Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 477: Yin Hes Gift (1)

Chapter 477: Yin He's Gift (1)

The Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm.

Within the Redmoon Division’s observation space, nearly ten thousand spectators gathered.

"Wu Yuan, the top Blood Devil Token ranker."

“Ten million Blood Devil Tokens, that's outrageous! When was the last time our Redmoon Immortal Hall produced such a monstrous prodigy?”

“His talent is unmatched, and he stands a strong chance at clinching the title of Bloodforge King.”

“Too bad we’ll have to wait at least half a year for the results.” The numerous protectorates, Earth Immortals, and High Immortals of the Redmoon Division were engaged in heated discussion.

The Redmoon Division was incredibly vast and had its share of internal factional disputes. But at this moment, they all felt a sense of pride at Wu Yuan's achievements.

Suddenly, they heard a cold voice echoing throughout the observation space: "Wu Yuan shall be directly granted the title of Golden Core Bloodforge King.”

The previously bustling observation space fell silent.

An instant later, it was in uproar once again.


"They announced it right away? Bloodforge King? Wu Yuan was granted the title of Bloodforge King directly?”

“Bloodforge King!”

“Wu Yuan! The King.”

“The second stage has just begun, the competition shouldn’t even have started yet, yet he has already claimed the king’s title?” The spectators in this observation space were thrilled.

They might hold lofty statuses in the eyes of countless commoners, but they too had emotions.

With Wu Yuan's explosive display of strength and the astonishing achievement of obtaining the title of Bloodforge King at the very beginning of the second stage, they couldn't help but lose their composure.

"Bloodforge King? Over the long history of my Redmoon Division, there have been quite a few, but to declare it right as they enter the second stage? Too rare."

"In the last billion years, such a situation has never occurred among the Bloodforge Kings from my Redmoon Division."



"King?" This news echoed simultaneously in thousands of observation spaces in the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm.

The factions that occupied these observation spaces were subordinates under the Silvermist Division, and the spaces were specifically opened for viewing Bloodforge Battles.

"He was directly awarded the title of Bloodforge King?"

"Isn’t that a bit too much?"

"Even if he is ranked first in Blood Devil Token number and talent... talent is ultimately fleeting. Among the historically recognized Bloodforge Kings, most of them went through the competition of the second stage before they were finally confirmed."

"Terrifying." The countless observers from the Silvermist Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall were stunned.

Wu Yuan's previous performance proved his incredible talent, but being directly bestowed the title of Bloodforge King was nothing short of miraculous.

Of all events, miracles were the most memorable, forever etched in one’s mind.

"It's unbelievable, but he truly deserves it."

"Yes! He was given the title shockingly quickly, but overall, this isn’t surprising."

"As the first in Blood Devil Token count and talent rankings, if he doesn't become the Bloodforge King, who will?" Countless observers from various second-tier divisions were shocked at the speed of the announcement.

However, there were very few, almost none, who doubted its legitimacy.

The reason was simple. If Wu Yuan didn’t take the title, then which of the other thousand-plus geniuses fighting in the Bloodforge Battlefield under Silvermist Immortal Nation would?

"They're not worthy."

"If Wu Yuan doesn't get it, who will? Ao Qi? Gao Yun? No! They have no right!" numerous spectators exclaimed.


It wasn’t just the Silvermist Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall. Many factions within the Silvermist Immortal Nation were also paying close attention to the Bloodforge Battle.

The announcement left them all stunned.

"Taking the title of the Bloodforge King directly?"

"The Bloodforge Spacetime is a mysterious place controlled by the divine court headquarters. There's no chance of error. Since they've recognized Wu Yuan’s worth, it means that Wu Yuan's potential far exceeds other geniuses, by a thousandfold, or even ten-thousandfold."

"Just how talented is this Wu Yuan?" Many Archimmortals and Astral Lords couldn't help but wonder.

"Could he be stronger than Zhuo Haiyue, Li Xia, and the others?"

"It's very likely."


In the Silvermist Plane of the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm, the Archimmortals and Astral Lords from the devil hall were also filled with astonishment.

"Directly granted the title of king?"

"When was the last time something like this happened?" These Archimmortals and Astral Lords couldn't help but discuss.

"Reviewing the history of our Silvermist Division, the last instance of the title being granted directly dates back to ten million years ago." A well-versed Astral Lord quickly provided an answer.

Ten million years? Even for the enormous Silvermist Division of the Devil Hall, this was a long span of time, enough for countless Archimmortals to emerge.

One could imagine just how rare such an event was.

"Could it be that Wu Yuan is a once-in-a-million-year genius of the entire Silvermist Division? His performance doesn't seem that exaggerated."

"It's very strange."

