Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 459: Bloodforge, One Billion Blood Devil Tokens (1)

Chapter 459: Bloodforge, One Billion Blood Devil Tokens (1)

"Punish?" The elderly man with golden skin, draped in black robes, sat upon an ornate throne. His voice boomed through the vast chamber, tinged with a hint of mirth.

"Just as the master chooses their disciple, the disciple also chooses their master," he continued. "If I were to extend an offer for discipleship yet punish them for rejecting, the other Astral Monarchs would mock me once the news spreads. Such pettiness is beneath me."

The elderly man in white robes bowed deeply, his voice filled with reverence. "Indeed, you are right, Astral Monarch. It's the Dragon Star Immortal Sect that lacks discretion. They fail to recognize this blessing from you. How many High Immortals in this vast immortal world yearn to earn even a glance of your favor?"

"It matters not," the golden-skinned elderly man replied, his voice carrying an otherworldly quality. "The Dragon Star Immortal Sect kept this matter private, so it remains unknown to others. I only considered taking Li Xia as a disciple because his talent aligns with my path."

He waved a hand dismissively. "But he refused, so let it be. Do not dwell on this matter further."

"Understood," the white-robed elder nodded, his brow furrowed in contemplation. "In this vast immortal nation, hundreds of talents like Li Xia and Zhuo Haiyue emerge every hundred million years. As for geniuses with slightly inferior talent, their numbers are ten to a hundred times greater. Yet, of these so-called prodigies, ninety-nine percent will never ascend to the ranks of Archimmortals."

His voice took on a tone of undisguised flattery, "But you, Astral Monarch, are an eternal existence. Your radiance illuminates the vast realms." Though it was flattery, his words rang with truth.

Indeed, over countless eras, only thirteen Astral Monarchs had emerged from the entire immortal nation. Each had witnessed the rise and fall of innumerable peerless geniuses throughout their long years.

Thus, while Wu Yuan's display had enticed many Astral Lords to vie for his discipleship, only one of the thirteen Astral Monarchs, Su Qing, had deigned to consider taking him as a disciple—and even then, merely as a nominal one.

A direct disciple? Generally, unless it was the type of monstrous prodigy that appeared once in ten million years within an immortal nation, a direct disciple of an Astral Monarch was often an Archimmortal themselves.

Even Zhuo Haiyue, despite her incredible talent, was only a nominal disciple of another Astral Monarch.

The golden-skinned elder's eyes suddenly focused. "By the way, how many geniuses from my territories will be participating in this Bloodforge Battle?"

The white-robed elder straightened, his voice crisp and precise. "From the various sects and subordinate forces across 189 immortal continents, a total of over seven thousand have registered for the battle. Among them, more than six thousand are Golden Core cultivators, with over a thousand at the Amethyst Cradle phase."

The Bloodforge Battle was organized by the Bloodforge Devil Hall and the majority of participants were cultivators from the Bloodforge Devil Hall.

Meanwhile, most participants from the Eternal Sun Immortal World were geniuses and their numbers were limited, so they made up the minority of participants.

Astral Monarch Su Qing ruled over nearly two hundred immortal continents, yet only a few thousand geniuses had applied to participate. On average, each immortal continent sent merely a few dozen participants.

"Any promising ones?" The Astral Monarch asked, his tone casual. The Bloodforge Battle, occurring once every century, did not particularly concern him. But since it was near, he decided to inquire.

The white-robed elder replied respectfully, "Among the Golden Core cultivators, twenty-six youngsters show potential to claim the title of Golden Core Bloodforge Marquis."

"Golden Core Bloodforge Marquis? Mediocre," the golden-skinned elderly man shook his head, disappointment evident in his voice. "If they cannot claim the title of Golden Core Bloodforge King, their potential is lackluster at best." His piercing gaze settled on the elder. "And the Amethyst Cradle cultivators?"

The elder's voice faltered slightly. "The two most promising youngsters might break into the top ten thousand. With fortune on their side, they could potentially claim the title of Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Marquis."

He lowered his head, avoiding the Astral Monarch's gaze, anticipating the response.

