Your and My Asylum

Book 4: Chapter 3

Book 4: Chapter 3


I immediately said hello.

Hello, Sophna.

Ah, hello, Miss Sophna.

She could have easily guessed that I was here to give my regular report, but Sii was next to me as well. Sii bowed her head in a panic. Although Sophna ignored my greeting, she raised her hand and received Siis.

I glanced around the room during their small exchange. The Earl wasnt here.

Did the Earl go somewhere?

Sophna smiled cynically.

There is no reason for you to know.

I simply nodded my head in response. There was no reason for me to tell her that I was here in order to give my regular report, and in order to do so, I had to obviously meet the Earl. As Sophna herself already knew this, there was also someone else present that was capable of saying it better than me.

Y-Yujin is here to meet Her Excellency the Earl.

Sii spoke carefully. Sophna let out a sigh and thumped her staff against the floor.

Speak in Korean.

Siis face became red.

Its embarrassing because Im still poor at it.

You will get better if you continue to use it. Simply use it for now. It is natural to gradually become better at the things you are poor at.

She sounded like a grandmother who was talking to her granddaughter. Her icy gaze had softened as well.

If you consider the fact that Siis evaluation of Sophna had always been strangely generous, this must be how they usually interact with each other. Different from me who was a stone that had tumbled here from another world, Sii had inherited the blood of her ancestors, in other words, the blood of the first earl, Sophnas comrade.

If you think about it like that, then theres one thing I didnt understand, but.

Yeah~~ Yujin said something similar as well! He said that you can only fix problems if you face them consistently!

Regardless, it seems that genes with the inability to read the mood were mixed in that ancestors blood as well. Sophnas smile became cold once more.

That fellow said that? Kuhuhu. That Ahyeon person was like that as well, but it seems that Koreans have genes which make them good at blabbering with their mouths.

I had already vaguely pieced together the fact that Ahyeon was a good speaker, and this was something that Roroa had confirmed for me as well. Furthermore, the instant I met her, I knew that Sophna disliked Ahyeon.

Was it for the same reason as Roroa? Because he had talked big about changing the city? Because he had abruptly disappeared despite having said that? In the first place, what happened to Ahyeon, to the Twelve Bullets that the Earl had summoned?

Roroa said that she didnt know and Zia said she couldnt answer.

Sophna, this woman most likely knows.

Shes most likely showing this sort of attitudebecause she knows.

I-Im sorry Are you mad?

Sophnas expression softened once more in response to Siis flustered words.

You are not the one I am upset at.

As I thought, she was too lax. If she answers like that, then that means that she was indeed mad. She should have said Im not upset just now. If she did, then.

Are you mad at Yujin?

She could have avoided being asked this question by Sii.

It is unrelated to you.

No, its related. Yujin is a precious person to me.

Sophna drew her brows together. Sii was frightened, but she did her best to not back down and continued.

I personally, dont know why Miss Sophna is so unhappy with Yujin. But, yup, regardless of that, Yujin is precious to me. I cant, yup, I cant just stand by and watch Yujin be treated harshly in front of me. I.

I, Sii spoke. I, she brought both of her hands together as she spoke and bowed her head.

Please dont hate Yujin.

Sophnas face became rigid like a pine tree that had aged a millennium. She turned to look at me.

It seems that you and Sii have gotten quite close despite not having been here for long. For you to have exerted your evil influence over such a small girl. Is there a single reason why I should trust that sort of libertine?

Should I try provoking her? If its trust, then Im receiving plenty from both Sii and the Earl. No. Provocations are something you do when you can obtain something besides firm hostility, and theres nothing that can be gained right now. Should I bow? Youre right. Thank you for enlightening me. As I thought, this wouldnt work either. This would only sound sarcastic. If its like that, then its no different to having provoked her.

I glimpsed at Sii.

I couldnt leave a tormented girl by herself.

Sii, who was breathing heavily as the price for having squeezed out her courage, was startled. I carefully observed Sophnas face.

