Young Noble Be Monster Slaying

Chapter 235: We Are All Good Friends

Chapter 235: We Are All Good Friends

"What is this?" Chu Liang asked.

"Descendants of dragons," answered Luo Yao.

"It is the youngling of a draconic demonic beast. With double wings on its back and a body resembling a lion and a tiger, fully covered in scales, this should be a Winged Draconic Beast. Although it is a youngling, it is very fierce. It should have the strength of a sixth realm upon reaching adulthood. The purity of dragon blood in a Winged Draconic Beast is rather high. On the other hand, it looks hungry," explained Monk Pushan.

When the three entered the Blue Dragon's Hidden Realm through the vortex, they felt as though the world was spinning. They flew swiftly and suddenly arrived in a place of unknown origin.

There was a dense forest as vast as the sea, with trees towering ten zhang high. The depth of the dense greenery was beyond comprehension, and there was a very strong sense of a primitive atmosphere.

Before they could fully observe their surroundings, a small creature approached them.

This was the youngling of a draconic demonic beast. It stood at the height of one chi. Its entire body was covered in dense green-black scales that didn't leave a single gap between them. Its small legs and limbs looked very sturdy, and its feet appeared very thick. It had a pair of tiny wings on its back, which seemed rather too small and short compared to the size of its body. Even if they were spread open, they wouldn't be able to lift its chubby body into the air.

The pure-blooded dragons were known as the True Dragons. However, True Dragons were rare in numbers. The offspring produced by breeding of True Dragons and other species were collectively referred to as the draconic descendants.

"This little thing is quite adorable," Chu Liang said with a smile.

The young draconic descendant sniffed at Chu Liang, its head tilting slightly as if it had caught a whiff of something.

"It seems friendly." Monk Pushan commented with a smile as well.

Seemingly in response to his words, the young draconic descendant turned towards him, immediately baring its teeth and hissing: "Hiss—".

It was so fierce.

The cry sounded sharp yet endearingly cute. It had three rows of fangs, clearly indicating that when fully grown, its teeth would be terrifying like a jungle of halberds. However, at this moment, its teeth were not yet fully grown, and it was not fierce enough.

"Why is it so fierce to me?" Pushan said with a frown.

"Move." Luo Yao, who was at the side, lifted the young draconic descent by the neck and threw it to the side.

She didn't use much force, but still, she sent it flying. It tumbled on the ground, then got up again, turned its head, and ran into the depths of the dense forest.

"Heh. There are draconic demonic beasts in this hidden realm. We must be careful," Monk Pushan said with a smile as he watched the youngling clumsily retreat.

Chu Liang looked back and saw that the vortex that had transported them here had disappeared. The location was random, and it was impossible for them to return the way they came.

Thankfully, there wasn't just one straight path. If there had been, Enchantress Liu and Master Mu would have followed it and caught them within moments.

"There must be a way out. Let's find it," he said.

They weren't familiar with this forest, so they dared not recklessly charge forward. They didn't dare to fly high in the sky as they might overlook surrounding dangers and become targets of some demonic beasts that were more powerful.

The three had no choice but to take slow steps forward, spreading out their divine senses to remain vigilant against any dangerous auras.


They had barely taken a few steps when they heard the trees on the side collapse, revealing a massive dragon head!

They then saw its towering body, standing three zhang tall. Agile and powerful like a lion, it had enormous wings that seemed to be crafted from black iron, spanning over ten zhang and capable of cutting through anything.

It had a pair of fiery golden eyes, resembling torches of flames.

It was a Winged Draconic Beast and this one was a thousand times bigger than the youngling they saw earlier!

The big one is here!

The tiny youngling of the Winged Draconic Beast perched atop the creature's head, its eyes gleaming with pride and arrogance.

Wow, did this little guy call in the parents so quickly? Is there really a need to hold a grudge like this?


When the gigantic Winged Draconic Beast stomped on the ground, it felt as though half of the mountain trembled.

It crouched down and started getting closer to the three people.

"It's your fault. Who told you to bully the kid? And now, its parent is here. Apologize to it," Monk Pushan said to Luo Yao.

Luo Yao replied in an indifferent tone, "If I apologize, will it forgive me?"

"I am guessing no," answered Chu Liang.

"Then why aren't we running?" Monk Pushan shouted and immediately turned around to escape.

The other two didn't hesitate either. They turned around, ready to fly away.

