Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 26: Dragon Boat Festival

Chapter 26: Dragon Boat Festival

In the blink of an eye, it was time for the Dragon Boat Festival.

Tian Qi loved the festival because, after the celebration, the eunuchs would be rewarded for their work and the Qian Qing Palace awards were particularly rich. In addition to the awards, Tian Qi also received a reward from Ji Heng for his meritorious feat of becoming the most popular person of the imperial palace. That's why he used five (5) pieces to forge a small zongzi worth 5 taels of gold, as small as a red date. The leaf and the middle rope are bright and realistic, look very delicate. Ji Heng also thought that this type of work was not appropriate enough, nor presentable. However, solid gold in sufficient quantity was the best reward for those who loved money.

zongzi = glutinous rice and garnish of your choice wrapped in leaves and porridge

Thus, Ji Heng easily gave Tian Qi two gold objects and was pleased to see him as he folded his hands around the two gold zongzi, then swallowed his saliva.

At today's dragon boat festival, Tian Qi has conspired with RuYi to participate in other events besides customary celebrations. In some places, the locals have called the dragon boat festival "Girl's Day". On that day, married women go back to their parents. At home, they are still considered little girls and can therefore dress again as such.

RuYi almost instinctively refused to wear a dress, but he was only a child, my mother. She persuaded him to promise him some treats and he immediately turned around and accepted the dress, trying to show that he was nothing short of her. After wearing the dress for a while, he completely forgot that he was dressed in female clothes. It was time for them both to go out and eat and play.

my - modal particle indicating that something is obvious; pause to emphasize

RuYi was a prince. Although no order said, "The prince can not wear women's clothes," but doing this kind of thing was pretty risky. Only, Tian Qi was not afraid. RuYi, although young, was a reliable teammate. As long as he has admitted to taking the initiative to wear it, you can look at him like a child playing, my mother. Moreover, he was extremely pretty as a girl, once the Empress Dowager would have seen her, she would surely love him. And if the Empress Dowager loved, who dared to say a word against her?

After Tian Qi finished dressing RuYi correctly, she took him to Ci Ning Palace. As expected, as soon as the Dowager Empress met such a nice "girl", her heart was gone and she immediately held RuYi in her chest, giving her a big smile.

RuYi added, "I often hear the grandmother of the Empress say how much she wants a granddaughter, Tian Qi said today is the day of the girl, so I wanted to disguise myself Granddaughter, do you like it? "

These words, pronounced like a small DaRen, prevented all participants in the room from holding back their smiles.

"Of course, I like that!" the Dowager Empress gently stroked RuYi's head and smiled, "My little RuYi, yes, really clever."

y-particle equivalent to "a", expressing surprise or doubt

As they were leaving the Ci Ning Palace, Tian Qi led the way in RuYi and then turned around and congratulated him, "Your Highness, you are the best." This time it was not just flattering, she was absolutely convinced.

When RuYi heard Tian Qi's praise, he was very happy, his steps becoming somewhat excited and, bouncing off, he started pulling him toward Qian Qing Palace. They just passed the moon gate when they fell on Ji Heng.

Ji Heng did not recognize RuYi at first. Right in front of his eyes, there was a little girl dressed beautifully, her hair simply combed, with two tufts of hair that stood up. Both of these hair looked a lot like cat ears, tied with red silk. Pearls and yellow tassels swayed at the ends of the silk and swayed gently with each step. The little girl was wearing a cherry red dress, embroidered with innumerable types of butterflies and flowers; a shining golden wick hung around his neck, a small strand of pearls on his left wrist, a sprig of golden bells on his right wrist, and a sweet, smiling ring.

Even though he was still far away, he could see that the little girl's face was right and that he had a pair of large, watery eyes. Ji Heng wondered who this child was? Really adorable, he must make sure to take her in his arms.

Although he did not recognize RuYi, Ji Heng recognized Tian Qi, which allowed him to associate him with a certain little guy who always came around Tian Qi ...

Approaching them, of course, was his own child.

He did not even need to think about who had this idea. Ji Heng quickly looked at Tian Qi.

This time, Tian Qi did not back down in front of his neck.

Of course, RuYi was loyal to his friends and, seeing his father Emperor staring at Tian Qi, he immediately admitted that he was the one who wanted to wear a dress.

Ji Heng was not as easy to deceive as the Empress Dowager, he had only chosen not to expose them this time, because RuYi disguised as a little girl was really adorable. His heart was also a little soft. He stooped down and took RuYi in his arms, his face snug against his and RuYi's tiny face rubbing against his as they slowly began to walk.

