You Are Just Making Up the Exercises, My Disciple, Have You Really Mastered Them?

Chapter 575: The person the True Spirit King is chasing

Chapter 575 The person pursued by the True Spirit King

 “Three True Spirit Kings?”

Xue Ji was very curious. For the first time, he knew that there were three true spirit kings in the Immortal Land, and judging from the attitude of the blood demon, these three true spirit kings must be extremely powerful.

"Tell me about the three true spirit kings."

Xueji coughed dryly and said.

Now, every once in a while, he will deliver some messages to Su Lingxiu. Such a major message from the True Spirit King must be very important. This is an opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

The Blood Demon didn't answer and continued to move forward, but he was obviously more careful.

"Xueji, let's talk about it. Let me continue to take the lead. After we understand the intentions of these true spirits, how about I hand them over to you?"


Xueji refused, and even began to take control of the half of his body that originally belonged to him.

"Do you want to die?"

The blood demon was furious, "The situation is unclear now. Based on your experience, you will definitely not be able to deal with sudden accidents. If you are not careful, you will definitely die. This is not a joke. At worst, after this incident, the time that belongs to you will be returned to you." That’s it!”

"Then tell me, what happened to the True Spirit King?"

Xueji stopped controlling half of his body and asked.

The Blood Demon was helpless. He knew that the Blood Demon would send some messages every once in a while through some kind of soul, but he couldn't stop it.

Therefore, he didn't want Xueji to know too much, and obviously, if he didn't tell Xueji about the True Spirit King, Xueji would never agree to him.

"It's okay to tell you that there are three ancient true spirits in this land of immortality. No one knows how many years they have lived, not even the God Lord. The three true spirit kings are extremely powerful, and they are different from other true spirits. Spirits are different. These three true spirit kings have opened up their spiritual wisdom and have true spiritual skills..."

After the blood demon introduced the True Spirit King, he said in a deep voice: "Untransformed True Spirits have no intelligence, but beasts can also look for things, and their bloodline contains the existence of the three True Spirit Kings. Only the orders of the three true spirit kings can make these unintelligent true spirits consciously search for things.”

After Xueji got the answer he wanted, he no longer controlled half of his body and said with a smile: "Well, I'll let you take the lead for a few more days. After all, we coexist as one body. You and I are inseparable, and our lives are important!" "

The blood demon secretly resented it. Damn it, this is my body and strength!

In a moment of greed, I thought I could counterattack and bring down the Immortal Lord, but I ended up getting myself into trouble.

"If you want to know what these true spirits are looking for, you can only find a true spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level. Only then can you get the information you want from your ears!"

The blood demon's speed suddenly increased, while tracing the traces of the witch demon, he was also looking for the true spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level.

Along the way, the true spirits he encountered would observe him for a moment, as if to confirm whether he was what he was looking for.

"It's basically certain that what these true spirits are looking for are humanoid creatures, maybe looking for witches and demons?"

The blood demon guessed thoughtfully.


Somewhere in the Land of Immortality, on a mountain peak, the Witch Demon was so fierce that he directly killed a True Spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level and devoured it crazily. He suddenly looked back, snorted coldly, and fled while devouring it. .

"When I refine this true spirit, it will be your death!"

After being hunted for such a long time, the evil spirit was filled with murderous intent. Now he has almost recovered from his injuries. After devouring and refining this true spirit, he will almost be able to return to his peak.

After a long period of healing, he is finally fully recovering.

"In the Fuhua Temple, please wait for me. As long as I don't die, you will be the ones who die in the end!"

The Witch Demon is confident that all he lacks is the time to practice. As long as he doesn't die, one day he will surpass the Immortal God Lord!

"Breaking through the Lord of Heaven and Earth is not too far away for me, the Witch Demon!"

The Witch Demon looked behind him with cold eyes. He had already distanced himself from his pursuer, and it wouldn't be long before he would be able to get rid of him.


The Witch Demon frowned and looked sharply at the small group of true spirits running past, "Something's wrong!"

These true spirits were running fast, but when they saw him, they stopped suddenly and stared at him for a long time before continuing on their way.

"Why do these true spirits seem to be looking for something? Could it be that in the temple, the royal true spirits are looking for traces of me?"

The wizard's heart trembled.

If he could activate the Immortal True Spirit to search for his traces, he wouldn't be able to hide for too long and he would be tracked soon. The most terrifying thing is that he would most likely be surrounded and killed!

The Witch Demon continued to escape, the aura on his body continued to grow stronger, and his injuries gradually healed completely. As his strength recovered, his confidence returned.

Except for the Immortal God Lord, he is not afraid of any powerful person in the Immortal Temple!


