Your San Value is Zero

Chapter 529: log in

In the next few days, the anchors focused on leveling and spawning monsters, but the audience seemed to be unsatisfied with the previous trial session. Several rounds of large rewards swiped across the screen, and the big brothers united with the masses and asked the anchor to try another wave.

Under pressure, the anchors made several attempts, but all ended in failure.

For profit, the live broadcast platform negotiated with the anchor in private, and forced several people to mark the price of the trial. As long as they tipped a certain amount, they had to go.

This is simply roasting them on the fire. It's okay for anchors like [Sao Zhu] who have escaped capital control, and they can bluntly refuse.

But rising stars like [Tuantuan] and [Cuihua] can only bid silently.

Du Wei denounced the evil of capital in his heart, and at the same time used the funds he earned in reality to silently send a wave of large rewards to the two.

It can be regarded as finding an opportunity to spend these funds.

Looking at it now, the funds on Blue Star are just a series of numbers to Du Wei, so there is no pressure to spend them. The only thing that limited his tipping speed was the frequency with which Asia tapped the mouse with his tail.

Asia, who dreamed of a long vacation, was angry all night, and made a set of automatic rocket codes, and then went to the Foot Washing City opened by players in the city, and made a luxury care package for the tail.

Of course, the technicians in Footwash City are all aborigines recruited from the local area. No matter how free the players are, no one wants to do this kind of part-time work in the game.

Change source app]

At most, it is to be a technical consultant and teach some massage techniques to the aborigines.


[Pei Ye] The five sailboats used to cross the strait were completed.

Fifty players made an appointment and embarked on a journey across the strait.

The wind and waves on the sea are very small, and the sailing speed is limited. If it is really attacked by a large group of sea beasts, it will be difficult for this fleet to survive.

Due to the imperfection of shipbuilding technology, the average sailing speed of Zhonghua Fan is only slightly faster than that of Clark Fan, and the gap has not been widened too much.

Everyone finally decided to define the purpose of the two ships as exploring the way. It was inevitable that the entire army would be wiped out if they went together, and the two sailing ships chose different routes.

The three sailboats in the rear were divided into two groups, and after an extra hour of rest, they continued the course of the two Chinese sailboats.

At this time, the sailboat in front has turned into two small white spots in the sight of the sailboat behind.

"The Qinglong was attacked by sea beasts! The rear sailboats headed south to avoid danger."

[Pickup Soldiers] chose to take a two-ship team, and reacted quickly after receiving the news of going to the Qinglong.

Head south out of the Blue Dragon's distress area.

At first there was only one sea beast attacking the Qinglong, but the movement soon attracted a group of flying monsters that looked like vultures. It sank to the bottom of the sea in half an hour.

There was [Doctor Yang] on another Suzaku Zhonghua Fan, and their luck was slightly better.

It was attacked after seeing the coastline, and a sea beast as big as a blue whale grazed the sailboat's flanks. The huge size of the sea beast left a gap two meters long and half a meter wide on the hull.

The crew picked up the pots and pans and scooped out water.

A player recalled the realistic pirate game he played, and took out a wooden plank to nail the gap. As a result, he didn't control the strength of the hammer, and he dug the gap by another two meters.

The player next to him who was still scooping up water stopped his work and looked at the water level that was rising significantly, "Brother, if you are afraid of committing suicide, you can just stab yourself. Can you leave us alone?"

The shipbuilder wanted to cry, "No, this ship is too brittle."

"Stop beeping, what if the boat sinks soon!"

Everyone only had half a minute to think about countermeasures.

[Doctor Yang] touched the magic silver bracelet, and walked towards the strong crossbow without saying a word, "You two string the crossbow, play it for me!" He pointed to the coastline.

"Okay? Okay?" The two were a little flustered.

"Stop the ink, hurry up and wind up!" [Doctor Yang] greeted the two of them.

The crossbow was fully cocked, and [Doctor Yang] was thrown out and fell into the offshore position.

A large group of piranha sea beasts quickly gathered.

【Doctor Yang】Take out the scepter to release the spell to blast, and use the recoil to send yourself a certain distance.

But he was still more than a hundred meters away from the shore, and the heavy armor dragged him into the water.

But if you take it off, even with the mental shield, [Doctor Yang] cannot guarantee his own safety.

He took out a wooden stick and threw it towards the shore, "It's up to you! [Pickup Soldier]!"

