X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 13: Power That Dominates Life

Chapter 13: Power That Dominates Life

If Jim was just by himself, he had many ways to escape from these beasts since he was already accustomed to this kind of situation and was familiar with the entire forest.

However, a girl was sleeping behind him that he didn't even know if she was fully healed or not.

He could only grit his teeth and clench his fist as he was preparing for the arrival of the beasts that were coming towards their direction.

As if a soldier marching for war, Jim readied himself to yet another brawl!


A deafening roar much louder than any other roars from before echoed to the surroundings, making the birds from the forest fly away from it. The trees were swaying left and right as the 'thing' was walking with its heavy strides causing the ground to shake.

Dang it! Did that darn gorilla finally lose its head?

And just a moment later, the gorilla that Jim was expecting to come finally showed itself! It was huge! At least 20 feet high. And its entire body was cloaked in gray fur.

The thick brown skin on its chest was resembling a breastplate and the brown skin on its abdomen was revealing its huge eight pockets.

There was a long diagonal scar from its left chest down to its right abdomen as if it was caused by a cut from something sharp. Its fang was huge and no doubt to be sharp, its strange tail for a gorilla was long and heavy making the trees to be shaken from its every sway.

Behind the gorilla were many other smaller of its kind, no, it was an ape with the white color of their fur. They were at least 8 to 12 feet high. Some were walking behind the huge gorilla and some were jumping from tree to tree.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

The gray gorilla that appeared to be their boss roared again in its loudest baring its fang towards him as it hit its chest with its fist a couple of times.

"Dang it! We meet again." Jim recalled his every painful memory with this gorilla he met before. It was not just once, but several times he managed to barely escape from this gorilla.

But this time, it was not just the gorilla alone that was present here, it even brought its minions!

"Brat, tell me your last words and just die already!" Frustratingly said by the gorilla with his deep voice of a middle-aged man.

The gorilla was not just a normal beast, it already gained wisdom almost similar to the level of a human. The gorilla had also managed to learn the human language from the several hundred years it was living on Encantadia. And it appeared that it was the king of this part of the woods.

Jim was not shocked or frightened seeing this beast gorilla, but knowing that there were countless minions it brought together with it, Jim couldn't help but swallow his dry saliva as sweats appeared on his forehead.

"Did you bring these monkeys just to catch me?" Jim wiped away the sweats on his forehead and then grinned, trying to cover his fear that was about to sprout at any moment.

He already encountered this gorilla many times as well as those Apes, and almost died many times as well. He knew full well the extent of their abilities and if it was just one or two of them, Jim was more than sure that he could still escape from them using his illusions.

But there were a lot of them!

Recalling his every painful memory, Jim couldn't help but close his eyes as he grit his teeth. He sometimes went home with his arm gone missing or other parts of his body just to barely escape from those beasts.

"Today, I will avenge myself and bring you all down!" Jim bellowed, pointing his index finger towards the boss gorilla majestically.

Jim was not the Jim from before that would always run away from those beasts with his life on the line. Considering the incredible abilities that he recently awakened, Jim was more than certain to win against all those beasts present in front of him.

"Ha ha ha. Where did you get that courage, little ant!?" The gorilla sneered coldly, "Let's see how long your bravery will last!"

After which, the gorilla then commanded, "All of you, bring the head of that damn brat to me!"


As if several prisoners had managed to escape from their cell, the apes rushed towards Jim as they were all thirsting for blood.

At least 30 of them were running towards him while the others remained behind the gorilla, waiting for the order.

"Dang! I could only rely on my instinct!" Jim cursed.

Jim raised his right hand in front of him and slowly swayed it from left to right. Several beads of blood were formed and floated in the midair. There were at least 20 of it!

Just by doing it, Jim felt that his World Energy was almost depleted but just after a few moments, he could feel as well that it was regenerating at a fast rate.

"What is this?" Jim thought as he stared at the many blood beads he just produced.

He could only rely on his instinct as he felt like shooting the approaching apes with those blood beads he just created.

"Fire!" Jim screamed as he followed his instinct. "I mean, Blood Bullet!"

As soon as he intended to shoot the beasts with the blood beads he formed, it immediately started to fire, hitting the approaching beasts and making them immediately fall on the ground in just one shot. And not just that, as soon as the beasts fell on the ground, their blood was leaving them floating slightly above their corpses and forming a fist-size ball of blood of which Jim could feel excitement towards it.

"What are those?!" Jim was flabbergasted by the result of his attack. Not just the beasts were being sucked dry, but their blood actually floated above them in the form of a small ball.

As Jim followed his instinct, he then raised his hand forward, thinking for the balls of blood that were formed above the corpses of the apes to attract it towards him.

And just like that, all the balls of blood flung towards him and gathered in front of his hand before forming a much bigger ball of blood with at least a foot diameter.

Then the blood was slowly absorbed by the hand that he used to attract it until nothing was left.

"What the heck!" Jim was doing it as if he was being possessed but he was sure as well that his consciousness was still intact and was in himself. He could only swallow a mouthful of saliva as he was starting to know the capabilities of his ability.

As soon as he absorbed within him the blood of the beasts he just shot, he could feel that as if his life force was increasing to some extent. He felt that even if he fell from a hundred meters cliff, he could survive it and was completely fine.

"Is this the ability of Dominator's Vessel or the power that dominates over life that the blue light was talking about?" Jim couldn't help but fall in deep thought.

As he was thinking more and more about his ability, a weird smile crept up from his lips for a long while before sighing deeply in dismay.

"Life really is unfair!" Jim lamented the incompetence of the beasts he just killed helplessly. "Everyone will need to work hard or rely on their talent just to get stronger, but me...?"

Jim paused for a moment, thinking how great his ability was. Then a weird grin formed again on his lips as he spoke, "Hehe I just get lucky and receive some kind of blessing. I only need to explore the extent of my ability and follow my instinct and then that's it.

"No need for a teacher or a master or a 'master teacher' or some kind of being that will teach me to get stronger.

"I can become stronger on my own!"

The wide grin just didn't want to leave on his face. The more he thinks about his ability, the wider it gets.

"But who can we blame? Everything is fair in the matter of luck, so guess life is not unfair at all. If we are not chosen then we are just simply unlucky...


"...maybe we can only blame our luck for not being blessed and become so weak, not having any talent at all or the courage to get stronger, not having a will to work hard and a will to move forward.

"Those who are not blessed by talent or by hard-working nature or by luck, are always bound to become weak and be trampled down. But even though we are hardworking and have great talent, if we are unlucky to not encounter fortuitous opportunities and face adversities we can never handle instead, we are as well bound to fall.

"I really pity myself before. I'm always trying so hard just to get stronger, but I always get beaten to a pulp many times just to be a little stronger. While the me right now just needed to follow my instinct and rely on the blessings I just suddenly received from nowhere and then that's it, I can become insanely strong with just a little effort of following my instinct.

"I didn't work hard or have any talent at all just to get this ability or become strong like this. I didn't do any good deeds as well to be blessed like this. I just got lucky and was chosen I think. That's all.

"Talent? Hard work? Luck? With these three things maybe luck is much better, but unfortunately, it is something that no one can ever have as they wished."

Jim acted like an old man and slowly recounted what he just experienced. He was lamenting for the pitiful beings for being so unlucky. At the same time, he heaved a sigh of relief for breaking free from this misfortune he suffered before.


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