Your and My Asylum

Book 3: Chapter 6

Book 3: Chapter 6


The moment the Silver Lion Earl entered her office, she grabbed me by the collar and threw me on the ground. She then mounted herself on top of my waist. Nails dug into both of my shoulders. She must have been fairly upset as her thighs, which were placed on top of my waist, felt like water balloons that were filled with hot water.


Instead of responding, the teeth-gnashing girl, whose face was brought so close to my own that our faces were nearly touching, abruptly bit down on my neck.

An aroma that smelled like a peach had been soaked in milk until it became a pulp.

Your Excellency!?

Zia, who had entered the room along with us, became panicked and called out to the Earl, but the Silver Lion Earl continued to nibble on my neck. Although it didnt hurt, I knew that her bite was just strong enough to definitely leave teeth marks. I stayed still. The Silver Lion Earl finally removed her mouth from my neck around the time when the area where she was biting down onto had started to feel itchy.

Mr. Yujin.

She spoke.


What do you have to report?

Before that, may I service you a bit?

Go ahead.

I hugged her. I caressed her back and stroked her head. Normally, if I moved my hand higher than her neck, then she would go absolutely crazy, but she was strangely docile today. She wasnt completely docile though. The higher my hand went, the deeper her nails dug into my shoulders.

In the end, I gave up on the back of her head and lowered my hand. I caressed the back of her neck and back. Although the touch couldnt be felt properly due to her thick clothes, the Silver Lion Earl must have felt displeased by that as she then twisted her body.

Wait one second. Zia, my coat.

The Earl took off her coat and tossed it to the side. Zia bewilderedly caught the Earls coat. The Silver Lion Earl, now in just a shirt, leaned her body against mine once more. A heavy sense of weight. I held her tightly and caressed her. Each time she breathed in, thump, thump, I could feel the sensation of her beating heart.


The Silver Lion Earl placed her hand on my chest.

Ive always been curious, but do you wear cologne?


Youre like a girl. Or is it a type of pheromone attack?

Impressions are important after all.

Hmm. Well, its not bad, butthe next time you go to Korea, buy me some as well.

I will. Is there anything else you want?

Ah hah ha ah, was it called a bucket list? But that gives too much of a self-centered feeling. If you arent able to buy something even though it was written down on that list, then even the person whos on the receiving end would feel like theyre at a loss. Thats why its fine. Just buy things at your own discretion, Mr. Yujin. Im sorry that Im unable to pay attention to your wage.

Im fine with that last thing. Itd be convenient if I had one, but itd honestly be better to receive physical goods instead of cash in this world.

Hm, is that so? Then how about two sacks of rabbit potatoes?

Not that. I mean things like medicine.

Magic goods, huh~ I told you before, but itd be a good idea to be careful with those. Nothing in this world is free. An appropriate price is required for any magic. If you arent a super genius with an ability like mine that is.

Youre probably right, but there are still things that are impossible in Korea, and yet are possible here.

Hmm. Youre right about that. Now that I think about it, have you ever been outside of the castle, Mr. Yujin? I mean something like looking at the city.

No, not yet.

The streets are soon going to become crowded because of the arena. Its probably already crowded right now, but itll later become even more congested than now. Items that usually arent stocked will start to be in stock in the marketplace, peddlers will arrive, and non-human merchants may arrive as well. Have a day out later on and leisurely take a stroll around the city. Ill even give you some money.

Would it be fine to try and sell some of the things that I brought back from Korea?

Mm~ At that time, I guess you could sell them depending on the mood. But things that can be dismantled and recreated arent allowed, okay? Those Mage Tower bastards will definitely find out and buy the stuff off of whoever you sell them to.

I patted her back. The Silver Lion Earl made a purring sound.

The awkwardly standing Zia spoke.

Your Excellency am I supposed to just stand here and watch over the two of you loafing around?

What, do you have a problem with that? Do you want to join in as well?

Zia twitched as her face became red and she cleared her throat Of course, she wasnt a girl whod give that sort of reaction.

I exist solely for that purpose!

Zia uttered a line that she shouldnt say to her parents or her teacher and leaped from her position. Ah, that idiot. Im lying down right now and the Silver Lion Earl was on top of that me. In other words, if she jumps like that, then on the Silver Lion Earls back.


The Silver Lion Earl cried out. Zia panicked and examined the Silver Lion Earl.

Your Excellency, are you okay?

Do I look okay!?

Your Excellency I apologize. As punishment, Ill lie on top of Yujin this time.

