World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 I want to be a streamer (7)

Iplus Entertainment.

‘It's smaller than I thought.....'

Jaeyoung, who first visited the place, felt that the scale was much smaller than expected. A few editing computers in a rented office and a sofa on the other side. And just looking at the CEO's desk, which was divided by a clumsily made wall, it was clear that he started out as a fistfight without any capital.

“Ha ha ha... The office looks a bit old, doesn't it? It's because I was looking for this in a hurry, so all the good places are missing. Don't worry too much as we plan to move elsewhere soon.”

The office is made up of employees who are quite young than expected. The person who introduced himself as the CEO also seemed to be in his mid-40s, so the atmosphere gave off a strong feeling that the company was a new company that had just been founded. Jaeyoung muttered as he looked down at the business card he had received from the CEO a moment ago.

iplus entertainment.

CEO Jo Seo-wook.

“You're all pretty young.”

“haha. Because we are a new company.”

CEO Jo Seo-wook tries to pass it off with a sad smile. However, Jaeyoung looked around the staff closely with a more serious expression than ever before and asked.

“To be honest, the scale is much smaller than I thought. It's my first time signing a contract like this, so there are a lot of things I'm a little cautious about. Are there any other BJs that have contracts with this place? Watching their videos, I want to see how they are edited.”


When Jaeyoung said that he wanted to check the samples, the employees' faces showed a moment of bewilderment. The awkward atmosphere where you can't say anything while looking at each other all the time. And in that brief moment, Jaeyoung noticed.

“Couldn’t it be that no one signed a contract with this place?”

A company with no track record. Realizing this fact, Jaeyoung tried to get up from his seat with a face filled with energy. But at that moment, CEO Jo Seo-wook almost grabbed Jae-young by the crotch of his pants and said,

“you're right! In fact, we are a new company with no BJ contracted yet. The floor here is a place where you need to have recognition and performance, so they have been doing this without a contract for several months, but they are all excellent employees. Please don't skip it just because you're a newbie. please!”

I didn't say anything as if I had already been through this situation several times, but CEO Jo Seo-wook who plays the game. However, Jae-young, who had received thorough early education from his parents since he was a child, was not soft enough to fall for such an absurd sentiment.

“No, how do you suddenly sign a contract with a place that has no results? I signed a contract with only one word that I had skills, and if anything goes wrong, I will take responsibility later...” “

Skills are not really lies. Even if they don't have any track record in this company, they are extremely well-rounded guys in the marketing and public relations team of the GM Group. How carefully I selected them!”

“The GM group...?”

GM Group.

A group who dreamed of a coup in the Maroon Kingdom and colluded with the Duke of Bergen to mate with each other. Of course, because Sang Sang-ju was such a goofball, Jae-young assassinated the Duke of Bergen, and beyond that, spread all the conversations on the Internet, only destroying his image. The word that they were people from a place where they had a bad relationship with him made Jae-young stop.

“So... you were originally employees of the marketing and public relations department of the GM Group, but the team itself was dismantled due to a recent incident...? And that incident happened because of me.”

A detailed story told by CEO Jo Seo-wook. Hearing this, Jaeyoung's expression strangely changed when he realized that he was related to them unintentionally.

“yes. After the exposure video spread on the Internet... Oh, of course, it's not that I'm dissatisfied with Jaeyoung-nim in that regard. We saw it, and honestly, it was refreshing. Anyway.... As the video and Arcadia's official announcement continued to explode, the image of the entire group was seriously damaged.”

war enterprise. devil of capitalism. money-mad scumbags.

The image of an unscrupulous company that even parents would not recognize if it was money without blood or tears was quickly embedded in the public. Especially since it was a time when Arcadia's popularity was exploding, the impact was even worse.

“Well... At that time, they were trying to improve the damaged corporate image from above, and they were just trying to force us to solve it somehow, but it didn't have much effect. No, even if there are fragments left, even if there are fragments left, I don't know how the hell to save the image that was just smashed and turned into powder...” A

corporate image that has turned into an axis of evil without a positive image left. Because of that, CEO Jo Seo-wook, who was the manager at the time, had no choice but to take responsibility and organize the desk.

“Even if I moved to another company after being fired, it would be obvious that I would only end up getting caught, let alone promoted. In addition, I created this company with the feeling of taking a big adventure for the last time in my life to live servilely while receiving someone else's salary. At the same time, there were many members of the department who were filmed at GM, so I brought all the talented ones.”

Listening to CEO Seo-wook Cho, I could understand why the employees of this company were all young people. A company created by a manager who took responsibility and signed a resignation, and department members who worked under him and were properly stamped at the top. Jaeyoung said, feeling a bit of remorse that he could not understand that it had happened because of him.

“Um... I see.”

When Jae-young, who seemed to be leaving his seat just a moment ago, slightly sympathized with their situation, CEO Seo-wook Cho told him with a determined face as if this was their last chance.

