Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 479: A Breakthrough In The Bloodforge Spacetime (1)

Chapter 479: A Breakthrough In The Bloodforge Spacetime (1)

"Yes, Master, I will do my best. If there are no other matters, I will take my leave." Wu Yuan bowed respectfully and slowly retreated.

High Immortal Nan Yin’s gaze followed Wu Yuan until he disappeared from the teleportation array.

Bloodforge Spacetime? High Immortal Nan Yin’s thoughts drifted as memories from his early years flooded back.

He had never been to the Bloodforge Spacetime. It was a missed opportunity.

However, fortune and misfortune go hand in hand. Without that experience, I wouldn’t have met my master. High Immortal Nan Yin thought. My disciple appears to harbor a great secret.

High Immortal Nan Yin understood many things that common High Immortals and Earth Immortals did not.

Nevermind. No one likes having others pry into their secrets. Who doesn’t have a secret or two? One cannot be too demanding.

Let's see what sort of benefit my disciple will obtain from the Bloodforge Spacetime. However, the Bloodforge King... the opportunity he obtains will probably be mediocre. High Immortal Nan Yin shook his head and closed his eyes.

Right now, he had more important matters to attend to.


The Bloodforge Spacetime was a special spacetime within the Greenridge Macrocosm. It was not controlled by the Bloodforge Devil Hall, but rather under the direct control of the Taiyuan Divine Court headquarters.

At this moment, this vast and immeasurable spacetime was not on the same plane or dimension as normal spacetime.

In one unassuming corner of the spacetime was a black metallic plaza, surrounded by a vast expanse of blood-red mist. Over a thousand figures were scattered throughout the plaza.

Wu Yuan, Ao Qi, Gao Yun, and Dongfang Hongguang, and other peerless geniuses from the Silvermist Plane, each sat on individual jade platforms.

"Why do I feel like my comprehension speed when meditating here has increased significantly compared to the world outside?"

"Exactly! The jade platform in my sect specifically crafted for core disciples like me can't even match a tenth of the effects of this one."

"What a magical world."

"My comprehension efficiency and cognitive speed have improved greatly." A few geniuses muttered among themselves.

This Bloodforge Spacetime is truly surreal. Wu Yuan sat in lotus position on one of the jade platforms, his mind teeming with the profundities of the Dao.

Countless thoughts and ideas collided in his mind. Insights arose at an overwhelming rate, augmenting Wu Yuan's understanding of the Celestial Body Dao at a staggering pace.

It should be noted that Wu Yuan's comprehension speed of the Celestial Body Dao was already astonishing after evolving to the Celestial Divine Body.

It increased even further when his soul reached the Soul Will level.

And now under these special circumstances? Though he just broke through to the seventh-level Domain stage, Wu Yuan felt he was not far from the eighth level.

If others found out about his rate of Dao comprehension, they would surely be in awe.

We get to meditate for three months to digest what we learned during our battles in the past year? I shouldn’t waste this special environment. Wu Yuan thought back to when they first arrived.

Back then, they were teleported from the blood devil battlefield to this mysterious spacetime by an invisible force.

It was a strange environment with blood-red mist filling their surroundings. However, it was distinctly different from the blood mist emitted by the black pagoda.

Soon after they arrived, a cold voice rang out, "Visiting the Bloodforge Spacetime is a rare opportunity for you. Meditate for three months, then the ultimate opportunity challenge will begin. Time is short, do not waste it."

As the voice faded, the jade platforms appeared.

Wu Yuan and Ao Qi were startled, yet they didn't dare to challenge the legendary place known as Bloodforge Spacetime, obediently sitting down to cultivate.

The moment they began to cultivate, they noticed the uniqueness of the Bloodforge Spacetime. It was far easier to comprehend the Dao here than in the world outside.

Their cultivation speeds increased by numerous times, and even their thoughts had noticeably sped up.

Overjoyed, the thousands of peerless geniuses dove deeper into cultivation. None of them were willing to squander such a rare opportunity.

Wu Yuan also began to contemplate the Dao seriously.

A place that must not be spoken of? I wanted to tell my master about the Bloodforge Spacetime, but found myself unable to utter a word. There is no oath restricting me, yet I can't speak of it at all. Wu Yuan thought to himself.

It was very peculiar, as if an invisible force was binding him.

Wu Yuan, shocked by this experience, could only regard the Bloodforge Spacetime with newfound reverence. The vast heaven and earth, the endless river of space and time, held many unfathomable secrets.

I should continue cultivating. Wu Yuan focused on his cultivation. At the same time, his qi refiner self focused on contemplating the Longevity Dao within the Dragon Star Immortal Sect.