Oh, cool. Ill be knee diving.

Zia switched positions with the now standing Earl and laid on top of me. Compared to the Silver Lion Earl, Zia certainly had more volume to her body and she was also firmer. If the Silver Lion Earl was rubber, then Zia was like clay. Her scent was similar as well. I wonder if it was because of the fact that she had been working heavily in the arena before coming here, but the slight scent of dirt was emanating from Zia. Or perhaps she always smelled like this. On the back of the Azure Rose Knight, who had taken root in clay

the Silver Lion Earls knee slammed down.


Hows that, Zia?

Every time I interact with Your Excellency, Id always worry that my back will one day break. It seems like today must be that day.

Ah ha, youre just making a fuss. I havent even gotten started yet. Get ready, okay? I have 108 different types of knee dives.

Youre all aware that Im pinned at the bottom, right?

The Silver Lion Earl answered by doing a 360 crescent rotation knee dive from the top of her desk. Like that, my protest was swept between Zias cleavage.

In that manner, time flowed by for a while. The Silver Lion Earl wiped her forehead with a satisfied expression on her face.

Phew. As expected, getting some exercise is good.

My waist my waaaist.

Youre exaggerating. You start crying whenever it gets even a little tough. I recall the night where my mother told me that a female knight was only useful in the bed.

Kuh! Your Excellency, I shall prove that those words are untrue! I absolutely will not lose after all! I swear on my honor as a knight!

Ah hah hah hah ha. Thats a good spirit. Im moved. However, its meaningless. Ill let you have a taste of a technique that no female can ever win against.

Playing around is fine and all, but can you guys get off of me first?

The two scratched their heads before dismounting me. I was finally able to stand up after throwing more strength into my body. Although I felt as if my body had become squashed by 1mm, it was probably just my imagination.

The Silver Lion Earl supported the back of her head with her interlocked hands.

So, Mr. Yujin. What did you have to report?

I placed my lips against the end of the Silver Lion Earls foot.

Sorry. I actually had nothing to report.

A silence flowed by for a moment.


Because you seemed to be in a bad mood. I only said that because I wanted to relieve your mood a bit.

In order to prevent me from going to the torture chamber, huh? Mr. Yujin, are you aware? That Im reallyreallyre~~~ally annoyed.


Whatever. I had a hunch that that was the case anyway. Just keep licking.

Even while saying that with a sour face, the Silver Lion Earl sat down on her chair. I did as I was told and held her foot in my mouth as I massaged her with my utmost sincerity. Since even Zia knew that she shouldnt make a joke in a situation like this, the sound of a tongue and some saliva brushing against fiber and skin was the only thing to resonate throughout the silent room for a while.


The Silver Lion Earl spoke.

I lowered my head. The Silver Lion Earl naturally placed her foot on top of my head. Press, press. The end of her sock, which was wet with my saliva, touched the back of my neck, leaving a wet sensation.

Mr. Yujin. Tell me what you intend to do from now on.

I spoke while keeping my forehead down on the carpet.

I think it would be a good idea to leave it alone for the time being.

Your reason?

First, because the enemy has gotten in too deep. At first, it was me and Sii. Alshi was next. Both assaults happened within the Silver Lion Castle and they even occurred in the sick room and an area thats supposed to be the main dwelling of the maids. If we move too hastily while in this situation, then Earl, theres a chance that youll be in danger. My second reason is the fact that we now have a grasp on who our opposition is. That this was an instigation from the Mage Tower. As long as we know their identities, theres no need for us to rush.

So Mr. Yujin is also certain that it was an instigation done by the Mage Tower.

Because if I think about it now, thats the only answer I can think of.

The Silver Lion Earl paused for a long time before speaking.

If thats the case, then what should I do in order to deal with this?

For starters, one thing. How many summons do you have left this month?

Wouldnt you be able to find out if you took a look yourself? I have three summons left.

I think itd be a good idea if you stayed low until your ability resets on the first of the next month. I know that this would seem like youre running away so you probably wont like it, but.

Its not probably. You were talking really seriously so for a second I thought you werent talking bullshit. So youre saying that this Silver Lion Earl has to stay low and avoid the pieces of trash whore waving their arms around in my castle?

The Silver Lion Earls voice was low and cold. I spoke earnestly.

Until the first of next month. Earl. This is my request.

Haah, even if I did wait. Will some sort of brilliant idea pop up when that time arrives?

It will.

I stated.

Ill create one by then. Ill leave a thorn mark that cannot be erased on the Mage Tower. Thats why, Earl, for now.

