Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 19: A Moonless, Windy Night

Chapter 19: A Moonless, Windy Night

Ninecloud Mountain was a collective term for a continuous line of mountain peaks, stretching dozens of miles. It was the only large-scale mountain range within Li County, and also the region where land bandits were most active.

It was 130 li away from Li City, and the journey was mostly through gentle plains. For martial artists familiar with the terrain, it would only take two to four hours to traverse it. But for Wu Yuan, it was his first time stepping out of Li City, venturing into the untamed regions of the Middle Land.

Although he had already memorized the geography, textbook knowledge was different from reality. Out of caution, he refrained from asking others for directions, avoiding passers-by as far as possible.

Finally, after an arduous six-hour journey, he arrived at the base of the mountain range. By the time night had descended in full, he had traversed two mountain peaks, delving deep into the heart of Ninecloud Mountain.

From the summit, Wu Yuan gazed upon a sprawling, bustling fortress below. Brightly lit, the stronghold stood out conspicuously against the mountainous backdrop.

This should be the headquarters of the Vicious Tiger Gang.

Lifting his hand, a bronze mask covered his face. Simultaneously, Wu Yuan's bones compacted with a series of crackles and pops. His height shrunk while his arms, waist, and thighs all thickened slightly. He took on the appearance of a stout man less than 1.7 meters tall, holding a long saber in his hand.

I wonder who’s behind this Vicious Tiger Gang. Wu Yuan silently observed the large camp. They’re actually bold enough to set up such an enormous base.

Land bandits and water thieves of small gangs had to constantly be on the move. After all, the guards of counties and townships were not to be underestimated. Even for large gangs that established bases, they usually kept a low profile, ensuring the locations of their hideouts remained secret.

Whether it was the city guard of a county or the powerful Southdream Army, all soldiers underwent rigorous military training and were well-equipped for battle. Roving bandits couldn't hope to challenge them.

Few gangs were as brazen as the Vicious Tiger Gang. It was practically screaming: "I have official backing!"

It's not a bad thing. If they hadn't established such a large stronghold, I might not have found them this easily. Night has barely fallen, and the members of the Vicious Tiger Gang might still be wide awake. But I can't afford to wait, I must find the chieftain as soon as possible.

Normally, the best time to launch an ambush would be during the latter half of the night, when people tended to be least vigilant.

But time was of the essence. Wu Yuan dared not take the risk. Revenge was one of his objectives, but his primary goal was to rescue the chieftain. He was deeply grateful to the chieftain.

Although the timing is not ideal, it is a new moon tonight. This suits my purposes just fine.

The night sky was devoid of any trace of light. No moonlight to speak of, and barely a handful of stars. The darkness was all-encompassing, making the large stronghold stand out even more.

The wind is picking up. Wu Yuan closed his eyes, sensing a gale sweep past as he quieted his thoughts.

Some could only muster 80% or even 50% of their strength when faced with life-or-death situations. Their hearts were not strong or firm enough.

Wu Yuan's eyes snapped open. His gaze had completely transformed, turning icy as frost, radiating a murderous intent.


In one fluid motion, Wu Yuan placed his foot onto a tree branch. An imperceptible force pressed the branch downward, and he gracefully glided for several tens of zhangs before landing on the next tree branch.

The pitch-black forest was as clear as daylight in Wu Yuan's eyes, and he rapidly closed in on the stronghold in the middle of the mountain.

It was a dark and windy night. The perfect cover for murder and arson!

The Vicious Tiger Gang was not a common band of renegades, but a large faction that developed over the course of many years. The organizational structure of the gang was relatively strict, the hierarchy clear, and the defenses of the stronghold were naturally stringent. There were patrolling guards, watchtowers, and hidden sentries.

However, how skilled was Wu Yuan? He was no longer the person who had just transmigrated over. In the four months since he had recovered from his disoriented state, his physical strength had greatly increased, approaching the peak of his previous life.

His mental perception was also growing continuously stronger. Although there was still some way to go before reaching the peak of his previous life, it was far stronger than when he had first regained consciousness in this world.

Wu Yuan moved like a phantom, evading the numerous guards at the outermost perimeter of the stronghold with ease. Soon, he came atop a wall. With a light leap, Wu Yuan landed in a corner.

The intelligence from the Starcom Consortium only included the location of the Vicious Tiger Gang's headquarters. As for the internal structure of the stronghold? I have no idea.

Wu Yuan concealed himself, observing his surroundings. Some areas were dimly lit, while others were cloaked in darkness.

