Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 426: An Immortal Falls In One Strike (4)

Chapter 426: An Immortal Falls In One Strike (4)

Through layers of spatial barriers, he 'saw' the figure hidden in that other world.

As the red-robed figure prepared to unleash a deadly move, an ice-cold voice pierced through the endless cosmos. "Huo Gao, you dare to encroach upon my Dragon Star Immortal Sect? You must be tired of living."

The figure’s pupils contracted.

Dong Yang?

Immediately, he felt a bone-chilling coldness enveloping his whole body, penetrating deep into his spirit, and causing his heart to tremble instinctively.

Then, the red-robed figure saw it. "What is this?"

In the endless vastness of space, shrouded in endless arrays, the headquarters of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect suddenly emitted a dark gray light.

At a glance, this light was inconspicuous and slow-acting.

But in reality, the endless spiritual qi of the entire Dragon Star Immortal Sect rushed into it in just an instant.

Whoosh! It turned into a terrifying sword light spanning millions of li, as if the entire heaven and earth was being cut in half, aiming directly at the figure in red robes.


Inside Wu Yuan’s world residence, in his meditation chamber.

Wu Yuan’s eyes were wide open, his heart trembling.

He never thought that even hiding in the Dragon Star Immortal Sect, he would encounter an attack. Especially not such a terrifying one.

Just now, as Wu Yuan was fully immersed in studying the Extended Life Sword Codex, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Vaguely, he felt an incredibly terrifying presence observing him, filled with hostility.

It was so terrifying that just the attention from the unknown source made Wu Yuan's soul tremble and shiver, even though it was as powerful as a Void Refiner Eminence’s.

Wu Yuan was rendered completely helpless, unable to seek help at all. He couldn't even move his body or think at normal speed.

The difference in the order of lives was too large. He only knew that the newcomer was definitely an unimaginable super powerhouse, far surpassing an Earth Immortal!

At least a High Immortal, maybe even an Archimmortal!

An eternal Archimmortal! This was the only thought left in Wu Yuan's mind.

Just as Wu Yuan thought he was doomed, a furious voice echoed throughout the entire heaven and earth.

"Huo Gao, you dare to encroach upon my Dragon Star Immortal Sect? You must be tired of living!"

It echoed through every corner of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect, all the worldlets, all the residences. Everyone heard it at once.

And this roar, like a protective umbrella, instantly dispelled the gloom that shrouded Wu Yuan's mind, returning him to normal.

"This? Who is it? Who saved me? Is it the sect's immortal ancestor?" Wu Yuan couldn't help but look up.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see what was taking place in the world outside. But he could sense that the eyes that had been watching him through layers of space had disappeared.

"I survived? How did I provoke such a terrifying powerful figure?” Wu Yuan felt a wave of fear and coldness in his heart, along with deep unease.


Wu Yuan was plunged into deep worry, not knowing the cause or the outcome of the event.

As that burst of rage echoed throughout the Dragon Star Immortal Sect, the entire sect was instantly in uproar. Countless sect disciples and protectorates all looked up at the sky, but they saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Only the Earth Immortals and High Immortals of the sect could see the epic battle unfolding in the space above the sect’s headquarters through the sect's arrays and various secret arts.

Boom! Endless surging flames raged wildly across millions of li of space. A majestic figure stood within the boundless flames, his aura vast and endless.

"It's an Archimmortal!"

"An Archimmortal is attacking our Dragon Star Immortal Sect?"

"Definitely an Archimmortal. It’s an immortal body manifestation." The Earth Immortals and High Immortals held their breath as they watched.

That ferocious and terrifying aura shook the spirits of all spectators, including Abbot Wu, High Immortal Hei Yuan, and others.

Yet, these Earth Immortals and High Immortals also saw a figure in white standing in space.

His body appeared small. Yet, just standing there, he looked like a divine sword spanning heaven and earth.

At the same time, chains spanning millions of li firmly restrained the majestic fiery figure.

"Dong Yang. You’re just a Tribulation cultivator. You think you can kill me?" The majestic fiery figure roared, "Release me, or today, your Dragon Star Immortal Sect will face a great disaster."

"A mana body dares to be so arrogant?" The figure in white wasn’t the least bit bothered, his voice cold.

“So what if you’re an Archimmortal? You’re not the first Archimmortal to die at my hands, nor will you be the last. Since you dare intrude into my Dragon Star Immortal Sect, I'll cut down your mana body first.” The figure in white spoke with indifference.

