Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 433: Prepared For All Possibilities (4)

Chapter 433: Prepared For All Possibilities (4)

"Reverend Jing Shan and I can't enter the devil hall, our talents and abilities are inadequate. But with your talent and abilities, you could easily join the devil hall. After that, even Huo Yan will find it tough to deal with you."

"Furthermore, when you rise to a position of power in the future, killing Huo Yan would take nothing more than a word from you," Daoist Long said solemnly.

"Join the devil hall?" Wu Yuan seemed stunned, a look of struggle on his face.

"Wu Yuan, the internal competition in the Bloodforge Devil Hall is brutal. It may not align with your Dao Heart," Reverend Jing Shan began gravely.

"But we have no choice! We are born in the Bloodforge World. It's our destiny," Reverend Jing Shan sighed, shaking his head. "Compared to you, becoming a formal member of the Bloodforge Devil Hall is difficult for us."

Wu Yuan nodded silently.

The location of one’s birth often determined their path. If one was born in the Bloodforge World under the rule of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, and aimed to rise in strength? Then one must follow the path laid out by the devil hall. There was no other way.

"For survival, for my homeland, I am willing to join the Devil Hall," Wu Yuan said in a low voice, "But, how do I join? I don't know how to join the Bloodforge Devil Hall."

Daoist Long and Reverend Jing Shan exchanged a look, but didn't speak immediately.

Wu Yuan knew what they were thinking.

"As long as you are willing to help me, it doesn’t matter what you need, just say it," Wu Yuan took the initiative. "If it's within my abilities, I will do my best to fulfill it."

Wu Yuan didn't believe the two before him were just trying to help him out of kindness. In this world, everything boiled down to the exchange of interests.

There was surely an ulterior motive behind Daoist Long and Reverend Jing Shan painting such a doomsday scenario and putting up this whole performance in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist, you worry too much. It's not that we're unwilling to help, there are indeed two major reasons," Daoist Long said solemnly. "The first is that once you join the devil hall, your status will undergo a meteoric rise, and you're bound to unify Summerpeak."

"We're fine with that. But what will become of our Starcom Consortium and Jingshan Sect?" Daoist Long shook his head. "We must consider our disciples and their future."

Wu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. The crux of the matter lay here.

"What do both of you suggest?" Wu Yuan threw the question back, not offering an answer.

"Daoist Wu Yuan, we know you're bound to propagate Faith in the future." Reverend Jing Shan said softly, "We won't obstruct you, and can even assist you in propagating Faith across the Summerpeak mainland."

"There's just one thing. We hope that when you unify Summerpeak, you can spare the Jingshan Sect and its territories, allowing it to carry on its legacy." Reverend Jing Shan said sincerely.

"What concerns could I possibly have with that?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but laugh. "Reverend Jing Shan, you're overthinking it. This is no issue at all. I'm happy to agree."

A bird in the hand is worth ten in the forest.

For Wu Yuan, joining the devil hall as soon as possible and resolving his current troubles were the priorities.

As for conquering the Summerpeak mainland? For the current Wu Yuan, that seemed too far off.

Moreover, since Reverend Jing Shan had already promised to concede the propagation of Faith, Wu Yuan didn’t see the need to ask for more.

"What about Daoist Long?" Wu Yuan turned to Daoist Long.

"I can offer you the entire Starcom Consortium." Daoist Long said with a grin. "Just one thing, I hope that if you become a Sageling of the devil hall, you can recruit me as your follower."


Now, it wasn't just Wu Yuan who was surprised.

Reverend Jing Shan was likewise stunned. This was not at all what they had previously discussed.

Wu Yuan, however, quickly regained his composure, realizing something. He thought of Lu Zhu.

"Alright, I don't know what Daoist Long is thinking." Wu Yuan laughed, "But I can promise you that if I ever hold a high position in the devil hall, I will fulfill the promise I made today."

"Fantastic." Daoist Long couldn't help but smile.

The Starcom Consortium? Ruling over the Summerpeak mainland? He didn't value any of these. In his mind, these were just material possessions that he could discard without a second thought. They didn't affect him personally.

What he yearned for was to reach a higher level in the future, to become more powerful, and even to become an existence at the Elysian Field phase.

However, Daoist Long knew his own limitations. If he relied on himself? Even if he became a formal member of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, his chances would be incredibly slim.

Daoist Long had determined that Wu Yuan was the great opportunity he was waiting for.

Three thousand years ago, I bet everything on one expedition, and finally reached the Shambhala phase. Daoist Long sighed quietly. Now, I'm betting everything again, hoping that by following Wu Yuan, I can reach a higher level.

What he was gambling on was the chance to stay by Wu Yuan’s side during his rise before his own lifespan reached its end. By doing so, some unnecessary treasures Wu Yuan casually tossed to him might just help him break through.

Moreover, Daoist Long understood that such opportunities were rare. The kind that could only be stumbled into but not sought. Now that Wu Yuan had yet to make his name, pledging his allegiance was still effective.