The Silver Lion Earl went quiet for another long pause. As my head was currently being stepped on, I was unable to see what sort of expression she was making right now. After being silent like that for a while, the Silver Lion Earl eventually let out a sigh.

Youll have to keep those words, Mr. Yujin.

I will.

Also, another thingI cant give you a definite answer. If the Mage Tower provokes me like this one more time before the next month has arrived, then.

Then at that time, you dont have to hold back.

I answered her.

Sii, who was running about in confusion in the hallway near the office, showed a face of relief the instant she saw me exit the room.

Yujin! Are you safe? Are you okay? She didnt do something severe to you, right?

She did, but that wasnt important right now.

Miss Sii. Where is Ariya right now?

Ariya? If its that girl, then she finished being questioned by the guards and went to the sick room. Alshi and Miss Sophna are with her.

So youre saying that shes next to her injured lover. Although thats admirable, if you consider our current situation, its not that good. Moreover, its a problem that shes also with Sophna.

My thoughts flowed out of my mouth. Sii, who had been listening with a panicked look on her face, soon figured out what my point was.

Yujin, do you need Ariya? And during that process, you dont want to meet Miss Sophna?

Yes. If I were to meet that person now, then theres no doubt that something bothersome will occur.

Why do you say that? Mm~~ no, if Yujin says so then thats probably the case, but Miss Sophna is a good person. Of course, I can understand your surprise because she came up all of a sudden, but is there a need to avoid her?

Sii didnt say You cant avoid her forever anyway, however, I responded to her as if she did.

I cannot right now. At the very least, I have to meet her after this case has been settled. Sequences are important after all.

Mm okay. Yujin must have something in mind. So you want me to bring Ariya, right? In a way that wont let Miss Sophna notice that Yujin was the one who had called her. But if I go.

Sii trailed off. Certainly, if Sii were the one to go, then she would be questioned as to whether her reason for calling Ariya was related to me or not. While I was in the middle of thinking about that, I abruptly discovered a maid walking towards my direction.


I told you its Mari.

The pronunciation was indeed different.

Yeah, Mari. Thanks for earlier.

I didnt do that for your sake. Be that as it may, I didnt do that for you either, Sii. It was merely for Alshi and Ariya. Those two are my friends.

Sii looked tearful. Although she did hunch her shoulders and shrink back once Mari glared at her, I patted Siis shoulder and lowered my head to Mari.

With how much has happened, isnt all that enough to consider us as friends now?

You must be mad. Mari wrapped her arms around her shoulders and averted her gaze. For someone who did something like that to me at the rampart.

I did do something that shouldnt be done to a girl.

Then at least accept Sii as a friend.

Really, you treat everything so easily. Ah, whatever. It also seems like Sii hasnt been going around wasting her time lately. Im fine as long as everyone hangs onto the basics.

An individual that was as integral as this probably didnt exist anywhere else. Even my sensibility that considered that as cute was abnormal.

Uu. I-If youre here to just lash out like that.

Sii? If you have something to say then dont murmur and say it properly.

I-I dont particularly have something to say.

Sii shrunk away. Mari looked at her as if she were taken aback before turning back towards me.

You. Really, why do you speak formally to a thing like that? No matter how masochistic you are, shouldnt there be a limit?

Those who are strong to the strong and weak to the weak are the ones of virtue.

I see that in your world, the more perverted someone is, the greater they are.

I couldnt firmly declare that that wasnt the case.

At any rate, Mari, I have a request.

Yes, I figured you did. Without something noteworthy, theres no way that you would be talking to me for this long. What is it this time?

Momentary stop. Although I planned to ask her to call Ariya for me, I had to explain it to her in a way that would make it so that she would call for Ariya 1) While not revealing that I was the one who called for her 2) Why that cant be revealed 3) And why I couldnt personally go to fetch her myself.

Can you bring Ariya here for me? It seems the Earl has something she wants to confirm and I have to go back in soon. Originally, I was going to ask this of Sii, but.

I shrugged while trailing off. Sii quickly caught on and made a face that was half tearful and half forlorn.

Mari snorted while shining her smooth forehead.

Hm, all right. Thats right, instead of asking that Whitey, youd be better off asking me. Truly, whats with all of this work in the middle of the night.

Mari turned around and walked off. Once her figure disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, Sii tilted her head towards me.

Mm~~ Has Mari, always been this stupid?

Its just that if you change the angle of their line of sight even slightly, then it becomes easier to make them move towards your desired direction.

Thinking about things, is rather fun.