"Too weak!" Monarch Su Qing's voice thundered through the chamber. "Such vast territories cannot even produce a single Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Marquis?"

"I have disappointed you, Astral Monarch," the white-robed elder bowed deeply.

Yet in his mind, calculations raced. The title of Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Marquis was exceptionally prestigious, even surpassing that of the Golden Core Bloodforge King!

While a Golden Core Bloodforge King merely reigned supreme among Golden Core cultivators of a single immortal nation (first-tier division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall), the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle spanned the entire Eternal Sun Immortal World. Those who broke into the top eight hundred were, without exception, the top-tier geniuses of their era in the macrocosm.

One had to remember that the Eternal Sun Immortal World consisted of over 1200 immortal nations, with the Bloodforge Devil Hall having an equal number of first-tier divisions. It was incredibly vast!

While Astral Monarch Su Qing's territory was expansive and teeming with life, thus occasionally producing formidable geniuses, under normal circumstances, it took thousands or tens of thousands of years to have even a chance at producing an Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Marquis.

Astral Monarch Su Qing's voice cut through the elder's thoughts, a hint of cold indifference in his tone. "Relay my decree: Any who can secure a place in the top five of the Golden Core Bloodforge Battle, or the top five thousand in the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle, shall be accepted as my nominal disciple. You may take your leave."

"Yes, Astral Monarch!" The elderly man in white robes brightened. This was a reward of epic proportions!

He bowed deeply once more before swiftly exiting the temple, leaving the vast hall empty save for Astral Monarch Su Qing.

As silence settled over the chamber, Su Qing's brow furrowed in contemplation. "My contemplation of Destiny seems to vaguely point me towards accepting a disciple," he murmured to himself. "In this era, at least within the immortal nation, Li Xia appears the most suitable candidate for me."

A sigh escaped his lips. "What a pity. Then I shall seek another disciple."

Suddenly, Su Qing's eyes gleamed with a hint of frost, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Dong Yang? If not for the fact that you're backed by an Immortal Sovereign, how dare you reject me so brazenly? I will see just how long a mere High Immortal like you can maintain such arrogance."

Indeed, if not for Sword Immortal Dong Yang's influence, how could the Dragon Star Immortal Sect dare to refuse his request to take in a disciple?


This was a world of immense proportions, lush and verdant, with majestic sky cities floating amidst the clouds.

At its center, thousands of figures stood in silent anticipation, their eyes fixed on the elderly man in white robes hovering before them.

His voice, infused with divine authority, rang out across the gathered crowd. "Have I made myself clear? Break into the top five of the Golden Core Bloodforge Battle! Break into the top five thousand of the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle." His aura was terrifying, as if a deity was looking down upon the mortal realm.

"Those who achieve this will be accepted as the Astral Monarch's disciple."

"Yes!" A chorus of voices erupted, tinged with unconcealed excitement. Over seven thousand Golden Core and Amethyst Cradle cultivators stood straighter, their eyes blazing with determination.

It was crucial to understand that those from the Eternal Sun Immortal World must obtain at least ten thousand Blood Devil Tokens to leave the trial alive. Hence, only those with considerable strength and ability dared to participate in the brutal Bloodforge Battle. Without confidence, who would willingly step into such perilous waters?


This scene was not unique to the territories under Astral Monarch Su Qing. Across the vast Silvermist Immortal Nation and numerous other immortal nations within the boundless Eternal Sun Immortal World, similar gatherings were taking place.

On countless immortal continents, Archimmortals and High Immortals alike issued final orders to the Golden Core and Amethyst Cradle cultivators in their territories participating in the Bloodforge Battle.

This centennial event was considered the most rigorous and severe trial by combat across the entire Greenridge Macrocosm. Even top-tier factions from other parts of the macrocosm paid close attention, gathering valuable intelligence.


While only a select few geniuses from the many immortal nations and continents of the Eternal Sun Immortal World were participating in the trial, the situation differed within the territory of the Bloodforge Devil Hall.

Countless cultivators at the Qi Sea and Golden Core phases, whether willingly or under duress, began rushing from myriad worldlets to the Origin Blood World of their respective divisions at astonishing speeds, making their final preparations.