Flying on swords in this dense forest wasn't convenient. However, considering the Winged Draconic Beast's massive size, it shouldn't be agile enough to catch them easily. This meant that as long as they were fast enough when flying through manipulation of the wind...


The three descended on the ground.

They were just about to flip over and escape when they suddenly noticed the head of an even bigger Winged Draconic Beast behind them. Its teeth and claws were even sharper, and the fury in its golden eyes burned even brighter!

The one earlier was clearly the mom while the one before their eyes was the dad! The Winged Draconic Beasts were clearly a family of three!

The male Winged Draconic Beast advanced stealthily, concealing its breath and aura. The three had no idea when it had maneuvered behind them. These creatures weren't clumsy demonic beasts; they were cunning, bloodthirsty apex hunters!

"Rawrr!" The female Winged Draconic Beast in front responded with a low growl.

The three youngsters were trapped in the center as the two Winged Draconic Beasts closed in on both sides.

Even if they had wings, they couldn't escape!

"Eeekk!" The young Draconic beast emitted a high-pitched cry.

"It looks like we can only split up and run. They will at most catch two of us and at least one will escape and survive," Monk Pushan said.

"Why don't we try fighting?" Luo Yao suggested. Her eyes sharpened like a saber, as if she had a secret trump card hidden in her pocket.

"Wait..." Chu Liang raised his hand and stopped their discussion.

He felt as though the family of three were not as hostile as they initially perceived.

If the apex hunters intended to kill them, they wouldn't have bothered with warning roars. They could have simply pounced and killed one of them.

Yet, nothing like that happened.

They seemed to be testing the waters.

There was one reason that came to mind.

Chu Liang suddenly drew in a deep breath and swiftly performed the Secret Dragon Blood Technique, maximizing his circulation before exhaling a mouthful of dragon breath.

His irises turned into a golden color.

They were the golden irises of dragons.

When Monk Pushan saw this, he was shocked, shouting, "You switched sides a bit too fast!"

"Quiet!" Luo Yao frowned and scolded.

"Mmm-mmmm-mm-mmm..." A series of muffled words escaped from Monk Pushan's mouth.

Chu Liang felt the dragon blood within him burning fiercely. He unleashed his dragon breath, which was really the dragon breath of the White Dragon on Mount Shu...

The White Dragon, as a pureblooded True Dragon, would certainly command some authority and respect among these Draconic descendants.

I knew it. Chu Liang thought to himself.

The situation unfolded just as he had predicted. Upon sensing the powerful dragon breath of the White Dragon, the two Winged Draconic Beasts gradually began to show signs of friendliness.

They approached Chu Liang with lowered heads. Instead of baring their fangs, they gently sniffed him.

Chu Liang reached out and gently touched the top of the male Winged Draconic Beast's nose, attempting to convey that he meant no harm.

As he turned around to touch the female one, he suddenly sensed the male Winged Draconic Beast growling.

"Sure. I won't touch your wife." Chu Liang chuckled.

The dragon bloodline of the two Winged Draconic Beasts was very pure and they were both sixth-realm demonic beasts. In regard to their muscle density, they were nearly on par with a seventh-realm demonic beast.

They were so close that they could potentially tear him apart in the time it would take to draw a single breath.

These creatures were so docile because of the dragon breath that the White Dragon of Mount Shu bestowed upon him.

This was the power of bloodline. Through it, purebloodedTrue Dragons could dominate their Draconic descendants.

"We are friends." Chu Liang said as he pointed at himself and the Winged Draconic Beas in front. Then, he patted Luo Yao and said, "They are my friends."

"We are all good friends." He said as he gestured.

Although he wasn't certain if the three creatures would comprehend him, he figured that descendants of dragons would likely be quite intelligent. Even if they couldn't grasp human language, they should be able to interpret the general meaning of his gestures.

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the two Winged Draconic Beasts, but they showed no reaction.

Chu Liang then dragged Luo Yao and Pushan, who were next to him, and cautiously took a step back, moving his foot slowly.

"Rawrrr..." the female Winged Draconic Beast emitted a deep roar. It sounded like she was trying to say something.

Chu Liang could sense her emotions. She seemed to be protesting the injustice that her child had experienced.

And so, Chu Liang raised his hand and tossed out two berries.

"Here, consider this our apology."


His aim was flawless, and the young dragon descendant caught the berries skillfully. As it began munching on the berries it caught, joy and satisfaction radiated from its small, vertical pupils.