Sophna didnt say anything. She most likely had no other choice but to stay silent. This was because she was probably aware of what topic would be brought up if she were to say something here. Therefore, silence ensued and it was important for me to grasp what emotion it was that was acting as a foothold for her silence. Because that emotion was going to determine how I responded to her from now on.

Taken aback because she was caught off guard? Anger for not being able to speak more? Anger towards me? Those were all present. However, those things were similar to a type of impurity. There were other core emotions.

It was remorse.

And regret.

Bite off all Twelve Fingers.

An intruding voice broke the silence. Sophna held her staff close to her body before making a stern face.

Mii, how many times have I told you not to use such foul words?

Huu~? I see that youre nagging right in my face now. Did your senility go rampant because you shut yourself in your room for too long? Dementia confirmed?

The Silver Lion Earl spoke with a displeased face. Although this was a scene that revealed the fact that she wasnt lazy when it came to taking in all of the latest jokes from the iPad I had downloaded a bunch of content onto when I was back on Earth, her tone was too venomous for me to point something like that out. Sophna seemed to have realized this as well as she straightened her face.

I see that things did not go well. If there is something that I can do, then tell me.

YesYesYes. Of course you would. But how could I do such a thing? Youre a busy formal member of the Mage Tower. How could I make a request of a busy person whos having it easy by using the central water source as an excuuuse?


Ah ha, whats this? Are you shouting in front of me?

It was like a volatile situation had materialized. Both the Silver Lion Earl and Sophna didnt budge an inch as they glared at each other. However, that confrontation didnt last for long. Sophna lamented.

Are you upset?

What, should I be excited, then? Ah ha, I see that the great teacher is now going to lecture me on how and when I should be happy. All riiight, youre a hikikomori spinster so youre probably experienced when it comes to masturbation. Your ability also revolves around plants, so you must have reached rank 1 when it comes to tentacle play.

Vines, tangle, raise.

A light started to radiate from the end of Sophnas staff. Tentacles sprouted out from a section of empty space that had cracked open and entangled the Silver Lion Earl. The Silver Lion Earl struggled.

Gaauuuu! Let, let me go right this instaaant!

I will let you go once you have settled down.

Damn it, damn you!! Are you, are you not going to listen to me!? Are you disobeying the lord!? Release me! Release me this instant, you hag!! Freckles! Tentacle monster! You burning pine treeeee!!

Although Sophna had a regrettable expression on her face, she didnt release her magic. The Silver Lion Earl soon exhausted herself and started to pant. It wasnt until that moment did Sophna release her spell. The Silver Lion Earl only gnashed her teeth and didnt say anything in response.

I was a bit surprised by this series of events. Genuine magic, the Silver Lion Earl being treated in this manner, and the Silver Lion Earls reaction, these were all things that I was seeing for the first time.

She was this type of person.

The Silver Lion Earl, was a person who was capable of showing this side of herself.

This was something which I already knew in my head, but knowing about something and seeing it for yourself were two clearly different things.

Silver Lion Earl.

Ah, Mr. Yujin. And the unwelcomed baggage next to you. Have you been doing well? As you can see, Im not doing well right now.

The baggage next to me that was supposedly unwelcomed was bowing her head. The Silver Lion Earl had an expression on her face that said that she was more annoyed by Siis very attitude, but she didnt say anything. There was also the fact that I had offered her a seat before she could say anything.

The Earl sat down on the chair. Normally, I would have immediately gone into the massage right now, but thoughtlessly touching a cat thats raising its hair would only leave claw marks.

I took out a thermos. I poured out a cup of pre-heated hot chocolate and handed it to her.

Mii, you shouldnt drink some unknown concoction like that. Put it down. If you need something to drink, then I will boil you some of my medicinal herbs.

The Silver Lion Earl cast a sidelong glance at Sophna before bringing the rim of the cup to her lips. However, Sophna only sighed as she watched the grouchy Earl and didnt try to forcefully take the cup away.

One gulp, two gulps. I calculated the exact moment of when she would take her third gulp before I handed the thermos over to Sii and got down on one knee in front of the Silver Lion Earl.

Once I waited for a moment, the Silver Lion Earl stuck her right foot out towards me.

Mii! You must not allow a person like him to touch your royal.

