Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 438: Earth-shattering (1)

Chapter 438: Earth-shattering (1)

Wu Yuan's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the colossal star spanning over a million li.

In terms of size, it far surpassed ordinary stars and planets. After all, the Blue Planet which nurtured all life in his previous life did not even reach three million li in diameter. The Dragon Star of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect was just over a hundred thousand li in diameter.

However, it wasn’t the star's immensity that sent tremors through Wu Yuan's heart. He was no longer the greenhorn who just left Summerpeak.

His years on the Redmoon Immortal Continent had exposed him to wonders beyond imagination, including encounters with more than one High Immortal. The treasure lands of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect had each been extraordinary in their own right as well.

Moreover, the ‘Celestial Body Law Codex’ that Wu Yuan obtained contained the mental imprint of a Great Eldritch. Although only a strand, it was inconceivably powerful.

Despite all this, the dark red star before him stirred a primal fear in his soul, as if he faced a monstrous beast capable of devouring existence itself.

Protectorate Xiong Yuan, observing Wu Yuan's reaction, nodded approvingly. "You sense it, don't you? Impressive composure for your first glimpse of the Dark Star. Many Golden Core cultivators would be on their knees, paralyzed with terror by now."

"It takes a while to get used to it." Protectorate Xiong Yuan continued.

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

This Dark Star was indeed extraordinary, far more powerful than the Redmoon Star he had previously seen.

"In my Bloodforge Devil Hall, there is an ancient saying: the Dark Star is dyed red with blood," Protectorate Xiong Yuan’s eyes flickered to Wu Yuan's face.

"Dyed red with blood?" Wu Yuan's gaze fell on the Dark Star, its dark red color lending it an even more fearsome appearance.

"Wu Yuan, have you heard of the Redmoon Immortal Hall?" Protectorate Xiong Yuan suddenly changed the topic.

Wu Yuan nodded, "Daoist Long mentioned it. It is a super faction that rules the main landmass of the Redmoon Immortal Continent and is said to be stronger than the Devil Hall."

Daoist Long had indeed mentioned this.

The powerhouses from the Redmoon Immortal Hall and Bloodforge Devil Hall rarely crossed paths, but both acknowledged the other's existence.

"Haha, it is only stronger than the Redmoon division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall." Protectorate Xiong Yuan laughed, "The strength of the entire devil hall is beyond your wildest imagination. It can compete with a whole immortal world."

‘Surprise’ flickered in Wu Yuan's eyes at this ‘revelation’.

"To assess the strength of its disciples, the Redmoon Immortal Hall has a so-called Seven Star Luminaries Tower in the voidrealm where the avatars of challengers engage in battle with its guardians." Protectorate Xiong Yuan's tone dripped with contempt.

"Even in real-world fights, various safeguards are implemented, all in the name of preventing disciples from getting hurt."

His lip curled in a sneer. "In truth, it's mere weakness, a fear of confronting death. Their immortal cultivators are like children raised in honey jars, sheltered from the harsh realities of the world. Their chances of successful breakthrough are pitiful, most simply squandering cultivation resources."

As Wu Yuan listened, he was taken aback.

So this was how the powerhouses of the Bloodforge Devil Hall viewed the immortal cultivators of the Redmoon Immortal Hall.

"Our Bloodforge Devil Hall emphasizes real combat. Every battle is a dance with death," Xiong Yuan gestured towards the distant star. "Battles on the Dark Star unfold in the physical world, each challenge carrying the risk of permanent demise. Countless disciples have perished there over the eons."

Risk of permanent demise? Wu Yuan muttered to himself.

The Bloodforge Devil Hall's reputation for brutality was well-earned. Even a simple internal disciple assessment carried lethal risk, showing the cruelty of their training process.

"Only when faced with the imminent threat of death does one's life potential truly awaken," chuckled Protectorate Xiong Yuan.

“Furthermore, it serves as a stern lesson for countless disciples, teaching them not to recklessly challenge the Dark Star with blind arrogance."

"It also serves as a warning to all disciples to plan before they act. If they die, they die," Protectorate Xiong Yuan solemnly added.

Wu Yuan nodded slowly. The more he cultivated, the more he understood the saying 'only by living can one have everything'.

"Protectorate, rest assured, I will be careful and make it out alive." Wu Yuan said softly.

"I believe in you." Protectorate Xiong Yuan smiled, "The Dark Star is divided into the Golden Core Dark Star and Amethyst Cradle Dark Star. The purpose of the Origin Blood World is to raise disciples at the Golden Core phase."

"This is the Golden Core Dark Star. Survive the challenge, conquer sufficient levels, and a bounty of resources and privileges will be yours."

"There's no age limit, only a limit on one’s cultivation level: you must be at the Golden Core phase to take on the challenge."

"The whole Golden Core Dark Star consists of twenty levels in total. Clear level four, and you'll be considered an elite disciple of the Origin Blood World. Clear level six, and you'll be recognized as a core disciple. Clear level seven, and you'll be a Bloodforge Seed."

