X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 16: Loved By Life

Chapter 16: Loved By Life

"That brat is surely dead right now." The gorilla thought doubtfully, trying to console its mind. "But how did that brat become so powerful all of a sudden?"

Meanwhile, as Jim was struggling on facing more than 20 Tree-Merger Apes, the gorilla that remained near the cliff had just noticed the girl sleeping and leaning on the cliff. It was now staring at her as if it was planning to eat this girl but then...


Its heart beat wildly preventing him from doing anything against the girl. The uneasiness in its heart just couldn't go away as its heart continued to palpitate wildly and pound its eardrums.

It turned around to see what was happening but the moment it shifted its gaze towards the direction of where the brat and its minions were having a brawl, it immediately saw something like a red steam striking the sky.

At that moment, the memory of when it got its scar and the 'monster' it thought that caused it its scar immediately came to its mind making its body shivered.

The gorilla gritted its teeth and rushed towards the direction of that red aura. Though it was afraid, it couldn't stand its minions to get murdered helplessly.

But unfortunately for it, even though it ran on its fastest, it was already too late. All of its subordinates had already become dry corpses together with the wilted trees and grasses around.

In that place, within a diameter of around a hundred meters, there was no single life that could be found except in the middle of the lifeless place where the brat was standing.

Only that place was filled with immeasurable life energy. No, the gorilla could tell that only that brat was filled with life, everything around him was lifelessness.

"What have you done you damn brat!" The gorilla roared, its voice quivered and its flesh trembled in anger. The place, or rather its territory that was supposed to be filled with life was now as good as a wasteland.

However, something that the gorilla was terrified of, happened. The moment Jim turned around and shifted his emotionless gaze towards it, the gorilla staggered backward and fell on the ground as fear completely flooded in its heart.

The moment it saw that expression and his eyes without emotion, that could kill without showing any murderous intent, it was so sure about it, "That brat is the one who gave me my scar!"

It didn't notice it before, but now that Jim had completely changed, his aura he gave off and his scent of which it was very similar to the scent of the child who the gorilla thought as a monster, the gorilla could tell that they were very similar to each other.

No, it was not just similar, they really were the same person!


A while ago when Jim lost control over himself...


"Huh? What happened?...I...I cannot move?" Jim tried his hardest to lift at least a finger but unfortunately for him, though his consciousness still remained, his body was as if being possessed.

"Ugh... Please move..." Jim was already desperate enough that he was having a hard time fighting those apes and now, he couldn't even move a single muscle?

How frustrating!

The prepared attacks of the apes were now about to hit him from all sides but he was still unable to move. He wanted to scream or control his blood or whatever he could do but he really couldn't do anything.


And then the branches had finally pierced all over his body. From hand to feet, except for his head, several branches pierced him!

"Aahhh! It hurts!" Jim wanted to let out a shriek of agony but it just couldn't escape from his mouth. He could still endure at least one or two pierces in him but several branches were piercing all over his body. How could he possibly endure it?

Even though he was almost accustomed to losing some of his body parts and even though the pain he could receive was now already been reduced to some degree, the torture he was suffering that moment could really make him lose his mind.

But what surprised him the most was that he was still alive!

If what was happening to him right now, happened to him in the past or to any other middle-rank Hunter and below, he was more than sure that they could never survive and could never stand the pain.

If Jim was just in himself and could control his body, he might already be gnashing his teeth right now or maybe already passed out from the pain, but now, he was as if being possessed and he could only watch and feel what was happening.

It was as if it was telling him to just enjoy the show!

His body and expressions didn't even show any trace of pain, and his eyes just remained nonchalant.

As if it was nothing at all!

And then this happened... Yet another attack prepared by one of the apes was about to pierce him again. It was the thickest branch that would ever pierce his body!

Jim really wanted to cry this time!

As Jim continued to watch what was happening and knew what was about to happen, he could only give up his pitiful life since he couldn't do anything anyway. The sharp branch was already pointing his chest, ready to pierce him at any moment. He could tell that it was targeting his heart!

He tried to at least close his eyes so that he would not see the horrific sight but to his frustration, he just couldn't.

Damn. Am I only allowed to watch my own death?

This is rated SPG you know, a Violence one at that! I'm still a kid, you hear me!

Sigh, guess this is really the end.

Jim then gave up since he was completely helpless, and he was now saying his last words in his mind. He was asking for forgiveness from his mom and the villagers for always being too stubborn.

However, he was yet to finish saying his last words and the ape had already started to make its move.




A perfect pierce through his chest!

Ugh... This is really the... end.

The moment the sharp branch pierced his heart, only then he finally passed out.

As the branch of the tree pierced his chest of where his heart was hiding, Jim however still remained nonchalant as if he was completely unaware of what was happening around him. His eyes were still showing no emotion and were staring downwards. His consciousness had already been lost though.



Screech screech screech.

The apes were put into a trance! They were sure that they had already pierced his heart but for some reason, they could feel his heartbeat just now. And it was not weak as well, its beat was so strong that it vibrated to the branches of the tree that were piercing through Jim.

At that moment, they felt death from Jim. No, it was a pure life that was lurking inside him, absorbing the others' life as if he was loved by life and life was craving to be with him. They felt that no matter what they do against someone who was loved by life, they felt that only death awaited them.

Jim was loved by life so much that the lives of others were so eager to go with him and betray their owners!

The apes immediately pulled back their branches out of Jim's body making Jim fall on the ground. They all were in silence, watching Jim cautiously on whatever might happen next.

After which, his unconscious body finally moved, and stood up from the ground. The big hole on his chest and all the other smaller holes all over his body had been immediately healed. But even so, his eyes remained nonchalant, completely devoid of feelings. As if only boredom could be seen on his eyes.

As Jim stood straight, he slowly and widely spread his arms signifying that he was about to do something.

The apes didn't just watch stupidly as well, all of them prepared all their strongest attacks to cast towards Jim all at once. Hundreds of branches, big and small, poisonous or not, had all formed pointing towards Jim from all sides.

Leaves became blades, seeds became bullets, all were floating and pointing towards Jim and were ready to shoot him at any moment.

A root from a certain tree suddenly came out from underground right below Jim and entangled him so that he wouldn't be able to dodge all those attacks prepared only for him.


Without further delay as they were so sure that Jim wouldn't be able to escape anymore, all of the sharp branches, leaf blades, and bullet seeds targeting Jim from all sides were all been cast by the apes as they were all screeching in their loudest. They really thought that there was no way for Jim to escape and he was dead for sure this time.

Those barrages of attack won't just pierce him, it would surely rip Jim's body apart!


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