Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.164 Putting in an Order

CH.164 Putting in an Order

“I think we should use this in the future as well.” Agatha commented as we were getting out of Gradius. We were about a kilometer away from the city walls and the flight here took only six minutes. And I could have gotten us here faster, if Agatha wasn’t looking at the scenery so much. I felt like I shouldn’t accelerate any more, so as to not steal that from her.

“Sure. It is a shame that we don’t have a spot to land next to your house, but we can just take Overdrive from here.” I said as I traded Gradius for Overdrive. I might not use them much in battle, but for transport, machine type monsters are amazing. And I might even use them in battle when I open the sets The Lost Millennium and Cybernetic Revolution. They should be coming up next. They were the first sets of the GX era. Even if Flaming Eternity was released after Yugioh GX began airing. Yugioh GX began airing (in japan) on October 6, 2004 and Flaming Eternity (OCG) came out on November 25, 2004.

We got inside the city with zero problems, thanks to a certain mithril medal. They only checked who were inside Overdrive and checked our citizen cards. Well, in both of our cases, it was our adventurer’s guild cards. No checking the luggage or anything.

I drove us back to Agatha’s place and we both got out. I then unsummoned Overdrive, as I don’t need it at the moment. And I do have a second one, ready to go.

But I actually have a shop I want to visit before going back to the earl’s mansion.

“Agatha, do you need me to do anything in these two days?” I asked before leaving.

“No. Just meet me in the morning, around the same time as you did yesterday. I’ll prepare everything for the process by then.” Agatha said. “Actually, there is one thing. You might want to get in contact with a slave trader. You will need a professional to mark Ria as a slave.”

“Oh. Yeah. I’ll make sure to do that. Anything else? I can go get more blood if you need that.” I offered.

“No. I have it covered. I have two different adventuring parties getting me blood and while one of them is currently taking a break to recover, the other is just fine.” Agatha explained. “But I would appreciate it if you could take the position of the recovering party until they are ready to go.”

“Sure. I can do that. Just tell me when you need the blood and give me the barrels.”

“Well, I’ll tell you about it when we next meet in two days.” Agatha said. “I’ll need the ones we brought back for the other party.”

“I see. Well, I’ll see you in two days then.” I said as I left the house.

“Yes. See you. And thank you.” Agatha said as she waved with her left hand.

(Laura. We need to do an experiment on regrowing a limb. Or replacing one with an Exodia part. Can we perform an experiment like that in the DDF?)

(We should be able to. I can test a few options at night.)

(Thanks. Let’s hope we can do something. I don’t think missing an arm slows Agatha down, but I do feel bad for her. And she could be a good test subject.)

(I thought you didn’t want to do human experimentation.) 

(I don’t. That is why we experiment in the factory first and only then test it out here. And I’ll accept a human test subject if they gain something great from it, like getting their limb back.)

(I see. Then perhaps I can try some more extreme measures.) Laura said, sounding a bit like an evil doctor. Or a mad scientist. (I’m not mad. You are the one that wanted to place a human inside the Cocoon of Evolution.) Laura reminded me. And of course I forgot that she can read my thoughts while we are not in the factory.

(Well, I guess we can both be mad scientists. There are enough cards that we can both have our own experiments. And turning someone into a butterfly girl does sound somewhat intriguing.)

The walk from Agatha’s residence to the armor shop wasn’t too long. That is why I decided I didn’t need Overdrive for it. And Overdrive does get plenty of looks, so walking is more natural. Sure some people turn to look at my clothing, but that is normal enough. Most wear cloth or leather pants, so the denim jeans weren’t the most normal thing. And even my hoodie probably screams high quality. At least as long as I stay off of the side streets, I shouldn’t be robbed. And as I had reset a Threatening Roar onto myself, if someone tried to attack me, they would get a manticore scream to the face.

I walked into the store and got greeted by the same dwarf lady that was here last time.

“Hello Mister. Have you made a decision on what you would like?” She asked.

“Yes. Well, kind of. I got something interesting as a gift and I was wondering if it can be used to make the type of armor you showed me last time.”

“That depends on what you have. Would you show it?”

“Sure. Just a moment.” I said as I dug around in my magic backpack. I would have put the snake skin into my fanny pack, but it was, well, not too large, but large enough to be in the way. Like really in the way. “Here it is.” 

