Young Master Damien's Pet

Chapter 658 Fair In The Village- Part 3

She wanted to smack the woman's face by the knowledge she held when it came to the charm stones but answering the woman with facts would only put her in a problem. Any words related to 'witch' could bring her unneeded attention that had the possibility to blow up by gathering more people with a look of suspicion.

At the same time, Penny couldn't accept that she was selling something that was not charm stone but mere stones that were polished that didn't even hold a s.h.i.+ne.

"Come on tell me?" demanded the store woman, her narrowed eyes glaring down at Penny.

"This woman is selling fake stones that has nothing in them," Penny spoke loud enough for the other pa.s.sersby to come to take a look at it, "If what you are selling is to be true, then demonstrate it to us."

The woman rolled her eyes, "Just because you aren't willing to pay for the charm stones you want to create a scene in front of my shop while accusing me that I am not selling the right stones."

"It is because that is exactly what you are doing," Penny stood her ground, "Why don't you demonstrate it to us like the rest of the charm stone owners. It would be acceptable only if it worked else you are only a thief who is trying to swindle money from people's hard-earned money. Show us and I will pay."

The woman continued to glare at her as more people stopped in front of the store to see what was going on. The village folks enjoyed a good old banter in the fair as it was always interesting and they came to view the same. Caitlin's eyes moved around to see the number of people who were gathering, making her roll her eyes.

"Charm stones are not to be used unless it is given to the owner. It loses its property," the woman came up with a reason to not demonstrate the empty stones that would do nothing.

The store woman had finally bought the stones after trading it with a man in the market therefore she knew that this stone would do nothing but was used to look pretty on a person's neck. She had been able to sell only two stones since the time of morning and she had planned to nab the next rich woman or man who would buy it without question. She had been hoping to make some money but here came this girl wanting to throw her business in the garbage.

The woman then suddenly raised her brows in question, "How can you claim and be sure that this is not a charm stone? I don't see you wearing one of it," she c.o.c.ked her head, her eyes gauging the girl from her head to the bottom of her shoes to look up again. For some reason, her eyes appeared to be something she didn't often come across, "Only a witch can know about these things. Are you a witch?"

Murmurs started to float around them and Penny didn't know why she suddenly suspected that she was a witch. Even Caitlin who stood next to Penny frowned at the lady.

"Aren't you ashamed to be throwing false accusations, lady?" Caitlin stepped.

The woman, in turn, replied, "What wrong did I say? She didn't even take a good look at it and decided to call out on me. What else can I say but that she is a witch."

Whispers started to circulate around them and people started to speak,

"Did you look at the charm stones?"

"Is what the lady speaking to be true but what if she is a witch?"

And another said, "We should probably call the guardsmen here to test it out if that is true."

"Yes. Yes! Someone get the guardsmen here!"

Penny gritted her teeth over the little scene that had been caused. The store woman had not only denied the stones but had also called her to be a witch while getting the guardsmen in the picture. She could start feeling the air of hostility around them.

This was not good but she didn't mind going through it.

When the guardsmen arrived with the spray which was used on the witches, they sprayed it all over the store especially on Penelope and Caitlin but both the females stood there unaffected. The people around them had been waiting and some had even gone far enough to bring their pitchforks and oil to burn the witches but seeing them appear unaffected by it, their eyes turned to look at the store woman who had accused them of being witches.

Penny couldn't help but smile internally as she looked at the woman who gulped.

She went to open her mouth when they heard someone walk in and speak as people made their way to the person, "Who dares to spray the love of my life?"

It was Damien.

He had told her that he would be going to the council and would be busy, what was he doing here?

The guards as if already knowing who the man was, they bowed their head that confused the onlookers who bowed their heads too. His red eyes glared at the woman who stood behind the store.

"What's going on here?" Damien asked the guardsmen while his eyes were trained on the woman who cowered right now, her eyes darting left and right.

One of the guardsmen came forward to say, "We were informed that two witches were spotted here in the fair and to check if it was true but it isn't so and the woman here was only bluffing. We apologize, councilman Damien, we didn't know the lady was related to you," they bowed their head in shame while hoping the pureblooded vampire wouldn't punish them by breaking their bones.

Damien wasn't pleased hearing this, he then raised his hand forward making the guardsman blink wondering what the man wanted. Damien sighed, saying, "Where is the spray, you peasant."

The guardsman quickly handed it to him and Damien looked at the content at first and turned around the top to spill everything on the ground. He then walked around the stalls while everyone's gaze followed him. When he returned back, Damien gave the spray to the store woman who looked at him perplexed.

Penny caught sight of the liquid in it which was black in color that looked like ink. Damien made himself comfortable on the counter and ordered, "Now, spray it all over your face."


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