Sophna, please.

Sophna let out a sigh for the umpteenth time. The Silver Lion Earl glared at Sophna while still extending her foot towards me.

I reverently held the Silver Lion Earls extended foot and caressed it as if I were wiping a gem.

Youre like a swallow.

The Silver Lion Earl grumbled. I lowered my head and raised it as if I had been complimented.

Will you tell me what happened?

I dont waaant to.

The Silver Lion Earl responded while pressing her hand against her cheek. I simply shrugged and focused on my task at hand. The Silver Lion Earl emptied her cup during that time. Sii approached and received the cup from her.

The silence persisted for a while after, so I managed to massage the Earls left foot as well. During that time, this girl, who was twisting her body around while still pressing her hand against her cheek, glimpsed at Sophna for a moment before letting out a sigh.

Im sorry.

Sophna, who was holding her staff close to her chest, twitched. The Silver Lion Earl scratched the back of her head.

ShitDamn it, just stop lecturing mee. Am I some sort of child? No, if youre going to lecture me, then do it regularly. The fact that thats the first thing you do after shutting yourself in your room for so long Ah, whatever. Grandma. In any case, Im sorry about getting annoyed at you.

This must have come off as a surprise since Sophna was bewildered.

No, Mii. There is nothing for you to apologize.

Its something I have to apologize about, Im apologizing right now, and you should just accept that apology, so, please. Okay?


YeahYeahYeahYeah. Ive grown up, right? Im cute, right? I already know, so dont bother mentioning it. Hmph. In any case, Mr. Yujin, that drink was tasty. I could feel the blood and sweat of the child laborers whose backs are crooked due to being overworked in those cacao farms within the Polynesian archipelagos. Pour me some more.

Your teeth will go bad.

Like hell. Since when did I start being surrounded by a bunch of health fanatics? Let me just consume whatever I want and die. How long do you think life will last for anyway?

You can live for up to 187 years, right? Like Yudia or Head Vassal Sophna over there.

Although Sophna furrowed her brow at being mentioned in such a familiar manner, the Silver Lion Earl laughed before she could do or say anything.

Ah hah ha. You really are a swallow. You never miss out on an opportunity to flatter a girl, huh?

I simply dont miss out on an opportunity to flatter my superiors.

The Earl broke out in laughter once more so Sophna was unable to snap at me and ask something along the lines of who are you calling your superior?.

Youre riiight. Nominally, Mr. Yujin is below Zia, Zia is a part of the Silver Lion Royal Guard, and grandma is the leader of the Silver Lion Royal Guard. That means shes your superior by 2 ranks. Ah ha, these sorts of things are fun when you think about them. But, well.

The Silver Lion Earl folded her arms and looked at me with a grin.

Even if you live for a long time, how should I say it, its not a good thing, you know? Hugugugugu. Youll either end up seeing a whole bunch of dirty things like grandma over there, or youll personally create those sorts of dirty things like Yudia, you know? Theres that saying in Korea, isnt there? If you live for too long, then youll defecate all over the walls. Its like that.

That depends on how you spend your time. Imagine shutting yourself in your room for 187 years just playing games.

Oh, thats tempting. I acknowledge good-natured hikikomori activities.

The Silver Lion Earl giggled and patted me on the head. Not with her feet, but with her hand. Considering her current posture, she had to bend forward in order to do that, so the fact that she had gone through the effort to pat my head meant that her mood was better now. As if to prove my assumption, the Silver Lion Earl was still smiling even when she turned to face Sii.

Mikatnis adopted daughter. You really lack foresight. Hurry up and pour me another glass.

Ah, yes!

Sii poured the Earl another glass of hot chocolate. This must have been the most nerve-wracking moment for Sii today, but thankfully, something like Sii spilling the hot chocolate everywhere and ruining the mood didnt happen.

The Silver Lion Earl held the cup with both of her hands and stuck her tongue in the hot chocolate.

Huah. This is nice. It would be perfect if I had some unsweet snacks.

Mii, is it truly okay? There might be something bad in there.

