Xianxia: Why am I here?

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Is this a grand-master taking action

Though the old man was not someone that Ruruo knew, she seemed to have noticed something from the changes occurring around the man.

Wang on the other hand could see that the man had white hair and a smooth face but his eyes seemed to indicate he was someone old.

Despite being cautious he still heard his Wife just say casually, “Are you from the northern bypass?” The smile on the old man’s face seemed to have been frozen and then he continued to step forward, “Little girl seems to know a lot... But that is not the reason for my coming here though. I just want to solve personal business.”

Without letting the old man finish his words she interrupted and said, “Right, killing for treasure. You actually are no different from a bandit...I heard that the Ziyu City Lord does not condone the military sneaking in to kill civilians.”

The old man in the blood realm from the distance could clearly hear these words and his heart was not calm anymore.

Having heard this information is no different from being thrown in a trap, he knows about the rumors. Ziyu City is among the five Cities and each has the top seven masters in charge.

Even the existing dynasty dares not mess with them, rumors claim that some old antiques in the cities exist that have reached the legendary realms.


In that way, when the old man in the blood realm heard of this his first reaction was obviously to be afraid, let’s not mention those at the legendary level, even a group of grandmasters are already enough to constitute a threat to an army.

The man becomes more impatient when he heard this and decided to end this quickly before some unexpected situations arise.

Huge coercion could be seen six meters around the man, and the huge force even some distance Wang could feel the threat from this terrifying force emanating from the man’s body, creating a red force that seemed like blood.

In the same way, the moment he attacked, a red palm could be seen forming and heading toward Ruruo.


Instead of things going the way the old man expected where Ruruo was consumed with his palm, the sound of a sword could be heard, and at this time only did Wang realize that Luoli was always holding something in her hand all this time.

It turned out to be a sword, and it was unsheathed and drawn to her arm from a distance of ten meters.

At the same time, the palm print that seemed to want to swallow Ruruo was divided into two. And to the man’s surprise, some small sword shadows could be seen all around Ruruo at some point.

The old man seemed petrified by the turn of events.

“You! ... Artistic conception” He could only utter these words with some difficulty.

The man seemed to have realized something that made his face pale than being attacked.

Wang on the other hand seemed to see the development of things and his expression was unable to hide the shock. The two guys before him were already on another level compared to him.

His skills and realm were all still very low at the moment and he could indeed be said to have seen something new.

Unfortunately, he did not have any idea what was actually happening with the attacks that were manifesting themselves as palms or swords.

All this time he had already speculated that Ruruo was indeed strong, but seeing it he could not help but marvel at his ignorance.

The sword that Luoli was carrying seemed unique too. The blue color on it seems to resemble the sky. In the distance, the other old man in the blood-forging realm was smiling bitterly.

“It turns out she is in the grandmaster realm, in that way she let us go to also part of her plans to make this sir come out.” When they attacked her, if she used even a little of this power then they would not be capable of escape.

The sword attack did divide the bloody hand in half despite being a casual wave of the sword and when she was about to wave it again, Wang swears that he saw the sword seemingly controlling some unique force.

It is also the same time his Sea calming manual entered entry. But that was not even realized by him rather he was watching the fight between the two while in the distance when the swords seemed to form around Ruruo the man seemed to realize what it was.

“Artistic... Artistic conception of swords”

The old man seemed to have realized that he had to go all out or he might not be capable of going back to the Southern Bypass.

Those that have the ability to grasp the artistic conception of swords at such a young age are disciples of famous individuals, standing at the same level as the five city lords in terms of the martial arts realm.

In that case, eying such a person is no small matter and even if he could escape from this place, the master of this woman might not be willing to let him go once he knows about it. Thinking of this, the old man really felt helpless. In the grandmaster realm, he is not the strongest at all, and thus he dared to play in a sneaky manner due to this.

Seeing that things had gotten to this point the old man’s face showed a resolute face and his movements changed. His whole body was releasing strong blood Qi oppression, even Wang’s complexion changed slightly from the distance.

It is one thing to read about the experts but seeing them in action is another thing, and that was more than just that as seeing them fight has also helped his Sea calming manual reach the entry stage.

But he thinks this technique can be used in all scenarios, it did not specify it was a sword technique.

This revelation is probably something that Ruruo does not have and thus fails to grasp it even with her exaggerated talent.

When he turned around he realized the old man was no longer using the palms from before but rather some claw-like gloves made from some weird metal.

At the moment both of them moved, one could only see the moment of collision and then the two retreated several meters apart. They kept colliding and all Wang could hear was,



Kaka! !

It was only when this sound came about that he focused on the area of collision between the two parties wishing to see the outcome.

But the collision only managed to break the energy shield put up by the old man as he retreated but Ruruo seemed to have some blood flowing a the corner of her mouth.

Still, she looked at the man fearlessly, even Wang had to admire her for this. She however said, “Your martial arts is very weird. So what is said about the military is indeed true!” She raised her sword which seemed to start radiating a chilling aura. When she pointed towards her opponent she said, “You guys can use killing to enter the grandmaster realm in the frontlines, this technique is indeed genius. But in the same way, it seems this technique has great limitations...”

Listening to the words from the moment Ruruo opened her mouth, the old man was indeed angry but nothing could be done about it. It was the truth and his action of doing all this was just to get himself a chance to break free from the so-called limitations.

Even Ruruo could see that the old man had indeed gone through some trouble to come here, and she seemed to have something to say but just taking her time.

The old man was not a fool and could see through it and asked in a horse voice, “Brat! want do you want?”

The corners of Wang’s mouth twitched, as he heard the old man’s hoarse voice. He could imagine that Ruruo is indeed a big devil in the hands of the old man. The old man actually also had no choice in this matter as even if he could go ahead and use some forbidden means he might only injure her seriously but fail to kill her.

In the end, his life would become a nightmare as he would have even destroyed his chance to go further in the future. In that case, he might as well just go along with this crazy brat that seemed to be gambling even with her life.

Even with his disguise, he was still found out so he could only cooperate, but the rest of the people present the old man in the blood realm standing in the distance were the most shocked at the game of chess that Ruruo was playing.

It seemed like in the end even their lives at that moment were in her hands and she pushed them onto the chess board.

At this time the old man even though unwilling had already decided to ask the thing that Ruruo wanted in the end.

But he heard her saying, “I know what you want, but I also heard that when the martial arts those in the army reach grandmaster, there is some change in the content. Even though you can’t use it to scale the realm, it can allow the martial arts to reach perfection if cultivated properly?”


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