“Aah. A snake hide. Yes. We can definitely use this. What monster is this from?” 

“Crimson boa, or so I was told.” 

“I see. That is something. You don’t often see albino snakes and I’ve never seen an albino crimson boa. So, you would like us to make something from this?”

“Yes. Something similar to that armor you showed me last time.”

“Yes. We can do that. Please come with me to the back. We need to take some measurements and go over all of the details.”

“And with the mithril plates and the enchantments, it will be around 400 gold coins.” The dwarf lady said after we went over all of the details.

“Around? You can’t tell me the exact price?” I asked.

“The exact price will depend on a lot of things. I can promise it to you for 400 gold coins, but the actual price might be a little lower. Especially if you are willing to sell the rest of that snake hide to us.”

“No. I want to keep it. As I said, it was a gift and the person that hunted it will be joining me in a few days. And as I don’t know what kind of equipment she has, I might use the rest of this to make her something.” I explained.

“Well, if that is what you want. We will need half of the cost beforehand, so I hope that isn’t a problem.”

“I think I have that much.” I said before confirming it with Laura. (I do have that much, right?)

(Yes. Your current reserve is 238 gold coinsand 24 large silver, 42 small silver, 4 copper and you haven’t even activated your Upstart Goblins today.) Laura answered. 

(Oh yeah. I was about to but then Lua called me. How many Upstarts do I even have now? You were opening Magic Ruler, right?)

(Yes. You have a total of 173 copies of Upstart Goblin, but only 40 of them have toploaders.)

(173? And that times 5 for how many coins I can get? And then that divided by 3 for the total gold coins I should get? … Laura, can you do the math, please?) I could probably do it in my head, but I do have access to a supercomputer, so why not use it?

(That is a total of 865 individual coins and an estimated 288 gold coins. But as I said, I ran out of sleeves and toploaders, so only 40 of the Upstarts Goblins have a toploader. So that means 200 individual coins and around 67 gold coins.)

(You ran out of sleeves? Don’t we have infinite pack tokens?)

(Yes, but no. You limited the time I can keep the Guardians working, so I only get 2400 pack tokens per night. And you should probably focus on what is going on. The dwarf lady is looking at you. And you are just standing there silent.)

(Oh yeah. Real world exists.)

“Sorry about that. I was in thought.” I said to the dwarf.

“Was the price perhaps too great? As I said, we would gladly buy the rest of the snake hide. We could probably pay 50 gold coins for it. It is rare to see albino snakes after all.” She said.

“No. I’m fine. I have the money and I’d rather have the rest of the skin myself.” I said. Money is the least of my problems now. Just need to get the rest of those toploaders. I might need to overwork the Guardians after all. Perhaps just four hours isn’t enough.

(Or we could only get one of each card in a toploader instead.) Laura said.

(No. I like having a playset of everything. But I guess you could prioritize useful spells first, while just keeping the cards in the collection, waiting for their sleeves and toploaders.)


I took out the 200 gold coins and we made a contract. The contract was made with a special magic pen that couldn’t be erased. It also had a special magic stone that made ink in the color of the writer's magic, so the contracts would be more difficult to fake. Or at least signatures would be. You would have to match both the magic and the penmanship. Not impossible, but a lot more difficult than just penmanship.

By the way, the color of my magic was a grayish white. It would have been difficult to make out, except that it wasn’t uniform. It was more like a sparkling mix of gray and white.

The dwarf on the other hand had a deep brown magic, probably earth attribute.


“You have a very neutral magic.” She commented as she looked at my signature. I had signed the contract using my full name, Brian Wood. It is a contract after all.

I think the dwarf may have been surprised by that, but as I had already told her that I was staying in the Sawyer family estate as a guest, she quickly let it go.

“Yeah. Sadly I can’t use elemental magic, but what you gonna do?” 

“Well, if you ever get fired from your dungeon master position, I can recommend a few places that need neutral magic. Making magic pens like that one requires someone skilled in mana control that has neutral magic.” She said.

Oh? So there is an advantage in not having an attribute. Interesting.

“Thanks. But I have a good job, so I don’t really need to change.” I answered.