Ah, please. Its fiiine. Sophna, you probably arent aware since youve been holed up until now, but Ive already eaten a lot of the stuff that Mr. Yujin had brought. In other words, if he intended to drug me, then he would have done so much sooner. However, Im perfectly fine right now, hence, Mr. Yujin wouldnt do something like that. Its logical, right? Open bracket, a passing logician gave his acknowledgment, close bracket.

I did consider putting something like nervine in her food, but messing with the food of a noble was a risk which I couldnt possibly take.

Not right now.

If you consider that situation, then it was absolutely right for Sophna to be wary.

Are you telling me that you trust that boy?

Albeit, she nagged a lot.

The Silver Lion Earl slanted her eyes once more. Her expression appeared as if it were asking Is there a problem with that? and she would have actually said that out loud.

But I spoke up before she could.

Its you whom she trusts.

The Silver Lion Earl tilted her head. I turned to face Sophna and continued.

She believes that I wouldnt dare to do something in poor taste while in your presence. Even if I did, she believes that youll take care of it somehow. I paused for a moment before I continued. Of course, youre most likely already aware of this.

Sophna was unable to speak. This was an obvious conclusion as every path which she could take to speak on had been blocked. Although this was a situation which should have naturally upset her, and in truth, her face was also frozen, she couldnt say anything in return. Its probably because the Earl was in front of her. She was a good vassal who, despite nagging a lot, knew when and where she should take it out on someone. She was a person who knew how to carry out something that appeared obvious but was actually difficult to act out.

Acting like you know it all.

The Silver Lion Earl grinned as she pinched my cheek with her toes. I turned my head and lightly kissed her foot.

Thats how youre actually thinking, isnt it?

Really, you overindulge in flattery. A disloyal subject? Or a eunuch? Are you even able to get erect?

Like I said, I wasnt flattering anyone. Despite all of the words and actions she had spoken and displayed until now, if one were to ask whom the Earl trusted more sincerely, then it would most likely be Sophna and not me.

If I confuse this fact, then Ill end up dead.

Lets not forget this.

In any case, the Earl was satisfied. Sophna was also quiet.

Therefore, the time had arrived.

In any case, Earl, can you tell me why you were upset earlier?

Hmm, well, its not a big deal, all things considered, butyou heard that some big guests will be arriving soon, right?

Is it related to those guests?

Yes. Early next month, a person from my mothers side of the family will be coming.

The Silver Lion Earl stated while resting her chin on her hand.

The House of the Cat Earl.

As they were a part of Lady Blizzard Cat, the Silver Lion Earls mothers household, they were, in other words, the Silver Lion Earls family on her mothers side.

It was a reputable house that had produced gifted individuals that were either skilled at commerce or elemental magic. Full Moon Cat Earl, as she was the current head of the Cat Earl Household, she was also the Silver Lion Earls oldest aunt, and while she was a middle executive of the Fedchants, she also managed the role as the branch manager of the Mage Towers 8th branch which was also known as the Elemental Branch.

I naturally dont like them.

The Silver Lion Earl spoke as if she were spitting out her words.

They didnt do anything when I was kidnapped or even when my mother had passed away. Well, this, I can understand. Not only do people naturally cherish their own lives, but these fellows, they were blessed with fecundity so they produce a lot of children. To them, my mother was most likely nothing more than just one of their many other siblings, and compared to her, I was probably nothing more than one of their many nieces. Thats why I understand. The issue is that among those people, there were some that had even stuck their spoons in.

Are you certain?

I dont have any proof that I can make public. But Im certain.

It would probably be dangerous if I asked her whether that was just a strong suspicion or not. I decided to stay silent. That must have been the right answer as the roughly breathing Silver Lion Earl continued.

I saw several people while I was confined. Even though they were wearing masks and had altered their voices, I could see through an obvious ploy like that with just a glance. Once things were resolved, I summoned the fellows that I could summon and sure enough, they confessed after I played around with them a little.


Nevertheless, there were also bastards who I couldnt summon for various reasons. So I had to go through some hardship for a while because they had tattled to the Twelve Earthly Branches and the special corps had arrivedDid I tell you about this before?