Days turned into weeks, and almost a month passed by.

Suddenly, a massive wave of aura rolled through the black metal plaza. It was a Dao fluctuation! A very pure, and utterly terrifying aura.


"What's happening?" In an instant, the thousands of geniuses turned to the source of the Dao fluctuation.

It was Gao Yun, who sat at the very front. His body was faintly enveloped in a layer of golden light. The swirling light contained a glimmer that caused their hearts to palpitate.

That glimmer was light manifested by the Dao.

Wu Yuan, Ao Qi, Dongfang Hongguang, and the other top-tier geniuses felt goosebumps as they laid eyes on that light. It filled them with fear.

"It's the light of a Dao Field."

"A true Dao Field."

"Heavens! Has Gao Yun unwittingly reached the Dao Field stage of the Metal Dao?" The thousands of geniuses present were dumbfounded and shocked, some even envious and jealous.

Dao Field! As one advanced through the Dao comprehension stages, progress grew increasingly difficult.

When it came to transitioning from the first to the second-level True Intent stage, breakthroughs could theoretically be achieved with enough time.

Meanwhile each pivotal transition, from the sixth to seventh level, presented a bottleneck that required a stroke of luck to overcome.

As for breaking through the major stages? That was a significant bottleneck!

Countless Void Refiner and Elysian Field cultivators were stuck at the ninth-level True Intent stage, unable to take the final step despite tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

Yet, he was able to reach the Dao Field stage at the Golden Core/Spiritual Body phase? What a frightful thought.

High Immortal Nan Yin had initially predicted that peerless geniuses who could deploy Dao Fields were unlikely to appear in the Bloodforge Battle. And indeed, neither Ao Qi nor Gao Yun had grasped a Dao Field then.

He broke through? Ao Qi was equally shocked, his expression complicated.

In terms of strength, he was only slightly superior to Gao Yun, and the two could be considered evenly matched.

The reason for his higher Blood Devil Token ranking was purely due to his powerful physique as a body refiner. He didn't need to use ether arts against ordinary fighters and was skilled in prolonged battles, which allowed him to suppress Gao Yun, whose soul was stronger but needed to meditate constantly to recover his mana.

Of course, in terms of endurance, Ao Qi admitted he was inferior to Wu Yuan.

He broke through to the Dao Field stage? Wu Yuan also noticed the change in Gao Yun's aura, but didn't find it too surprising.

Gao Yun and Ao Qi were all top-tier geniuses of an era from an immortal continent. It was within expectations that they reached the Dao Field stage of a Lesser Law within two to three hundred years.

However, starting from the first-level Dao Field stage, each subsequent level represented a chasm the width of heaven and earth.

Upon one’s ultimate breakthrough to the ninth-level Dao Field stage, one’s insights culminated in a fully comprehended Dao.

Fully comprehending a Lesser Law was the prerequisite to overcoming the Seventh Immortal Tribulation.

Dao Field. After getting stuck on this step for more than ten years, I’ve finally broken through. I should go inform Master, he will surely be overjoyed. Gao Yun opened his eyes, a hint of joy on his face. Unconsciously, he had broken through in the Bloodforge Spacetime.

But a moment later, the excitement on his face diminished slightly.

At present, I'm probably ranked first among these thousand-over geniuses in terms of strength. Gao Yun glanced at Wu Yuan.

It's a pity that the breakthrough came too late. If I had broken through earlier, Wu Yuan wouldn't have claimed the first place in Blood Devil Token rankings. Gao Yun sighed internally.

What was missed was missed. There was no point moping about it.

Perhaps, the other prodigies in the Bloodforge Spacetime were not aware that Wu Yuan had claimed the title of Bloodforge King, but Gao Yun did.

The creation of two true selves was not exclusive to Wu Yuan. Gao Yun also had a body refiner self, but it was nowhere near as monstrous as Wu Yuan.

Through the connection of his two true selves, he received the news long ago.

Forget it. What will be, will be. Perhaps I'm not destined to be the Bloodforge King. Gao Yun shook his head slightly, suppressing the joy in his heart, and continued to practice diligently.

He too understood the importance of this opportunity.

Moreover, after breaking through to the Dao Field stage, he truly experienced the vastness and profundity of a Dao. It was like a small stream flowing into a larger river.

I should strive to break through to the second-level Dao Field stage within a thousand years, the third level within three thousand years, and the fourth level within eight thousand years. Gao Yun set new goals for himself.

To become a High Immortal, one must deduce a Lesser Law to the fourth-level Dao Field stage.


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