This was a lesson Chu Liang had learned since his encounter with the young girl who might be the Cataclysmic Ba. The Golden Vein Berries held no special powers; they were merely tasty snacks. However, such snacks proved highly effective against these small creatures with limited intelligence.

Upon sensing the joy coming from the young draconic descent, the female Winged Draconic Beast gradually felt better.

Their footsteps eventually lightened and quickened, progressing from a leisurely pace to a brisk stride, then transitioning into a jog, and finally bursting into an all-out sprint...

The three of them were like three gusts of wind, whirling out of this dense forest.


When Chu Liang executed the Secret Dragon Blood Technique at full force, he could sense the forest emanating the unique dragon breath of the Winged Draconic Beasts, strongly suggesting that this area was their territory.

As they emerged from the dense forest, Chu Liang could sense the concentration of the Winged Draconic Beast's dragon breath gradually diminishing until it eventually vanished altogether.

Before entering the territory of another powerful draconic demonic beast, there would typically be a buffer zone. The three stopped in this untouched area, exhaling a sigh of relief in unison.

"Young Hero Chu, it's good that you are here. They seem very close to you?" Monk Pushan asked.

"A few days ago, a True Dragon was drawn to Mount Shu to suppress its fate. You heard about that, haven't you?" Chu Liang asked. "It frequently transformed its dragon breath into rain as a gift for the disciples of Mount Shu, and this rain likely affected my aura."

The rain formed by dragon breath couldn't possibly have such an impact, but there was no need for Chu Liang to explain this in detail to Pushan and Luo Yao. After all, neither of their immortal sects had been visited by True Dragons.

So what if I was talking nonsense? Are they going to doubt me? Chu Liang thought to himself.

"You get such benefits when a True Dragon guards your sect? I am so envious," remarked Monk Pushan.

Luo Yao then said, "In that case, we shouldn't have to worry too much about the draconic demonic beast in this hidden realm."

"Not necessarily," Chu Liang said. "This family of three seems to have a good temperament. If the little Winged Draconic Beast wasn't bullied, they might not have come out at all. And if there's one with a bad temperament, I might not even have time to unleash the dragon breath. After all, I barely touched it and the dragon breath I possess is not strong enough."

As the three discussed countermeasures, they heard rustling from the woods opposite them, and two figures emerged.

Chu Liang's heart skipped a beat when he saw them.

Apart from Enchantress Liu and Master Mu, who else could be in this hidden realm?

"Hehe, you two escaped very quickly. It took us a while to find you three," said Enchantress Liu as she smiled in an alluring manner.

Chu Liang, Luo Yao, and Pushan had seen that alluring smile before. It was the same smile she wore right before she killed General Hei Yu in the next moment.

And so, they immediately became cautious.

Master Mu, who stood to the side, turned his gaze towards Chu Liang with a serious expression. "I want to know how you opened this hidden realm," he asked.

After Chu Liang placed the inscribed half-circle iron plaque, a vortex immediately formed on the mountain wall.

Master Mu did not see what had happened so he was curious.

"You have no idea. The hidden realm holds a secret," Chu Liang explained. "You just have to shout 'open sesame', and a gate of mystery will reveal itself."

"Ptui." Enchantress Liu sneered and said, "Do you think we are kids who will believe such stupid lies?"

"You don't believe me? Look!" Chu Liang said as he pointed at the hill behind them. Then, he shouted, "Open sesame!"

Although Enchantress Liu and Master Mu didn't believe him, they still subconsciously turned their gaze. It was just a brief moment.

During that fleeting moment, Chu Liang executed a flip and bolted!

Luo Yao and Pushan followed suit. Having experienced some things together, they could naturally anticipate each other's moves.

Luo Yao immediately opened the black umbrella and that black ghost appeared. It held her up and carried her away like the wind! Monk Pushan strode forward, moving several dozen zhang away, an action reminiscent of the great divine technique, the Buddha's Heavenly Steps!

Chu Liang was the one that escaped the slowest. Still, when he opened the Green Leaf Umbrella, he was extremely fast as well.

In the blink of an eye, the three disappeared amidst the dense forest!

"How cunning!" Enchantress Liu said angrily.

They had pursued for a while now, but these lackeys kept slipping away! Each of them were cunning enough to cause mischief on their own!

"Hmph!" Master Mu humphed coldly and a formation diagram materialized below his feet.



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