You're My Only Star

Chapter 517 - Extra - Mr. Fluffball, The Caretaker

After accompanying the twins in their cot that time, Mr. Fluffball would continue to sneak into their room and sleep in their cot as well.

The babies were mostly obedient and would sleep for a long time. However, they were a bit noisy when they started to cry.

Once one of the girls started to cry, the other one would wake up and started to cry as well.

Their voices were too loud. Mr. Fluffball was afraid that the babies crying would cause him to be deaf. However, he would worry about them and chose to stay by their side.

Fortunately, their Papa would show up each time the babies started to cry.

His favorite time was when his Papa would show up to feed the babies their milk. This was because his Papa would let him stay with him and scratched his head whenever he got the chance to.

Before he leave, his Papa would compliment him as a good brother. Most of the time, he would get some snacks as well.

Finding that it was a good opportunity for him to act spoiled with his Papa, Mr. Fluffball would choose to sleep in the babies' room.

On one night, Mr. Fluffball was sleeping in Lu Jing's cot while occasionally keeping his eyes on baby Lu Xia.

Mr. Fluffball woke up from his sleep and stretched his body with a wide yawn. Habitually, he glanced to Baby Lu Xia's cot which was just beside Lu Jing.

The baby girl was sleeping soundly, but Mr. Fluffball's heart was telling him that something doesn't seem right.

The grey cat get on his four feet and jumped into Lu Xia's cot. He looked at the baby and saw the deep frown on her face. Her little mouth was gap open and her body seemed to be a little hot.


Mr. Fluffball began to worry. He nudged at the baby's body a few times but the baby only let out a small whimper.

After checking to see that Lu Jing was still asleep, Mr. Fluffball jumped down from the cot and went to the couple's bedroom.

Finding that their door was closed, Mr. Fluffball stood outside and meowed loudly a few times. He stood on his two feet and started to scratch their doors, making a lot of noises.

Only then did his Papa show up.

"Mr. Fluffball?" Lu Xun's eyes looked at him in surprise. "Why are you here?" What's wrong?"

"Meow." The cat bit on his papa's pants and pulled him. However, his strength as a cat was never enough. "Meow."

"What's wrong?"

Mr. Fluffball glanced at the baby's room. Worried that something might happen to the baby, the cat turned around and headed to the baby's room.

Lu Xun was still worried over Mr. Fluffball's strange behavior and decided to follow him to the baby's room.

Once he entered, the cat was walking back and forth in Lu Xia'a crib. He approached closer, wanting to see what was going on.


Lu Xun went to check on his baby and was surprised to find that Lu Xia's temperature was a little too high. He picked up the little girl and Lu Xia began to cry. However, her crying sounded weak.

After checking that Lu Jing was alright, Lu Xun went back to his room to alert his wife with Little Lu Xia in his arms.

"What happened?" Song Xing Xing rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Is she hungry?"

"Xing Xing, Little Lu Xia is having a cold."

Hearing this, Song Xing Xing was quickly awakened.

"I'm taking her to the hospital."

"I'm coming with you."

Lu Xun nodded. "Then, I will let the nanny look after Xiao Jing."

The two of them grabbed everything important before they went straight to the hospital. Lu Xun was driving while Song Xing Xing was accompanying her baby in the back seat.

Fortunately, the road was clear around this time and they quickly arrived at the hospital.

Baby Lu Xia was given a check and the doctor found that she had a cold. Her throat was sore and she could not cry and make a lot of noise. Lu Xia was uncomfortable.

The doctor quickly gave Little Lu Xia a treatment. Once the baby's temperature had gone down, both Lu Xun and Song Xing Xing were finally at ease.

Lu Xun looked at his daughter's sleeping face and could not help but kiss her face a few times. "Fortunately, Mr. Fluffball was accompanying the babies."

"Mr. FLuffball?" Song Xing Xing looked at her husband in puzzlement. She was still worrying over her daughter. Why would he suddenly mention the cat?

"Mmm.... it was Mr. Fluffball who had alerted me." Lu Xun started to tell her what the grey cat had done to alert him about baby Lu Xia.

Song Xing Xing recalled that the cat has been meowing outside their door and scratching their door. He had thought that the cat was too bored and wanted to play around. Surprisingly, he only made a lot of noise to alert them about their baby.

Fortunately, the cat had alerted them earlier.

Song Xing Xing could not imagine what would happen if Lu Xia's condition was a lot worse.

"Then, we definitely have to reward him," Song Xing Xing said.

She realized that she have been neglecting the cat after having the babies. As the thought came to her mind, Song Xing Xing made a silent vow to treat her cat a little better.

For the next few days, Mr. Fluffball was surprised when his Papa would let him eat his favorite wet food. Previously, the couple has been controlling his food as they thought that he was a little too fat.

Once Lu Xia was better, the couple would let him stay around the babies a little bit more. Mr. Fluffball would have his own bed in the babies' room but he would still prefer to sleep in the babies' cot.

Each time that the babies were playing around in the living room, they would also take him along. This was the beginning of how Mr.. Fluffball became the caretaker of the babies.


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