“I... Jaeyoung-nim, I know we are not trustworthy. The office is not good, and the number of employees and the size of the company are small, so it seems that there is no system. But still, we are pretty talented people. Everyone had a good academic background, and the work ability itself was originally excellent. If you sign a contract with us, I will do my best to edit the video, and I will try to match most of the things you want...” “

Yes, then.”


Unlike before, Jaeyoung nodded and showed a positive side. Seeing him like that, CEO Cho Seo-wook opened his eyes wide and made a surprised expression.

“There is only one condition.”

“The conditions...?”


CEO Jo Seo-wook asked back with a nervous face at the word condition. Jaeyoung said to him very seriously.

“Under any circumstances, you must not provide information about my identity to anyone. The same goes for what is shown in the video.”

“yes? That's natural.....”

“To whom. Even at a drinking party or in private, such a story should not come out at all. Well, excuses such as the low-level employee making a mistake or being too drunk to speak in vain don't work. If that happens, the contract is immediately terminated.”

Jaeyoung speaks with sincerity. CEO Jo Seo-wook, slightly taken aback by his excessive reaction, rolled his eyes and nodded his head.

“That’s right. Personal information protection is, of course, the basic thing that we, as an agency, must do thoroughly. Still, as you strongly say, I will thoroughly crack down on the employees first.”

CEO Jo Seo-wook promises in a strong tone as if asking to believe in himself. Jaeyoung smiled at his promise.

“great. Then do it, contract.”

* * *

In the process of reviewing and signing the contract, Seo-wook Jo sweated a little at Jae-young's demanding request, but was it because his earnestness was stronger? After numerous acceptances and abandonments, CEO Jo Seo-wook was able to get Jae-young to sign the contract.

“Then... are you done now?”

“ah! yes! That's right. With the stamp you just applied, the contract is finally finalized.”

CEO Jo Seo-wook carefully checks the contract and checks for any omissions. Jaeyoung asked him again as if to confirm.

“If the leakage of personal information occurs intentionally or by negligence, the amount of compensation for it is...”

“Yes, as you said, all profits within the contract period are returned. You don't have to worry, as there will never be anything exposed on our side.”

CEO Jo Seo-wook speaks in a firm tone as if you don't have to worry about that part. He put a copy of the contract into an envelope and handed it to Jaeyoung.

“Now, if you send us the video you want to upload, we will edit it in the direction you want and upload it instead. If you share your Arpendia account information with us...”


Before CEO Jo Seo-wook could finish his words, Jae-young took something out of his pocket and handed it to him.

“What is this?”

“I also included a video that I thought would be fine if I uploaded it along with my Arpendia account information. Please look at it and edit it to make it taste better. Oh, what is that.... Don’t forget to edit all parts that reveal my personal information.”

Jaeyoung hands over a black memory card as if she had prepared it in advance. CEO Cho Seo-wook accepted it with a bewildered expression and nodded.

“Ah... yes... that’s right.”

“Then I will go. I'll send you a video from time to time if there's something useful.”

Jae-young leaves the office indifferently, saying that the business is over. CEO Jo Seo-wook just blankly watched Jae-young's back until another employee spoke to him.

“That representative? Are you okay?”

“huh? ah! I'm okay.”

“That person... he’s young, but doesn’t he have a unique atmosphere?”

“Well... I don’t know. It seems too picky...?”

“I don’t know why you are so sensitive to personal information. Heung, do you know what kind of celebrity you are?”

The staff barely spoke after Jae-young left. However, CEO Jo Seo-wook, as if he couldn't hear them, hurriedly started connecting the memory card that Jae-young handed over to the computer.

“now. Let’s stop talking nonsense and start by checking the video we need to work on.”

“is it so. Well... let’s take a look.”

“Aww! It's been nice since I haven't worked, but now I'm really starting to work...”

A projector installed in one corner of the office. When the video attached by Jaeyoung started playing through the projector, the employees as well as CEO Seowook Cho began to watch it with a curious expression.

“What is this place...?”

“It looks like an underground cave... It looks like some kind of passage?”

“Is this a dungeon exploration video? I don't know where it is.....”

I don't know exactly where I am, but the video begins with walking down a long passage somewhere deep underground. And not long after, the sight that appeared in front of them shocked everyone.

“What is this?”

“There is such a hidden giant structure underground? Where the hell are you?”

Hundreds of meters to the ceiling... no, a huge underground city located in what appears to be several kilometers. Filled with burning furnaces and the sound of hammers, I could feel that it was a lively city full of vitality just by looking at it from the outside. And when they found out who the inhabitants of the city were, they couldn't keep their mouths shut.

“What a crazy... Dwarf?”

“A dwarf? Was there a city where dwarves lived?”

“lie! Haven't you heard anything about dwarves?”

A message appeared on the screen while I was so excited that I shouted loudly as if I was shouting.

[Discovered an undiscovered area.]

[Legendary achievement. I discovered Sand of Forge, the last city of the dwarves, for the first time.]

After seeing this, all the iPlus employees sat still and watched the video with their mouths shut as if they had promised. Their eyes started burning with passion unlike before.

Sands of Forge, the last city of the dwarves.

While making a firm commitment to create the best video to reveal this place for the first time.


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