Suddenly, several realm lord level true spirits rushed towards him, stopped not far away from him, stared at him for a long time, then turned around and continued moving forward.

"You're not looking for me?"

The Witch Demon frowned. The unintelligent Immortal Spirit was actually looking for something, as if he had received some order. He had never seen such a scene before.

"Is the Temple of Immortality capable of this?"

The Witch Demon was secretly frightened. Before the war, there was a strong man from the Immortal Temple who sent the true spirit to attack the world, but this was a completely different concept from conveying orders to the true spirit and having the true spirit execute the order consciously.

"In the Immortal Land, did something big happen?"

The Witch Demon frowned, and he decided to catch a true spirit to find out what happened and what these true spirits were looking for!

"Finally fully recovered!"

The witch demon who continued to escape stopped on a mountain peak. He felt relieved. His heavy injuries were finally completely healed, and his strength returned to its peak.

But this is not enough. With the current strength, there is no way to compete with the Immortal Temple. Therefore, we still have to avoid the pursuit of the Immortal Temple, continue to practice hard, and improve our strength. Only by breaking through the Lord of Heaven and Earth can we be considered worthy of confrontation. Don’t change the confidence of the temple.

"The Land of Immortality is becoming more and more turbulent. There are more and more World Lord-level true spirits, and they seem to be gathering from all over the Land of Immortality. Are they coming towards Tai Cang Heaven and Earth?"

During the period of escaping, the Witch Demon discovered that the situation in the Immortal Land was getting more and more wrong. The Immortal True Spirit was running around, seeming to be looking for something. The originally hostile True Spirit races encountered each other, and there was no trace of them. A fight breaks out, but they each find a direction and move on.

There are various signs that these true spirits seem to have been ordered to perform certain tasks, and what kind of powerful people they are can actually make even true spirits without intelligence perform tasks consciously.

"The only person who can do this is the King of True Spirits. But in the Land of Immortality, are there any kings of true spirits?"

The Witch Demon frowned in thought.

In a true spirit group, only the king of the group can do anything that a true spirit can do. And this time the true spirit turmoil is not caused by a certain true spirit group, but by all true spirits.

This makes the witches and demons unable to help but suspect that among the countless true spirits in the Land of Immortality, there may be a true spirit king who controls all true spirits!

"Hunt a true spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level and obtain relevant information!"

After his injuries healed and his strength returned, the Witch Demon became more relaxed and no longer had the sense of urgency of being hunted. He was not afraid of the ordinary Lords of Heaven and Earth in the Fuhua Temple and could not pose a threat to him who had regained his strength.

Finally, the witch demon met a true spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level, and the true spirit stopped in place, staring at the witch demon and looking up and down, as if to confirm whether it was the target he was looking for.

The Witch Demon was not in a hurry to take action, but let the true spirit look at him. He also wanted to know whether the target these true spirits were looking for was him!

The true spirit looked at it for a long time, and seemed to be sure that it was not the target it was looking for. It turned around and was about to leave. At this time, the witch demon took action.

Witches and demons are naturally experienced in dealing with true spirits and how to obtain the information they want to know from true spirits. They have done this kind of thing once or twice before the world was opened.


The true spirit roared and showed an angry look. However, although it was a true spirit of the Lord of Heaven and Earth level, it was still more than a step behind the witches and demons in terms of strength.

The battle ended not lasting long, and the witches and demons also obtained the targets that these true spirits were looking for from the consciousness of this true spirit.

"Who is this?"

The witch demon couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the simulated person that the real spirit was looking for.

This man looks young and handsome.

"The human race comes from Tai Cang? There is a True Spirit King in the Immortal Land. How did this person offend the True Spirit King?"

The Witch Demon was shocked in his heart. He obtained the message of the True Spirit King from this true spirit. This true spirit was inherited by blood and could not disobey orders. "Three True Spirit Kings."

The witches and demons looked solemn. They had wandered around the Land of Immortality. Until the creation of the world, they had never known that there were three ancient true spirit kings in the Land of Immortality.

Before awakening spiritual wisdom, they were also true spirits. However, there was no inheritance information about the three true spirit kings in their bloodline.

Ao Hong, the Lord of True Spirit Heaven and Earth, has no information about the inheritance of the three true spirit kings. There is no information about the followers who have become the true spirits of heaven and earth. There must be something wrong with this. question.

"Did the inherited information about the True Spirit King disappear because it came from the bloodline due to the awakening of spiritual wisdom?"

The wizard guessed thoughtfully.

"For offending the True Spirit King, causing the True Spirit to search for his traces, this person is not an ordinary person!"