[Pickup Soldier] was summoned, and the moment she appeared, she made a gorgeous turn in the air and grabbed Mu Zhuo.

But when she looked down, she was greeted by a group of piranhas waiting to be fed.

"Ah!" [Pickup Soldier] shouted, and activated [Eternal Flame Vengeance], the flames dragged her into the air, and slid to the shore.

"Damn, you..." Just as [Pickup Soldier] was about to attack, he saw that [Doctor Yang]'s head had already sunk into the sea.

Only one hand was left to caress on the water surface, and was quickly bitten by the piranhas that swooped over.

"Fool, why not just be reborn." [Pickup Soldier] muttered in a low voice.

[Pickup Soldier] When leaving, the double fleet was also attacked.

She thought that the Clark sail behind the Suzaku would be able to reach it, but she also sank to the bottom of the sea without thinking.

Sure enough, this journey was not so easy to reach, but fortunately, I went ashore safely.

[Pickup Soldier] summoned [Doctor Yang], [Pei Ye] and three other people with the wooden wither.

The six people divided into three groups and entered the jungle on the shore to find a suitable place to place the teleportation altar.

In the jungle, pairs of eyes watched the six people secretly.

[Pickup Bing] and [Doctor Yang] are the most sensitive. They feel being watched, but they can't find the watcher no matter what.

They found a cave, retreated into it and quickly built a teleportation altar.

As soon as the altar was finished, a torch illuminated the opening of the cave.

A group of human beings of different shapes and obvious animalistic features were stuck there.

"Pure-bred people, this is not the place for you to come!" A bear man with more bulging chest muscles than the third brother under the moon said angrily.

[Pickup Soldier] made a throwing action, "I'll go! They're all subhumans!"

The demi-races looked around, wondering what the other party had just thrown over.

"Did you see it?"

"Is it a ball? Is it a ball?" A demi-human with husky ears asked with its tongue out.

"It doesn't seem like dried fish~" The cat girl next to her scratched her head and responded.

[Pickup Soldier] The two are silent.

To say that this group of people are sub-humans, it is better to say that they are more like humanoid creatures that have just evolved from pets.

"Is it a supernatural power?"

"How is it possible, they are human beings."

The sub-races quarreled.

"Stop arguing! There is no soil for purebred people to live here, kill them!"

The bear man let out a loud roar, and all the demihumans rushed forward.

"Mistgrass! There is a gold rank! I'll shake people!" [Pickup Soldier] retreated behind [Doctor Yang].

【Doctor Yang】Stand in front and fight with everyone.

"The entrance of the cave is not big, I stand here as a guard..."

【Doctor Yang】Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by a bear man, and then an invisible thing bombarded his face.

Behind the bear man, Catwoman punched forward with a small dried fish in her mouth, and the wind of the fist caused space to distort.

The next moment, Catwoman's fist appeared on [Doctor Yang]'s face, making an intimate contact.

All kinds of demihumans made different strange actions behind them, [Doctor Yang] felt that his vision became extremely hazy, and he especially wanted to wag his tail.

"Reinforcements are coming soon, hold on...I'll go! Why did you become a golden retriever!" [Pickup Soldier] widened his eyes, looking at the golden retriever [Doctor Yang] with a big bump on the dog's head.

Just when [Doctor Yang] was about to turn around and pounce on [Pickup Soldier], unleash the primitive wildness, and lick it wildly.

A dozen figures rushed out of the altar.

A loud bang came from the cave, and a group of demi-humans flew out backwards.

Followed by a large group of players rushed out.

"What the hell! Isn't it two people!"

The demi-humans were frightened and scattered, and many people escaped in extremely strange ways, as if they used ancient relics and props.

Too many players teleported over at one time, not only crushing the entrance of the cave, but also crushing the temporary altar just built.

The Mutual Aid Club players who came over did not pursue, and guarded to save four people at the entrance of the cave.

There are more than a dozen people digging deep into the cave to place a second teleportation altar.

Du Wei monitored the movements of the crowd from the background, and sure enough there were subhumans. And they also possess extremely special abilities.

That ability is like...

Like trait imprints.

Players can obtain ancient relics and characteristic imprints from the altar through a lottery from the beginning, and many players have obtained them during the period.

However, most of the characteristic imprints have a little effect at the beginning, and become tasteless when the player's level rises, without any growth potential.

But the information Du Wei received from the figure under the white veil was that this type of imprint was the most worthy of development. After they fuse with the host, they have unlimited possibilities for evolution.

