Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 3: Senior, That's My Dick

Chapter 3: Senior, That's My Dick

Senior, That's My Dick


[Name] Baek Taeyang

[Physical] Height: 183cm / Weight: 95kg / Body Fat Percentage: 8%

[Description] Baek Taeyang is the oddball character in the Academy Pure Love Diary novel. The author took his long-held ideals of the perfect man and projected them onto this character. He exudes an excessive amount of female appeal, possessing a body and eloquence that make anyone of the opposite sex naturally drawn to him.

Originally, the plan was for him to transfer to the central stage of the Academy Pure Love Diary novel, the Victory Academy, and become a threat to the relationship between Kim Minsoo and Yoomin. However, the author's lack of dating and sexual experience hindered him from properly developing the character, resulting in his absence from the novel.

[Main Skill] Coercion (???)

[Sub Skills] Dignity Named Taeyang (A), Virgin Bomber (SSS), ???? (???)


When I regained consciousness, the first thing that drew my attention was the status window. It was floating there, so I decided to give it a read, and I found myself puzzled. "What is this? It says Baek Taeyang, but my name is Lee Taeok"

My last memory was in a white space, and then out of nowhere, this weird book popped up and covered me. "And now, the situation I find myself in this status window and a room I've never laid eyes on before."

Surprisingly, the room's layout was a perfect match for the latest version of Victory Academy's guys' dorms. In this crazy twist, it was pretty evident that the nerdy author of that weird book somehow dragged me into the world of Academy Pure Love Diary.

"Does any of this even make sense? Can it really be this straightforward? And on top of that, these wild things are happening to me?"

All I'd read were the prologue, chapter 1, and the latest chapter. I wasn't even the biggest fan; I was just a dude who'd sent a long message, and now all this craziness was unfolding before my eyes.

After sitting on the bed, scratching my head for about five hours, I finally came to the conclusion that overthinking it wouldn't get me anywhere. Staying still and fretting isn't my style. "Anyway, right now, I'm not Lee Taeok but Baek Taeyang, right?"

After giving the status screen a quick once-over, I walked over to the full-body mirror. My reflection was a spitting image of what that screen showed. I had a body that could waltz into a bodybuilding contest and snatch a Grand Prix, and the third leg? Well, let's just say it looked like it belonged in a western adult film. Just for kicks, I gave my waist a little shimmy, and it lightly brushed my thighs, which left me in shock.

"I definitely need to stash it away to the left side."

I decided not to dwell on why I was butt naked. Sweating the small stuff wasn't gonna make me a better person. Maybe he had tried to comfort himself by thinking about a little self-pleasure and accidentally leaving behind something so remarkable, but that was probably an issue with the author himself.

I reached out and pressed the status screen, and the next window appeared.

[Main Quest]

Today is the transfer day to Victory Academy. It's also your first day to make a name for yourself as Baek Taeyang! Leave a strong impression of your existence!

Clear Conditions: Have sex with a character from Victory Academy (0/1)

Deadline: Today

Reward: Enchanting Gaze (B) / Penalty: Death

It was a hilariously extreme condition. I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the notion that if I didn't get laid, I'd meet my demise, and I had to achieve it by the day's end. This wasn't some wild nightclub where you could just hook up with anyone at random. It seemed like the author's expertise in relationships was on par with a rock.

Swiftly, I grasped the situation. I undoubtedly found myself trapped within the confines of a novel. Furthermore, it appeared that I had to embark on a quest to find a way out eventually.

"Stay calm." The quest didn't strike me as insurmountable. Besides, being inside a novel should allow for some semblance of a natural progression.

I donned the school uniform. Despite its pristine white appearance, it clashed horribly with my white hair and tanned skin. No matter how meticulously I fastened the buttons, I couldn't escape the impression of a delinquent.

Once I finished the quest, staying in the dormitory wouldn't suffice.

Facing a death penalty for not having sex didn't concern me in the slightest. I had a talent that could make even the nerdiest of nerds squirm. If I simply stuck to my usual approach, it should be a walk in the park.

"I'm no longer Lee Taeok; I'm Baek Taeyang" With that resolute declaration, I exited the room.

As I proceeded towards the academy, I uncovered several intriguing tidbits from Baek Taeyang's recollections. Worldwide, monsters were emerging and infiltrating Earth through gates, prompting various countries to establish academies to counter them.

Each nation curbed the reckless use of abilities by emphasizing character education until the age of 19, after which students attended academies to hone their skills. Among these institutions, Victory Academy in Korea was notorious for its frustration at being unable to dispatch talents to other parts of the world.

"That definitely seems to be the case."

Observing others in identical school uniforms on the way, it was evident that they all possessed impressive physiques. Naturally, I outshone them all in that department. Walking alone, I felt like I was in a league of my own, even in the way I nonchalantly carried my bag, slinging it over my shoulder rather than wearing it properly. I truly embodied the stereotype of a rebellious thug.