RuYi squeezed his hand happily, the sound of the little golden bells on his wrist intensifying. Seeing that his father Emperor did not seem to want to let go, he reached out to Tian Qi "Tian Qi, a hug."

Ji Heng's face darkened when he felt that his son was giving him no face. Incidentally, he and Tian Qi looked at each other and he watched it.

He still could not understand. Of all the eunuchs and palace maids who play with his child, why did RuYi love and never tire of Tian Qi, always at his side?

Later, he summarized a regular pattern: everyone with the Ji family name was moved by Tian Qi's skills.

Really an enemy.

Tian Qi received Ji Heng's displeasure, so she did not dare pick up RuYi and she just said, "Your Highness, I can not kiss you ..."

RuYi reluctantly withdrew his hand.

Ji Heng glanced at the thin and weak physique of Tian Qi. "In the future, you can not be so noisy." Saying this, he rested RuYi to play.

After Ji Heng's departure, Tian Qi brought RuYi to Dai SanShan to play. In fact, RuYi did not follow Tian Qi and played blindly. Tian Qi had the advantages of the eunuchs and the maidservants of the palace, it was useless to mention that she was a keen person with whom to play. Even more, she was thoughtful and meticulous. She treated children with the sweet and gentle personality of a woman. To put it plainly, it was maternal love. RuYi's wet nurse also had maternal feelings towards him, but she was extremely cautious. She did not dare to let go of his hand so that he could run with joy. Tian Qi had the courage to let him play while she was so sweet.

RuYi was not yet four (4) years old, so he naturally had no way of expressing these reasons in his own words. He only knew that he liked playing with Tian Qi.

In simple terms, for RuYi, Tian Qi was his best companion.

At that moment, the two small companions took Dai SanShan out of the water and both climbed the turtle shell around the pond for a few laps. RuYi saw someone holding a zongzi, he stood up a moment and went to them. The person let him take as many zongzi as he wanted, thinking he would share them with Tian Qi. Tian Qi knew that RuYi had already eaten ravioli at Ci Ning Palace and feared that RuYi was suffering from indigestion while eating too much. She did not let him eat much and persuaded RuYi to peel the leaves of some of them and feed them to Dai SanShan.

Dai SanShan was fed dumplings with all kinds of stuffing. None of them was foreign to him. She has now become difficult to eat: she would not eat those stuffed with vegetables.

And the turtle was better, because she could smell the stuffing without having to take a single bite of sticky rice. If the joke is united, she would lower her head and remain motionless like an old monk.

And the turtle was better, because she could smell the stuffing without having to take a single bite of sticky rice. If the joke is united, she would lower her head and remain motionless like an old monk.

After feeding him for a while, there was still a lot of ravioli that had been stripped of their leaves but had not been touched. Tian Qi thought it would be a shame to throw them away and, as she could not eat them alone, she asked the people around her. But would they not be willing to eat food that had been sniffed by the turtle? Everyone has expressed their desire to be touched by the deity - the magical breath of the turtle; these pellets have not been wasted; they have all entered the belly of these maids and eunuchs.

RuYi saw that Dai SanShan was not eating, felt bored again and pointed to the weeping willows on the shore "Tian Qi, use them to weave a Dai SanShan for me, ba."

Using willow branches to weave a turtle seemed a bit difficult, mainly because Tian Qi had never tried it before. But today, little RuYi was willing to wear a dress. It was therefore important that she reward him for his efforts. As a result, she got up and pulled willow branches to start weaving.

The two were sitting side by side on the back of Dai SanShan. The people around them did not dare to come too close, because even though the turtle was full, she never let go of her guard, stretching out her head and opening her big eyes, she looked extremely terrifying. The incident where some of the turtles have been bitten by some of them, while others have only heard about it. In short, the more the story spread, the more it was exaggerated. In addition, Tian Qi and RuYi were there, and no one dared to approach it.

Oh, that's right, there was another brave person, and it was the Emperor. However, every time Ji Heng approached Dai SanShan, the turtle retreated quickly into its shell.

Ji Heng could not understand either, in the end, was the turtle afraid of him or did not she love him?

Today was the same as every other day. It was the dragon boat festival and he did not want to work either. He was bored and, hearing his son and Tian Qi playing at the edge of the pond, he found a chance to quit his job and walked towards him. In the distance, he could see the shapes of two people, one small and the other a little larger, sitting on the back of the turtle. They seemed to have fun together.

Before anyone had time to react to his appearance, Dai SanShan was the first to see him and, as always, he returned his head and limbs into his shell.

