X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Outdoor lights shine the road at night.

Theres laughter occasionally to resounding on the quiet residential area. A family who finished supper spends pleasure time in their house.

Theyll come later

Marina whos walking at my back talked in a low voice.

What will come later?

Pretending that I dont know, I asked Marina without looking back.

The men that were on the roast meat shop a while ago

She got angry but Marina answered whisperingly.

And whos fault you think it is? Those guys were aiming Asahina. But you did something unnecessary so they changed the target from Asahina to you.

Well, Asahinas with the loli Asahina. If she has some child with her, then the possibility of the parents with her is high. On the other side, there are two big breasted beauties. And theres one weak looking man as the big breasted beauties as companion.

Its normal that theyd aim here instead.

That said, those mens aim is picking up women. Its supposed to work out peacefully if I just pull out obediently.

With that said.

Im going to pee


When I stopped and muttered suddenly, Marina raised an astonished voice.

C-Can you endure it till we reach the house?

No way. Im about to leak

T-Then, finish it quickly!

Mumu, youre an idiot. Urinating outdoors is a minor offense. But, I think I remember a public restroom in the park


Marina who raised a surprised voice again has cut around to my front. Then, she glared up to me.

Y-You should just go home instead of going to a restroom!

No way. I cant wait till I reach the house. Ill leak

Then lets run! Its different if its just me but Yuka-sans also here!

Marina flares up from my opinion, then she sent a glance on Yuka whos clinging to me with both of her hands.

Yuka trembled when her name was called by Marina, she then cling to my arm strongly. Because of that, her breast is pressing hard against me.

What a great breast. Marina has the bigger one but the elasticity and tension of Yukas breast is on top.

P-Please dont put it onto me


Yuka whos clinging on my arm raised a shaking voice. Marinas eyes widened to that voice then her face stiffened then her eyes shook.

I-Its not like Im putting the blame onto you

I-If you want to run then go on. Please dont use me as a reason to run away

Marina tries to make an excuse but she was stunned when she heard Yukas voice. Then she dropped her shoulder with a pale face.

Marina says that shes worried about Yuka to run away however, Yuka has completely denied it.

Please dont use me if you want to run away. If you want to run, then go by yourself.

Yukas opinion was completely on point so Marina cant say anything back.

You heard. Ill go to the restroom with Yuka-chan now. You can go home if you want to

When I talked out to Marina thats standing in front of me, then began to walk after sidestepping.

Ah, ahahahaYuka-sans right that I can just laugh

Marina who stands, muttered, Yuka then trembled as she cling to my arm.

Yuka threw the best irony at Marina. You have no right to worry. Thats what Yukas telling Marina.

But, thats like a stab in a heart for a timid and good natured Yuka.

Marina who cant forgive herself surely condemned.

Isnt it too late for her to be worried? Youll only be irritated if someone who pretended not to see before worries now. Right, Yuka-chan?

Muttering while walking, I made a final blow to Yuka and Marina.

Yuka trembled. Then I heard a sobbing from the back.

As far as Ive heard from Marina, she didnt meddle directly with Yuka. But she knew how she was treated by men including her boyfriend. Then she pretended not to see it.

Marina didnt help Yuka but she didnt bully her either.

The other party is weak at venting her anger. Thats why Yuka blames herself. Marina cant permit herself to be forgiven.

Fufu, the strained atmosphere feels good. With this condition, one of them would surely blow up their feelings.

If Yukas feelings explode, shell stab her own heart as she blame Marina, and shell feel cornered even more.

If Marinas feelings explode, she might stop being a human if shes forgiven by Yuka.

Which heart would reach the limit sooner and explode?

I want Yuka to lose temper if possible. Yukas the type that stash it up, we dont know when shell lose her temper. She wont be able to control once she lost her temper once and the possibility of her running wild is high.

For that reason I have to sting their hearts diligently.

I hope the men chasing us would come up as the two bursts out.

I find most things troublesome but I dont feel frugal when it comes to this things. After all, this is fun.

The men who are chasing us has put a certain distance.

It would be a commotion if they pick a fight on the residential area. Theyre waiting for us to approach a place with no signs of people. But that development is convenient to me, the men dont know that.

If youre walking at night road, its common to choose the popular place. All the more when youre accompanying women.

Theyre killing time since theyre drunk. They might think that theyre lucky as long as the chance comes.

For those men, this kind of development wont get luckier.

The man leading the two big breasted beauties, not knowing that theyre being aimed by violent men, then entered a park not popular at night with the two big breasted beauty. Furthermore, they didnt sit on the park bench but went to the dirty public restroom.

Its exactly a chance. Its the best chance to obtain the two big breasted beauties.

Theyre having such happy thoughts.

