spot from which it was cut and then over heal for the arm to reattach itself. 

Of course I say it is easy, but easy compared to regrowing Agatha’s, as hers was amputated after it had all of its blood drained and it had completely died. Just reattaching a cut arm would require an over heal of multiple thousands of HP. And completely regrowing one would take over ten thousand HP over heal. Even with my cards, that’s a lot.

“... but you can do it?”

“Yes. I did come up with a way. Well, Laura did, but anyway. Also, Mia approved of it, if that makes you any more reassured.”

“Then why not just do it? I don’t see a downside?”

“Well, there is one. You… won’t exactly be a human after we are done with the operation.”

“... alright. Then what will I be?”

“A draconic warrior.” I answered.

“Draconic? As in a half dragon?”

“Yeah. Basically.”

“Is that a downside?”

“... yes. Well, maybe not, but still. Are you really willing to throw away your humanity just for an arm?”

“Humanity? Does that matter? We are in a village of non-humans, but they are some of the most human people I’ve ever met. They don’t lie, they don’t bully, they don’t abuse their authority. They are friendly, they care about each other and most of all, they know how to love. If anyone is a human, they are. So what is so bad about not being a human?”

“... good point. Then I guess let’s do this.”

We entered Agatha’s room. Lua also came with me, but I didn’t let Alice or Ria in. 

The room was a bit smaller than the four bed room I slept in, but it still did have two beds and a small wooden closet and a chest.

“You’ll need to strip down your top half.” I told her. 

This was actually somewhat required for the second step. It could technically be done without it, but the changes would be more visible this way. And there is a chance her shirt would rip if she wore it when her arm regrew.

Agatha did as I asked and stripped. I didn’t actually expect her to also take her bra off, but she did. … yeah. Maybe I should have said she could keep it on.

She actually looked very nice. Her body was quite well-built and muscular, but I didn’t stare at it too much. She doesn’t reach Christina levels of MILF, so looking away wasn’t too difficult.

“Now, this. I’ll install this card into you. It will feel like a lot, so try to hold on.” I said as I got out the first card of this operation, and the reason she won’t be a human afterwards.

Dragonic Attack will turn her into a half-dragon hybrid. A dragonic warrior to be specific.



After the install, green scales began to form all over Agatha’s body, making her skin into pseudo armor. They were naturally soft, but would harden if magic is passed through them. And they were green in color, as wind is Agatha’s strongest attribute.

“... that most certainly was something.” Agatha said after catching her breath.

“Don’t worry. The next part won’t be as bad. At least based on the testing.”

“At least that is good news. So, what is next?”

“This.” I took out another two cards. “I’ll need you to activate this card. And this one will be the cost to activate it.”

I handed Agatha the card she was going to activate, before I told her its name. Obviously it wasn’t in a sleeve or toploader as she couldn’t use it if it was.

“Super Rejuvenation.” Agatha activated the card. As she did, the Luster Dragon #2 she used as a cost disappeared along with the spell card.


I chose Luster Dragon #2 as it is the strongest wind dragon I have. Well, technically not, but still. Armed Dragon LV7  and Gaia the Dragon Champion are stronger, but they had more problems than Luster Dragon #2.

And even then, Super Rejuvenation itself is the outlier in this operation. I don’t know why, but if activated by someone other than me, it can regenerate lost body parts. As long as the person who activates it is a dragon or a half-dragon. That is why the first install was necessary.

Oh yeah. If I activate Super Rejuvenation it just gets me more pack tokens, like it should. But this additional dragon limb regrowing stuff is something I wouldn’t have ever come up with on my own. Thank god Laura and Mia did.

Both Lua and I watched as Agatha’s missing right arm grew back in. It was almost entirely covered in emerald scales, courtesy of Luster Dragon #2. It is called Emerald Dragon in the OCG, after all. The only part that looked like human skin was the palm of her hand. The emerald scales did look a bit off, compared to the darker green ones Agatha gained from the first install, clearly showing what was new and what was old, but I don’t think that really matters.

“So, how does it feel?” I asked.

“... good. And strong.” Agatha answered. “And the pain is gone. I never thought I could get rid of it.”

“pain?” Oh. Does she mean the phantom pain? I’ve heard that if you lose a limb, you can have something called phantom pain coming from that lost limb. I’m not sure how that works, but I’m happy if this fixed that problem as well. “Ah. Well, that’s good. Please take good care of that arm from now on. The dragon we sacrificed for this won’t be happy otherwise.”

“Yes. I won’t forget the gift of the dragons. And the gift from you.” Agatha said as she prostrated herself before me. 

“... please don’t do that. It makes me feel strange.” I said before escaping from the room. 

Lua can take care of the rest. Aka. the medical check-up. If something is wrong, she will inform me and I’ll see what I can do about it.

A little later, Agatha and Lua came out from the room. Apparently, Agatha was all right, so no need for extra treatment.

The dhampirs were super happy to see Agatha with her arm again. The kids, especially Kody, were even jealous of the emerald green scales on it. Sorry, but that won’t work on you. A dhampir is still a half-zombie, so you aren’t applicable for a warrior equip spell like Dragonic Attack. DNA Surgery would work, but that won’t turn you into a half-dragon, but a full blown dragon.

And I’d rather not open up that can of worms just yet.

After that, we were going to leave. We still had to make it back to Sawyer city before the night fell.

A short flight with Big Core, followed by a ride in Overdrive, dropping off Agatha, then a quick stop at a goods store that buys monster hides and magic stones and back to the manor. 

The rest of the evening went about as you might expect. Dinner was good. Not sure what the meat was, but it was some kind of red meat. Maybe from the bisons we hunted. 

Jonathan was not at all jealous when he heard that both Alice and Ria got to ride on a large dragon, but what’s you gonna do? Sure I’ll give you a ride, as soon as you have a place where we can do that without causing a massive panic. That is why the dhampir village is great. They let me do basically whatever I want, as long as I tell them what I’m about to do.

After dinner, Ria and I took our baths with magic practice in the down time. Ria was actually working with Spirit of Flames today, as she did evolve her blood magic into true blood magic already. I was a little afraid we would set the room on fire, but it didn’t happen so we are fine.

For level ups, I was still working on Inventory. I know Tahlia wants that time seal, but I want a larger inventory. For Ria, I was still upgrading Fast Mana Recovery, just to help her down time between fights.


Ria also hit level 50, so I wonder what that will do for her. Hopefully something good.

I then jumped into the factory for good nights to my daughters and Laura. Lua was also there, apparently getting there just fine. She thanked me over and over for helping her mother. Just stop it already. I can handle this many thanks.

She then said she would go say hi to more of the fairies and left for the Sanctuary in the Sky room.

I quickly visited Tahlia in her room, then Fantasia in the Harpie’s Hunting Grounds and finally said good night to Laura at the control platform. 

Boy. What a day. I definitely deserve some rest after all of that.


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