"Stop right there!"

As I contemplated my potential quest partner, a sudden roadblock emerged in human form.

Well, it's ridiculous to complete the quest. This girl's wearing her skirt long enough to cover her knees I'd have a blast hiking it up and going down to business.

She sported oversized glasses that could double as serving platters compared to her petite face, leaving her features shrouded in mystery. Yet, I couldn't shake the notion that hidden beneath those lenses might be a pleasant surprise.

"Hey, I said stop!!!"

"Huh?" I halted in response to her command.

Upon closer examination, her school uniform bore a name tag that proclaimed Disciplinary Team,' and underneath it, the name Yoo Soojin' was neatly displayed. It was rather comical to consider that grown-ups were busy regulating attire while masquerading as enforcers. Well, they couldn't exactly let students run wild if they had school uniforms, could they?

"I've never seen your face before."

"I'm a transfer student."

As soon as I offered my response, Yoo Soojin's expression twisted, as if she found something disagreeable about it.


I, Yoo Soojin, cherished my daily routine, taking immense pride in my role as a disciplinary team member. Consequently, I dedicated myself more diligently to my disciplinary duties than anyone else, securing the position of disciplinary leader for the next year.

As I passed through the school gates, I made a solemn vow that no one would display delinquent behavior under my supervision, and indeed, not a single instance of such behavior had occurred.

Who is that man?

However, the individual approaching from a distance was pushing the boundaries of acceptability, even with a Victory Academy uniform on. If he had been in casual attire, I would have promptly chased him away.

Starting from the unbuttoned shirt to shedding parts of the uniform, he wa wearing a hoodie zip-up. Occasionally, he would slip his hand into the left pocket, and there was certainly something suspicious about it.

Normally, I wouldn't resort to personal item inspections, but I felt it was necessary this time. I summoned him over, halting his progress, and began questioning him on various matters. However, he persistently reiterated that he was a transfer student and provided no further information. His name tag was absent, as if he had deliberately discarded it.

"If you continue to be uncooperative like this, we'll have a serious talk, whether it's about your transfer or something else."

It was an attempt to intimidate him, but he appeared entirely unfazed. In fact, his reaction was more bemusing than anything. As I observed his laughter, a strong sense of determination washed over me. I decided I couldn't let him go without conducting a personal item inspection.

"What have you been fiddling with in your left pocket all this time? Why are you being so secretive about it?"

"Well, this is"

I captured the bewildered expression on the guy's face. Judging by his difficulty in speaking, it was clear that he possessed something significant and likely illegal.

"Take it out immediately, why hesitate? Is it hard to take it out here? Do you think I haven't dealt with people like you before?!"

Since I had him cornered, I needed to press further. People like this delinquent couldn't be given any leeway. Besides, it proved effective. Each time I questioned him, he flinched, clearly intimidated. It was evident that he probably had awakening pills. While they were legal within the gates, using them outside was illegal. It wasn't a crime to possess them, but it was clear that he intended to use them for sheer greed.

I alerted the nearby disciplinary team members and brought him to the guidance room. When he finally realized his mistake, he looked quite satisfyingly remorseful. This was true discipline. Just in case he tried to escape, I locked the room door. If it didn't open from the outside, he couldn't even try to escape.

Now, it was finally time to check what was in his pocket.

"Hey, take it out." I decided to be bold. Judging by his frightened expression, I thought he would take it out soon.

"I don't want to"

However, the response I heard was unexpected. Suddenly, anger surged through me.

"You mean you won't tell me?"

After pushing the transfer student against the wall, I reached into his pocket. At first, I thought there was nothing there, but as I delved deeper, I felt something soft. It was difficult to discern what it was, as it was squishy. I had to retrieve it somehow. If he continued to squirm like this, I couldn't afford to underestimate him.


What was in his pocket was gradually becoming harder. I could feel it growing in size. It had been small enough to fit in the center of my palm earlier, but now it extended beyond my wrist. I was ready to pull it out, but I hadn't considered that it might be firmly lodged inside his pocket.


At that moment, a voice came from above. I hadn't noticed earlier, but there was quite a significant height difference. In the dimly lit disciplinary office, his face wasn't clearly visible. Only his confident smile at the corner of his mouth was noticeable. Suddenly, fear overcame me. Even though I should be the one in control of the situation,I felt like I might be devoured.

"Why did you call me to beg for mercy? I'm not going to let you get away with it take it out immediately I'm confiscating it" My voice grew quieter. Nevertheless, it was crucial that I finished my sentence. Victory was within reach. Or was it all just my delusion?

"Senior, that's my dick."

My mind went blank at those words.


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