Your Talent is Mine

Chapter 568: The Curse! The Divine Origin Crystal Statue!

Chapter 568: The Curse! The Divine Origin Crystal Statue!

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Although the human race did not have much knowledge about the Hall of Primordial Ancestry, they happened to know a bit about the second round of assessments in the Hall of Primordial Ancestry, which included ordinary, difficult, and hell levels of difficulty. These three levels actually posed no great threat to life; even if one failed, they could still come out safely.

However, the death level and the heaven-defying level were lethal. If one’s strength was insufficient and they forcefully attempted these two levels, it was akin to seeking death! As for the rewards obtained after passing these five levels of difficulty, the human race was not clear, as they had never received the Primordial Order themselves; all their information was traded or investigated from other cosmic races. But obtaining specific information was extremely difficult.

Ye Tian pondered for a long time; he would not choose the ordinary or difficult levels, as they presented no challenge at all.

For him, the hell level was somewhat interesting, but what he most wanted to challenge were the death level and the heaven-defying level. However, due to the unclear standards of the last two levels, it was naturally not wise to challenge them rashly; otherwise, failure might cost him his life.

“Death level difficulty!”

Ye Tian eventually chose this level.

He did not choose the heaven-defying level, not out of fear, but because it was unnecessary. If he could pass the death level, then he would still have an opportunity to choose again.

If the death level turned out to be not difficult for him, he would naturally choose the heaven-defying level.

Splash! Ye Tian stepped through the portal corresponding to the difficult level and entered into an unknown territory.

Ye Tian did not know what the difficult level assessment entailed, so as soon as he was transported in, he immediately activated various defensive techniques to guard against any unforeseen circumstances.

“This place is….”

Ye Tian found himself in a desolate wilderness, a place devoid of vegetation, with nothing but endless desolation.

The sky here was yellow, the earth was parched, and everywhere were fragments of broken weapons, as if it was a desolate ancient battlefield that had endured endless years.

Ye Tian didn’t encounter any assessment or hints, completely different from the various opportunities and assessments he had faced before.

Ye Tian spotted a broken spear not far away and touched it.

Instantly, the broken spear turned to ashes.

“It seems this spear has existed for countless years, its power exhausted, unable to withstand the passage of time, turning into ashes!” Ye Tian murmured.

Just as he was preparing to leave, his expression suddenly changed.

He looked at his palm; his originally smooth palm now showed faint green spots, and these spots were spreading.


This was Ye Tian’s first thought, but soon, he concluded that it was not poison.

Ordinary poison was ineffective against him; truly terrifying poisons contain principles of poison, whereas these green spots did not contain such principles, instead, they carried a very strange aura, beyond Ye Tian’s imagination.

Immediately, Ye Tian activated healing talents, life talents, immortality talents, and more… talents, attempting to restore his palm. Although the green spots were suppressed, they did not disappear completely.


Ye Tian directly cut off his own palm, and then, using regeneration and healing talents, instantly grew back a new palm.

The palm that fell to the ground was quickly covered by the green spots and turned into a green palm.

“This place is not simple!”

Ye Tian’s expression grew grave.

If an ordinary Eternal Prince had come here, with the situation just now, they might have been done for.

“What exactly are these green spots?”

Standing in front of the green palm, Ye Tian carefully examined it, trying to analyze the substance contained in the green spots.

“Similar to the power of a curse, could it be a poisonous curse?” Ye Tian speculated.

The poisonous curse was not a toxin per se, but it had the ability to spread like one, and it did not dissipate even over extended periods. Once contacted, one would be afflicted, making it an extremely terrifying curse.

These green spots were different from typical poisonous curses, but they could be considered a mutated form, which made them even more fearsome! Having recognized the dreadful nature of this poisonous curse, Ye Tian naturally refrained from touching anything carelessly. He immediately employed a protective shield and various defensive measures to safeguard himself from being invaded by this curse.


Ye Tian walked across this ancient battlefield, scrutinizing the surroundings.

Given that this place was set for a death level difficulty assessment, it couldn’t just involve these conditions; certainly, something terrifying or some event was bound to occur.