Yeah. I heard that it was because you had executed condemned criminals on your own volition, but I also heard that there was more to it than that.

Yeess. This is the actual reason. They were suspected of assassination. Seriously, how could they be so rude to such a simple person like me? Regardless, the disposal of the pieces of evidence was perfect. I was freed from suspicion because the grotesque executions that remained on record were only targeted at prisoners who were already legally sentenced to death. I had to go through some trouble because I got caught for steaming the son of one of the citys community leaders to death, but it wasnt enough to be a lasting problem. Hurray for noble power. Yay.

The Silver Lion Earl licked her nails as she said that. Sophna had a grief-stricken expression on her face.

But its true that my freedom to move has become limited. I cant necessarily say that Im no longer capable of doing something like that again, but Ill have to be more careful from now on. Nyanyanya. Therefore, Mr. Yujin, would I not be stressed because of this? What do you think this poor, stressed out little girl should have done?

I couldnt say that, at the very least, she shouldnt have tortured beings from other worlds. However, I was unable to hide my emotions completely. No matter how much I resolved myself, in the end, I was just human.

My heart felt heavy and ached as if it were being filled with lead. The Silver Lion Earl must have noticed that aching as she made a pleased face. Ah hah hah ha. She let out a laugh before crossing her legs and bobbing her foot.

I kneeled down once more and obediently brought my lips to it. The Silver Lion Earl stroked my head with her other foot and continued.

Hugugugu. Its because of this very reason, ah hah ha, that it would only be appropriate for Mr. Yujin to also despise the Cat Earl Household. Yup, you cant ignore the fact that those bastards are also partially responsible for the people of your world, Mr. Yujin, being hurt. If they hadnt squealed on me, then my irritation gauge wouldnt have maxed out. This Silver Lion Earl can say with confidence that theyre approximately 30% responsibleGya hah ha ha?!

Was that too strong?

It was! Tell me beforehand if youre going to tickle me. Seriously, Mr. Yujin, you dont know what fair play is.

Sorry. The sole of your foot was too pretty.

Hmph. Youre really shallow, Mr. Yujin. If you think that you can make every girl in the world feel happy just by calling them pretty, then youre making a huge mistake.

Despite those words, the Silver Lion Earl was grinning. She put aside the unpleasant topic and returned to talking about the House of the Cat Earl.

In any case, the person coming this time is one of their esteemed daughters whos also known as Dansoomyo(, Vorpal Rabbit). Shes the third daughter of the Full Moon Cat Earl and she specializes in fire magic. Shes also an honorable executive of a Fedchant branch. Shes a gambling fanatic as well. I have to admit that her title of red flint suits her.

The Chinese characters and the English words dont match at all this time as well.

Like I said, its my own chuunibyou-like naming sense. Dansoomyo() and Dansoomyo(). Well, the general title thats referred to in this world is closer to the former. (TL note: can be read as Red Flint Cat and can be read as Vorpal Rabbit. Additionally, and  are pronounced completely the same)

I dont understand this title system.

Do you think I understand it? Its similar to an achievement system. Nobles are cash users so they can get them easily. Albeit, their slots are determined by their noble title. Also, well, they just add your characteristics as a part of your title. Since I have messy silver hair, Silver Lion. Yudia is like a purple swamp, so Violet Swamp of Poison. And Sophna over there is like a yellowish-green plant, so Yellow-Green Grass. Zia is blue and has a cold appearance, so Azure Rose.

Azure Rose Knight, Zia Batsand.

Do you get why I said I didnt understand either? Just think of world-class titles like Draconian Demonic Spear and Universal Summoner as platinum trophies. Is there anything else youre curious about?

Something Im curious about, huh? I nodded my head and spoke.

Earl, your name, Mii.

Ill kill you.


Ill kill you, Mr. Yujin. Im serious. Ill reaaally kill you. If you understand, then dont say even a single word about that. Okay?

The retorting Silver Lion Earls face was red, which was a rare sight.

I knew I shouldnt have asked. But how could I not ask? Even though she told me to ask her anything.

No. This isnt the time for that.

In any case, youre saying that an irritating relative is coming.