Having such thoughts, I took Yuka and Marina and entered the public restroom.

Now then, should we corner Yuka and Marina even more until the men enters?

Yuka-chan. Enter the stall for a moment

Asking her, Yuka whos clinging to my arm looked up uneasy. But she nodded then separate from my arm, then she entered the stall while sending a glance at me.

The remaining is Marina, she looked down stunned.

It seems that she has received quite a shock when she was rejected clearly by the silent Yuka. She was minding the men chasing but now it has become trivial.

Marina-chan. Ill teach the hypocrite you hate a good thing

Patting the shoulder of the absent minded Marina, I talked to Marina with a voice where Yuka can still hear.

You were raped by me. Also, I intend for you to understand Yuka-chans feelings. Thats why youll hold intimacy on the sense of guilt for Yuka-chan and I wanted you to understand each other if things go well. In short, being forgiven without asking for forgiveness is just a very tricky scheme somewhere in your heart

T-Thats noI-I, I never thought to be

Her eyes shook from my words then Marina muttered in a trembling voice.

Shes denying it but a clear hesitation is felt from hear voice.

Shes not thinking of wanting forgiveness. She prepared herself from being cursed on forever. But was that really so? Werent you having such thoughts somewhere in your heart.

I shook Marinas heart and Im sure that shes having such conflict in her heart.

You wanted to be friends with Yuka if possible, right? You were hoping for Yuka to call you out by herself if you raise the tension and make a commotion, right?

T-Thats not it

If its the gentle Yuka, she might console and wash it away, it might be possible that you two will be talking normally before ones aware, you had such hopes in your mind, right?


Youre amazing. Youre not apologizing, but you intended it to end without you making an apology. I know Im a villain but you beat me

Marinas desperately denying it with her shaking eyes but, you beat me, that word created the conclusion and she finally was speechless.

If you want to apologize to Yuka-chan, You have to fall on the same place as her. Asahina didnt hesitate when she was given the road

Asking her, the absentminded Marina looked at me with eyes that lost its light.

There will be two men coming here now. Play with them. If you dont know the pain of being played with two or more men thats not me, its impossible to know Yuka-chans feelings. Would you?

Asking her, Marina nodded weakly.

Then, you have to prepare. Look, take off your clothes

Saying that as I mat Marinas shoulder, I retreated and entrust my back on the door of the stall.

Yuka shouldve heard all of it right now.

What would you do, Yuka? Would you stop Marina, if you do, youll be gangbanged by strange men to compensate.

It is to understand your feelings. To stand in the same place as you.

Sending a glance at my back, Yukas trembling on the other side of the stall. Shes trembling as she embrace herself.

If she doesnt stop Marina, Marina will be gangbanged by men with Yuka as the reason.

Its 100% my fault but Yuka wont think that.

If she doesnt stop Marina, Yuka will be bullied by the sense of guilt for Abandoning Marina

I-Im sorry

She wont apologize. Marina who said that, is speaking out words of apology with tears flowing in her cheek.

Yuka whos trembling on the other side of the door, is embracing herself as she squat on the location.

The ones at fault are the men who toyed Yuka, Marina didnt do anything to harm Yuka. Thats why Yukas feeling conflicted. And.

I-I-I-Icant forgiveYuuki-senpai

Her rejection sounded.

Marina who heard those words, lost light in her eyes. No, on the door which I have placed my back, Yuka whos trembling on the stall mightve seen it.

I-Im not a hypocrite. Not a hypocrite. I seek help to the abandoned Yuka-san. Thatsthe worst trash

Marina who says it while laughing blankly, gripped the skirt of her black knit dress with both hands then she raised it.

Her big breast swayed.

Marina who took off her dress, became stark naked on the dirty public restroom.

Ah, Aha, ahahaMy nipples standing

Marina who became naked, saw her erect nipples on top of her breasts then she ridiculed herself. She extend her hand on the middle of her thighs and touched it with her finger.

Mucous climbs all over her finger. Love nectar is overflowing on Marinas pussy thats in the middle of her legs.

My pussys wet. A pervert. Im a pervert

Marina laughs blankly as she look at the mucous that twines around her finger.

Suzuhara-san, Suzuhara-san, what should I do? Im no good anymore. Im just wishing to be violated. My bodys pleased. With this, I cant understand Yuka-sans feelings. Im a pervert that would be pleased when violated by a lot of men after all. I wont be able to understand Yuka-sans feelings. What to do? What should be done? What should I do?

Tears running through her cheek, she looks at me with eyes that lost its light, Marina laughs while showing me her finger wet with love nectar.

When I sent a glance on my back, Yuka whos squatting on the stall, covered her ears with both hands and trembles.

Good, this is better than I expected.