The wizard admired the extraordinaryness of this handsome young man.


The Witch Demon suddenly looked back, and saw a figure chasing after him very quickly. It was the Lord of Heaven and Earth from the Temple of Invincibility.

He immediately showed a ferocious smile, "You dare to chase me with this strength!"


Instead of escaping, the witch demon directly faced him and blocked his opponent's retreat, for fear that his pursuer would escape!

"Who is this person?"

The Blood Demon finally found the target that the real spirit was looking for. Looking at the simulated portrait, he couldn't help but be surprised.


Xueji sighed endlessly. He was worthy of being a disciple of the Tao Ancestor. When he came to the Immortal Land, he actually caused real spiritual turmoil. He was so powerful.

"You know him?"

Blood Demon asked with a frown.

"Sword God Xu Yan, the first disciple of Tao Ancestor!"

Xue Ji was filled with admiration and said: "Blood Demon, when you see him, you must be respectful, otherwise you will die easily!"

"What's his strength?"

The blood demon asked in a deep voice.

"That must be very strong. You see, these true spirits are all looking for him. The order from the true spirit king. If the strength is weak, can it cause the true spirit king to become angry?"

The Blood Demon made sense.

After all, this is the first time in my life that the true spirit of the Immortal Land has gone to war in such a big way. How could a weak person cause such turmoil?

"Even Jade Court may not be able to bear the offence against the True Spirit King!"

The blood demon sneered.

"Yuting is Yuting, how can Daozu be compared to Yuting? How many times have I told you that Daozu is supreme and cannot be compared to cats and dogs in Yuting."

Xueji corrected.

He is already a disciple of Daozu, so he naturally wants to maintain the glory of Daozu.


The Blood Demon chuckled, and he determined that the so-called Dao Ancestor must be from Yuting!


Suddenly, there were waves of war in the distance.

"A battle at the Lord of Heaven and Earth level."

The Blood Demon moved and headed straight for the place of battle. As he got closer, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's the Witch Demon. We found him during the battle with the pursuers from the Temple of Invincibility!"

"Do you really want to kill the witch demon?"

Xue said in surprise.

"The mission of the God Lord cannot be ignored!"

Blood Demon did not give a clear answer.


A burst of blood erupted from his body, and in an instant, a terrifying torrential wave of blood rolled around the Blood Demon and swept away.

"These true spirits are all here to find me. I didn't expect the true spirit king to have such abilities. He is indeed an ancient old guy."

Elsewhere, Xu Yan killed the true spirit with a wave of his hand.

All the true spirits who encountered him were dead, so his traces were not obtained by the Scarlet Yang King.

"Xu Yan, be careful, the True Spirit King is very powerful."

Mingyu's voice came from the Yuangui Armor.

"Mingyu, did you remember anything again?"

Xu Yan asked curiously.

Mingyu's thinking seemed to be getting more and more active, and some memories came back to him.

"I remember that the Scarlet Ni King once coveted the Jade Court. Although it was only a brief exchange of blows, it was very, very terrifying."

Mingyu tilted his head and thought for a while before saying.

"It's a trivial matter. As long as we return to the wilderness, all threats will disappear."

Xu Yan said confidently.

It seems that he has provoked a powerful enemy, but in the eyes of the master, they are just ants, so they are not a threat.


"The battle at the Lord of Heaven and Earth level is interesting. Go and have a look."

Xu Yan suddenly looked somewhere and heard the sound of a battle. He immediately moved towards the place where the battle was taking place.


A ray of jade-white light flew over, and it turned out to be a beauty from the Jade Court. It seemed that the other party was also heading to the place of battle, but apparently it discovered Xu Yan on the way and turned to kill Xu Yan.

"Have these jade dolls received the message?"

Xu Yan raised his eyebrows. The jade puppet that he killed was not one of the eight jade puppets that were chasing him. It was obviously a jade puppet that was performing certain tasks outside the Jade Court. It had obviously received the message of chasing him. After discovering him, he immediately killed him.


Xu Yan raised his hand and struck a sword, heaven and earth descended, trapping the jade puppet in the heaven and earth in an instant, and then slapped the jade puppet on the head with a palm.

The brilliance is dense, and the magical power is "God's will to calm the mind"!


There was a muffled sound in the head of the jade puppet. Xu Yan was surprised. God's will could not control the consciousness of the jade puppet. He immediately discovered the problem. The consciousness and thinking of the jade puppet were produced by the operation of some kind of puppet. It is not the thinking consciousness of normal creatures.

Since he couldn't control it, Xu Yan turned to erase the jade doll's consciousness. In this way, this jade doll had no strength but unconsciously controlled everything.

(End of chapter)


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