Thats right. Shes a psycho I dont want to be associated with. Itd be great if she didnt come. I want to lock the door and enjoy a happy, happy torture life.

I feel like you could just tell her to not come, but if that were possible, then you would have probably done so already. Whys that?

I have a debt.

Debt, huh?

A psychological one? The thing you mentioned earlier?

No. Not something I have to receive. Its a physical debt I have to give to her. It may be surprising, but even a riajuu, alpha girl like myself, whos perfect at everything, has a slightly extravagant personality.

Its not surprising.

I had said this to Zia as well, but this was something I could tell just by looking at her attire.

Why did you become indebted to people you dont like?

I didnt hate them back when I initially became indebted. Its something that happened when I was really young. Back around the time when my parents were still around, there were things that I wanted to do, so I poked a little into my mothers side of the family. Weeell, to be more exact, the exchange has already been completed, so its difficult to call it a debt, but there were a couple of things that were handed over.

So you cant act aggressively with them.

Yeesss. Well, its like that. I cant stop them if they say theyre going to come. Isnt that unfair, Mr. Yujin? Hugugugu. Its annoying, but there are things that cant be helped while you live your life. That kind of feeling, I guess? Something like that.

Do you know why shes coming?

Who knows? Shes a crazy bitch who I cant make head nor tail of. I feel like she might be coming to either find fault with the Fedchant business that happened previously, mess around with me, provoke me, or to do something related to the Mage Tower. ETCETC.

Let her come!

Sophna shouted grandly.

In the first place, bringing the two households together is what I wanted to bring about. Tell her to come. I shall help however I can.

The Silver Lion Earl propped her chin on her hand.

Heeh. Youre rather zealous. Even though youre probably going to use the central water source as an excuse to shut yourself in when she actually arrives.

I had set up some fences in order to make it so that I do not have to worry about it for a while. That is why I took more time this year. If I do the finishing touches, then I should be able to stay above ground until the city settles down.


The Silver Lion Earl, who was being apathetic, raised the corners of her mouth.


Her smile thickened.

Ah hah hah ha ha. Hm, whats this? Did you take the wrong medication? Are you really suffering from dementia? I heard that when people abruptly start to do things which they normally dont do, it means that their deaths are near. Is it something like that? Should I think of it like this?

Her tone was still filled with haughtiness, but there was no venom in her words now. The Silver Lion Earl was sincerely being happy about Sophnas words, the fact that Sophna had done something for her sake.

That factat the very least, I could feel it, and from what I could tell, Sophna felt it as well.

I see that you are a lot brighter now.

The Silver Lion Earl let out a Hmm~? sound before hopping up from her seat.

Im always bright. Always sunshine!

Sophna wordlessly watched the Silver Lion Earl as she gave that response. The Silver Lion Earl pouted and sat back down with her chin on her hand again.

I decided to come forward.

Ill also help in whatever way that I can.

The Silver Lion Earl grinned.

Ah ha, of course you will. Why do you think I called the both of you here at the same time?

I thought Sophna was here to denounce me. Sophna turned to look at me with eyes that didnt have even a sliver of the affection which they had when they looked at the Silver Lion Earl and spoke.

Mii, I am more than enough.

The Silver Lion Earls expression changed to a frown. Sophna appeared apologetic, but she still said what she wanted to say.

Im saying this for your sake. Even in an insignificant magic experiment, it is best to lower the total number of variables.

The Silver Lion Earl took in a deep breath. Was she going to shout again?

She wasnt.

Can something not be done?

Surprisingly, the Silver Lion Earl had taken a step back and said that.

Mr. Yujin is smart. Im sure hell be helpful. Caaant, you do something?

Sophna looked at the Silver Lion Earl with bewildered eyes. It was an expression that I had seen multiple times today. With those words, I had another opportunity to speak.

Ill be in your care, Miss Head Vassal.

I shook Sophnas hand as I said that.

Sophna gnashed her teeth. However, the Silver Lion Earl had an earnest expression on her face. After a short period of time, Sophna returned my handshake. Her touch felt like the roots of trees that were burrowing into a bog.

Do not impede my work.