In the future? Those clamoring to join Wu Yuan would be as numerous as fish crossing the river. Why would Wu Yuan need an average Shambhala like him?

"Fellow Daoist," Daoist Long stated gravely, "Our worries and considerations are secondary. The key factor here is you."

"Me?" Wu Yuan blinked in surprise.

"Yes," Daoist Long nodded, "Do you know about the imminent Bloodforge Battle? All Golden Core disciples nurtured by the entire devil hall will be drafted."

"All of them?" Wu Yuan’s pupils contracted slightly.

"Exactly, not a single one will be spared," Daoist Long added, "And not just disciples, but also a large number of the Golden Core and Qi Sea cultivators from various worlds will be required to participate."

"If you join the Bloodforge Devil Hall at this time, you must participate in the Bloodforge Battle," Daoist Long's voice deepened.

"The Bloodforge Battle is ruthless. With your strength, survival shouldn't be difficult. You may even stand out. However, it remains extremely dangerous. Even a prodigy can perish in the Bloodforge," Daoist Long stated.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but nod.

With innumerable geniuses from countless worlds gathered, unless one reached the level of a monstrous prodigy, anyone could die.

"So, you need to think it through whether you wish to participate or not," Daoist Long looked at Wu Yuan, a glint of expectation in his eyes.

Although Protectorate Xiong Yuan had given him explicit orders, he didn't want to force Wu Yuan into it. Doing so would likely result in Wu Yuan bearing a grudge against him, something Daoist Long hoped to avoid.

He contemplated for a moment.

"I will participate," Wu Yuan smiled, "The Bloodforge Battle is dangerous, but my odds of surviving are still high."

"If I stay in Summerpeak, I will undoubtedly die when Reverend Huo Yan arrives," Wu Yuan shook his head.

There was no choice! From Wu Yuan's perspective, a battle against Reverend Huo Yan would undoubtedly end in his defeat, and the Middle Land's destruction would follow soon after.

However, he stood a fair chance of survival by participating in the Bloodforge.

"Excellent!" Daoist Long nodded, "If you've made up your mind, it'd be best if you accompany us to the devil hall today."

"Today?" Wu Yuan was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, the sooner the better. If we take too long, Reverend Huo Yan might return and wreak havoc once the ten days are up," Reverend Jing Shan warned.

"If you wish to protect the Middle Land, the best way is to achieve the status of a Bloodforge Seed."

"As a Bloodforge Seed, you'd hold a position equivalent to a protectorate. At that time, you can order the devil hall to protect the Middle Land. Even Reverend Huo Yan would not dare to defy the command of the devil hall."

"If you miss this chance, it will be too late for regrets," Reverend Jing Shan shook his head.

Bloodforge Seed? Wu Yuan took note of the term.

"I understand that you're young and most likely still have loved ones who are alive, there must be things you're concerned about," Daoist Long smiled.

He flipped his palm, presenting ten blood-red voidrealm jades.

"This?" Wu Yuan looked at them.

"These are the voidrealm jades of the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm, but only the lowest level ones," Daoist Long explained. "You can hand these voidrealm jades to your loved ones. In the future, you can contact them in the Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm."

"The Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm is able to facilitate communication between worlds."

"In the future, when you become an official member of the devil hall, you’ll be able to send them far more voidrealm jades, and even higher-level ones." Daoist Long assured. "Communication will not be a problem."

Wu Yuan was fascinated.

The voidrealms created by Amethyst Cradle and Void Refiner cultivators could not span two worlds. Once someone left a worldlet, contact was lost.

Yet, voidrealms like the Redmoon Immortal Voidrealm and Bloodforge Immortal Voidrealm could disregard these obstructions. They were obviously of superior grade.

"Rest assured, Fellow Daoist, we will safeguard the Middle Land," Daoist Long, standing nearby, chimed in with a grin. "As long as Reverend Huo Yan doesn't intervene, we can handle any other threats. If you still have any doubts, we can swear an oath."

Having come this far, Wu Yuan was already fully convinced by Daoist Long and Daoist Jing Shan’s words. Seeing their urgency, his suspicions grew. But it was inappropriate to inquire.

"Alright. Please wait six hours. After six hours, we will head to the Bloodforge Devil Hall together," Wu Yuan declared.


"No problem!" Daoist Long and Daoist Jing Shan had no objections.

They both understood Protectorate Xiong Yuan’s orders. Reverend Huo Yan? He'd never return to Summerpeak.

They were only worried that new problems might arise during this delay, hence they urged Wu Yuan to head for the Bloodforge Devil Hall as soon as possible.

Whoosh! Wu Yuan swiftly rushed back to the Middle Land.


In a spacetime far from the Summerpeak World, amidst a sprawling complex, stood a majestic hall.

"High Immortal." Protectorate Xiong Yuan, a bear-like figure, knelt in respect. "I've received a response from Wu Yuan. He will arrive at the devil hall within twelve hours."

"Good." A detached voice echoed from the hall, "Once they arrive, initiate the Bloodforge Seed practical assessment."

"The other fools ridiculed me for years, I hope Wu Yuan won't disappoint me."


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