You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!

Chapter 77: Prepare to attack

Chapter 77: Prepare to attack

Chapter 77 Preparing for the Attack

I dont know how much time had passed, but Liu Wei had already fainted. When he woke up, he saw a group of big men surrounding him, and he huddled up subconsciously.

"Boss, he is a prisoner in the exile team. He has just escaped. He must know about the Chen family!"

When Liu Wei heard this, his ears immediately pricked up, and then he immediately raised his hands and shouted, "I know, I know, I know that Chen family!"

Obviously, he felt that as long as he had the information these people wanted, he could save his life.


The boss, also known as Brother Hei, raised his eyebrows, not expecting such a gain.

He sent his men to inquire about the exile team before, but he did not expect that he actually brought back a prisoner.

No one knows the situation of the exile team better than the prisoners in the exile team.

Tell me about the situation of the exile team.

Brother Hei did not ask for information about the Chen family. Instead, he paid attention to the exiled team, which stunned Liu Wei who was waiting to bargain.

Seeing that Liu Wei didn't respond, Brother Hei glanced at his subordinates, who walked directly in front of Liu Wei and stepped on his instep.

With a click, the bones in his feet were crushed.


The severe pain made Liu Wei scream. He covered his feet and rolled in pain.

But the bandits next to him folded their arms and looked at Liu Wei quietly rolling on the ground, even smiling happily.

After a moment, Brother Hei snorted coldly, "If you don't want to have another leg broken, just shut up."


As soon as he finished speaking, a bandit pulled out a big knife and seemed to really want to take action.

Liu Wei immediately stopped howling, but the blue veins popping up on his forehead showed the pain he endured.

Can we talk now?

Brother Hei had an expression that said, "I'll hit you if you don't say anything." Liu Wei was so frightened that he didn't dare to hesitate anymore. Before, he just hesitated to consider whether to use this to bargain, but in the end, these brutal bandits trampled him down. of foot bones.

If he hesitates any longer, I'm afraid his legs will really be broken.

Anyway, he has escaped from the exile team. It has nothing to do with him there, so there is no need to keep it secret.

After hearing what Liu Wei said, Brother Hei was a little surprised, "In other words, all the prisoners in the exile team have escaped now?"

"should not!"

Liu Wei thought for a moment and then said, "When I left, I told my men to incite the prisoners to attack the government officials, try to delay them as long as possible, and then join me."

But they didnt show up, and they obviously didnt leave. None of them left, and its even less likely for other prisoners... However, its impossible for all the prisoners to escape, maybe only some of them escaped..."

"There are indeed not many prisoners who can escape." The bandit who captured Liu Wei interjected, "When I rushed there before, I saw a group of heavily armed soldiers heading over there. If nothing else, they were going to suppress it. Riotous.

"With that group of soldiers taking action, the escaped prisoners will be captured soon, and not many will be able to escape."

After saying that, the bandits looked at Liu Wei with the look of "you are lucky". Liu Wei was also very happy. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise...

No, I have escaped from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's mouth again.

He was feeling very upset, but he heard Brother Hei's voice again, "What's going on with the Chen family? I need to know all the news about them!"

Liu Wei was shocked. Here he comes. What these bandits are most concerned about is that if he can...

But the pain in his feet told him not to think so, otherwise he would die in a very ugly way.

So, he said bitterly, "Good guys, I can tell you everything you want to know. Can you please leave..."

"Tell me what you know first!" Brother Hei neither agreed nor refused, which made Liu Wei look very ugly.

But seeing that a bandit had already started sharpening his knife, Liu Wei didn't dare to hesitate. After all, he didn't know whether they would let him go afterwards, but if he didn't say anything, he would definitely die.

"Chen family, they..."

Liu Wei told everything he knew about the Chen family. In fact, he didn't know much, just that the Chen family rode in a carriage and the government officials took good care of them.

Is this person Chen Yuan? Suddenly, Brother Hei took out a scroll and opened it in front of Liu Wei.

Liu Wei was stunned, why do these bandits have Chen Yuan's paintings?

Although he was curious, he still nodded honestly, yes, it was Chen Yuan.

By the way, you just said that Chen Yuan has a daughter? Suddenly a bandit interrupted, showing a lewd smile, Isnt she pretty?

How could Liu Wei not understand what he was thinking, but it was none of his business, so he nodded and said, "Beautiful, not only beautiful, she is definitely the most beautiful I have ever seen."

As soon as these words came out, the bandits immediately looked salivating.

Then they asked for some more information, and they didn't stop until there was nothing more they wanted to ask for.

Liu Wei endured the pain in his feet, looked at them expectantly, and tentatively said, "Well, can you..."


Before he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his chest. Then he looked down and saw a big knife stabbing out from behind. He could see the sharp sword and the blood on it.

There is no more.

Liu Wei fell to the ground unwillingly. He regretted it in his heart. If he had known better, he would have survived by staying in the exile team.

Now I'm fine. I worked hard to escape from the exile team, but ended up falling into the hands of bandits.

Get rid of the bodies, and lets go to the valley ahead to ambush and wait for the exile team to arrive.

Fourth Brother, go find out more about the situation of the exiled team!

That bandit named Lao Si was the one who brought Liu Wei back.

"Let's talk about our plan now!" Brother Hei glanced around, "First kill that Chen Yuan, then cut off his head, and then find an opportunity to contact the person who is trading with us."

Where is his daughter? Lao Si couldnt help but licked his lips and asked. He knew that Chen Yuans daughter was very beautiful, and he was looking forward to it.

"If it's really beautiful, then bring it back and play with it!" Brother Hei also showed a lewd smile, but then quickly stopped, "Kill all the other Chen family members."

Besides, Third Brother, you should take the opportunity to collect money and collect all the money from the exile team.

Brother Hei, where are the government officials? A bandit couldnt help but ask.

"Didn't Liu Wei say that? The Yamen servants must have suffered heavy losses this time, and they will definitely not be our opponents, so we will kill all the Yamen servants when the time comes."

Will they become more vigilant after this riot? The bandit asked again, And Lao Si just said that a group of soldiers went to suppress the riot. Will they **** the exiled team together?

"So I asked the fourth child to go and inquire about the situation!" Brother Hei said, "Normally, it won't happen. Unless it is a very important prisoner, troops will be sent to **** it. Other times, it won't happen."

"After these soldiers suppress the riot, they will leave. We will ambush in the valley in front. When the soldiers leave, this group of government officials have experienced the riot and will not expect an ambush at all, so this is the time when they are most relaxed..."

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