The Silver Lion Earl was watching the two of us while we were like that while supporting her chin with both of her hands. It seems like she believed that things were going to be better for the time being. On the other hand, Sii had an apprehensive expression on her face.

If possible, both Sophna and I would have probably given our votes to Siis apprehension.

Ill wrap up our current situation.

First, a guest from the Earls mothers side of the family will be arriving soon.

Second, the representative of the debtors household was most likely coming here in order to quibble about the previous incident related to the Fedchants that had occurred.

Third, thus I decided to help.

Fourth, along with Sophna.

How simple.

Is it simple? Yujin, you got wrapped up in another troublesome task again, right?

Sii asked that with a worried voice. I, who was lying on the bed and organizing my plan on my iPad, responded in this worlds language.

The most troublesome matters are the ones that cant be grasped. In other words, problems where you dont know how far the issues go and you have no idea how to handle it. Our current situation is simple since I have both a clear understanding of it and a method to cope with it.

Mm~~ is that so. But, Yujin, I.

Talk in this language. The other two have to hear it as well.

Sii puffed out her cheeks, but she obeyed meekly.

But Yujin, this doesnt seem simple to me at all. Of course, Miss Sophna is a good person, but she disapproves of you, Yujin.

That was the truth. The instant we left the office together, Sophna glared at me with harsh eyes. I will definitely catch you red-handed, those were her final words to me before she left.

Like that, the cooperation itself is already unstable, but adding to that, for us to have to face the Cat Earl Household while bearing that unstable cooperation. This is seriously ominous beyond measure.

It seems that Ill need some information on the Cat Earl Household and that Lady Dansoomyo. If you know anything, then please tell me.

Ariya was the one to answer that question and not Sii. The girl who was lying in the same bed turned to face me.

There are rumors that they are the wealthiest family in this entire region. There are even more rumors than that about their cruelty. Even if you consider the fact that they are an earls household, the Cat Earl Household is said to be cruel to an unnatural degree.

Roroa had said something similar. Ariya glimpsed at me before continuing.

However, the wife of the previous earl was a person of elegance despite being from the Cat Earl Household.

If you consider the Silver Lion Earls personality, then it might be genes that affect every second generation.

Now that I think about it.

What kind of people were the previous earl and his wife?

His Excellency the Earl was a moderate person. There was nothing special about him other than the fact that he was lecherous. His wife, on the other hand, was an excellent person. Befitting her title of Blizzard Cat, she was skillful at handling cold and wind magic, and although she couldnt reach Miss Sophnas level, she was impressive enough to be able to at least stand shoulder to shoulder with Miss Zaho.


Alshi, who was lying right next to Ariya, took the baton. She was discharged from the infirmary earlier today, so she had moved to this room.

Zaho Naricpitor. Shes currently one of the citys community leaders and she was Her Excellency the Earls, nanny. The name of the House of Naricpitor itself is famous for producing clothing, but Miss Zaho is more famous as a mage. She even has the title Azure Water Lotus().

Another title holder, huh.

Nomore importantly.

If she was a nanny, then, I recalled an age-old piece of information, is she perhaps, Zias?

Yes. Fair Grace. Shes Miss Zias mother.

Ariya was the one to answer. For that unidentified organism known as Zia to have a biological mother, well, all things considered, this was an obvious fact but it gave me a peculiar feeling.

At the same time, it also brought a question to my head.

But Zia doesnt use Naricpitor as her family name.

The only family name Zia used was that of her teachers, Batsand. Was it perhaps a tradition of Martial Origin to discard the family name you were born with and use your teachers family name?

That didnt seem to be the case as Ariya shook her head.

She used it in the past.

Then why is she only using Batsand as her family name?

I apologize, Fair Grace, but I believe thats something you should hear from Miss Zia herself.

It was a polite but stern refusal. Not only was that a reasonable response, but this wasnt what was important right now either.

What was important was,

Ariya. Can you move a bit more to the side? Your chest keeps touching my face, so back up a bit. This is an order.