Itll continue to be fun. Oh right, Miss Sii, you did well comforting Ariya earlier.

Sii became embarrassed.

No, well, since that girl showed her weak side. Even though shed usually act tough, she ends up like that if shes cornered even slightly. Really, it couldnt be helped.

Yes. However, with that same reason, you must never mention that the next time you see her. In other words, lines like Do you know how unseemly you were crying at that time or When I comforted you, you were sincerely thanking me while bawling your eyes out.

Yujin, what do you see me as!? Do you think Id say things like that? Im not that sort of petty and crafty person!

In the future, as it was clear that she was going to utter those sorts of line and may perhaps say even worse things, for the time being, I was aware of this fact and truthfully, deep down, Sii most likely knew it as well. Sii cleared her throat.

Mm~~ Anyway, Yujin. What are you going to say when Ariya gets here?

I will tell you once Ariya is here. Miss Sii is needed as well after all.

Okay! I understand. Then Ill wait. But when Miss Earl said something about the Mage Tower earlier, what happened?

Ah, that. At the bottom of the piece of paper that looked like Alshis last words, there was a Mage Tower seal drawn there.

Eck? Alshis last words? What and the Mage Tower? Uh but no, why is it that.

Sii tilted her head with her hand placed at the side of her mouth. I spoke.

Leave it at that for now. Once Ariya has arrived, Ill explain it in more detail.

In that moment, the door to the office opened. Zia walked out appearing exhausted and with her hand placed against her forehead.

Ah, Miss Zia!

Hello, Sii. It has been a long time. Is your arm better?

Somewhat Since Yujin has been looking after me well.

That is a relief. I am able to feel at ease.

A smile that appeared like a blooming spring flower appeared on Zias characteristically cold face. I glanced towards the office.

And the Earl?

She just fell asleep. Yujin, you went through a lot of trouble earlier.

It wasnt really trouble. These sorts of stuff always happen anyway.

Still, I am grateful towards you. If it were just a few months ago, then it would have been impossible for Her Excellency the Earl to calm down this quickly, especially when this sort of incident has occurred. Yujin, the savior of this city. Your existence is like a miracle to Her Excellency and myself. I am truly happy that I have the honor of knowing you.

Zia. Im really creeped out and put off right now, so can you just talk in Korean?

What are you doing, Yujin? I was saying something good but for you to say something so harsh like that all of a sudden. If youre that bored, then you should humbly commiserate the exhausted me who has been harassed all day today as well. (TL note: Humbly and Bored can be read the same in Korean)

This suits you more.

Zia pulled on my cheek. Sii giggled.

Yup~~ Theres certainly less weight in Miss Zias words when she uses Korean. When I learned Korean and learned about this a bit later, I was really surprised.

Ahn eumuu uh anukuhoh wauh ar ohueheuoh.

Yujin, occasionally really does some cute things.

It wasnt cute. Thats why, Zia, you shouldnt nod your head to that either. In that regard, I tapped Zias hand, but instead of letting go of my cheek, she pulled on it more and whispered into my ear.

Yujin. If the Mage Tower is making a move again, then does that mean they noticed that I betrayed them?

I also whispered back to her in response.

We aunt we eertain et.

Yujin. You occasionally really do some cute things.

I hit her hand away. I whispered once more towards Zia who was sullenly touching the back of her hand which I had smacked away.

We cant be certain yet. Your contact. Has that contact of yours, who made you turn coat before, say anything in particular to you?

Although I met them right before coming here, they didnt say anything special. Touma Soh didnt appear either.

Okay. Ill have to deal with that part as well, but this was important right now. Dont rush. As I told you before, just continue to observe while disregarding them. If theres perhaps a reaction from their side, then tell me immediately.


Dont worry. My sword. Ill deal with it.

. Zia nodded slightly. I trust you, Yujin.

I took a step back and made some space between Zia and I. Sii, who had been tilting her head as if she were curious as to what we were discussing, quickly fixed her posture. How cute.

How have you been?

Zia laughed hollowly.

Exactly as I told you earlier. Ive been harassed by the community leaders of this city, by my teacher, and by Her Excellency. I should be the one to ask if youve been doing well.

Yeah. Thanks for sending Ariya.

Theres no need for you to thank me. Even I, who had received the message, wondered whether that much was necessary or not. But when I heard that you two were attacked afterward, you cant imagine how surprised I was I even thought that the title of New Design Foresight should be returned to Miss Sophna instead of being held by Touma Soh.