However, the information is not complete, and there is no explanation of the means and methods of improvement.

Just like the [Stink Mark] that Du Wei got from the balance, this feature has changed hands several times and fell into the hands of [Wang Dali].

At first he thought that the [Sea Blue Mask] he had could just match the stench mark. As long as he releases the foul-smelling poisonous gas, it will quickly disgust and kill a large number of enemy troops like a mobile natural disaster.

And the person wearing the [Ocean Blue Mask] will not be affected.

But when he fused the imprint, he found sadly that the switch of this thing was not under his control at all.

Even if he took ten showers a day, his body would emit a stench that made no one else want to communicate with him.

Even if other players lower their senses, they will be dissuaded by the stench that has been lingering around him, and no one wants to team up with him again.

The aborigines who couldn't adjust their senses were even more exasperated by Xun, and some adventurers even united to drive him out of the lower city.

The aborigines living in civilian areas and aristocratic areas are even more unacceptable, [Wang Dali] has become a street rat and everyone shouts and beats them.

Moreover, the smell and killing radius of [Stink Mark] will not increase as his level increases, it is completely a garbage characteristic that loses popularity.

[Wang Dali] At one point, he had the idea of ​​abandoning the game.

But back in reality, there seems to be a phantom smell emanating from his body. Although he can't smell it in his sense of smell, there is always a vague smell lingering around him.

Friends also gradually alienated him, and his work was even more affected, and clients were reluctant to approach him.

Fortunately, the props made in the game by craftsmanship can also be exchanged for real currency, so I didn't have to go to the street to beg.

In desperation, he was offline for 86 hours and logged in the game again.

Since then, he has been living alone in the outskirts of Victor County, and his daily routine is to go to the mountains on the east side to fight monsters, cut down trees, and sell some wood withers, becoming a escapist player.

If he can control the switch of [Stink Mark] and upgrade the stench to poisonous gas. That would indeed become a mobile natural disaster as he thought, and it would be a disaster to stand in the enemy group.

Du Wei quickly edited the new hidden mission and distributed it to the players who teleported there.

Players heard the mission prompt and opened the mission bar to check the information.

The mission of crossing the sea has been updated to the second stage, and all players present have received the mission reminder. There are additional rewards for players who start from the first stage.

[Mission Objective: Increase the Favorability of Sub-races]

[Neutral favorability can be achieved to get the first stage reward: 100 stars]

[Friendliness degree achieved can get the second stage reward: 1000 starlight]

[Respect and favorability can be obtained to get the third stage reward: ancient relic or characteristic imprint guarantee, choose one]

[Worship favorability can be achieved to obtain the final stage reward: three-star or higher ancient relic or characteristic imprint, choose one]

Seeing the rewards of the last two stages, [Pickup Soldier] became energetic.

Even if it's just a guarantee of ancient relics, top-quality props may appear.

Her [Fourth Dimensional Skirt Bottom] was regarded as a t0-level ancient relic by the boss who wrote the strategy before the magic silver bracelet appeared.

And such a powerful prop is just a two-star ancient relic.

The three-star ancient relic [Eternal Flame Vengeance] belongs to the characteristic imprint category, and the damage will not increase with the level. At this stage, it is not a big threat to the strong above the gold level.

But it can burn out all the effects, and it has always been ranked in the t0 list in the special effects list of ancient relics.

Also because [Pickup Soldier] obtained these two ancient relics, the players crowned him with the title of Emperor of Europe.

It's just that Du Wei updated the announcement later, setting that players who have owned two or more ancient relics will no longer enjoy the guarantee mechanism.

In order to prevent a large number of ancient relics from being gathered in the hands of a few players, it will reduce the game experience of other players.

Since then, [Pickup Soldier] has never been able to draw an ancient relic.

She seriously suspects that the game official has zeroed her probability of obtaining ancient relics, but even so, she is still a big player on the ruling side.

For players like her, the greatest happiness that mm can give is the sense of superiority far beyond other players.

Therefore, even if you suspect that there is a background operation in your heart, it will not be a reason to persuade you to quit. And there are similar event rewards. If it works properly, she might be able to take the opportunity to get two ancient relics.

[Pickup Soldier] Groping his chin, he began to think about ways to get closer to the demi-races.

She looked back at the members of the mutual aid society, "We didn't kill people just now, did we?"



The members of the mutual aid association answered one after another.

[Pickup Soldier] Thinking in his mind: It's stable, the possibility of peace talks is very high.


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