You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 628

"Taigong means --" Huo Liancheng squints at Liao Zhongrong, but he can't see any expression on his thin handsome face.

"Cut them off! Cut hard! Don't save face for me Liao Zhongrong said angrily, "as soon as I mention this, my old man will be angry. If I don't make good rectification, the family property that I fought for with my life will be destroyed in the hands of these tortoise sons surnamed Liao!"

"Taigong, your surname is liao..." Huo Liancheng took a puff at the corner of his mouth.

Cheng Muze couldn't help but roll his eyes. Someone even called his son, grandson and tortoise. I've seen him for a long time.

"Oh, it doesn't matter!" Liao Zhongrong waved his big hand like a withered tree branch and was very heroic. "In a word, the old man doesn't mind how you cut them, but -"

General Liao suddenly sank and looked at Huo Liancheng seriously. After all, he is a general who has killed countless enemies in the battlefield. Even if he is old, his momentum is still amazing.

Huo Liancheng subconsciously stood at attention, just like when he was young beside general Liao. His face was also serious.

"You should also understand that even if you have the ability to know the world, if the Liao family falls down, it will not do you any good!" General Liao said slowly.


as time goes by, in a twinkling of an eye, it has already entered the cool autumn from the scorching summer season. When the leaves turn yellow and the leaves are flying, the cold wind begins to wreak havoc, and the winter is coming unconsciously.

Qinghu city.

Jian Yun got up early in the morning. These days, she was so greedy that she wanted to eat and eat every day. In the middle of the night, she didn't know what to do with it. Suddenly, she remembered that Wu Ji's family had a limited supply of 100 small caged bags a day. She immediately aroused the greedy insects. Her mouth was splashing and she could not sleep after midnight.

No, she got up at daybreak, just to grab the little bag. She was afraid that she would not be able to buy it later.

However, as soon as Jian Yun opened the curtain, she was worried. It was snowing, and the snow was quite heavy. This was the first snow in Qinghu city this year. At the moment, the snow was flying all over the sky, and the trees on the ground were all white.

"Cloud, it's snowing. Don't go out. Be careful. You may fall." Ouyang Fei's voice came from the room, with a strong concern.

"I see, mom." Disappointed, Jian Yun went back to the sofa and sat down. She picked up her mobile phone and brushed it. At this time, wechat prompted the stereo.

It's a voice message from Wu Wenjing, "Jian Yun, are you up?"

"Well, up." Jian Yun replied.

"You come down and I'll have breakfast together. It's snowing. It's beautiful." Wu Wenjing's voice is very excited.

Jian Yun immediately got up, looked up and saw Ouyang Fei come over with her scarf in her hand. She grinned, "Mom, you can go with us."

"No, I cooked porridge. Aunt Qin will come back today." Ouyang Fei saw Jian Yun dressed neatly. She could not help shaking her head and doting on her face. "Tie up your scarf and wear a pair of antiskid shoes. If it snows too hard, she will come back quickly."

"I know!" Jian Yun answered, took her wallet and mobile phone, turned around and went out the door.

Wu Wenjing has been waiting downstairs. Seeing Jian Yun coming, she quickly opens the door and helps Jianyun get on the bus.

"Why do you get up so early?" Jian Yun takes off her scarf and unbuttons her overcoat. She stretches her legs comfortably in the back seat. Wu Wenjing smiles and asks.

"The urine suffocates to wake up, simply got up, and then saw a greedy cat in the middle of the night hair circle drool, ha ha ha." Wu Wenjing is driving very slowly. It's still early. There are no people on the road. Jian Yun sees the snow flying in the sky outside the window. The scenery is very beautiful.

"Don't be late, then." Jian Yun didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she urged Wu Wenjing.

"Don't worry, there's something for you to eat!" Wu Wenjing said with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, Jianyun and Wu Wenjing entered the time-honored Wuji of Qinghu city. However, as soon as Jianyun saw so many people, his heart was cold. "There are so many people, I can't eat any more."

"Hello, this way, this way!"

Suddenly, the voice of Luo Yanyan came from Jian Yun's ear. She looked up and saw that Luo Yanyan was waving to them at a table.

Jian Yun was happy again. She walked over with Wu Wenjing. After sitting down, she squeezed her eyes. "Did you two have an appointment?"

"It's good to say, it's not all the pictures you sent in the middle of the night." Luo Yan Yan deliberately white Jian Yun one eye, "destroy my weight loss plan, I want to settle accounts with you!"

"Eat first, then settle accounts after eating!" Jianyun watched Luo Yanyan open a cage drawer, and immediately her eyes were shining. She quickly picked up one and put it in her mouth. Then she looked happy and satisfied. "Finally, I have it. Eat it well!"

"Come on, eat more! It's all yours Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan look at Jianjun's white face. They are both filled with emotion and happy.

The bright smile, beautiful and smart Jian Yun finally came back.

Jian Yun ate it and was satisfied with it. When she looked up, she found that Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan were staring at her. She immediately trembled, "Hey, you two, why are you smiling so kindly? What a terrible thingWu Wenjing couldn't help turning her eyes and pointing to her face, "where is kindness? It's so young and beautiful that you say it's like seven years old and eighty-one. "

Luo Yan Yan pursed her mouth and patted Wu Wenjing, "OK, eat your food. I'll go back to work later."

They talked and laughed, and Jianyun was satisfied with the meal. Before leaving, she had to pack one and take it back. Wu Wenjing asked her to sit down and pay for herself.

At this time, the large LCD TV hanging on the wall of the breakfast shop suddenly jumped to the morning news of the imperial capital. At the beginning of broadcasting international current events, no one paid attention to it. However, with the appearance of a familiar name, Wuji morning tea shop suddenly became quiet.

No one found that the woman sitting at the table in the corner turned pale when she heard the name on TV.

The announcer is broadcasting the news that the president of the imperial capital cloud group inspected the group's enterprises. The man in the picture is tall and handsome in a straight hand-made suit, but his face is cold and unsmiling, and his eyebrows are full of coldness. He always exudes a breath of rejecting people from thousands of miles away.

However, even so, it can't hide the precious breath. Many young customers in the morning tea shop exclaimed, "my God, it's Huo Liancheng, so handsome!"

"Shit, how can I be so handsome? I really want to marry him!"


The news continued, and the discussion in the shop became louder and louder. The female customers were staring at Huo Liancheng's upside down face and licking the screen, while the male customers began to discuss international and domestic current affairs.

But the focus of their conversation is on Hollen city.


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