If someone were to ask whether I had already guessed this or not, then should I say that I did?those words filled in the last piece of the puzzle.

? Yujin, whats the matter?

No. This wasnt something that Zia needed to know right this instant. Should we return, then?

Her Excellency wishes for me to sleep by her side. I plan to follow that order. If you consider our current situation where the attackers are wandering around the castle, then this would be the most optimal idea. However, I cant enter Her Excellencys bed while in this state. Thats why Im on my way to take a bath. Do you want to go with me?

Dont say nonsensical things like that so naturally. Its troubling for even the side that hears it. Especially since Sii will misunderstand. Even right now my wrist hurts.

I-I didnt misunderstand! Uu~! Youre speaking impolitely!

Zia smiled once more. Her smile was like the smile of an uncle who was watching over a bunch of babies that were playing around.

It was then that I heard Ariyas voice.

Miss Zia?

Once I turned to look at her, I saw her standing there awkwardly. At the far corner of the hallway, I could see Mari leaning her head out slightly from the corner and peeking at us. She must have seen Zia while she was on her way to bring Ariya here and felt that it would be troublesome if she were to get involved, so she sent Ariya here alone. That was preferable for me as well.

Ariya, are you all right? You must be uneasy.

Yes Im a bit better now. Miss Sophna also said that Alshi was safe.

I see. If it is difficult, then feel free to come to me whenever you wish. I shall help you.

Thats too much. To someone such as myself who is merely a maid, theres no need for the Azure Rose Knight to do such a thing.

This is my consideration towards the one who was originally supposed to become my junior.

Zia stated. The maid who was born in a fallen household of knights bowed her head. That angle, was a slightly messy 16.5 degrees angle. Zia stroked the head of that Ariya and turned back towards me.

Then Ill be on my way. If I have some more spare time before I have to go back to the arena, then Ill pay you a visit. I wish you luck, Yujin. Sii, you as well.

Zia then left like that. Ariya watched Zia leave for a while before speaking.

Fair Grace. I heard that Her Excellency the Earl was calling for me.

Yeah. That was a lie. Rather than that, lets go somewhere quiet.

Yes What? A lie huh? Eh?

Coincidentally, there was a quiet, empty room right next to the Earls office. I brought Ariya into that room. I turned on the lamp and briefly checked the interior of the room. I asked Sii to move the sofa, desks, and whatever heavy object there was in the room and place them in front of the door in order to prevent anyone from entering.

I need you both to listen well to what Im going to tell you from this point forth. I welcome any questions, so if theres perhaps something that you dont understand, then ask.

Ariya, who seemed to be completely clueless, stared at my face and Sii silently nodded her head.

I started to explain.

Ariya was perplexed at first. She soon became panicked. After that, she glumly nodded her head.

I continued.

Ariya abruptly got upset. A sense of coldness started to envelop her voice. Eventually, her voice completely froze and she could no longer say anything more.

I continued.

But, Ariya uttered. I also think that, the listening Sii aided Ariya. They soon had no other choice but to close their mouths.

I continued.

Ariya lowered her head. Sii placed her hand on Ariyas shoulder with a complicated expression on her face. Ariya didnt avoid that hand, but rather, she leaned her body against it.

I finished talking.

Thats why, do you understand, Ariya?


Ill be in your care.


Ariya spoke while clenching her teeth. Sii let out a sigh.

Ill, do my best as well.

Yes. Then let us go to the guards office. Miss Sii. Please move the things that are blocking the door away now.

Sii did so.

As to how most people would be when theyre called out in the middle of the night, the guards all looked tired. Despite that, did the fact that they werent showing their dissatisfaction mean that they felt guilty for allowing an attack to happen within the castle for the second time, or because they felt responsible for a maid working in the castle being injured, or was it because of their fear towards the Earl? Although those three possibilities were probably all appropriately mixed into their reasons, it might also be thanks to Roroa. If there was an existence who was clearly endeavoring harder than themselves, then it was natural that they wouldnt be able to show their dissatisfaction.

Roroa welcomed us with a completely gaunt face.

Welcome, wan. Miss Ariya, are you a bit better now?

Ariya answered by avoiding her gaze. Instead of inquiring any further, the very person behind capturing Ariya for her theft turned towards me.

You came just in time, wan. It was about time that I asked you some questions as well, Yujin.

As long as its something that I can do. But are you the one regulating all of this?

Yes. Miss Sophna is busy with the treatment. A report was sent to Vice-captain Ryungste, but hell probably arrive a bit later, wan. Hes probably intoxicated to his hearts content right now. Wan I personally wish hed stay put at where hes currently located until hes become completely sober, wan. Her Excellency would become enraged if she were to see him.

