Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 12 Versus

Jagan's eyes became cold at the attack directed at him. He raised his hand and a yellow magic circle appeared in front of him followed by the loud rumble of lightning that met the shards of rocks and exploded them.

The explosion destroyed the room where they were and created a lot of dust but both were not fazed by this. The commotion attracted a lot of people and the customers of the inn ran out in a panic. They stood a few meters away from the now half destroyed inn to see what was going on.

Siron continued to attack Jagan without a care to the destruction he was causing while the later continued to negate his attacks. He wasn't attacking himself which made Siron irritated.

"Are you looking down on me?" He angrily asked. He stopped attacking and glared at the man and with a flick of his hand, a red hot light descended to where Jagan was standing. The magic lasted for at least a minute as it incinerated the wooden floor all the way down to the first floor. He was grinning widely while walking forward to look at his masterpiece. That was his most lethal spell, a fire spell that can burn anything on it's way.

He looked down in anticipation to see the man's burnt body but the moment his body leaned towards the hole, a lightning rushed towards him. If not for Siron's fast reflexes, he would have been pierced by that lightning.

"Do you really think that something like that can bring me down?" Jagan's clear and deep voice came from below. He slowly floated up to come face to face again with the man. "I thought you got strong but seeing you now, I can clearly tell that you have become incredibly weak."

Jagan did not hold back and casted out a lightning spell similar to the one's that Siron created. "This is how you should do that spell." Then he released it.

Siron put up a shield around him but the force of the attack was too much for him to bear. He was being nailed down and the damage he was taking was to much for his body and that moment the floor below him also gave up. Astrophos and Xavion came and gave him a timely help. With the three of them, Siron was able to survive but after the lightning disappeared he vomited blood. Jagan floated down to the first floor where the three were.

Astrophos and Xavion took a stance in front of Siron to hide from Jagan. They were both ready to fight the grand mage even though they knew that they couldn't win. "What do you think you are doing, grand mage?" Astrophos asked with a frown on his face. As far as he knew the grand mage was a reasonable person and he would not attack without a reason.

"Why don't you ask your leader?" His gaze was still focused at the man who was still kneeling on the floor.

Siron was still coughing but he managed to talk. "He attacked me first and even accused me of using dark magic. He really wanted to kill me!" His sorry state made the other two believe his words and because Siron was one of theirs, and they had been with him at the Magic Tower, so it was impossible for him to use dark magic, if he did then the people at the top would not let him go.

"That's a heavy accusation grand mage, Siron would have died by now if he was really using dark magic. The Magic Tower doesn't tolerate mages that turns to the dark arts." Astrophos's words were firm and he never wavered while looking at Jagan.

"How naive," the sky slowly darkened with the sound of thunder echoing through the horizon. He raised his hand towards the sky, "If you don't believe me then I will force him to show you how hypocrite he is."

The rumbling in the sky got louder and louder when it suddenly stopped. The three men did not waste time and created a barrier to protect themselves from the attack.

"Strike," he brought down his hand and a bright flash really stroke down. The flash almost blinded everyone who were spectating the fight. Jagan did not hold back at all and used up a lot of his mana energy just to force Siron to use his dark mana and he succeeded in doing so.

An unstable dark mana energy slowly overwhelmed the white flash and extinguished it. Siron was now standing with the malevolent energy around him. The other two with him were not injured but they were repelled and were pushed away from Siron.

Astrophos who talked about how impossible it was struck dumb at what he was seeing while Xavion, who idolizes Siron, could not believe that he was really using dark mana. Both looked at the man with wide eyes.

"What did I tell you? Even a small trace of dark mana can be detected by anyone within my rank and I am sure that the Magic Tower knew about Siron, its just that they turned a blind eye to it because they can still use him." Jagan started walking towards Siron and on his right hand a whip was summoned, it was covered with a yellow light the produces lightning whenever it touches a surface. "If I were you, you should get out of this place and help those people to get faraway as possible."

Jagan leapt in the air with his hand bending backwards in order to give his arm more force then he snapped his arm forward with the whip that was aimed at Siron. The whip made contact but it did not touch Siron's body but instead the dark mana that was now acting as a shield for him. Once he landed on the ground, he did not stop attacking. He run around the enemy while using the lightning whip to strike but each strike was repelled.

Not only did he use the whip, he simultaneously conjured attack spells to distract the enemy and inflict damage but it seems that his plan was not working. Before he could attack again, Siron also took the chance to retaliate. Several black magic circles appeared around Jagan followed by beams of dark light that came out from it. Everything those beams touched were riddled with holes, luckily Jagan was able to protect himself and deflect some of them.

The attack did not stop there though because Siron was slowly regaining his consciousness. "I will end you here!" The bloodcurdling voice that did not belong to Siron made ground shook as several gooey creatures started to come out from the ground.

Jagan jumped back and created a distance between him and Siron. This was different from what he was expecting, it seems that the dark mana energy has already taken root inside Siron's mana core. It's now beyond the level that Siron could control, it was becoming out of control.

"Grand mage!" Astrophos came to his side, ready to fight.

"I told you to leave, why are you back? Did you evacuate everyone?" Jagan asked when he heard the other's voice.

"Yes, the authorities who came to stop you are currently helping in calming and transferring the people to a safer place." Astrophos did not hesitate to answer. "As a Mage, I have a duty to protect the people."

"Tsk, how heroic, just make sure that you don't die because I don't have time babysit you." Jagan did not look back, he just moved forward and attacked the out of control Siron.

Astrophos followed behind and coordinated his attacks with Jagan's. They attacked the black blobs and made it past them to where Siron was but before they could release an attack, large dark spike made of mana energy appeared from the ground. Both managed to evade some but they were still hit and wounded. Jagan jumped away with a heavy flow of blood coming from the wound on his arm. Astrophos was also not doing good because he was hit on his right side.

Siron's demonic laugh echoed as the sky was completely engulfed in darkness. The moon and stars disappeared with whispers from their surrounding started to get clearer and louder. "This will be the end." They could here those words echoing in their ears.

The wind became colder and the enemy before them disappeared. "Be careful," Jagan warned but it was a bit late because he heard a gasp from the direction where Astrophos was. He wanted to go and help him but he felt it, a pure killing intent directed at him.

He relied on his senses to avoid the attacks but he can't always do that. He used the last bit of his mana energy to give them light and vision. Just exactly as the light manifested, Siron was about to attack him and thanks to the light he managed to dodged the beam of dark light.

Jagan looked around and saw that Astrophos was still alive so now he could focus on Siron. Since he had no mana energy left, he could only rely on his combat abilities to try and defeat the enemy. Yellow bands appeared on his wrists and ankles, they were relics that increases one's speed and attack power during combat. These bands were one of the few 'unique' ranked equipments that were given to people by royal family as a show of acknowledgement. Jagan would be giving his all for this fight even though that means using an equipment he vowed never to use again.


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