As the final syllable dropped, sword lights tore through the sky and earth with a terrifying force, seemingly capable of cutting through anything in their path.

The convergence of countless sword lights created a spectacle akin to a world of swords, all surging and crashing toward the majestic figure made of flames.

"Begone!" The majestic flaming figure bellowed, as flames erupted from him and two divine pillars materialized in his hands.

The clash that followed was deafening, with each collision between sword lights and pillars causing explosions and ripples in space, spreading across millions of li.

The impact was so immense that it could have destroyed vast stretches of land and space matter if not for the protective array surrounding the Dragon Star Immortal Sect and the battlefield’s remote location.

A worldlet like Summerpeak could hardly withstand the aftermath of their strikes!

The majestic flaming figure retorted, "Dong Yang, a mere High Immortal like you cannot defeat me. I have wandered the immortal nation for countless years."

Layers of ominous black flames, capable of warping the very fabric of space, emerged and surged toward the intricate chains that bound them.

As the flames licked the chains, they began to melt at visible speed. These chains were created with arcane arts, unable to withstand the flames’ destructive power.

With a swift movement, a divine sword materialized in his hand, its gleaming surface reflecting the deadly intent in his eyes.

"I meant to save this strike for the Ninth Tribulation," declared Sword Immortal Dong Yang, his voice as cold as the blade. "Today, you shall be my test subject!"

With a series of swift motions, the divine sword split into seven smaller swords, each radiating a different aura of power, including earthy-yellow, green, and fiery-red.

As they merged back into one, a golden divine sword appeared, crackling with restrained energy.

The sword, unleashed with a silent fury, flew towards the colossal flaming figure that loomed millions of miles away.

One moment, it was right before Sword Immortal Dong Yang. The next moment, it disappeared into the distance, piercing through the void and leaving a visible crack in its wake.

With a deafening boom, the golden sword cleaved the towering figure into two halves without resistance. Then, a cascade of sword lights erupted from the broken form. The figure exploded into flame, its destructive power consuming everything in its path.

At this moment, more than a hundred Earth Immortals and High Immortals from the Dragon Star Immortal Sect stood in awe and disbelief.

Sword Immortal Dong Yang’s power was nothing short of astonishing. None had fathomed just how formidable he truly was until that very instant.

With a single stroke of his sword, an Archimmortal had fallen. The flames that had once stretched for millions of li were finally extinguished, revealing a massive withered branch that emitted a potent aura, stretching a hundred li in length.

Suddenly, countless lights converged, revealing an illusory figure draped in red robes. It appeared to be an incarnation.

"Return my treasure," the figure demanded angrily.

Dong Yang's expression remained impassive as he responded, "If your true body dares to step out of the Silvermist plane and face me, I will gladly return it to you."

The figure hesitated, clearly unwilling to face Dong Yang in person.

The power of the mana body nearly matched that of the true body, and risking his demise was not a chance the figure was willing to take.

"You don’t dare?" Dong Yang's voice rang out.

"Then get out of my sight!" With a wave of his hand, an invisible sword qi sliced through space, eradicating the incarnation before him.

He then effortlessly retrieved the withered branch.

Silence fell as the surging sword qi enveloped him.

"All of you, heed my words!" Sword Immortal Dong Yang scanned the vast expanse of space hundreds of millions of li around him.

The space appeared empty, but in reality, the immortal consciousnesses of numerous immortals were surveying the area. They were all Archimmortals quietly watching things unfold.

The Redmoon Immortal Continent, vast as it was, was not so large that those at the level of Archimmortals would miss such an intense clash. They were all spectating the battle via their immortal consciousnesses.

“I, Dong Yang, have traversed countless spacetimes over millions of years. The Eighth Tribulation couldn't stop me, and the Ninth Tribulation won’t be enough either. No Tribulation can hinder my path to immortality.” His voice echoed with undeniable authority, piercing through the heavens and resonating throughout the earth.

"Tell the others. If they seek a challenge, then bring it on!" he declared. "But should anyone dare harm a disciple of my Dragon Star Immortal Sect, I will not rest until justice is served, even if it takes eons. Today, only Huo Gao’s mana body has fallen, but in the future, he shall meet his end by my sword."

With a step, Sword Immortal Dong Yang vanished without a trace. All that was left were the lingering sword lights that spread millions of li into the distance, speaking volumes of his power and will to all the Archimmortals present.


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