"But one thing's for sure, the Bloodforge Spacetime never makes mistakes."

"Astral Lord Yin He, Wu Yuan is under your command, don't tell me you know nothing about the extraordinary abilities he has been hiding?" Astral Lord Meng Jie couldn't help but question Astral Lord Yin He.

Astral Lord Meng Jie has high hopes for Ao Qi before the Bloodforge. His strength was unparalleled, and his performance was outstanding. But then, he encountered the monstrous prodigy named Wu Yuan.

"Haha, how can I speak of such matters casually? There's no need for you to worry too much," Astral Lord Yin He responded nonchalantly.

Inwardly, he was just as puzzled. What hidden talents did Wu Yuan possess? When they first met, he hadn't sensed that Wu Yuan was concealing any great secrets.

Could it be that my judgment was off? Astral Lord Yin He began to doubt himself.

Alas, Wu Yuan has now entered the Bloodforge Spacetime, it's impossible to probe too deep into it. Astral Lord Yin He thought. Besides, it's normal for a genius to have some secrets.

The greater his talent, the better.

Astral Lord Yin He continued conversing with other Astral Lords while patiently waiting for the outcome of the Bloodforge Spacetime.

Meanwhile, within the Redmoon Devil Hall in the physical world, Astral Lord Yin He once again arrived at the Astral Lord Hall and summoned the excited High Immortal Wu Tian.

"Astral Lord." High Immortal Wu Tian greeted respectfully.

He felt a slight unease in his heart. Though Wu Yuan had seized the title of Bloodforge King, the Bloodforge Battle was not yet completely over. Why did the Astral Lord summon him?

"Do you know that Wu Yuan has just seized the title of Bloodforge King?" Astral Lord Yin He towered over High Immortal Wu Tian as he asked.

"I am aware," High Immortal Wu Tian said seriously. "It was announced as soon as they entered the second stage."

"From what I know, this is extremely rare. Wu Yuan might be even more talented than we imagined," High Immortal Wu Tian hurriedly blurted in a single breath.

"Hm," Astral Lord Yin He nodded with satisfaction. "Wu Yuan's talent is indeed very frightening, even I find it hard to predict."

High Immortal Wu Tian was taken aback. What did the Astral Lord mean?

"The Bloodforge Spacetime granted Wu Yuan the title of king directly. This will not end just because Wu Yuan becomes a king," Astral Lord Yin He said slowly. "On the contrary, this is only the beginning."

High Immortal Wu Tian was momentarily puzzled. The beginning? What did that mean?

"Prepare yourself, neither you nor our Redmoon Division can hold onto Wu Yuan," Astral Lord Yin He said softly.

"Can't hold onto him?" High Immortal Wu Tian was taken aback, blurting out, "Could it be that the Silvermist Division wants to take him away?"

“But, isn't the Silvermist Division only composed of Archimmortals? What use would a youngster at the Spiritual Body be over there? What benefits could he possibly bring them?" High Immortal Wu Tian was confused.

Although Bloodforge Devil Hall and Eternal Sun Immortal World were massive factions, their ruling methods are different.

Take for instance the Silvermist Division of the Devil Hall and the Silvermist Immortal Nation. On the surface, they appeared to be on the same level.

However, apart from assigning vast territories to its powerful underlings, allowing each one to preside over their own, the Silvermist Immortal Nation also ruled over several territories directly.

The Silvermist Division of the Devil Hall was different. They had devolved power directly to thousands of second-tier divisions. As for the first-tier divisions? They merely absorbed the Archimmortals from all the major divisions. The first-tier divisions of the Bloodforge Devil Hall did not directly rule over lower tier territories.

"Not the Silvermist Division." Astral Lord Yin He shook his head slightly.

"Not the Silvermist Division?" High Immortal Wu Tian was first stunned, then his eyes widened in shock, "The Devil Hall's headquarters? Are they going to nurture Wu Yuan?"

As a High Immortal, he wasn't as knowledgeable as an Archimmortal, but he was extremely familiar with most usual protocols of the Bloodforge Devil Hall.

"Astral Lord, in the past, we’ve always selected a batch of top-tier cultivators from the Amethyst Cradle to participate in the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle." High Immortal Wu Tian began.

"The headquarters of the Devil Hall often recruits geniuses directly from the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle, and the geniuses they recruit mostly break through to the Void Refiner or Elysian Field phase swiftly."

"With Wu Yuan's talent, he will surely be noticed if he participates in the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle. He is bound to head to the headquarters of the Devil Hall in the future."

"However, that would be one or two hundred years from now at least," High Immortal Wu Tian said, puzzled.

A couple of centuries were enough for them to accomplish many things.


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