Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 31: I Can at Least Lay the Groundwork

Chapter 31: I Can at Least Lay the Groundwork

I Can at Least Lay the Groundwork

"Student Kim Minsoo, even if it was just a light sparring, you should've remained level-headed."

"Yes I apologize"

"Student Baek Taeyang, you require a more thorough approach to your training."


Turns out, Instructor Kim Sukgu was more pleased with the sparring than I'd expected. I had anticipated a quick rundown of precautions, but instead, we got a full-on feedback session.

"Since you're still weapon-less, so your strategy boils down to bodily engagement. Sure, you'll trade hits, but your aim should be self-preservation. When Minsoo took a swing, getting inside his reach would've served you better than evading."

The point had merit. Such a strategy could happen in real-world scenarios. However, with the added boost from the Witch's Blessing to my physical capabilities, I was more than capable of pushing beyond conventional limits. Hence, the counsel wasn't merely to anticipate the opponent's moves but to preemptively shut them down.

"Had you closed the distance, Minsoo wouldn't have had a second to swing his sword. The optimal move would've been a chin strike right then and there."

For a light sparring,' the feedback had the bite of a rabid dog. Every move aimed to incapacitate or, worse, kill.

"Were I in Kim Minsoo's shoes, with a longer attack range, I'd opt for caution over recklessness, keeping my distance and leveraging my weapon's strengths."


Minsoo's enthusiasm waned as Kim Sukgu's words hit home, effectively signaling his sparring defeat without saying it outright. Any trace of his earlier confidence vanished, his shoulders now weighted with defeat.

"As for you, Baek Taeyang, prioritize arming yourself before stepping into the gate."

Weaponry inside the gate is non-negotiable. No matter how much you fancy your bare-knuckle skills, in the end, a weapon is indispensable.

Typically, gates reveals nothing beyond their ranking. Going in unarmed is not just recklessit is lunacy. Armor and restraints might buy you a second, but you'd still be trading blows at close range. And what if the monster had a nasty habit of self-destructing? Or worse, looked harmless but was a total ruse?

Without distance on your side, you're just asking for a trip to the emergency room.

A weapon, huh

Hence, the unspoken rule: always carry at least a staff. Sure, high-ranking hunters might go hand-to-hand, but that's a league us mere students don't belong in.

"Student Baek Taeyang, sort out your weapon situation by the end of today. I will now brief you on the precautions."

The atmosphere became even more tense than when the feedback was given.

"Know that the reason you two were chosen isn't just because of your skills but also some luck. Normally, seniors would handle this, but we've had so many gates lately that we're short on manpower."

This part really puzzled me.

Why are we supporting students in the same grade as us? Victory Academy goes up to the 4th grade, so shouldn't it be seniors helping juniors? But they're saying it's peer support, which makes me skeptical.

Is this the author's doing?

There's a strong possibility the gate event is a setup for the protagonist to act as an interim instructor. It's a convenient excuse, because there's no good reason for him to go to another class and start romancing girls.

Looking at the school schedule, there's a class competition coming up, but it's not until May.

"It's not that the instructors are all on board with this. It's more of a backup plan to minimize harm."

Instructors are stretched thin. They're not just managing students; they're also dealing with predicting gate occurrences, civilian evacuations, rescue missions, and subjugations. In short, being an instructor here is like juggling multiple emergency roles at once.

"Don't get too confident, don't slack off, and don't get arrogant. Just because it's an F-rank gate doesn't mean you should lower your guard. Make sure you act with everyone's safety in mind."

Even if it sounds like he's nagging, there's a weight to his words. The first-year gate training has the highest injury rate out of all academy exercises.

"Always be the first to step into any situation and the last to leave. Being an interim instructor isn't just a bullet point on your resume. You need to shoulder that level of responsibility."

Instructor Kim Sukgu paused there. He clapped his hands twice, and a large board emerged from the floor. The keywords written on it caught my attention. It looked like he was going to explain each one in detail.

"So, let's cut to the chase. First off, the class you'll be overseeing is"

My main focus for tomorrow's gate is simple: find Kim Minsoo's heroine. Once that's sorted, everything else becomes secondary.