In a second-tier division under the Silvermist division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, within an ultra-large mansion in the Origin Blood World.

This was Mansion One, signifying that its occupant was the most formidable genius in the entire second-tier division.

Within the mansion's expansive training ground, a tall, square-jawed figure in resplendent purple robes hovered in the void, his keen eyes fixed on the intense battle unfolding below.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Hundreds of metallic puppets, each wielding gleaming sabers, shields, or spears, swarmed from all directions towards a black-robed youth at the center.

The speed of these constructs was terrifying, each one at least at the Shambhala phase (sixth-degree immortal root).

Such formidable base strength, even with shallow Dao comprehension, was enough for them to unleash devastating power. The sight of 120 metallic puppets acting in unison was truly frightening. Even a ninth-stage Amethyst Cradle cultivator could be torn apart by them in an instant.

"Suppress!" The black-robed youth's voice rang out, sharp and clear.

Boom! An overwhelming aura erupted from his form, followed by the emergence of vibrant green qi streams. Each stream resembled a blade imbued with terrifying power.

The qi streams spread out rapidly, instantly repelling the hundred metallic puppets and drastically reducing their speed. In a flash, a shadowy figure, ghostly and swift, darted through the chaos.

The black-robed youth leaped out from the encirclement of metallic puppets, his movements fluid and graceful. Then, he raised his gaze to meet the eyes of the figure in purple robes.

"Haha, well done! You may stop now," the purple-robed figure called out, a smile of satisfaction playing across his lips.

Instantly, the hundred metallic puppets halted their assault.

"Archimmortal," the black-robed youth bowed slightly.

The purple-robed figure's voice filled with pride as he addressed the young cultivator. "Ao Qi, your talent is truly terrifying. You now stand first on the Dark Star Leaderboard in the Silvermist Division, the only one to have conquered level sixteen."

"Having grasped an Intermediate Law under the Wind Dao, you are undoubtedly the cultivator with the highest speed in the entire Bloodforge Battle."

Ao Qi listened calmly, his face an impassive mask. Over the past hundred years, such praises had become commonplace.

The Archimmortal's tone grew more serious. "By rights, you should have broken through to the Amethyst Cradle phase long ago. But for the title of Bloodforge King, you have endured decades of waiting. This battle is your last chance!" His eyes bore into Ao Qi's. "If you fail, you cannot afford to wait another hundred years; you must advance to the Amethyst Cradle phase. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Ao Qi nodded, his eyes filled with a burning drive. "I will do my utmost to claim the title of King."

The Archimmortal continued, "Besides the dozens of peerless geniuses who have cleared level fourteen of the Dark Star Leaderboard, there is another individual you must pay close attention to."

He paused before uttering two words: "Wu Yuan."

"Wu Yuan?" Ao Qi repeated, his brow furrowing slightly as information about this individual surfaced in his mind—a prodigy with mere decades of cultivation, yet already having passed level thirteen of the Dark Star.

The Archimmortal elaborated, "He cannot compare to the two incredible prodigies born in the Silvermist Immortal Nation—Li Xia and Zhuo Haiyue. But among the many second-tier divisions under the Silvermist Division, it is acknowledged by numerous Archimmortals and Astral Lords that Wu Yuan is the most talented individual of this era within the Bloodforge Devil Hall's Silvermist Division!"

His gaze intensified as he locked eyes with Ao Qi. "Compared to you, he only lacks time."

Ao Qi's jaw tightened, his voice resolute as he responded. "Most talented? Archimmortal, I understand your meaning. I will show him that the title of Bloodforge King is acquired through strength."

The purple-robed figure nodded in satisfaction. As the Archimmortal responsible for nurturing the disciples of this second-tier division, the black-robed youth before him was the most monstrous prodigy he had trained in a million years.

He knew well that peerless geniuses were always proud and would not submit to anyone easily. If you wanted their submission? Then you had to defeat them thoroughly.

In life-and-death battles, age and talent mattered not—only raw, unbridled strength.

The victor was king!


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