You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 36

This is a private party. At this time, the villa is already full of wine, lights and beautiful shadows. The guests are old or young, but the female partners are all dressed up.

Jian Yun was relieved when he saw the scene. No wonder Huo Liancheng was so cautious. If he dressed up too shabby, he would lose his face.

As soon as they appeared, they saw that the men were tall and handsome, and the women were charming and moving. They immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Mr. Huo, I've heard about you for a long time. When I finally saw you today, I can't help but sigh that heroes are young." As soon as he saw Huo Liancheng, a stout man in his fifties and a companion in his early twenties met him immediately.

"Mr. Mo, this is Mr. Huo! My God, the real person is more handsome than on TV The woman beside him is a typical net red face, and all the jewels are Jeweled, and he would like to wear all the jewelry on his body.

"Mr. Huo, I've seen your interview in financial magazines. I admire you very much." At the sight of Huo Liancheng, the woman's eyes lit up, and Jianyun couldn't help shaking her voice.

However, Jian Yun found that Huo Liancheng didn't want to smile. He just nodded his head, even if he had said hello.

However, the general manager Mo didn't care. He followed Huo Liancheng all the time. He didn't get any response from Huo Liancheng. When he looked at Jian Yun, he couldn't hide his surprise. "Is this miss Huo's wife? How beautiful

Jianyun is thin skinned and praised in person. She can't be as indifferent as Huo Liancheng, so she can only talk.

"Isn't this necklace the heart of a lover?" The net red face's attention has always been on Huo Liancheng's body, only then saw Jian Jun, the eye falls on the necklace, immediately exclaimed, full of shock and envy.

The heart of a lover? Hearing this, Jian Yun looked down at the necklace which was more colorful under the light of the whole court. The name was very appropriate, but why did she suddenly have a strange feeling in her heart.

At this time, many people have seen Huo Liancheng come in and greet him one after another. There were too many people, so he pushed Mr. Mo aside. No one paid any attention to him. It was estimated that his status was not high.

Jian Yun found that these people were familiar faces who often appeared in financial programs on TV, especially officials who appeared on news programs. She was surprised to see that these people's attitudes towards Huo Liancheng were so respectful and polite.

Huo Liancheng is so famous?

Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng chatting with these people. She didn't understand finance and economics. She felt a little bored standing beside her. So she quietly took out her arm in his arm and wanted to go to the place where there were few people nearby.

However, as soon as Jian Yun's hand was pulled out, Huo Liancheng held her hand tightly and refused to let her go. This was the first time he held her hand. She could feel the warmth of his palm and the cocoon in his palm.

"Mr. Huo." Jian Yun's face was burning. She took it a few times without jerking. Instead, Huo Liancheng changed her gesture and clasped her fingers tightly.

In public, Jian Yun is not good at exerting too much force. In that case, no matter whether she earns or not, she is not good-looking to him. Moreover, as strong as Huo Liancheng, Jian Yun felt that the possibility of breaking away was very small.

He had to keep a close posture with the beautiful woman.

This scene in the eyes of outsiders, but has a different deep meaning, almost everyone looked at the eyes have become meaningful.

"The young lady around Mr. Huo is so beautiful, why haven't you seen it?" Someone is already inquiring about their relationship.

"Isn't that pink diamond necklace a lover's heart? At Sotheby's auction house a year ago, it was sold by a mysterious buyer with a sky high price. The original buyer was Huo Shao! " Among the crowd who had participated in the auction, they found the necklace around Jian Yun's neck and immediately exclaimed.

This time, everyone knows the relationship between Huo Liancheng and Jianyun.

"Congratulations to Mr. Huo, you are young and promising, and your girlfriend is still so beautiful! How enviable Huo Liancheng has been chatting with several men laughing.

Hearing this, Jian Yun frowned and subconsciously looked at Huo Liancheng. She thought he would deny it. As a result, she found that Huo Liancheng just laughed, neither denied nor explained, which made her feel even more strange.

At this time, the crowd suddenly roared, "here comes Bai Lao!"

Following the crowd's gaze, Jian Yun saw an old man walking slowly down the stairs with the help of a young woman. Even if Jian Yun didn't care about political affairs any more, she immediately recognized that Bai Lao, the richest man in the eastern part of China, was also a great philanthropist and the founder of Bai's enterprise.

"Go, go and say hello!" Huo Liancheng took Jianyun's hand and took the lead to meet him.

"Uncle Bai!" Different from his indifference to others, Huo Liancheng called Bai Lichuan his grandfather when he opened his mouth, which also showed that he was close to each other.

"Liancheng, I've been to Qinghu for so long, but I don't want to see my old man! You don't know, the girl Bai Xue asks my old man to call you every day and ask you to come home and sit down. " Bai Lichuan is also very happy to see Huo Liancheng and pats him on the shoulder."Grandfather, what are you talking about?" Bai Xue, a young girl, Bai Lichuan's granddaughter, couldn't help being shy and coquettish. She also aimed at Huo Liancheng with the corner of her eye. However, when she saw the hand that Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun held together, her eyebrows wrinkled.

"By the way, how's your grandfather doing?" Bai Lichuan asked.

Bai Lichuan exchanged greetings with Huo Liancheng, but Bai Xue couldn't help interrupting: "brother Liancheng, is this?"

Bai Lichuan also noticed that he was holding a girl's hand when he saw Huo Liancheng. At this time, he also looked at Jian Yun. At this time, he also raised his eyebrows. What a beautiful girl, he didn't notice just now!

It seems that the girl usually know how to hide herself, is a low-key person.

"Good old Bo! I'm here with Mr. Huo. " Jian Yun said generously.

"Are you Liancheng's wife?" Bai Xue glanced at their hands, squinted, then covered his mouth with a smile and said, "brother Liancheng will never hold any girl's hand. I guess you should be brother Liancheng's girlfriend!"

"I am not! Miss Bai, you are wrong Jian Yun smiles, but as soon as she says this, she feels that Huo Liancheng's hand is a little tight, and her hand will be broken when she pinches it.

"Hello! What a pain Jian Yun couldn't help crying out, "let go!"

Huo Liancheng glanced at her coldly, slightly relaxed, but did not let go.

"Elder sister, you admit it, or brother Liancheng will be angry!" Bai Xue's eyes wandered back and forth on Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng for several times, and finally fixed on the lover's heart, and her eyes suddenly flashed beyond the imagination.

"Well, I'm not!" If she guessed right, the little girl must be interested in Huo Liancheng, and Bai Lichuan must want to promote the marriage.

Therefore, she is not Huo Liancheng's girlfriend at all, even if she is, she will not admit it


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