Your Girlfriend Was Amazing

Chapter 10: The Classmate Who Makes a Face Her Boyfriend Doesn't Recognize, So Yoomin (2)

Chapter 10: The Classmate Who Makes a Face Her Boyfriend Doesn't Recognize, So Yoomin (2)

The Classmate Who Makes a Face Her Boyfriend Doesn't Recognize, So Yoomin (2)

What's the biggest difference between someone who likes fish and someone who doesn't? Various opinions might come up, but I believe that it boils down to their fishbone-handling skills. What do I mean by that? Kim Minsoo can't handle fish bones, and I can.

"Gulbi has tons of bones, it's yummy but a pain to eat."

"I'll take care of it for you, Yoomin."

"Oh, really? You don't have to"

"Nah, it's more convenient to do it together, anyway."

In the Victory cafeteria, if you order for two or more people, the food comes together, and the portion is larger than when you order for one person. The most crucial thing is that it all comes on one plate. Since Minsoo doesn't like fish, he ordered his food from a different floor. While waiting for our orders to arrive, it was just Yoomin and me. It was the perfect environment for a subtle flirt.

"If if you have any questions about the academy, feel free to ask. I mean, it hasn't been long since you awakened."

I anticipated this much. Yoomin is a bright and sociable girl, known for being an extrovert type. Why would a girl like her remain silent when a guy is helping her with fish? It just doesn't make sense. She even offered herself to accompany me showing around after school. So it was too easy to anticipate this kind of conversation.

"Um actually, I was wondering about something, but it's kinda personal if that's okay."

"What's on your mind?"

She hesitated for a moment, then I generously spooned grilled cutlassfish stew onto her rice. Other people might find this situation awkward, but everything made sense when Baek Taeyang was involved. Handsome and easygoing.

"Do you have any romantic experiences at the academy?"

"Huh? Um Well, I guess?"

She seemed more flustered than expected, quite the novice. I thought she'd take it in stride, but it turns out she's a lot less experienced than I thought.

"Are you in a relationship?"

"Well I Taeyang, what about you? You seem like you've had a lot of experience in dating"

Her eyes darted around, and it was clear she was flustered. Just as I glanced to the side, I spotted Kim Minsoo approaching. The timing couldn't be better. With just eight steps left until he would sit at the table, it was the perfect moment to sow the seeds of doubt.

"Me? I don't really care about dating, but as long as it's not a secret relationship, it's all good."

"What's wrong with secret relationships?!" Suddenly, Yoomin's voice shot up. This was an unexpected twist.

Why's she yelling out of the blue?

All eyes were on us, and a startled Kim Minsoo quickly sat down next to Yoomin, "What's going on?"

From the look on his face, it appeared as if I had committed some grave offense.

It's your girlfriend who screamed out of nowhere, why are you glaring at me

Kim Minsoo jumped into the conversation without any clue about the context, "What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, we were just chatting about secret relationships."

"Is that so?"

The moment the topic of secret relationships came into play, he began stuttering like a malfunctioning computer program. While he struggled to process the situation, I continued our conversation, casually adding more grilled cutlassfish stew to Yoomin's rice.

"Why would a guy even suggest a secret relationship, right, Minsoo?"

"Huh? What What do you mean? Maybe he just wanted to keep it secret for his girlfriend's sake, right? Right?"

His eyes darted around, almost as if he had never considered discussing this topic. It seemed like they had a lot in common in that regard.

Just five minutes ago, he was shooting me sharp glances, but now all of that was gone, replaced by a dejected, goat-like expression. He subtly sent a glance that seemed to be seeking approval for his words

I nonchalantly dismissed it, "Isn't it because the guy is just ashamed of his girlfriend's appearance or something? Or he's just fooling around, looking for some excitement on the side."

The concept of a secret relationship inherently suggests a lot of flaws. Unless there's something lacking, there's no real reason to hide it. If dating within the academy isn't prohibited, why keep it a secret?

"You might not know because you're innate awakened and didn't attend regular schools, but, men are like that, you see"

Yoomin and Kim Minsoo listened to my words as if they were gospel. More specifically, Yoomin's ears were tuned into my words while her eyes were fixed on Minsoo.

Minsoo, who had emphasized the importance of male friendships, had already been labeled as the embodiment of Guys generally think like that' from the moment I began talking.

"isn't secret dating usually meant for those reasons? Why conceal your relationship when you're already dating? It's just bizarre, isn't it?"

"Oh, not at all!"

This time, Kim Minsoo's decibel level shot up. He wasn't reciting lines from a script; he was merely staying true to his consistent behavior. Perhaps that's why they say birds of a feather flock together. But even if their actions align, what triggered his sudden outburst?

Realizing he was in a tight spot, Minsoo rushed to sit down and embarked on explaining himself. Initially, he directed his words towards me, but soon, his laser-like focus was solely on Yoomin.

"Well, maybe it's just because revealing everything all of a sudden it's embarrassing?"