Protectorate Xiong Yuan looked at Wu Yuan, "That is to say, in the current Origin Blood World, out of the million Golden Core disciples directly nurtured by the devil hall, only slightly more than eighty have cleared level seven of the Dark Star."

Wu Yuan listened quietly.

The sharpening of the chopper doesn’t delay the chopping of wood. All of this was crucial information he had not known about previously.

"Wu Yuan, as long as your battle recording wasn’t fabricated, you should easily clear level seven with your strength," Protectorate Xiong Yuan said earnestly. "Aim for the top spot in the current generation– it's within your reach. The High Immortal has placed great faith in you. Don't disappoint him."

"Once you become a Bloodforge Seed, or even take the first place, the High Immortal will surely reward you handsomely," Protectorate Xiong Yuan stated. "Moreover, if you aspire to hold a high position in the devil hall and seek a wealth of cultivation resources, then make sure to demonstrate your full capabilities."

"I've heard that you value your homeland greatly? Although our Bloodforge Devil Hall is strict, we are also generous to those who prove their strength," Protectorate Xiong Yuan smiled.

"As long as you're strong and talented enough, you could very well become the ruler of Summerpeak, or even the World Master."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile. Another drawing of a cake!

However, while an ordinary Golden Core cultivator might find it hard to swallow Protectorate Xiong Yuan's huge cake, Wu Yuan felt hopeful.

"Protectorate Xiong Yuan, what's the highest level that a Golden Core disciple from the Redmoon division has cleared to date?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

The Golden Core Dark Star consisted of twenty levels in all. To become a Bloodforge Seed just by clearing level seven, it meant the difficulty level posed by the Dark Star was high.

In the Seven Star Luminaries Tower, where each tower consisted of one hundred levels, passing level fifty was considered an extraordinary feat.

"You'll find out once you're inside," Protectorate Xiong Yuan's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Come, follow me down."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Six figures swiftly soared toward the massive Dark Star in the distance, its colossal entrance spanning a thousand li gradually coming into focus. Even with Xiong Yuan's Elysian Field phase strength, the journey took considerable time.

Ten queues stretched before the entrance, each filled with numerous immortal cultivators.

"So many people." Wu Yuan swept his gaze over the crowd, estimating their numbers to exceed ten thousand.

"Within the Dark Star, there are ten battle spaces, capable of accommodating ten cultivators simultaneously," Protectorate Xiong Yuan explained with a smile.

"Ordinarily, a Golden Core cultivator would only attempt it once every year or two. Hence, on regular days, the queue isn't this long."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

"However, with the Bloodforge about to begin, cultivators from millions of worldlets have started to arrive," Protectorate Xiong Yuan continued. "These newly-arrived Golden Core cultivators also have the right to attempt it, with one chance each year."

"Each successful level clear grants the challenger a reward. Understandably, this draws huge crowds of cultivators. In the final months before the Bloodforge, the queues may swell to over a million cultivators," Protectorate Xiong Yuan chuckled.

A million Golden Core cultivators? Wu Yuan's mind reeled at the staggering figures.

"The more attempts, the more deaths. Historically, before every Bloodforge Battle, a vast number of Golden Core cultivators don’t even make it to the Bloodforge itself, dying on the Dark Star instead," Protectorate Xiong Yuan said.

"Here is the information on each level of the Dark Star. Take it." With a wave of his hand, he handed a jade slip to Wu Yuan.

"Thank you, Protectorate." Wu Yuan accepted it and began to examine it straight away.

Soon, Wu Yuan formulated a plan in his mind.

"Let's go, I'll escort you in," Protectorate Xiong Yuan gripped Wu Yuan's shoulder, propelling them towards the entrance at breathtaking speed.

The overwhelming force left Wu Yuan with no chance to resist. Elysian Field Eminence could contend with a Void Refiner Eminence with their physical strength alone. How could a Spiritual Body youngster like Wu Yuan possibly resist?

"Protectorate, shouldn't we queue?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"The High Immortal is eagerly waiting for you to bring him good news. Queue? What queue?" Protectorate Xiong Yuan retorted, leading Wu Yuan into the Dark Star.

Their actions drew the ire of the thousands of Golden Core cultivators waiting in line, their grumbles of discontent rising like a wave:

"Why does he get to cut in line?"

"I've never seen that Spiritual Body cultivator before."

"Why don't they have to queue?"

"Why aren't the Amethyst Cradle Reverends stopping them?"

Sharp rebukes cut through the complaints:

"Silence! That's a Void Refiner Protectorate; he has the right to bring someone in directly. After living in the Origin Blood World for so long, you still don't understand the rules?"

"All of you had better shut up. Want to skip the line? Fine, invite a Void Refiner Protectorate or clear level seven."

"Quiet." More than ten Amethyst Cradle Reverends materialized in the air, their growls echoing ominously.

Furthermore, quite a few Amethyst Cradle enforcers brandished special whips, lashing out at the noisiest Golden Core cultivators. Pain silenced the queue, as Wu Yuan and Xiong Yuan vanished into the depths of the Dark Star.


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