World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 The tough elves (1)

Shrine Emilia.

The time she was active on the continent of Arcadia was when a bloody tribal war broke out between Dwarves and Elves.

Keugh...... These damn humans! To be on the side of those inferior elves!

Fuck. Who is inferior to the inferior? You dwarf shit sack!

Dwarves who still speak out of character, elves who burn their fighting spirit in their wide-area aggro, and humans who are looking around for something to eat. Although humans were on the side of the elves, ironically, the elves didn't like humans that much.

Uhh... Anyway, human greed knows no bounds... It's disgusting.

Although they empower us, they are too shallow a race to get close to.

Contrary to the lofty goal of the Elves and Dwarves, who fight for the fate of their race, humans who are thoroughly interested only in plundering equipment made by the Dwarves. There was no way the elves could pay attention to him as he was not interested in the ancestral rites and was only salivating at the sacrificed rice.'s fortunate that not all humans are like that. There are very...very few, but there are those with justice and dignity.

Elves who gossip about humans. One of them glanced at Emilia walking from afar and muttered, And all the other elves nodded as if they agreed.

Of course, if only people like Emilia existed, humans would be a decent species...

It's really unfortunate that Emilia was born as a human. It would have been nice if I had been born as an elf.

Reddish hair. Emilia with freckles all over her face. She was plain on the outside and looked like she would be seen in any farm village, but her archery skills were so great that even the elves praised her.

Tuung. puck.

She saved countless lives of elves in danger, displaying a level of accuracy that makes it safe to say that one arrow equals one dwarf life. As such, she was one of the very few humans who were recognized by the elves.

Our elves present you, Emilia, with the title of honorary elf. Although you are human, we acknowledge your merits and allow you to live harmoniously with us in the bosom of great nature.

So, after the war, Emilia was given the title of honorary elf by the elves. And they were able to stay and live with them at the place where the world tree rests.

‘I did it...finally...!?'

The day Emilia was recognized as a neighbor by the elves, she was overjoyed. It wasn't because the war ended, or because they were recognized, or because they were able to live in their territory. That's why she's so happy...

Congratulations Emil.

Pale, an elf who turns all the men around him into squid with his curly, handsome appearance. The reason Emilia was happy was actually that she could live with the man she fell in love with at first sight.

I hope to see you more often in the future Not as comrades on the battlefield, but as neighbors.

Pale hands you flowers as a sign of congratulations with a smile that makes you fall in love just by looking at them. Upon receiving it, Emilia said with a blushing face and a very happy smile.

Yes! Oh, good luck in the future!

I am.

She is revered as an evil angel by the dwarves and a hero called Shingu by elves and humans. But people didn't know. In other words, the shrine maiden Amelia was born as a human who had fallen in love and struggled to win that love.

* * *

Emilia, who wholeheartedly guided me to the place where the world tree slept in the village of the elves. Jaeyoung couldn't help but be embarrassed by her sudden request.

So... the person you fell in love with, named Pale, was attached to other elves other than you... You mean this?

[joy! If I were just an elf, would I do this? It's not just elves, they're elves!]

Emilia emphasizes plural. To quote her words, it is said that an author named Pale, who is innocent even if beaten to death, enjoyed a dissolute life against at least 6 elves.

[Do you know how painful it was every time I turned my gaze to others, unaware of my sincere love, without even thinking about the grace that saved my life from the dwarves? By the way...... After I died, that bastard uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh are the bastards, are

you)], Emilia talked for a long time about the sights she had witnessed before and after she died. After talking about how much of a bastard the author of Fail was, Emilia finally said what she wanted.

[So...if you see that fail, can you please avenge me instead? I don't even want to kill him. Just beat it up and kill half of it. I'll be satisfied with that much.]

A request that is not good enough for a great man or hero who has ascended to heaven. I don't know how sincere she is in her heart, but a window appears in front of Jaeyoung as if she's really serious.

[The quest ‘Revenge of a woman with resentment' has been created.]

[Do you accept the quest ‘Revenge of a woman with resentment'? Y/N]

[Revenge of a woman holding a grudge]

Didn't it be said that if a woman holds a grudge in May, a cold wave blows? Even after death, Emilia kept an eye on her partner and nurtured resentment and resentment. Give Pale the Mace of Justice on her behalf.

[Conditions for success]

- Make the elf ‘Pale' dead or dying.

A situation where a quest to search for a real fail was created. Jaeyoung doesn't know what to do about it. While staring at the quest window in bewilderment, El sighed, shook his head, and murmured.

Ugh, that's why I'm telling you not to have sex with people of different races...

What do you mean by that?

After hearing El's lamentation, Jaeyoung asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

In the first place, elves do not have the concept of love and marriage like humans do. The lifespan of the original body is long, and there is no concept that you have to be faithful to only one person like humans.