In an inconspicuous guard post within the stronghold.

"Damn it! The gang made a couple of big deals a few days ago. The gang leader is having a grand celebration and they brought some girls into the stronghold. They're all having fun, but we're stuck on night shift?" A young gang member in green complained.

"You can only blame yourself. When the division head told you to behead a few people, you were slow to act. Why would the division head favor you?" An older gang member huffed.

"But they were just kids!" The young thug couldn't help but retort.

"So what if they were kids? Didn't you kill them in the end?" The middle-aged thug scoffed disdainfully, "Since you're a bandit, you must be ruthless. Otherwise, why did you join the Vicious Tiger Gang? To practice chivalry?"

The young gang member fell silent.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed past. The two guards felt their vision darken, and they both collapsed. A hand caught each falling body soundlessly. Then, they were swiftly transported into an inconspicuous, empty building nearby.

The door closed quietly behind them and the two guards were lowered to the floor. Wu Yuan then lightly touched the waist of the older guard.

"Hmm?" The middle-aged guard suddenly woke up. What just happened?

A split second later, he was horrified to find a figure standing in front of him. The figure wore a bronze mask and carried a large bundle on his back.

At that moment, he understood that an enemy had infiltrated them.

"Don’t speak," Wu Yuan's voice rasped, "I will ask, and you will answer. If I find the slightest deceit, you are dead. If you answer honestly, perhaps I may spare your life."

"If you agree, nod," Wu Yuan peered down at him.

The middle-aged guard nodded frantically.

"Where does the Vicious Tiger Gang generally imprison their captives?" Wu Yuan inquired.

"There's a small three-story building in the east of the stronghold, that's where they usually lock up the captives," the middle-aged guard said in a quiet voice.

"Good. Now shut up." Wu Yuan commanded coldly. He then gently pressed his hand to the waist of the young guard.

Given Wu Yuan's mastery over the human body, he knew perfectly well how to render someone unconscious, and then conscious again.

The young guard awoke swiftly. In mere seconds, he understood his predicament and was filled with shock. After all, both guards neared the level of sixth-grade martial virtuosos, yet they had been caught off guard. They weren’t able to resist this man at all.

"Look at me. Does the gang leader reside in the three-story building in the east of the stronghold?" Wu Yuan coldly demanded, "Speak!"

"Not the gang leader. The gang leader resides in the small courtyard house beside the building. The building houses the two division heads and the Vicious Tiger..." The frightened young guard blurted out everything all at once.

He didn’t notice the change in the middle-aged guard's expression.

Boom! Seemingly regaining his mobility, the middle-aged guard suddenly leaped up, his face twisted in ferocity. A short blade appeared in his hand, and he thrust it towards Wu Yuan's chest. At such close proximity, he believed that not even an Adept could evade this attack.

A flash of light cut through the air, and the ghost-like Wu Yuan instantly swept past the guard's side. A gash appeared on the guard's throat and blood gushed out ceaselessly.

The middle-aged guard's eyes widened, his hand instinctively clutching his neck, but he could not stop the flow of blood. He opened his mouth, yet not a single whisper emerged before he collapsed backward.

Wu Yuan caught him, gently laying him down.

On the side, the young guard, who was newly inducted into the Vicious Tiger Gang, was terrified beyond reason. He had accompanied the gang on pillaging expeditions a few times, but never before had death loomed so close.

"He lied, and thus, he died." Wu Yuan's voice was hoarse yet collected, "If you lie, you too shall meet your end."

"I will ask, you shall answer..."

In the next two minutes, Wu Yuan interrogated him. Terrified and cornered, the young guard spilled every last secret, leaving no question unanswered.

"Last question. How many people did you behead on your last mission?" Wu Yuan asked.

The young guard was taken aback, instinctively replying, "Three."

Whoosh! A blade ray flashed across the young guard's neck. His head rolled off, tumbling about on the floor as his body went limp. Blood stained the ground. Even at his final breath, his eyes bulged wide, as if in disbelief.

Is this what it feels like to kill someone? Wu Yuan gazed at the two lifeless bodies on the floor.

His heart seemed to turn colder.

Those who kill, are killed in return. The Middle Land is far more cruel than my previous world. There is no law, only strength reigns supreme. Perhaps one day, I too shall meet my end. An understanding dawned within Wu Yuan.

He searched the corpses, procuring a few silver notes which he stowed away. In a swift movement, he floated out of the room. Then, he stealthily navigated toward the prison located in the northern part of the stronghold.


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