The Earl is asleep.

Then thats a relief. No, if you think about whatll happen once she wakes up, then its too soon to feel at ease Before then, I have to do whatever I can to obtain something thats worth reporting to her, wan, really.

Roroa folded her ears and whined. If I had some digestive medicine, then I would have offered it to her here, but I didnt have any right now. Instead, I hoped that these words that I was about to say would be enough to wash away the stomachache she was feeling.

Something thats worth reporting, I think we can make one.

What do you mean? Ah, is it that spectrogram thing? But from what I can tell.

Its something else. Its hard to say it here, so lets go somewhere else.

Roroa looked around and made a troubled face. However, befitting her sincere and flexible personality, she got up.

We continued to converse while walking down the hallway.

How do you intend to make one, wan?

I thought up a method thats capable of helping out this investigation. Ill tell you the details once were there. For now, can you tell me about what youve investigated so far?

Mm on principle, I shouldnt tell you about it, but since this is a continuation of the previous investigation. It has been deduced that the culprit behind injuring Alshi had broken in through the window. Furthermore, after stabbing Alshi with the dagger, they escaped through that same window. After following the trail, it led to the waterway, wan. If you consider the fact that the waterway stretches here and there throughout the city, then that means the attacker can be anywhere in the city by now, wan. They can also be outside of the city.

I see. How about the articles that were left behind? The weapon, the mask, and also the piece of paper.

Theyre currently under investigation. Wan Although I said theyre under investigation, Miss Sophna took the weapon, so all we have left are the mask and the piece of paper, wan. Weve deduced that the mask is genuine, and the paper honestly, this item is a pain, wan. It matches Alshis handwriting, wan.

I nodded. Roroa watched my response and let out a sigh.

But the thing Her Excellency the Earl took note of was the Mage Tower seal at the very bottom. To be exact, a copy of the seal of the Mage Tower is how I should refer to it as, wan. What do you think, wan, Yujin? Do you think this has any meaning I mean, do you think this is related to the Mage Tower, wan?

I nodded when I was in front of the Earl and Zia.

However, here, I tilted my head.

Before that, theres something that I want to ask. Among the capabilities of this worlds magic, is there something thats able to control someone to do something against their will? Like a type of mind control.

Mind magic, is it. At the very least, theres a spell that can tell apart truths and lies, wan. Projecting a persons mentality in the form of colors or images is Miss Sophnas specialty. But I dont think thats what youre referring to.

Yeah. If I were to be exact, then Im referring to a spell that can tamper with a persons memory or control their minds.

I heard that hundreds of years ago, there was a certain Odd Sky Wizard who was capable of doing that, wan. Thats why they were designated as the public enemy of the world, which then resulted in their demise. After that, Im not aware of anyone else who was said to be capable of doing such things, wan. Although theres a chance that its just me whos simply unaware.

So that means that sort of magic is incredibly rare. Well, if that werent the case, then societies wouldnt have been able to come into existence.

How about a spell to physically control someone? Something like controlling a person like a puppet and making them kill someone else.

Wan. If you consider an ability that closely resembles that description, then thats more on the side of psychokinesis. There are some users of this, wan. A person whos known as Marionette of the Mage Tower is especially famous for that ability. However, instances where those ability users utilize living bodies are incredibly rare, and its normal for them to use dolls or corpses that were imbued with magic, wan. As a guard, this type of information is what we end up learning most about.

Roroa responded while smiling bitterly. Even in a society where magic was accepted as a natural thing, the way the people here thought wasnt so different from my own world.

As we continued to talk like that, we eventually arrived at an empty room. Sii closed the door.

Roroa asked a question.

So, Yujin. If youre asking this, then that must mean that you believe the Mage Tower is involved.

No. I dont think so.

That must have been slightly unexpected as Roroa tilted her head in response to my answer.

Is that so, wan? Hmm, but if thats the case, then why was the seal of the Mage Tower drawn onto the piece of paper, wan?

Because Im the one who drew it, of course.

I answered.

A short silence.


The moment Roroa asked back.

Ariya struck Roroa on the back of her head.


TL note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Its another build-up. The next chapter should be the big reveal. Im still dying on the inside as I wait for the day Im finally free from this godforsaken job, but in other news, were nearing the end of the volume. The next chapter isnt too long, but the last chapter is rather short. Oh, but the side story is fairly long, so theres that.

Look forward to the future releases!


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