Yukas good natured and timid but shes a woman who sacrificed herself to save Asahina. And shes a woman who saved the Asahina she betrayed. Shes the same as Marina in the end. Yuka was forgiven by Asahina. And yet, Yukas deserting Marina whos the same as her.

The two of them are cornered hopelessly

Should this be fine? If I return home and put Yuka and Marina on the same space, one of them would run out of control.

Thats right. You cant never understand the feeling of Yuka-chan if youre feeling glad when gangbanged

I said so and sent a glance at the entrance of the restroom.

There are two men on the other side of the wall.

I thought that theyd enter at once but it seems that theyre discussing.

Well, even so. For the skirt chasers, the object of the pickup has become naked inside the public restroom.

It seems that they hesitated from the abnormal spectacle that cant be reality.

But they became generous when people gather. Its called mass psychology.1 If someone makes an action.

Hey, hey, what are you doing? Arent you having fun? Can we join in too?

One of the men entered. Then the remaining of them entered in group.


I raised a stupid voice and pretended to be surprised and be at disadvantage against the men who entered the public restroom.

Acting is fun.

Ah, no, t-this isW-Well be going back immediately

I got carried and pretended to be in at disadvantage with a realistically convincing performance, then squat down to pick up Marinas dress thats on the floor. Then I pressed Marina. But Marina doesnt take the dress, she exposed her naked self to the men.

I gripped Marinas hand and tried to go out of the public restroom in a hurry.

Well well, its fine. Lets enjoy together

The men doesnt want to let me go. One man among them, the man who entered the restroom first gripped my shoulder. Then she pulled me apart from Marina.

P-Please stop it! That was just a play! We dont usually do that! We just got curious! Were going back already so please release us!

I run wild and shouted desperately. But, the men suppressed me and I cant move.

Marina was taken by the men inside the public restroom.

Its fine, well just borrow her for a moment. What? I thought there were two of them. Ah, but well borrow her in turns okay?

One of the two men that suppresses me said that in a vulgar voice. Then one of the guy grinned.,

This is amazing. She has a cute style and her tits are huge, her level is too high

Furthermore, her nipples are so hard and her love nectar is dripping. Shes quite a pervert

I cant believe that youre this lame mans boyfriend but, is it that? training? Is this guy good at training?

His dick might be big

Four of the men surrounded marina, then ogled at her body, then they speak out while having a dirty smile.

H-hey! Switch with me immediately!

I havent even let out a single one inside yet!

The to men suppressing me raised their voice without calm.

It seems that the position of the two is low in the group. Thats why they were given the role to suppress me. But they also want to feel something good. After all, the girls a big breasted beauty.

But are you sure? Dont relax your guard too much. Well, theyre given a low position in the group since they cant even handle the duty given to them.



When I lift my head, a crushing sound was heard and a scream rose up.



The power to suppress me loosened and I turned back vigorously, then I kneed the crotch of the men vigorously.

Compared to the head butt on the other guy, I crushed the balls of this guy, the two of them sank immediately.

Because the man hit in the balls raised a dreadful scream, the men surrounding Marina looked back here.

I waved towards the men as I grin. Then I walked briskly and stood beside the entrance of the public restroom. The switch on the lights of the public restroom is there.

Now then.

This is written on Manga often. You cant judge a man on appearance

Muttering as I leak a sigh, I pushed the switch again.

When I made the public restroom dark for a moment, the surprised men are standing upright.

They cant move since its dark. Its their misfortune when they took Marina inside to enjoy. Furthermore, when a well lighted area darkened suddenly, the eyes wont really see anything until it gets accustomed.

This is unfairright?

Muttering, I walked towards the men standing upright.

Well, thanks. Thanks to you guys, Yuka and Marina are now good vibes.

Its fine. You only have two balls

I approached the men who are standing upright and muttered on the ear of the man who entered the restroom first.


The man screams and swings his hands. This might have a meaning if we both cant see each other but, I have an eye that can make me think of the military night vision scope as just a toy.

Like hell itll hit. Youre the one who gripped Marinas hand on the roast meat shop, right? Also, youre the one who touched Marinas breast for a moment?

Asking the man whos swinging his hands around, I kicked the groin of the man without any mercy.

The feeling of his groin getting pierced transmits to the tip of my toe. Next, I heard a scream.

The other men who heard the screamed pulled themselves together and tried to escape. But, they cant see anything. They cant move straight, they collided against each other, crashed into the wall and destroyed themselves selfishly.

I didnt let a single man free, and I politely kicked their groins.

The screams from the public restroom rise one after another then after a while, it quiet down.

Therere sorrowful groans if you listen carefully.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, theyll surely fall unconscious with one blow.

As expected, a mans crotch is the strongest. Id rather die than take it though.

  1. This guy will surely become a good researcher


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