As they got closer, the people in the area wanted to be respectful, but they were arrested by Ji Heng. He wanted to hear what Tian Qi and RuYi were talking about. He was concerned about his son's growth and education, otherwise he was not used to doing that kind of thing.

Just as he listened to his ears to listen, he could hear RuYi's soft voice asking, "Tian Qi, why did you want to eat meatballs during the dragon boat festival, huh?"

Fifteen (15) words! This stirs up Ji Heng's old weakness again. After counting, he began to feel admiration, hatred and envy at the same time.

"To commemorate Qu Yuan." Tian Qi and RuYi both faced the pond and none of them discovered Ji Heng. On one side, she was plaiting a turtle, on the other she was answering RuYi.

"Who is Qu Yuan?" RuYi asked.

"Qu Yuan is a poet of a long time ago, wronged his master and moved away from him, after which he became depressed and committed suicide by throwing himself into a river."

Ji Heng nodded slightly. Not bad, at least he has some basic knowledge, so, contrary to expectations, he did not scold him. However, his satisfaction did not last too long.

RuYi tried to get to the heart of the matter "Why was he wronged?"

Four (4) words. Ji Heng finished counting and continued to listen to them to see how Tian Qi will explain it.

Tian Qi felt that in order to answer this question, she would have to waste time explaining complicated questions. Moreover, even if she explains, RuYi might not be able to understand. So she just invented a story. "His last name was Qu, so he was damned to hurt himself."

Qu - last name = feeling aggrieved; curve

"..." Ji Heng really wanted to hit Tian Qi's head pitilessly: what was this absurd argument? Do not mislead my son.

RuYi was a child, believing in nothing. He also took the nonsense of that time as truth, was surprised by this and tried to reason "My last name is Ji, does not that mean that I'm in a hurry to die? In the future, you can eat sweets and die of a sweet death. "

i = urgent, urgent, fast, hurry, worried, to make someone worried.

"..." Ji Heng was unable to cope with the number of words this time because he was shocked by the unusual ability of his son to raise one and infer three. It was just, what in the urgency of dying? And sweet dead? Too much nonsense!

Ji Heng was about to interrupt them when he suddenly heard RuYi's sad voice "What needs to be done if I'm in a hurry to die, huh?"

With your temperament, you'd be in a hurry to kill others first, Ji Heng told himself.

Tian Qi comforted RuYi: "It does not matter, there is a popular saying that" it's a matter of your own effort "(= with effort, you can do it all). do not worry, do not worry, cultivate your moral character, your mentality and your spirituality and make sure you become a modest gentleman, it is unlikely that you will ever be anxious to die. "

RuYi nodded earnestly.

Recalling the original teachings of Analects of Confucius, his response to cultivating his moral character was hit, he nailed on the head. Looking at his son right in front of him, Ji Heng was overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions. He found that Tian Qi always dealt with some issues by presenting an absurd argument that would inevitably break with the question under consideration. And yet, his answers have always inspired people to think further. In the end, the little pervert speaks only without thinking, the answer is nothing but a joke.

Forget it. At least RuYi received positive incentives, Ji Heng consoled himself.

RuYi still had a dumpling in his hand, so he removed the leaves and ended up being pleased to peel them, then raised his little hands and presented them a little like a treasure in front of Tian Qi "Tian Qi, eat."

Tian Qi was weaving a turtle. Without looking at her, she took a big bite, keeping her hands busy while chewing. The dumpling was stuffed with sweet bean paste, mixed with sweet glutinous rice, sticky, fragrant and sweet, it had very good taste.

RuYi did not want to eat it himself. He extended his body to Tian Qi's face and kissed him quickly.

Ji Heng finally could not keep watching. His own biological son, even his father, never managed to convince him to kiss her. How can he allow her to kiss this eunuch as he sees fit now? Then he stepped forward, wanting to take RuYi and sticking deliberately between RuYi and Tian Qi.

The carapace of the turtle was arched. If Ji Heng wanted to take RuYi, he had to bend down and lean forward. His body was lowered and his face was barely larger than RuYi's. The turtle's shell was huge, but they were sitting side by side so it did not have much space. Only his head and neck managed to sneak between the two little people.

Tian Qi knew that RuYi had kissed her, but did not notice that Ji Heng was sneaking between them. She and RuYi often played and kissed. Now she was immersed in the weaving of the toy. Being kissed by RuYi without thinking too much, she also leaned to the side and kissed her, without looking away from the object in her hands.

This resulted in his stamp ending on Ji Heng's face.


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