Xianxia Online

Chapter 95 Unexpected Twist

At Xuan's words, everyone present turned to him in shock, the old senior included. Fu Mei most of all was surprised by this sudden development, as she'd just been ready to slaughter the phoenix the moment before—or, at least, try to anyway. As strong as she was, a phoenix using its full power was comparable if not stronger to that of a high-ranking Dragon's… but that's besides the point.

"This young friend here… you know this mythical creature?" The High Elf senior asked, words slow and dripping with cautiousness.

Xuan simply smiled and gave a nod, refusing to elaborate on it further. But judging from the calm, almost smug look on his face, it was clear what his relationship with the beast was.

"Impossible—how can a mere Flowing Qi stage cultivator have bonded with a mythical creature like a Phoenix?!" Yang Tze yelled, not accepting the reality.

"Even if he somehow helped the phoenix out in the past, given these terrifying animals' pride, they would never allow a weak human to form a bond with them just because of that, instead giving a powerful item or something instead…" The Chen family heir said, shaking his head. "Unless…"

He shot a glance at Xuan, eyes calculating and deep in thought. 'Is this man actually some monstrous powerhouse, hidden in disguise?'

However, he quickly dismissed that thought. If that were the case, then the fight that broke out earlier would've ended much sooner. The man standing before him was no doubt just a normal Flowing Qi stage cultivator, with no particularly special qualities. But if that's the case, then… how did he explain this current phenomenon?

The phoenix, startled at being called her own name which no one should've known, narrowed her eyes at Xuan.

"You are… no. This cannot be true. My master is not this weak… how dare you impersonate him?!"

Saying this, she moved to attack with a swirling orb of fire, but at that moment, Xuan suddenly lifted his hand, and removed the affect of his appearance changing artifact. All of a sudden, the eyes focused on him widened even further, as his true beauty was revealed. Even the phoenix paused for a brief moment, as she recognized the person standing before her.


She knew. She knew with just a glance that this was authentic. It was a beauty that no one could replicate, a handsomeness no one could beat. Fu Mei and Zi Xiruo both found themselves utterly enchanted, and the former could finally understand how her mother, the most beautiful and attractive woman in existence, was conquered by this man.

But after meeting Xuan's gaze, the phoenix's eyes widened a bit as she understood her master's intentions, and she let out a low growl.

"You puny humans are lucky I have more important matters to deal with right now… begone from this place. If I find that you are still here when I return… you will all perish."

With that, the phoenix disappeared in a shimmer of bright light, and faded from view. The onlookers, left stunned at how quickly it just came and went, were dumbfounded.

"So… that was a bluff, huh?" Yang Tze muttered, directing his gaze at Xuan, who by now had activated his appearance changing artifact again as to not cause any men present to question their sexuality.

"Of course," Xuan replied. "I was hoping to trick it with my charm technique, but apparently that does not work on mythical creatures."

A lie, of course. Xuan's appearance was no charm technique. It was simply the result of thousands of years of careful refinement and temperament. But of course, having already been in denial of the truth, no matter how bullshit the excuse was, Yang Tze would accept that and go along with it in his heart. The same applied to everyone else, with the exception of Fu Mei, Zi Xiruo, and—of course, the High Elf senior.

"… Well, we should most likely get moving," the senior said after a short silence, turning a blind eye to Xuan for the moment being. "If we are still here by the time the phoenix returns from whatever task it has to do, we will be in quite the sticky situation."

The rest of the group all agreed. Of course, Xuan knew that he in particular would not actually be in any danger now that he had confirmed the phoenix's identity, but what lay at the bottom of this volcano was still a mystery to him—and a potential threat.

As the cultivators began making their way down, Xuan found himself near the back once more, with Fu Mei and Zi Xiruo walking on either side of him. The others were well up ahead, occasionally sending demeaning glances back at the trio. A clear distinction between the two groups had been made… though if Xuan ever felt like it, he could break this separation easily by simply releasing the chimera he had stored inside his Space Ring. That would cause some chaos for sure.

For now, though… it would seem he had to deal with two women who were a bit too clever for their own good.

"… If you want to say something, best say it now," Xuan said, not turning to meet either of their gazes.

"That phoenix… do you really know her?" Zi Xiruo asked quietly. Of course. The question that Xuan expected.

"If I said yes, would you believe me?"

"Yes." An immediate reply.

"… Hm. I see your opinion of me is quite high."

"You are not a normal person, however much you try to appear as one," Zi Xiruo stated, folding her arms. "Not to mention this… 'daughter' of yours. She is a true monster."

"I will choose to take that as a compliment," Fu Mei said with a smile. "But that aside… father, are you mad at me?"

Her expression turned serious, and her tone dropped low. She looked like a schoolgirl ready to get scolded, somewhat terrified. But contrary to what she expected, Xuan shook his head.

"Why would I be?"

Of course, he wouldn't mind if she was a bit more restrained, but for the most part, everything she did today had ultimately led to a beneficial outcome for him. There was no reason to scold her for it—and besides, he did want to build a proper relationship with Fu Mei. She was his daughter, after all.

Fu Mei's eyes lit up upon hearing Xuan's words, and she smiled.

"Will I have an opportunity to kill 'them'?"

The 'them' she was referring to was, of course, the other group. Xuan had wanted to get rid of them when the right time came anyway, so he smiled in response, and gave a brief nod.


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