Elves, who live close to a thousand years, live 10 times longer than a single human can live, so their perspectives are very different from humans. And El, listening to Emilia's story, rather than being angry or feeling sorry for her, said with an expression of incomprehensibility as if that was wrong.

Pale is an elf. And even though Emilia has the strange title of honorary elf, she is still human. You can't criticize and resent an elf for being an ‘elf' by using human standards.

The elf was an elf.

Jaejoong, who heard those words, nodded his head involuntarily. However, as if Emilia didn't want to admit such a fact, she whimpered for a long time and continued to talk with El before speaking in a sullen voice.

[Hey...... I'm sorry. I asked for too much. But I don't have the confidence to face him again. From now on, there won't be much difficulty in reaching their village without my help, so could you please send me back to heaven?] [The

subject of the quest has changed his mind.]

[The quest ‘Revenge of a Woman with Resentment' has been deleted. It's done.]

I don't know exactly what conversation I had with El, but Emilia asked me to send her back, completing the quest as if it had been resolved. At her words, Jaeyoung hurriedly nodded and said, not wanting to miss the opportunity.

huh? Oh sure. Of course it should.

Now that they have reached the entrance of the elven village, there is no need to exhaust their probabilities while maintaining their strength. Jaeyoung hurriedly canceled the spirit because he did not know what would happen if he took her full of resentment to the elves' village.

Thank you for guiding me......then go back and rest.

[No...... It's been a while since I've seen the outside, so it's nice...]

With those words, Emilia returns to heaven again. After confirming that her presence had completely disappeared from his body, Jaeyoung looked at L and shook his head.

Wow... I really can't call that person out again.

No matter how much he felt betrayed, if he even asked to kill his ex-husband, he would have reached the bottom. It was to the point where I wondered how such a crazy person could belong to the heaven world.

We know that her condition is unstable. However, the feats she accumulated during her lifetime were enough to ascend to the heavens. The problem arises after they belong to us.

It was only after her death that Emilia was reborn as an incarnation of mad revenge while watching her ex-husband stalking other female elves. Elle muttered with a puzzled expression, as if she was having a bit of a headache because of her.

Is there such a case...?

Yes. It's because the human soul is not only possible when we are alive. In Emilia's case... it happened because she couldn't overcome her lingering attachment to her current life even after she died, but other than that madness, she never did anything that was particularly problematic, so it's ambiguous to punish her.

An existence like a time bomb that even the angels are watching closely. Looking at that, it seemed that the angels also had their own difficulties.

Anyway... please remove that person from the list of spirits. I'm afraid of what I'm going to do.

Do not worry. In the first place, it wasn't even on the list of spirits. He was the only soul with a deep friendship with the elves and knew the geography well, so I brought him specially.

L says that he knows it too and tells him not to worry too much. As he was talking with her and slowly advancing deep into the elves' realm, an arrow suddenly flew and landed right in front of Jaeyoung's feet.


A warning shot full of the meaning of a warning, as if telling us not to come any closer. And around Jaeyoung, he began to feel the rapid movement of nimble signs. And the elves who showed themselves in all directions, drawing a lot of bowstrings. Among those who surrounded Jaeyoung, the one who seemed to be the leader shouted with a wary look in his eyes.

Stop moving, human! If you do nonsense, I'll turn you into a hedgehog right away!

Even though they didn't do anything, the elves pointed arrows at them from the first meeting and growled in a menacing tone. At the hostile attitude no different from that of the dwarves, Jaeyoung muttered with an expression of absurdity.

what.......? Aren't humans and elves friendly?

Humans who teamed up with elves hundreds of years ago for the common enemy of dwarves. However, the reactions of the elves seemed to be as hostile to humans as the dwarves, if not more.

Are elves and humans friendly?

At Jaeyoung's words, L spits out a sneer as if mocking him. She said as she looked at the elves who threatened Jaeyoung with arrows.

At that time, I didn't have enough hands, so I just hung out with humans, but elves don't like humans too much.

what? no why...?

At L's words that he hates humans, Jaeyoung asked if humans did anything wrong. However, El's answer was absurd.

That's it... Humans are mostly ugly.


From the point of view of the elves, most humans are just squid. Very few humans even had looks comparable to elves...but honestly, they're all ugly, right?

It was.

If the dwarves were racially discriminatory, the elves were superficialists who never lost to them. In the end, humans are only inferior to dwarves and elves. Jaeyoung, who was imprisoned by the elves, shouted in bewilderment at the setting of these insane alien races.

Fuck, then there are no normal bastards, right? What kind of guy made this shit setup?

Arcadia, a dirty world where people are discriminated against if they are ugly.

Jaeyoung realized it again today. That this game is an X-like game whose developers are insane.


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