You Are Just Making Up the Exercises, My Disciple, Have You Really Mastered Them?

Chapter 70: Blood has no heart, endless changes in the mountains (please order)

Chapter 70: Blood has no heart, endless changes in the mountains (please order)

Chapter 70 Blood has no heart, endless changes in the mountains (please order)

Li Xuan walked around the city and found that many rich people came to Yunshan County, all of whom came to visit the masters in the mountains and rested temporarily in the county.

And there are more than one liar like the white-bearded man!

Whats even more outrageous is that two fools were fooled!

Are those guys from the Heavenly Mother Cult also part-time swindlers?

Li Xuan was a little helpless to complain, whether it was the white-bearded man or other swindlers, they were all pretending to be masters of the Heavenly Mother Cult.

Brother Shi, are you going back?

Yes, Brother Tan, lets just say goodbye.

Brother Shi, have you obtained the secret book of martial arts?

"how do you know?"

I also got a martial arts secret book, but it seems a bit unreliable...

A group of rich kids are a little confused. Has martial arts secrets become a commodity on the street?


When I compared it, I found that it was even worse than the martial arts secrets in Jianghu.

A group of people went to the county government office noisily and asked the Yunshan County Magistrate to arrest the liar.

Li Xuan didn't need to look to know that after these rich children went to the county government, they would be slaughtered again by the Yunshan County magistrate.

After Xu Yan showed his prowess, Qi State set off a craze to search for martial arts masters. Not only the children of high-ranking officials, but also masters in the world were also looking for martial arts masters.

Looking forward to having adventures.

Li Xuan thought about the endless mountains. Maybe only after climbing over the endless mountains can we know the true face of this world?

Of course, these are just speculations, and it is still unknown whether this is the case.

Wait a little longer, Xu Yan enters Xiantian and Meng Chong gets started in martial arts, then the martial arts methods can be properly spread.

Li Xuan had an idea in his mind.

Before disseminating martial arts cultivation methods, it is necessary to grasp the scale, all situations are under control, and there is absolutely no risk of losing control.

Xu Yan has already taught martial arts to people close to him. He believes that in a few months, he will be able to know whether there are people who are unable to practice martial arts and do not have the qualifications for martial arts.

In the endless mountains, a team of hundreds of people is passing through the dense forest and continuing to explore.

If there is a place in the world where a master can exist, it must be the endless mountains.

Zhizhu, the Minister of the Ministry of War, is in charge of the tunnel.

Thats right!

The Master of the Ministry of Rites nodded in approval.

All the top dandies from the capital who were traveling together expressed their approval.

The endless mountains are endless. No one knows what the end of the endless mountains is, and no one can climb the endless mountains.

If there is a master in the world, he must be in the endless mountains.

Donghe County is the closest to Wuwu Mountain. Xu Yan may have found the master in Wuwu Mountain.

The group is fully armed, including leather armor, crossbows, insect repellents, detoxifiers, etc. The guards in the team are all top-notch experts or above.

There are many top experts among them.

Even though the Endless Mountains are dangerous and infested with ferocious beasts, their strength is enough to hunt down any ferocious beasts.

There are medicines to repel insects and snakes, which are enough to protect you from being bitten by poisonous snakes. If you are bitten by a poisonous snake, there are also antidotes. These antidotes are all well-known antidotes in the world, and they are effective against poisonous insects and poisonous snakes. All have miraculous effects.

Not to mention wearing leather armor, it is not easy to be bitten.

A group of dandies were protected in the middle, and the guards opened the way in front. They were smeared with pungent insect repellent and snake repellent drugs, and long sticks swept across thorns and weeds to drive away snakes and insects.

Some people were on alert with crossbows, and if danger appeared, they would immediately attack with crossbows.


A group of people found a place to spend the night.

The next day, they continued to move forward, specifically to the mountains and dense forests. In their opinion, most of the masters lived in seclusion in these places.

From the depths of the endless mountains, a shrill roar came, and then there was no movement.

A huge fire-maned wolf fell to the ground, and a figure in gray was lying on the neck of the fire-maned wolf, swallowing the blood of the fire-maned wolf.

If Xu Yan were here, he would be surprised to find that this fire-maned wolf is more than twice as big as the one in Esha Lin.

But such a powerful fire-maned wolf was already dead at this time.


The man in gray made a series of coughing sounds and raised his head. There was bright red blood on his mouth. As he coughed, drop after drop of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

The beasts blood is mixed, and the injury can only be suppressed temporarily.

A little blood appeared on the pale face of the man in gray at this moment, but soon the blood disappeared and became pale again.

A pair of eyes revealed a cold light, and he looked back viciously in the direction he came from.

"You didn't kill me this time, Xue Wuxin, just wait for me. When I return to the inner realm, I will be your nightmare!"

Xue Wuxin said, looking up and looking ahead.

"Crossing Tiezhan Mountain is the borderland. You didn't expect that I would escape to the borderland, right?"

The borderland is a deserted place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has disappeared. It is impossible to sense and refine the spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is so violent that it cannot be incorporated into the body and cannot be cultivated. For you, it is a deserted place.

Once you are injured and go to the wilderness, not only can you not recover from your injuries, but your injuries will continue to worsen, and you will eventually die.

But I have no heart for blood. I only need to swallow the essence and blood to recover from my injuries and strengthen myself!

Xue Wuxin's eyes showed viciousness, excitement and bloodthirsty.

There are no warriors in the borderland, and they cannot practice martial arts. No matter how strong they are, they will not exceed the seventh level. Although their essence and blood are a little different, they are still numerous.