“Here it comes!”

Ye Tian felt the ground shake, as if something was about to emerge from beneath this ancient battlefield.

Boom!!! A series of green figures burst from the ground, charging at Ye Tian with incredible speed.

The dense figures seemed to cover heaven and earth, their numbers too vast to count.

“Poisonous curse creatures, huh!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

These creatures were entirely green—not their skin color, but because they had been invaded by the poisonous curse or perhaps were inherently imbued with the power of the curse.

The cultivation levels of these creatures were roughly similar, all at the ninth stage of the God level, although their combat power varied.

Now, roughly thousands of these creatures attacked Ye Tian, and he couldn’t allow these beings to strike his flesh. Given the spreading speed of this poisonous curse, it would definitely invade Ye Tian’s body and be difficult to expel.

Ye Tian deployed the Thousand Layers Realm, using a ten thousand-layer barrier to block these green creatures, then he employed the Phantom Gold Thread Divine Ability.

The offensive power of the Phantom Gold Thread Divine Ability was not strong, but its speed was rapid, and it could form a large number of phantom gold threads, making it quite effective in reaping enemies.

And since Ye Tian was merely testing the strength of these creatures, using the Phantom Gold Thread Divine Ability was quite appropriate.

Thump, thump, thump!!! One by one, the green creatures were sliced into pieces by the Phantom Gold Thread, turning into corpses that fell to the ground.

“How weak!”

Ye Tian sighed.

In reality, the strength of these green creatures was comparable to that of the ninth tier of the ninth stage of Peerless Heavenly Prides, which was not weak. But to Ye Tian, these green creatures were far too weak.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Tian had slain all the green creatures, not letting a single one escape.

At the same time, Ye Tian used his copy talent to examine the talents of the green creatures.

These green creatures were ordinary beings of various types. Although their talents were decent, they did not possess any talents related to poisonous curses.

Clearly, the power of the poisonous curse within these green creatures was acquired through infection. Therefore, they carried the power of the curse, not because it was an innate talent.

Having slain these green creatures, Ye Tian was not pleased; he was well aware that these creatures were just an appetizer, and the death level difficulty would not be limited to just this.


The green creatures turned to ash, and countless green particles flew towards the distance, seemingly guiding Ye Tian.

After a moment’s hesitation, Ye Tian followed.

If he did not proceed, he wouldn’t know how to complete this death level assessment. Rather than waiting here, it was better to face the challenge directly.

Swoosh! Ye Tian flew rapidly, soon arriving in front of an ancient statue.

The green particles flew to the statue and merged into it.

“Divine Origin Crystal!” Ye Tian was astonished.

This statue turned out to be the legendary Divine Origin Crystal, rumored to be able to seal life and delay the lifespan. For example, the prince from the human race who had been sealed for a hundred thousand years had not aged much all thanks to the Divine Origin Crystal.

The Divine Origin Crystal was one of the most common sealing materials in the universe, used by many significant figures when their lifespans were dwindling.

Normally, beings used the Divine Origin Crystal in a weak state, sealed with just a thin layer of it, not daring to use too much.

But this statue was enormous, indicating the vast amount of Divine Origin Crystal used.

“Could there be some formidable being sealed inside?” Ye Tian speculated.

But upon reflection, it seemed unlikely. He was facing only a God-level assessment, and even at the death level difficulty, it was improbable for such a terrifying being to appear.

Moreover, the Hall of Primordial Ancestry was a hall from several cosmic eras ago; it was unlikely for a being from several eras ago to appear here, and even those green creatures were actually cultivated in this cosmic era.

The Hall of Primordial Ancestry had a spirit; it was not difficult for the spirit to cultivate some creatures.

Even if there were a life inside this Divine Origin Crystal statue, it would only be a God-level life, cultivated within this cosmic era, not a terrifying being from several eras ago.

Crack, crack, crack!!! As the Divine Origin Crystal statue absorbed those green particles, it began to crack.

Ye Tian stepped back a bit, gazing intently at the Divine Origin Crystal statue!

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