Ariya obeyed my command and laid down further away from me. This action was followed by quietly covering her chest, which had been touching my face, with a flushed face and averting her gaze. Even though they didnt have as much volume or sensation to them as Siis did.

In that moment, Alshi shoved her hands underneath Ariyas arms and grabbed onto her volumeless chest.

Hauh! A-Alshi. What are you doing?

Im covering them, for you.

But everyone is watching.

So? Thats why Im covering them, with my hands.

After saying that, Alshi blew into the nape of Ariyas neck. Ariyas face became bright red.

Alshi Uu, auh, w-wait. If you do that.

D-Didnt I tell you to not do perverted things like that!?

Sii also became red and shouted. Alshi giggled and started to gnaw on the nape of Ariyas neck. Ariyas head rolled up smoothly to a 37.1 degrees angle. While that happened, Ariyas volumeless chest was being massaged by Alshis small hands.

Seriously! What are you doing!?

Sii exclaimed once more. After sucking on Ariyas neck long enough to leave a mark, Alshi spoke.

Its something we used to do every, night. Its also something that we couldnt do for a while because Ariya had, moved here. Thats why Im doing it in celebration of my move here, is there a problem?

There is! Things like that go against the way of nature! You cant do that!

Those words were similar to what racists and homophobic people of any world would say. Regardless, Alshi displayed an amused face.

Why does it go, against nature?

You cant have a child!

Those words were similar to what homophobes, the rest is omitted. Alshi broke apart that logic with ease.

So youre saying that petting that cant make children goes against, the way of nature? Then what about you, whos doing that with a person whos a different race and from, a different world?


Yujin and I are able to have kids!


Ara. Is that, possible?

Yujin! Its possible, right? Tell her that its possible! Quickly!

Sii was shouting while holding onto my shoulders with hands that were hot enough to warm the air. According to the theory of evolution, it should be impossible since were already different species.

Were we different? Even though our individual races evolved through completely different methods, was it possible to evolve into such similar looking species? Using some creative works as an example, similar to Peacekeeper and Ancients, were the people of this world related to the people of Earth? (TL note: Im not sure what the author is referencing here)

However, starting from the crack in their eyes, the thing which the people of this world referred to as the inner eye, there were several differences in terms of body structure. According to the Silver Lion Earl, there was also a difference in the number of bones and joints in the bodyfrankly, it seems that theres a bone, to be more exact, a joint in the genitalia of the males in this worldIf you consider the fact that a human cant have a child with an orangutan.

No, why am I even contemplating this?

Conclusion. A lady from a rich family thats said to be cruel is coming.

Dont change the subject~!!

Sii shook my neck with a tearful face. Alshi grinned and removed her hands from Ariyas chest.

Thats a coarse but precise, conclusion. But theres one thing. If its Lady Dansoomyo, then it isnt a rumor.

There was a moment of silence.

What do you mean?

Ariya, who had melted into a piece of chocolate during a summer day, caught her breath and answered.

Its just as shesaid. If I refer to the several times we had received her as a guest haa, then Lady Dansoomyo is indeed an unnaturally cruel person. Sii, you know as well since you saw her last year right? That large woman who brought a bunch of slaves.

Uu I remember. It was terrible, seriously.

Yes. It was to the point that that Mari had to help clean the torture chamber. Of course, its also because Miss Sophna had instructed her to help.

I turned back to Sii. We were lying in the same bed, so the light emitting from the iPad was enough to illuminate Siis face.

Thats why I said that earlier, Yujin. That you got caught up in something troublesome again.

I then realized that Sii and Ariya were making the same face. As expected, it seems that Alshi didnt massage Ariya and tease Sii just for fun.

It was tension.

And anxiety.

I guess well have to up our preparations more.

Those were my words.


TL note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I hope you guys had a nice Christmas. Holiday mood is sort of making me do other things besides translating, but then again, I usually always spend all of my mornings translating whatever I can. Albeit, Ive procrastinated more. In any case, New Years is soon and Im still translating. What is a holiday vacation? My New Years resolution is to just keep translating. Im hoping that I can finish translating the entirety of Handholding next year. Maybe find a new project as well, who knows?

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great holiday and Ill see you guys next year.


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