Devouring ten thousand people, one hundred thousand people, one million people... Even if I am just an ordinary person, I can not only regain my strength, but also break through!

Xue Wuxin's face showed an excited look.

When he came to the borderland, he was an invincible existence. To the people in the borderland, he was like a god.

The killing keeps on killing, who can stop him?

Kill as many as you come, devour them with blood sacrifice, and strengthen yourself.

In the inner domain, he cannot do this. Once he kills a lot, he will be easily spotted and hunted down.

This time, he only killed dozens of warriors, but he was surrounded and almost died.

The border wilderness is the place where I rise without any intention of blood!

Xue Wuxins eyes are wild, what is the population of Bianhuang?

A population of hundreds of millions should have it, right?

Only needing to consume a tenth of the blood sacrifice, he can break through to the realm of Grand Master.

Once you break through the realm of the Grand Master, you can fight back to the inner realm and take revenge!

"In the borderland, although the world's spiritual power has disappeared, if you rely on swallowing essence and blood, you may not be unable to strengthen yourself. Although the disadvantages are great, what does it matter?" Xue Wuxin had a plan in mind.

Cultivate a group of people, kill and perform blood sacrifices for him. When these people become stronger, he will devour this group of people. In this way, he will be able to obtain higher quality blood essence.

And, you dont have to do it yourself!

No one wants to strengthen himself.

In the wilderness, I am God, and they will all become my loyal followers and follow me back to the inner realm!

The more Xue Wuxin thought about it, the more excited he became.

It seemed as if he could see him fighting back to the inner realm, leading a group of believers, and killing everyone in all directions.


When he got excited, he suddenly started coughing and his face became even paler.

No! The effect of animal blood is too poor, we must swallow human blood!

Xue Wuxin raised his head and looked forward, his eyes blood red.

With a movement of his body, he jumped into the air and flew towards the outside of Tiezhang Mountain.

The team searching for the master has advanced five hundred miles, but still has not found the master.

During this period, he encountered a tiger, which was shot and killed by everyone, and they had a great meal.

Look, the high mountain in front of us has strange and steep peaks. Maybe there is an expert living in seclusion in it. Our next destination is that high mountain!

The Master of the Ministry of War pointed to a mountain road ahead.

Although the mountains are visible, they are not close.

After spending a day and a night walking through dense forests and over mountain streams, we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

How to get up?

The mountain is steep and it is not easy to climb up.

Several masters with outstanding light skills volunteered to go up, and it took them a long time to come back down. There was no reclusive master above.

A group of people could not help but feel disappointed.

But then, he picked himself up and moved on.

Take a break.

That **** Xu Yan, where did you meet such an expert?

Hateful guy!

A group of people sat down on an open hillside.

Senior, please accept my respects from this junior!

Suddenly someone knelt down with an excited thud and shouted loudly.

The rest of the people followed the sound and saw a figure flying in the air in the distance.

The figure seems to be flying unsteadily, but in mid-air, there is an indescribable freedom and ease.

Exalted person!

Finally met an expert!

A group of people were excited and excited.

Those who are flying in the air are not experts.

Meet the senior master!

Senior, I am the son of the Minister of War of the State of Qi. Please accept me as your disciple!

A group of people chanted excitedly and enthusiastically.

Xue Wuxin suffered an injury and was flying unsteadily in mid-air. He was about to find a place to recover when he suddenly heard a loud call from the front, and he suddenly became energetic.

There are actually people in the barren mountains and ridges of Tiezhen Mountain? Moreover, they are a group of people!

His eyes were filled with excitement and bloodthirsty light.

I saw a large number of people kneeling on the hillside ahead.

There are hundreds of them.

Most of them are similar, with the strength of ninth-grade warriors, a small part of them have the strength of eighth-grade warriors, and the strongest ones are close to the strength of seventh-grade warriors.

Is this the top warrior in the borderlands?

Those young guys look like ordinary people, but they are young. The taste of blood should be good.

Xue Wuxin could see through the strength of a group of people at one glance.

"The son of the Minister of War? He has an extraordinary status. No wonder he is protected by so many strong men from the frontier. These people from the frontier don't know the existence of warriors. As expected, they worship me when they see me and regard me as a god!"

Xue Wuxin had a smile on his face.

There is no need to find a place to rest. After swallowing the blood of these people, the injuries can be recovered.

He laughed heartily and flew directly towards the hillside in a good mood.

Everyone on the hillside was excited when they heard the laughter. The senior sounded very happy. Is it possible to become a disciple?

Meet the master!

All the dudes on the hillside, including the guards, were excited and kowtowed respectfully.

Okay, great, I came at just the right time!

Xue Wuxin said in a good mood.

Everyone on the hillside was overjoyed when they heard this, and the experts all said that it was just the right time, which meant that the opportunity was solid!

I finally have a chance to become a strong martial artist.


Suddenly, a cold aura suddenly enveloped everyone. Everyone could not help but shiver, and when they looked up, they suddenly showed a look of horror.

The tall man's body was filled with thin cold threads, like spider threads, flying over in an instant.

I felt a pain in my heart. I looked down and saw a spider-like thread piercing my heart. It was as if I could see blood being transmitted to the master through the thread.

His body is weakening, his eyes are turning black, and he seems to feel the loss of blood.

Ah! Help!

Senior, please spare your life!

DevilO devil!

Several top masters screamed, but they were unable to resist. They watched their blood being sucked away, and their hearts continued to hurt and dry up.

The whole body is shriveled up, and the consciousness gradually dissipates.


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