“Understandable. No matter how good you are, just making neutral magic stones will never pay enough to buy something like your golem carriage. Speaking of it, my husband said he would like to take a look at it, if you are fine with that.” The dwarf lady said.

“And your husband is the smith here?” I asked.

“Yes, he is. He will be making the mithril parts of your armor and I will be sewing the leather parts.” She said.

“I see. Then sure, I can show it to him. Do you want it done now, or at a later date?”

“Please wait a moment, I’ll go ask him if he has time.”

“Is that him? How can a scrawny kid own something like that?” A male dwarf came out from what would be the smithing area. I have to say, it must be well soundproofed, because on either of my visits, I haven’t heard anything from there.

The dwarf was about 140 cm tall, just a bit taller than his wife. Just like his wife, he had a well kept beard, but his hair was all over the place. Interesting mix of hair styles, I have to say. A beard that looks like it was done by a professional and hair that looks like it belongs to a homeless person.

“Don’t insult him. He is a high paying customer.” His wife scolded him.

“One customer here or there. How much did he spend here anyway?” The male dwarf asked.

“Over 400 gold.”

“Eh?” The male dwarf was surprised. I think if he had had some drink in his mouth, he would have spit it out. “I apologize, loyal customer.”

Well, someone did an instant 180. I guess 400 gold will do that for you. Even if I’ve only given them 243 gold this far. 

“So, would it be possible for me to see this golem carriage of yours?” The dwarf male asked carefully.

“Hmm. I guess I could, but you did insult me.” I said slyly. “Perhaps I’ll show you if the armor I ordered is as good as I’m expecting it to be.” 

“If you show me, I will make it the best product that has ever left this store.” The dwarf said.

“Oh. Are you just saying that? Maybe I should wait until the product is ready, before I show you.”

“No! Please! Show it to me now.” The dwarf asked.

“Then you’d better keep up your end of the bargain.” I said. I never really intended to not show Overdrive to him, but I also wanted to see if I could get the best product they can realistically make. And for no extra cost.

“It isn’t here?” The dwarf lady asked.

“Did you fool me? Don’t think I’m stupid just because I’m a dwarf.” The male added.

“No. It is here. Kind of.” I said as I cleared my left sleeve and activated my duel disk. Then I got out the card and summoned what he wanted to see. “Overdrive.”

As Overdrive rose out of the card that had appeared on the ground, I saw the jaws of the two dwarfs fall.

“And here I thought the shield was unusual…” The lady dwarf muttered.

“He was the one that summoned that great shield? Why didn’t you tell me?” Her husband asked.

“I did, but you were too focused on the golem carriage to realize that the same person owned both.” 

“Whatever.” He just brushed it off. “May I take a closer look at this carriage? And perhaps you could summon the shield as well?”

“Fine. I’ll summon it as well.” I said and got out the second card. “Millennium Shield.”

The dwarf spent a good bit of time looking over both Overdrive and Millennium Shield. He had plenty of questions about both, but as I legitimately didn’t know the answers, I just said I don’t know. He did seem suspicious about my answer, like I was hiding information on purpose, but I swear I don’t know. 

Sure I told him some things that I either knew, or thought I knew, like that the gun barrels on Overdrive were done on a lathe and a basic explanation of what a lathe is. But when it comes to things like how Overdrive moves and how does the Millennium Shield float, I have no idea. It is not like Overdrive has an actual engine, so how should I know? It moves with magic and that is all I need to know.

“Thank you for showing us. This has truly been an experience. In return, I’ll make sure your armor will be the best it possibly can be.” The male dwarf said.

“Of course. This was no problem. Do you have any idea how long it will take?” I asked.

I had been promised a month in the contract, but I was hoping I could hasten that a little.

“We will make it in two week.” He answered.

“Are you sure? We have other orders.” His wife said.

“This is now our highest priority, unless the earl himself puts one in.” He said.

“Just don’t overwork yourselves. I don’t want to come back and find either of you dead.” I said, more as a joke than an actual warning.

Also, I know what you are going to say. ‘You can just resurrect them if they die.’ Sure, I can. If they have been dead for under 24 hours. So I would quickly have to find out that they passed.

Well anyway. They won’t die, so everything will be fine.


I waved the dwarves goodbye before I got into Overdrive and drove towards the Sawyer estate. I mean, I already had it summoned so might as well.


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