"Why be embarrassed when you're in love with each other? It's just absurd isn't it somewhat shameful to conceal it?"

I've never done it myself, but if this is how all these youngsters are, isn't it just pitiful?

"I I've never even thought of it that way, Y-Yoomin, I'm serious."

He was already spilling more about their secret relationship than anyone else. By now, even the dimmest bulb should've figured out who's dating who.

Why on earth is he insisting on a secret relationship? I briefly caught a glimpse of it during class when I saw Kim Minsoo gazing at Yoomin, as if honey were oozing from his eyes.

So, probably when he eventually says, "We're dating!" later, others will nod and say, "Finally, they're coming clean!" That's the plan, right? That's what it's leading to? And then, I thought, there might even be some guy who starts a commotion, saying, "When did you two start dating?!" It's all so predictable.

That will never happen now, Minsoo.

Without saying a word, Yoomin fixated her gaze on Minsoo, who was desperately explaining that secret dating didn't mean that way. It was practically over at this point.

Now wasn't the time to dissect the pros and cons of secret dating; it was the time to pour out his undying love for her. His evident lack of dating experience was glaring. If he couldn't manage that, he should've at least steered the conversation forcefully, maybe even planted a passionate kiss on her, but instead, he droned on about the intent behind secret dating.

Yoomin deserves better

It's absolutely preposterous that someone with an unusual hip size and thigh thickness for an East Asian should end up with a guy like him. Just looking at our school uniform pants, I had a black hole in my left pocket, while this guy was like a parrot in the middle. In a showdown between a parrot and a black hole, hasn't the victor already been decided?

"Why are you so desperately explaining, Minsoo? Women don't really get it you know, those things among guys, right? Let's just eat quickly."

Never extinguish a raging fire. It's essential to pretend to half-digest it and leave some embers smoldering for future use.

Arguing in a restaurant was a tad awkward, so we exchanged a few words before diving into our meals. To be honest, it wasn't much of a conversation. Minsoo did all the talking, and Yoomin just stared at him as if trying to see through him.

Honestly, causing a rift like this didn't change anything. Common love quarrels in the early stages of a relationship often lead to deeper bonds when reconciled. In the original storyline, revealing their secret relationship and Minsoo's growth might have been a possibility. Now, that was no longer an option.

There was only one path left for Kim Minsoo: a miserable downfall.


"Well, then, everyone, it's been another challenging day. Don't let the end of class be the end of your dedication to training. Keep that in mind."

"Thank you."

Finally, all classes were over. Victory Academy's classes went on like high school, but there was one key differencethey had eight periods.

I have no clue what's happening, but being coerced into enduring this is beyond absurd.

It felt like an elementary school student suddenly being taught advanced physics.

Can this even work?

While in class, my primary focus was on grabbing some shut-eye, and during breaks, I diligently thwarted Minsoo and Yoomin's chances of resolving their discord. I clung to Kim Minsoo, ingratiating myself with his social circle, and each time he vied for Yoomin's attention, I acted as the barrier. It was a tough job, akin to restraining a persistently whining dog in dire need of relieving itself.

And what did all my efforts yield?

"Taeyang, let's go."

Excellent. Yoomin hadn't cast a single glance in Kim Minsoo's direction since lunchtime. Not even a glimmer of a smile. She donned a frosty demeanor, making it apparent to everyone that she was upset.

Swiftly clearing up the misunderstanding was vital. But if her boyfriend, who shared the same classroom, wouldn't initiate a conversation and instead chose to bond with his buddies, could the misunderstanding ever be genuinely cleared up?

She probably believes he can't explain it because it's all true. In the end, it's my imagination that's wreaking havoc on their relationship.

I stood up and placed myself by Yoomin's side. Kim Minsoo stood at the back door of the classroom, seemingly waiting for us to depart together, an attempt to forcibly insert himself into the situation.

Does he believe he can worm his way in?

"Should I explain what we discussed at lunchtime? Just the two of us." I leaned in, our breaths almost melding, and whispered into Yoomin's ear.

At this moment, what mattered most to Yoomin wasn't merely her physical proximity to another guy. It was about hearing what something' was among the guys when it came to secret relationships.

Expecting her boyfriend to explain it for her? She had regarded him with a pitiful glance. She probably wished to reconcile, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Why did he even propose secret dating? That question must have been gnawing at her.

As expected, Yoomin nodded, suggesting we should go somewhere more private.

"Minsoo, don't think of following us. Go ahead first."

Yoomin's firm words halted Kim Minsoo's attempt to shadow us. He instantly froze, almost like a cryogenic specimen. The transformation suited him impeccably. From start to finish, his expression was genuinely comical as he observed the situation.

In reality, there was no longer a need to hold back. Yoomin couldn't discern my expression any longer. She moved ahead, her gaze fixated straight ahead, wanting to hear the truth.

"Until tomorrow, Minsoo." I flashed a radiant smile at him.


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