I'm not getting emotionally invested in fictional characters.

The students' lives? The duties of an instructor? I won't say they're not important. Everyone deserves to live and be valued, but at the end of the day, they're still just characters in a story.

I'm sorry, but my priorities are elsewhere, Instructor. It's just the way it has to be.

"So, the two of you will be assigned to a class as a pair, responsible for covering the duties of one instructor."


Instructor Kim Sukgu's gate briefing was concise. He started with the number of participants, outlined key individuals to watch, described basic skills, and assigned roles.

"Oh, and Baek Taeyang, go see Instructor Ryu Hyemi."


"You'll need a weapon. I'd help you choose, but I'm tied up. She'll guide you well; she's in charge of research."

I hadn't expected a chance like this to come so quickly.

"Where should I go?"

"Straight ahead, then left. That's where the weapons supply room is. Since we've talked about it, you just need to go there."

"Alright, thanks."

"Okay, everyone disband. See you all in top shape tomorrow."

With that, Kim Sukgu left, seemingly in a hurry but disappearing almost instantly.

"Hey, Taeyang, should I tag along?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Just, you know, I can help"

Was he picking up on something? Why the sudden urge to join? It's like he doesn't want Ryu Hyemi and me meeting alone. But there's no logical reason for him to come.

"Really necessary? I won't use a sword."

Swords are for main characters. What's appealing about a basic, nondescript sword? I'm not interested in the legendary or cursed swords that pop up in novels or comics.

Plus, a sword doesn't fit the rugged, rebellious persona I aim for. I'd rather go for something like an axe, a hammer, or a chainitems that amplify a menacing vibe.

"I, I know plenty about weapons other than just swords!"

Still can't find the mute button, huh?

"I'm fine, you should take a good rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

Minsoo looked like he had more to say but settled for a nod. Guess the sparring left him a bit more docileor maybe just easier to manipulate.

"Minsoo, listen You know Yoomin's been going through a lot lately, right?"

I could've left it there, but decided to stir the pot a bit with Minsoo's feelings.

"Huh? I didn't know She told you?"

Easy to scratch when he's easy to handle.

"Yes? Uh, I assumed she'd fill you in My bad."

"Ah, no I'm just lacking, that's all"

"But that doesn't give you a free pass to cuddle up with some other woman, does it?"

"Whawhat? What?!"

A shocked face indeed.

When it comes to slowing down Kim Minsoo's harem-building, options are limited. Two people who are into each other can easily become an item in a heartbeat. I'd even mixed tongues and spit with Yoomin in an instant. But that kind of skill requires some relationship mileage

"I just happened to see you two getting touchy-feely in the counseling room sigh"

First, I planted the seeds of doubt: Another guy's in the know about your girlfriend's woes.' Then, sprinkled a dash of guilt: And here you are, two-timing her.'

This way, Minsoo will be racked with guilt even if he has his doubts about his girlfriend. He'll effectively distance himself from other women as a result.

"Treat Yoomin well, Minsoo. I'll let it slide just this once."

I laid it on thick, like how can you console someone when you're holding hands with another woman?

Minsoo looked down, probably catching on to the whole spiel, even if he's generally clueless.


"Don't apologize to me. Be honest with Yoomin later."


Frankly, he'd be better off saying nothing at all. No need to blurt out, "I was hand in hand and face to chest with another woman." That's not honesty; it's stupidity. It's also a one-way ticket to a fight.

That's just how breakups go.

Successful first loves? That's just naive. Relationships that kick off in an immature state rarely evolve. They either detonate or deteriorate.

One by one, they'll fall.

I left Minsoo, who was staring at the ground. I was foolish to think any good would come from overthinking it alone.

My steps toward the weapon supply room were light.

I can't do anything with Hyemi right now.

I can't just choose a weapon, then undress her on the spot.

It's one thing for students, but a whole different ballgame for an instructor and a student. She sees me as her pupil, and she's a full-grown woman who's been Kim Minsoo-centric for ages.

It won't be easy, but it's not impossible.

I can at least lay the groundwork.

Seems like an unbreakable fortress, but she's a virgin. And a virgin can never beat Baek Taeyang. Her body and mind will ultimately submit in desperation.


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